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// Copyright (C) 2021 Equinor ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#include "RimSummaryMultiPlot.h"
#include "RiaApplication.h"
#include "RiaPlotDefines.h"
#include "RiaSummaryAddressAnalyzer.h"
#include "RiaSummaryStringTools.h"
#include "PlotBuilderCommands/RicAppendSummaryPlotsForObjectsFeature.h"
#include "PlotBuilderCommands/RicAppendSummaryPlotsForSummaryAddressesFeature.h"
#include "PlotBuilderCommands/RicAppendSummaryPlotsForSummaryCasesFeature.h"
#include "PlotBuilderCommands/RicSummaryPlotBuilder.h"
#include "PlotBuilderCommands/RicSummaryPlotBuilder.h"
#include "RifEclEclipseSummary.h"
#include "RifEclipseRftAddress.h"
#include "RifEclipseSummaryAddress.h"
#include "RimEnsembleCurveSet.h"
#include "RimMainPlotCollection.h"
#include "RimMultiPlotCollection.h"
#include "RimMultipleSummaryPlotNameHelper.h"
#include "RimPlotAxisProperties.h"
#include "RimProject.h"
#include "RimSummaryAddress.h"
#include "RimSummaryAddressCollection.h"
#include "RimSummaryAddressModifier.h"
#include "RimSummaryCase.h"
#include "RimSummaryCaseCollection.h"
#include "RimSummaryCurve.h"
#include "RimSummaryMultiPlotCollection.h"
#include "RimSummaryPlot.h"
#include "RimSummaryPlotControls.h"
#include "RimSummaryPlotNameHelper.h"
#include "RimSummaryPlotSourceStepping.h"
#include "RimSummaryTimeAxisProperties.h"
#include "RiuPlotMainWindowTools.h"
#include "RiuSummaryMultiPlotBook.h"
#include "RiuSummaryVectorSelectionUi.h"
#include "cafPdmUiCheckBoxEditor.h"
#include "cafPdmUiComboBoxEditor.h"
#include "cafPdmUiPushButtonEditor.h"
#include "cafPdmUiTreeOrdering.h"
#include "cafPdmUiTreeSelectionEditor.h"
#include "qwt_scale_engine.h"
#include <QKeyEvent>
#include <cmath>
namespace caf
template <>
void AppEnum<RimSummaryMultiPlot::AxisRangeAggregation>::setUp()
addItem( RimSummaryMultiPlot::AxisRangeAggregation::NONE, "NONE", "None" );
addItem( RimSummaryMultiPlot::AxisRangeAggregation::SUB_PLOTS, "SUB_PLOTS", "All Sub Plots" );
addItem( RimSummaryMultiPlot::AxisRangeAggregation::WELLS, "WELLS", "All Wells" );
addItem( RimSummaryMultiPlot::AxisRangeAggregation::REGIONS, "REGIONS", "All Regions" );
addItem( RimSummaryMultiPlot::AxisRangeAggregation::REALIZATIONS, "REALIZATIONS", "All Realizations" );
setDefault( RimSummaryMultiPlot::AxisRangeAggregation::NONE );
} // namespace caf
CAF_PDM_SOURCE_INIT( RimSummaryMultiPlot, "MultiSummaryPlot" );
void RimSummaryMultiPlot::setLayoutInfo( RimSummaryPlot* summaryPlot, int row, int col )
m_gridLayoutInfo[summaryPlot] = std::make_pair( row, col );
void RimSummaryMultiPlot::clearLayoutInfo()
: duplicatePlot( this )
CAF_PDM_InitObject( "Multi Summary Plot", ":/SummaryPlotLight16x16.png" );
this->setDeletable( true );
CAF_PDM_InitField( &m_autoPlotTitle, "AutoPlotTitle", true, "Auto Plot Title" );
CAF_PDM_InitField( &m_autoSubPlotTitle, "AutoSubPlotTitle", true, "Auto Sub Plot Title" );
CAF_PDM_InitField( &m_createPlotDuplicate, "DuplicatePlot", false, "", "", "Duplicate Plot" );
m_createPlotDuplicate.uiCapability()->setUiEditorTypeName( caf::PdmUiPushButtonEditor::uiEditorTypeName() );
m_createPlotDuplicate.uiCapability()->setUiIconFromResourceString( ":/Copy.svg" );
CAF_PDM_InitField( &m_disableWheelZoom, "DisableWheelZoom", true, "", "", "Disable Mouse Wheel Zooming in Multi Summary Plot" );
m_disableWheelZoom.uiCapability()->setUiEditorTypeName( caf::PdmUiPushButtonEditor::uiEditorTypeName() );
m_disableWheelZoom.uiCapability()->setUiIconFromResourceString( ":/DisableZoom.png" );
CAF_PDM_InitField( &m_appendNextPlot, "AppendNextPlot", false, "", "", "Step Next and Add to New Plot" );
m_appendNextPlot.uiCapability()->setUiEditorTypeName( caf::PdmUiPushButtonEditor::uiEditorTypeName() );
m_appendNextPlot.uiCapability()->setUiIconFromResourceString( ":/AppendNext.png" );
CAF_PDM_InitField( &m_appendPrevPlot, "AppendPrevPlot", false, "", "", "Step Previous and Add to New Plot" );
m_appendPrevPlot.uiCapability()->setUiEditorTypeName( caf::PdmUiPushButtonEditor::uiEditorTypeName() );
m_appendPrevPlot.uiCapability()->setUiIconFromResourceString( ":/AppendPrev.png" );
CAF_PDM_InitField( &m_appendNextCurve, "AppendNextCurve", false, "", "", "Step Next and Add Curve to Plot" );
m_appendNextCurve.uiCapability()->setUiEditorTypeName( caf::PdmUiPushButtonEditor::uiEditorTypeName() );
m_appendNextCurve.uiCapability()->setUiIconFromResourceString( ":/AppendNextCurve.png" );
CAF_PDM_InitField( &m_appendPrevCurve, "AppendPrevCurve", false, "", "", "Step Previous and Add Curve to Plot" );
m_appendPrevCurve.uiCapability()->setUiEditorTypeName( caf::PdmUiPushButtonEditor::uiEditorTypeName() );
m_appendPrevCurve.uiCapability()->setUiIconFromResourceString( ":/AppendPrevCurve.png" );
CAF_PDM_InitField( &m_linkSubPlotAxes, "LinkSubPlotAxes", true, "Link Sub Plot Axes" );
caf::PdmUiNativeCheckBoxEditor::configureFieldForEditor( &m_linkSubPlotAxes );
CAF_PDM_InitField( &m_linkTimeAxis, "LinkTimeAxis", true, "Link Time Axis" );
caf::PdmUiNativeCheckBoxEditor::configureFieldForEditor( &m_linkTimeAxis );
CAF_PDM_InitField( &m_autoAdjustAppearance, "AutoAdjustAppearance", true, "Auto Adjust Appearance" );
caf::PdmUiNativeCheckBoxEditor::configureFieldForEditor( &m_autoAdjustAppearance );
CAF_PDM_InitField( &m_allow3DSelectionLink, "Allow3DSelectionLink", true, "Allow Well Selection from 3D View" );
caf::PdmUiNativeCheckBoxEditor::configureFieldForEditor( &m_allow3DSelectionLink );
CAF_PDM_InitFieldNoDefault( &m_axisRangeAggregation, "AxisRangeAggregation", "Axis Range Control" );
CAF_PDM_InitField( &m_hidePlotsWithValuesBelow, "HidePlotsWithValuesBelow", false, "" );
m_hidePlotsWithValuesBelow.uiCapability()->setUiEditorTypeName( caf::PdmUiPushButtonEditor::uiEditorTypeName() );
CAF_PDM_InitField( &m_plotFilterYAxisThreshold, "PlotFilterYAxisThreshold", 0.0, "Y-Axis Filter Threshold" );
CAF_PDM_InitFieldNoDefault( &m_sourceStepping, "SourceStepping", "" );
m_sourceStepping = new RimSummaryPlotSourceStepping;
m_sourceStepping->setSourceSteppingType( RimSummaryDataSourceStepping::Axis::Y_AXIS );
m_sourceStepping->setSourceSteppingObject( this );
m_sourceStepping.uiCapability()->setUiTreeHidden( true );
m_sourceStepping.uiCapability()->setUiTreeChildrenHidden( true );
CAF_PDM_InitFieldNoDefault( &m_defaultStepDimension, "DefaultStepDimension", "Default Step Dimension" );
m_defaultStepDimension = RimSummaryDataSourceStepping::SourceSteppingDimension::VECTOR;
m_defaultStepDimension.uiCapability()->setUiHidden( true );
m_nameHelper = std::make_unique<RimSummaryPlotNameHelper>();
void RimSummaryMultiPlot::addPlot( RimPlot* plot )
auto* sumPlot = dynamic_cast<RimSummaryPlot*>( plot );
CVF_ASSERT( sumPlot != nullptr );
if ( sumPlot )
RimMultiPlot::addPlot( plot );
void RimSummaryMultiPlot::insertPlot( RimPlot* plot, size_t index )
auto* sumPlot = dynamic_cast<RimSummaryPlot*>( plot );
CVF_ASSERT( sumPlot != nullptr );
if ( sumPlot )
sumPlot->axisChanged.connect( this, &RimSummaryMultiPlot::onSubPlotAxisChanged );
sumPlot->curvesChanged.connect( this, &RimSummaryMultiPlot::onSubPlotChanged );
bool isMinMaxOverridden = m_axisRangeAggregation() != AxisRangeAggregation::NONE;
setOverriddenFlagsForPlot( sumPlot, isMinMaxOverridden, m_autoAdjustAppearance() );
RimMultiPlot::insertPlot( plot, index );
if ( summaryPlots().size() == 1 ) m_disableWheelZoom = false;
if ( summaryPlots().size() == 2 ) m_disableWheelZoom = true;
void RimSummaryMultiPlot::handleDroppedObjects( const std::vector<caf::PdmObjectHandle*>& objects )
if ( objects.empty() ) return;
std::vector<RimSummaryAddress*> addresses;
std::vector<RimSummaryAddressCollection*> addressCollections;
std::vector<RimSummaryCase*> cases;
std::vector<RimSummaryCaseCollection*> ensembles;
for ( auto o : objects )
auto address = dynamic_cast<RimSummaryAddress*>( o );
if ( address ) addresses.push_back( address );
auto adrColl = dynamic_cast<RimSummaryAddressCollection*>( o );
if ( adrColl )
if ( objects.size() == 1 && adrColl->isFolder() )
// If a folder is selected, return all sub items in folder
auto childObjects = adrColl->subFolders();
addressCollections.insert( addressCollections.end(), childObjects.begin(), childObjects.end() );
addressCollections.push_back( adrColl );
auto summaryCase = dynamic_cast<RimSummaryCase*>( o );
if ( summaryCase ) cases.push_back( summaryCase );
auto ensemble = dynamic_cast<RimSummaryCaseCollection*>( o );
if ( ensemble ) ensembles.push_back( ensemble );
RicAppendSummaryPlotsForSummaryAddressesFeature::appendPlotsForAddresses( this, addresses );
RicAppendSummaryPlotsForObjectsFeature::appendPlots( this, addressCollections );
RicAppendSummaryPlotsForObjectsFeature::appendPlots( this, cases, ensembles );
void RimSummaryMultiPlot::removePlot( RimPlot* plot )
auto* sumPlot = dynamic_cast<RimSummaryPlot*>( plot );
CVF_ASSERT( sumPlot != nullptr );
if ( sumPlot )
RimMultiPlot::removePlot( plot );
void RimSummaryMultiPlot::removePlotNoUpdate( RimPlot* plot )
auto* sumPlot = dynamic_cast<RimSummaryPlot*>( plot );
CVF_ASSERT( sumPlot != nullptr );
if ( sumPlot )
RimMultiPlot::removePlotNoUpdate( plot );
void RimSummaryMultiPlot::updateAfterPlotRemove()
std::vector<RimSummaryDataSourceStepping::Axis> RimSummaryMultiPlot::availableAxes() const
return { RimSummaryDataSourceStepping::Axis::X_AXIS };
std::vector<RimSummaryCurve*> RimSummaryMultiPlot::curvesForStepping( RimSummaryDataSourceStepping::Axis axis ) const
std::vector<RimSummaryCurve*> curves;
for ( auto summaryPlot : summaryPlots() )
for ( auto curve : summaryPlot->curvesForStepping( axis ) )
curves.push_back( curve );
return curves;
std::vector<RimEnsembleCurveSet*> RimSummaryMultiPlot::curveSets() const
std::vector<RimEnsembleCurveSet*> curveSets;
for ( auto summaryPlot : summaryPlots() )
for ( auto curveSet : summaryPlot->curveSets() )
curveSets.push_back( curveSet );
return curveSets;
std::vector<RimSummaryCurve*> RimSummaryMultiPlot::allCurves( RimSummaryDataSourceStepping::Axis axis ) const
std::vector<RimSummaryCurve*> curves;
for ( auto summaryPlot : summaryPlots() )
for ( auto curve : summaryPlot->allCurves( axis ) )
curves.push_back( curve );
return curves;
void RimSummaryMultiPlot::populateNameHelper( RimSummaryPlotNameHelper* nameHelper )
std::vector<RifEclipseSummaryAddress> addresses;
std::vector<RimSummaryCase*> sumCases;
std::vector<RimSummaryCaseCollection*> ensembleCases;
for ( RimSummaryCurve* curve : allCurves( RimSummaryDataSourceStepping::Axis::Y_AXIS ) )
addresses.push_back( curve->summaryAddressY() );
sumCases.push_back( curve->summaryCaseY() );
for ( auto curveSet : curveSets() )
addresses.push_back( curveSet->summaryAddress() );
ensembleCases.push_back( curveSet->summaryCaseCollection() );
nameHelper->appendAddresses( addresses );
nameHelper->setSummaryCases( sumCases );
nameHelper->setEnsembleCases( ensembleCases );
void RimSummaryMultiPlot::defineUiOrdering( QString uiConfigName, caf::PdmUiOrdering& uiOrdering )
auto axesGroup = uiOrdering.addNewGroup( "Axes" );
axesGroup->add( &m_axisRangeAggregation );
axesGroup->add( &m_linkSubPlotAxes );
axesGroup->add( &m_linkTimeAxis );
axesGroup->add( &m_autoAdjustAppearance );
m_linkSubPlotAxes.uiCapability()->setUiReadOnly( m_autoAdjustAppearance() );
if ( m_autoAdjustAppearance() ) m_linkSubPlotAxes = false;
auto plotVisibilityFilterGroup = uiOrdering.addNewGroup( "Plot Visibility Filter" );
plotVisibilityFilterGroup->add( &m_plotFilterYAxisThreshold );
plotVisibilityFilterGroup->add( &m_hidePlotsWithValuesBelow );
auto dataSourceGroup = uiOrdering.addNewGroup( "Data Source" );
dataSourceGroup->setCollapsedByDefault( true );
m_sourceStepping()->uiOrdering( uiConfigName, *dataSourceGroup );
if ( m_sourceStepping->stepDimension() == SourceSteppingDimension::WELL )
dataSourceGroup->add( &m_allow3DSelectionLink );
auto titlesGroup = uiOrdering.addNewGroup( "Main Plot Settings" );
titlesGroup->setCollapsedByDefault( true );
titlesGroup->add( &m_autoPlotTitle );
titlesGroup->add( &m_showPlotWindowTitle );
titlesGroup->add( &m_plotWindowTitle );
titlesGroup->add( &m_titleFontSize );
auto subPlotSettingsGroup = uiOrdering.addNewGroup( "Sub Plot Settings" );
subPlotSettingsGroup->setCollapsedByDefault( true );
subPlotSettingsGroup->add( &m_autoSubPlotTitle );
subPlotSettingsGroup->add( &m_showIndividualPlotTitles );
subPlotSettingsGroup->add( &m_subTitleFontSize );
auto legendsGroup = uiOrdering.addNewGroup( "Legends" );
legendsGroup->setCollapsedByDefault( true );
legendsGroup->add( &m_showPlotLegends );
legendsGroup->add( &m_plotLegendsHorizontal );
legendsGroup->add( &m_legendPosition );
legendsGroup->add( &m_legendFontSize );
uiOrdering.skipRemainingFields( true );
void RimSummaryMultiPlot::fieldChangedByUi( const caf::PdmFieldHandle* changedField,
const QVariant& oldValue,
const QVariant& newValue )
if ( changedField == &m_autoPlotTitle || changedField == &m_autoSubPlotTitle )
else if ( changedField == &m_linkTimeAxis )
auto plots = summaryPlots();
if ( !plots.empty() )
syncTimeAxisRanges( plots.front() );
else if ( changedField == &m_linkSubPlotAxes || changedField == &m_axisRangeAggregation ||
changedField == &m_linkTimeAxis )
else if ( changedField == &m_hidePlotsWithValuesBelow )
m_hidePlotsWithValuesBelow = false;
else if ( changedField == &m_createPlotDuplicate )
m_createPlotDuplicate = false;
else if ( changedField == &m_appendNextPlot )
m_appendNextPlot = false;
int stepDirection = 1;
appendSubPlotByStepping( stepDirection );
else if ( changedField == &m_appendPrevPlot )
m_appendPrevPlot = false;
int stepDirection = -1;
appendSubPlotByStepping( stepDirection );
else if ( changedField == &m_appendNextCurve )
m_appendNextCurve = false;
int stepDirection = 1;
appendCurveByStepping( stepDirection );
else if ( changedField == &m_appendPrevCurve )
m_appendPrevCurve = false;
int stepDirection = -1;
appendCurveByStepping( stepDirection );
else if ( changedField == &m_autoAdjustAppearance )
RimMultiPlot::fieldChangedByUi( changedField, oldValue, newValue );
void RimSummaryMultiPlot::defineEditorAttribute( const caf::PdmFieldHandle* field,
QString uiConfigName,
caf::PdmUiEditorAttribute* attribute )
if ( &m_hidePlotsWithValuesBelow == field )
auto attrib = dynamic_cast<caf::PdmUiPushButtonEditorAttribute*>( attribute );
if ( attrib )
attrib->m_buttonText = "Apply Filter";
void RimSummaryMultiPlot::updatePlotWindowTitle()
if ( m_autoPlotTitle )
populateNameHelper( m_nameHelper.get() );
auto title = m_nameHelper->plotTitle();
if ( title.isEmpty() )
auto proj = RimProject::current();
auto collections = proj->mainPlotCollection()->summaryMultiPlotCollection();
size_t index = 0;
for ( auto p : collections->multiPlots() )
if ( p == this ) break;
title = QString( "Plot %1" ).arg( index );
setMultiPlotTitle( title );
if ( m_autoSubPlotTitle )
for ( auto plot : summaryPlots() )
auto subPlotNameHelper = plot->plotTitleHelper();
// Disable auto plot title, as this is required to be able to include the information in the multi plot
// title
plot->enableAutoPlotTitle( false );
auto plotName = subPlotNameHelper->aggregatedPlotTitle( *m_nameHelper );
plot->setPlotTitleVisible( true );
plot->setDescription( plotName );
if ( !m_viewer.isNull() ) m_viewer->scheduleTitleUpdate();
const RimSummaryNameHelper* RimSummaryMultiPlot::nameHelper() const
return m_nameHelper.get();
void RimSummaryMultiPlot::setAutoPlotTitle( bool enable )
m_autoPlotTitle = enable;
void RimSummaryMultiPlot::setAutoSubPlotTitle( bool enable )
m_autoSubPlotTitle = enable;
std::vector<RimSummaryPlot*> RimSummaryMultiPlot::summaryPlots() const
std::vector<RimSummaryPlot*> typedPlots;
for ( auto plot : plots() )
auto summaryPlot = dynamic_cast<RimSummaryPlot*>( plot );
if ( summaryPlot ) typedPlots.push_back( summaryPlot );
return typedPlots;
std::vector<RimSummaryPlot*> RimSummaryMultiPlot::visibleSummaryPlots() const
std::vector<RimSummaryPlot*> visiblePlots;
for ( auto plot : summaryPlots() )
if ( plot->showWindow() ) visiblePlots.push_back( plot );
return visiblePlots;
std::vector<caf::PdmFieldHandle*> RimSummaryMultiPlot::fieldsToShowInToolbar()
std::vector<caf::PdmFieldHandle*> toolBarFields;
toolBarFields.push_back( &m_disableWheelZoom );
auto& sourceObject = m_sourceStepping();
if ( sourceObject )
auto fields = sourceObject->fieldsToShowInToolbar();
toolBarFields.insert( std::end( toolBarFields ), std::begin( fields ), std::end( fields ) );
toolBarFields.push_back( &m_appendPrevPlot );
toolBarFields.push_back( &m_appendNextPlot );
toolBarFields.push_back( &m_appendPrevCurve );
toolBarFields.push_back( &m_appendNextCurve );
toolBarFields.push_back( &m_createPlotDuplicate );
auto multiFields = RimMultiPlot::fieldsToShowInToolbar();
toolBarFields.insert( std::end( toolBarFields ), std::begin( multiFields ), std::end( multiFields ) );
return toolBarFields;
bool RimSummaryMultiPlot::handleGlobalKeyEvent( QKeyEvent* keyEvent )
if ( !RimSummaryPlotControls::handleKeyEvents( m_sourceStepping(), keyEvent ) )
if ( isMouseCursorInsidePlot() )
if ( keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_PageUp )
return true;
else if ( keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_PageDown )
return true;
return false;
bool RimSummaryMultiPlot::handleGlobalWheelEvent( QWheelEvent* wheelEvent )
if ( m_disableWheelZoom )
if ( isMouseCursorInsidePlot() )
if ( wheelEvent->angleDelta().y() > 0 )
else if ( wheelEvent->angleDelta().y() < 0 )
return true;
return false;
void RimSummaryMultiPlot::initAfterRead()
for ( auto plot : summaryPlots() )
plot->axisChanged.connect( this, &RimSummaryMultiPlot::onSubPlotAxisChanged );
plot->curvesChanged.connect( this, &RimSummaryMultiPlot::onSubPlotChanged );
void RimSummaryMultiPlot::onLoadDataAndUpdate()
void RimSummaryMultiPlot::zoomAll()
// Reset zoom to make sure the complete range for min/max is available
void RimSummaryMultiPlot::setDefaultRangeAggregationSteppingDimension()
RiaSummaryAddressAnalyzer analyzer;
for ( auto p : summaryPlots() )
auto addresses = RimSummaryAddressModifier::createEclipseSummaryAddress( p );
analyzer.appendAddresses( addresses );
auto rangeAggregation = AxisRangeAggregation::NONE;
if ( analyzer.quantities().size() == 1 && summaryPlots().size() > 1 )
// Many plots, single summary vector
rangeAggregation = AxisRangeAggregation::SUB_PLOTS;
if ( !analyzer.wellNames().empty() )
rangeAggregation = AxisRangeAggregation::WELLS;
else if ( !analyzer.regionNumbers().empty() )
rangeAggregation = AxisRangeAggregation::REGIONS;
auto stepDimension = RimSummaryDataSourceStepping::SourceSteppingDimension::VECTOR;
if ( analyzer.wellNames().size() == 1 )
stepDimension = RimSummaryDataSourceStepping::SourceSteppingDimension::WELL;
else if ( analyzer.groupNames().size() == 1 )
stepDimension = RimSummaryDataSourceStepping::SourceSteppingDimension::GROUP;
else if ( analyzer.regionNumbers().size() == 1 )
stepDimension = RimSummaryDataSourceStepping::SourceSteppingDimension::REGION;
else if ( analyzer.aquifers().size() == 1 )
stepDimension = RimSummaryDataSourceStepping::SourceSteppingDimension::AQUIFER;
else if ( analyzer.blocks().size() == 1 )
stepDimension = RimSummaryDataSourceStepping::SourceSteppingDimension::BLOCK;
m_axisRangeAggregation = rangeAggregation;
m_sourceStepping->setStepDimension( stepDimension );
void RimSummaryMultiPlot::checkAndApplyAutoAppearance()
if ( m_autoAdjustAppearance )
void RimSummaryMultiPlot::syncAxisRanges()
if ( m_axisRangeAggregation() == AxisRangeAggregation::NONE )
// Reset zoom to make sure the complete range for min/max is available
if ( m_axisRangeAggregation() == AxisRangeAggregation::SUB_PLOTS )
std::map<RiuPlotAxis, std::pair<double, double>> axisRanges;
// gather current min/max values for each category (axis label)
for ( auto plot : summaryPlots() )
for ( auto axis : plot->plotYAxes() )
double minVal = axis->visibleRangeMin();
double maxVal = axis->visibleRangeMax();
if ( axis->isAxisInverted() ) std::swap( minVal, maxVal );
if ( axisRanges.count( axis->plotAxisType() ) == 0 )
axisRanges[axis->plotAxisType()] = std::make_pair( minVal, maxVal );
auto& [currentMin, currentMax] = axisRanges[axis->plotAxisType()];
axisRanges[axis->plotAxisType()] =
std::make_pair( std::min( currentMin, minVal ), std::max( currentMax, maxVal ) );
// set all plots to use the global min/max values for each category
for ( auto plot : summaryPlots() )
for ( auto axis : plot->plotYAxes() )
auto [minVal, maxVal] = axisRanges[axis->plotAxisType()];
if ( axis->isAxisInverted() ) std::swap( minVal, maxVal );
axis->setAutoZoom( false );
axis->setVisibleRangeMin( minVal );
axis->setVisibleRangeMax( maxVal );
void RimSummaryMultiPlot::syncTimeAxisRanges( RimSummaryPlot* summaryPlot )
if ( m_linkTimeAxis )
for ( auto plot : summaryPlots() )
if ( plot != summaryPlot )
plot->copyAxisPropertiesFromOther( RiaDefines::PlotAxis::PLOT_AXIS_BOTTOM, *summaryPlot );
void RimSummaryMultiPlot::computeAggregatedAxisRange()
auto readValues = []( RimSummaryCase* summaryCase, RifEclipseSummaryAddress addr ) {
std::vector<double> values;
if ( summaryCase && summaryCase->summaryReader() )
RifSummaryReaderInterface* reader = summaryCase->summaryReader();
reader->values( addr, &values );
return values;
auto findMinMaxForSummaryCase = [readValues]( RimSummaryCase* summaryCase, RifEclipseSummaryAddress addr ) {
auto values = readValues( summaryCase, addr );
if ( values.empty() ) return std::make_pair( HUGE_VAL, -HUGE_VAL );
auto minMaxPair = std::minmax_element( values.begin(), values.end() );
double caseMinimum = *minMaxPair.first;
double caseMaximum = *minMaxPair.second;
return std::make_pair( caseMinimum, caseMaximum );
auto summaryCasesForCurve = []( RimSummaryCurve* curve, AxisRangeAggregation axisRangeAggregation ) {
std::vector<RimSummaryCase*> summaryCases;
if ( axisRangeAggregation == AxisRangeAggregation::REALIZATIONS )
if ( curve->summaryCaseY() )
auto ensemble = curve->summaryCaseY()->ensemble();
if ( ensemble )
summaryCases = ensemble->allSummaryCases();
summaryCases.push_back( curve->summaryCaseY() );
else if ( axisRangeAggregation == AxisRangeAggregation::WELLS ||
axisRangeAggregation == AxisRangeAggregation::REGIONS )
// Use only the current summary case when aggregation across wells/regions
summaryCases.push_back( curve->summaryCaseY() );
return summaryCases;
auto addressesForCurve = []( RimSummaryCurve* curve, AxisRangeAggregation axisRangeAggregation ) {
std::vector<RifEclipseSummaryAddress> addresses;
if ( axisRangeAggregation == AxisRangeAggregation::REALIZATIONS )
RifEclipseSummaryAddress addr = RifEclipseSummaryAddress::fieldAddress( curve->summaryAddressY().vectorName() );
addresses = { addr };
else if ( axisRangeAggregation == AxisRangeAggregation::WELLS ||
axisRangeAggregation == AxisRangeAggregation::REGIONS )
RiaSummaryAddressAnalyzer fallbackAnalyzer;
RiaSummaryAddressAnalyzer* analyzer = nullptr;
if ( curve->summaryCaseY() )
auto ensemble = curve->summaryCaseY()->ensemble();
if ( ensemble )
analyzer = ensemble->addressAnalyzer();
fallbackAnalyzer.appendAddresses( curve->summaryCaseY()->summaryReader()->allResultAddresses() );
analyzer = &fallbackAnalyzer;
if ( analyzer )
if ( axisRangeAggregation == AxisRangeAggregation::WELLS )
for ( const auto& wellName : analyzer->wellNames() )
RifEclipseSummaryAddress::wellAddress( curve->summaryAddressY().vectorName(), wellName ) );
if ( axisRangeAggregation == AxisRangeAggregation::REGIONS )
for ( auto regionNumber : analyzer->regionNumbers() )
addresses.push_back( RifEclipseSummaryAddress::regionAddress( curve->summaryAddressY().vectorName(),
regionNumber ) );
return addresses;
auto findMinMaxForAddressesInSummaryCases =
[findMinMaxForSummaryCase]( const std::vector<RifEclipseSummaryAddress>& addresses,
const std::vector<RimSummaryCase*>& summaryCases ) {
double minimum = HUGE_VAL;
double maximum = -HUGE_VAL;
for ( auto summaryCase : summaryCases )
for ( const auto& addr : addresses )
auto [caseMinimum, caseMaximum] = findMinMaxForSummaryCase( summaryCase, addr );
minimum = std::min( minimum, caseMinimum );
maximum = std::max( maximum, caseMaximum );
return std::make_pair( minimum, maximum );
// gather current min/max values for each category (axis label)
for ( auto plot : summaryPlots() )
std::map<RiuPlotAxis, std::pair<double, double>> axisRanges;
for ( auto axis : plot->plotYAxes() )
for ( auto curve : plot->summaryCurves() )
if ( curve->axisY() == axis->plotAxisType() )
std::vector<RimSummaryCase*> summaryCases = summaryCasesForCurve( curve, m_axisRangeAggregation() );
std::vector<RifEclipseSummaryAddress> addresses = addressesForCurve( curve, m_axisRangeAggregation() );
auto [minimum, maximum] = findMinMaxForAddressesInSummaryCases( addresses, summaryCases );
if ( axisRanges.count( axis->plotAxisType() ) == 0 )
axisRanges[axis->plotAxisType()] = std::make_pair( minimum, maximum );
auto& [currentMin, currentMax] = axisRanges[axis->plotAxisType()];
axisRanges[axis->plotAxisType()] =
std::make_pair( std::min( currentMin, minimum ), std::max( currentMax, maximum ) );
for ( auto curveSet : plot->curveSets() )
if ( !curveSet->summaryCaseCollection() ) continue;
if ( curveSet->axisY() == axis->plotAxisType() )
double minimum( std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity() );
double maximum( -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity() );
auto curves = curveSet->curves();
if ( !curves.empty() )
// TODO: Use analyzer as input to addressesForCurve instead of curve
auto curve = curves.front();
std::vector<RifEclipseSummaryAddress> addresses =
addressesForCurve( curve, m_axisRangeAggregation() );
for ( const auto& adr : addresses )
auto [min, max] = curveSet->summaryCaseCollection()->minMax( adr );
minimum = std::min( min, minimum );
maximum = std::max( max, maximum );
if ( axisRanges.count( axis->plotAxisType() ) == 0 )
axisRanges[axis->plotAxisType()] = std::make_pair( minimum, maximum );
auto& [currentMin, currentMax] = axisRanges[axis->plotAxisType()];
axisRanges[axis->plotAxisType()] =
std::make_pair( std::min( currentMin, minimum ), std::max( currentMax, maximum ) );
// set all plots to use the global min/max values for each category
for ( auto axis : plot->plotYAxes() )
auto [minVal, maxVal] = axisRanges[axis->plotAxisType()];
if ( RiaDefines::isVertical( axis->plotAxisType().axis() ) && !std::isinf( minVal ) && !std::isinf( maxVal ) )
axis->setAutoZoom( false );
if ( axis->isAxisInverted() ) std::swap( minVal, maxVal );
if ( !axis->isLogarithmicScaleEnabled() )
int maxMajorTickIntervalCount = 8;
double stepSize = 0.0;
QwtLinearScaleEngine scaleEngine;
scaleEngine.autoScale( maxMajorTickIntervalCount, minVal, maxVal, stepSize );
axis->setVisibleRangeMin( minVal );
axis->setVisibleRangeMax( maxVal );
void RimSummaryMultiPlot::updatePlotVisibility()
auto hasValuesAboveLimit = []( RimSummaryPlot* plot, double limit ) {
for ( auto curve : plot->summaryAndEnsembleCurves() )
auto address = curve->valuesY();
auto maxValue = std::max_element( address.begin(), address.end() );
if ( *maxValue > limit ) return true;
return false;
for ( auto plot : summaryPlots() )
bool hasValueAboveLimit = hasValuesAboveLimit( plot, m_plotFilterYAxisThreshold );
plot->setShowWindow( hasValueAboveLimit );
if ( !m_viewer.isNull() ) m_viewer->scheduleUpdate();
void RimSummaryMultiPlot::setOverriddenFlag()
bool isMinMaxOverridden = m_axisRangeAggregation() != AxisRangeAggregation::NONE;
for ( auto p : summaryPlots() )
setOverriddenFlagsForPlot( p, isMinMaxOverridden, m_autoAdjustAppearance() );
void RimSummaryMultiPlot::setOverriddenFlagsForPlot( RimSummaryPlot* summaryPlot,
bool isMinMaxOverridden,
bool isAppearanceOverridden )
for ( auto plotAxis : summaryPlot->plotAxes() )
plotAxis->setAppearanceOverridden( isAppearanceOverridden );
auto plotAxProp = dynamic_cast<RimPlotAxisProperties*>( plotAxis );
if ( plotAxProp )
plotAxProp->setMinMaxOverridden( isMinMaxOverridden );
void RimSummaryMultiPlot::summaryPlotItemInfos( QList<caf::PdmOptionItemInfo>* optionInfos ) const
for ( RimSummaryPlot* plot : summaryPlots() )
QString displayName;
if ( plot && plot->userDescriptionField() && plot->userDescriptionField() )
displayName = plot->userDescriptionField()->uiCapability()->uiValue().toString();
optionInfos->push_back( caf::PdmOptionItemInfo( displayName, plot, false, plot->uiCapability()->uiIconProvider() ) );
void RimSummaryMultiPlot::duplicate()
duplicatePlot.send( this );
void RimSummaryMultiPlot::analyzePlotsAndAdjustAppearanceSettings()
RiaSummaryAddressAnalyzer analyzer;
for ( auto p : summaryPlots() )
auto addresses = RimSummaryAddressModifier::createEclipseSummaryAddress( p );
analyzer.appendAddresses( addresses );
bool hasOnlyOneQuantity = analyzer.quantities().size() == 1;
for ( auto p : summaryPlots() )
auto timeAxisProp = p->timeAxisProperties();
if ( columnCount() < 3 )
timeAxisProp->setMajorTickmarkCount( RimPlotAxisProperties::LegendTickmarkCount::TICKMARK_DEFAULT );
timeAxisProp->setMajorTickmarkCount( RimPlotAxisProperties::LegendTickmarkCount::TICKMARK_FEW );
for ( RimPlotAxisPropertiesInterface* axisInterface : p->plotYAxes() )
auto axisProp = dynamic_cast<RimPlotAxisProperties*>( axisInterface );
if ( !axisProp ) continue;
if ( rowsPerPage() == 1 )
axisProp->setMajorTickmarkCount( RimPlotAxisPropertiesInterface::LegendTickmarkCount::TICKMARK_DEFAULT );
axisProp->setMajorTickmarkCount( RimPlotAxisPropertiesInterface::LegendTickmarkCount::TICKMARK_FEW );
if ( hasOnlyOneQuantity )
// Disable sub plot linking to be able to configure individually
setSubPlotAxesLinked( false );
auto [row, col] = gridLayoutInfoForSubPlot( p );
if ( col == 0 )
axisProp->setShowUnitText( true );
axisProp->setShowUnitText( false );
void RimSummaryMultiPlot::makeSureIsVisible( RimSummaryPlot* summaryPlot )
if ( summaryPlot->plotWidget() && !m_viewer.isNull() ) m_viewer->scrollToPlot( summaryPlot->plotWidget() );
void RimSummaryMultiPlot::setSubPlotAxesLinked( bool enable )
m_linkSubPlotAxes = enable;
bool RimSummaryMultiPlot::isSubPlotAxesLinked() const
return m_linkSubPlotAxes();
bool RimSummaryMultiPlot::isTimeAxisLinked() const
return m_linkTimeAxis();
std::pair<int, int> RimSummaryMultiPlot::gridLayoutInfoForSubPlot( RimSummaryPlot* summaryPlot ) const
auto it = m_gridLayoutInfo.find( summaryPlot );
if ( it != m_gridLayoutInfo.end() ) return it->second;
return { -1, -1 };
void RimSummaryMultiPlot::onSubPlotChanged( const caf::SignalEmitter* emitter )
void RimSummaryMultiPlot::onSubPlotAxisChanged( const caf::SignalEmitter* emitter, RimSummaryPlot* summaryPlot )
syncTimeAxisRanges( summaryPlot );
if ( !m_linkSubPlotAxes() )
for ( auto plot : summaryPlots() )
if ( plot != summaryPlot )
plot->copyMatchingAxisPropertiesFromOther( *summaryPlot );
QWidget* RimSummaryMultiPlot::createViewWidget( QWidget* mainWindowParent )
if ( m_viewer.isNull() )
m_viewer = new RiuSummaryMultiPlotBook( this, mainWindowParent );
return m_viewer;
void RimSummaryMultiPlot::appendSubPlotByStepping( int direction )
if ( summaryPlots().empty() ) return;
// find matching plots
std::vector<RimPlot*> plots = m_sourceStepping->plotsMatchingStepSettings( summaryPlots() );
if ( plots.empty() ) return;
// duplicate them
auto newPlots = RicSummaryPlotBuilder::duplicatePlots( plots );
if ( newPlots.empty() ) return;
for ( auto plot : newPlots )
RimSummaryPlot* newPlot = dynamic_cast<RimSummaryPlot*>( plot );
if ( newPlot == nullptr ) continue;
addPlot( newPlot );
if ( m_sourceStepping()->stepDimension() == RimSummaryDataSourceStepping::SourceSteppingDimension::SUMMARY_CASE )
RimSummaryCase* newCase = m_sourceStepping()->stepCase( direction );
for ( auto curve : newPlot->allCurves( RimSummaryDataSourceStepping::Axis::Y_AXIS ) )
curve->setSummaryCaseY( newCase );
// NOTE: If summary cross plots should be handled here, we also need to call
// curve->setSummaryCaseX( newCase );
// Setting summaryCaseX with a default uninitialized summary address causes issues for the summary name
// analyzer
else if ( m_sourceStepping()->stepDimension() == RimSummaryDataSourceStepping::SourceSteppingDimension::ENSEMBLE )
RimSummaryCaseCollection* newEnsemble = m_sourceStepping()->stepEnsemble( direction );
for ( auto curveSet : newPlot->curveSets() )
curveSet->setSummaryCaseCollection( newEnsemble );
auto mods = RimSummaryAddressModifier::createAddressModifiersForPlot( newPlot );
for ( auto& mod : mods )
auto modifiedAdr = m_sourceStepping()->stepAddress( mod.address(), direction );
mod.setAddress( modifiedAdr );
RiuPlotMainWindowTools::selectAsCurrentItem( newPlots.back(), true );
void RimSummaryMultiPlot::appendCurveByStepping( int direction )
for ( auto plot : summaryPlots() )
std::vector<caf::PdmObjectHandle*> addresses;
for ( auto curve : plot->allCurves( RimSummaryDataSourceStepping::Axis::Y_AXIS ) )
auto address = curve->summaryAddressY();
auto sumCase = curve->summaryCaseY();
int sumCaseId = sumCase->caseId();
if ( m_sourceStepping()->stepDimension() == RimSummaryDataSourceStepping::SourceSteppingDimension::SUMMARY_CASE )
auto nextSumCase = m_sourceStepping->stepCase( direction );
if ( nextSumCase ) sumCaseId = nextSumCase->caseId();
address = m_sourceStepping->stepAddress( address, direction );
addresses.push_back( RimSummaryAddress::wrapFileReaderAddress( address, sumCaseId ) );
for ( auto curveSet : plot->curveSets() )
auto address = curveSet->summaryAddress();
auto sumEns = curveSet->summaryCaseCollection();
int sumEnsId = sumEns->ensembleId();
if ( m_sourceStepping()->stepDimension() == RimSummaryDataSourceStepping::SourceSteppingDimension::ENSEMBLE )
auto nextEns = m_sourceStepping->stepEnsemble( direction );
if ( nextEns ) sumEnsId = nextEns->ensembleId();
address = m_sourceStepping->stepAddress( address, direction );
addresses.push_back( RimSummaryAddress::wrapFileReaderAddress( address, -1, sumEnsId ) );
plot->handleDroppedObjects( addresses );
for ( auto adr : addresses )
delete adr;
m_sourceStepping->updateStepIndex( direction );
void RimSummaryMultiPlot::updateSourceStepper()
if ( summaryPlots().empty() ) return;
RimSummaryPlot* plot = summaryPlots().back();
auto sourceStepper = plot->sourceStepper();
if ( sourceStepper == nullptr ) return;
m_sourceStepping->syncWithStepper( sourceStepper );
void RimSummaryMultiPlot::keepVisiblePageAfterUpdate( bool keepPage )
if ( !m_viewer ) return;
if ( keepPage ) m_viewer->keepCurrentPageAfterUpdate();
void RimSummaryMultiPlot::storeStepDimensionFromToolbar()
m_defaultStepDimension = m_sourceStepping->stepDimension();
void RimSummaryMultiPlot::updateStepDimensionFromDefault()
m_sourceStepping->setStepDimension( m_defaultStepDimension() );
void RimSummaryMultiPlot::selectWell( QString wellName )
if ( !m_allow3DSelectionLink ) return;
if ( m_sourceStepping->stepDimension() != SourceSteppingDimension::WELL ) return;
m_sourceStepping->setStep( wellName );