mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:55:39 -06:00
* Fix calculation for active cell values Always allocate result data for active cells in destination case. Make sure that active cells is used for both population of expression variables and filtering of data. Improved naming to make it clear that we always work with active cell data. * Check if scalar result index is valid * Create the static scalar results once addStaticScalarResult will clear already computed data, causing calculations to be triggered once more * Early return if data already is available If not checking if data is available, data is read from file and appended to result vector. * Always check date for H5 files, and recreate if required * Always recreate ESMRY if file exists and is older than SMSPEC * #11355 Use category if result name starts with FIP or ends with NUM * #11337 Summary import: Make sure ESMRY includes restart history * #11334 Fix cvf::Viewport assert triggered for small contour map/2d intersection Size of the overlay is could become negative, and would overflow for small views. * #11310 Fix assert on single cell model. Well pipe radius would become HUGE_VAL due to off-by-one error. The assert could only happen on model with a single cell. * Check equal grid size only when required Equal grid size is required if there is more than one grid case in the expression. If a cell filter view is active, the visibility is based on one view and reused for all other grid models, and requires equal grid size. * Remove obsolete log message * Do not show dialog during regression tests * Fix eclipse case contour map left click (#11378) * Make sure we operate in the correct domain when picking points in the contour map * Remove obsolete code causing grid to be loaded for all cases * Bump version to 2024.03.1 --------- Co-authored-by: Kristian Bendiksen <kristian.bendiksen@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: jonjenssen <69144954+jonjenssen@users.noreply.github.com>
1216 lines
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1216 lines
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// Copyright (C) 2022 Equinor ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#include "RimGridCalculation.h"
#include "RiaDefines.h"
#include "RiaGuiApplication.h"
#include "RiaLogging.h"
#include "RiaPorosityModel.h"
#include "RiaRegressionTestRunner.h"
#include "RigActiveCellInfo.h"
#include "RigCaseCellResultsData.h"
#include "RigEclipseCaseData.h"
#include "RigEclipseResultAddress.h"
#include "RigGridManager.h"
#include "RigMainGrid.h"
#include "RigResultAccessor.h"
#include "RigResultAccessorFactory.h"
#include "RigStatisticsMath.h"
#include "RimCaseCollection.h"
#include "RimEclipseCase.h"
#include "RimEclipseCaseCollection.h"
#include "RimEclipseCaseTools.h"
#include "RimEclipseCellColors.h"
#include "RimEclipseResultAddress.h"
#include "RimEclipseStatisticsCase.h"
#include "RimEclipseView.h"
#include "RimGridCalculationCollection.h"
#include "RimGridCalculationVariable.h"
#include "RimIdenticalGridCaseGroup.h"
#include "RimOilField.h"
#include "RimProject.h"
#include "RimReloadCaseTools.h"
#include "RimResultSelectionUi.h"
#include "RimTools.h"
#include "expressionparser/ExpressionParser.h"
#include "cafPdmUiPropertyViewDialog.h"
#include "cafPdmUiPushButtonEditor.h"
#include "cafPdmUiTreeSelectionEditor.h"
#include <QCheckBox>
#include <QMessageBox>
CAF_PDM_SOURCE_INIT( RimGridCalculation, "RimGridCalculation" );
namespace caf
template <>
void caf::AppEnum<RimGridCalculation::DefaultValueType>::setUp()
addItem( RimGridCalculation::DefaultValueType::POSITIVE_INFINITY, "POSITIVE_INFINITY", "Infinity" );
addItem( RimGridCalculation::DefaultValueType::FROM_PROPERTY, "FROM_PROPERTY", "Property Value" );
addItem( RimGridCalculation::DefaultValueType::USER_DEFINED, "USER_DEFINED", "User Defined Custom Value" );
setDefault( RimGridCalculation::DefaultValueType::POSITIVE_INFINITY );
template <>
void caf::AppEnum<RimGridCalculation::AdditionalCasesType>::setUp()
addItem( RimGridCalculation::AdditionalCasesType::NONE, "NONE", "None" );
addItem( RimGridCalculation::AdditionalCasesType::GRID_CASE_GROUP, "GRID_CASE_GROUP", "Case Group" );
addItem( RimGridCalculation::AdditionalCasesType::ALL_CASES, "NONE", "All Cases" );
setDefault( RimGridCalculation::AdditionalCasesType::NONE );
}; // namespace caf
CAF_PDM_InitObject( "RimGridCalculation", ":/octave.png", "Calculation", "" );
CAF_PDM_InitFieldNoDefault( &m_cellFilterView, "VisibleCellView", "Filter by 3d View Visibility" );
CAF_PDM_InitFieldNoDefault( &m_defaultValueType, "DefaultValueType", "Non-visible Cell Value" );
CAF_PDM_InitField( &m_defaultValue, "DefaultValue", 0.0, "Custom Value" );
CAF_PDM_InitFieldNoDefault( &m_destinationCase, "DestinationCase", "Destination Case" );
CAF_PDM_InitField( &m_applyToAllCases_OBSOLETE, "AllDestinationCase", false, "Apply to All Cases" );
m_applyToAllCases_OBSOLETE.xmlCapability()->setIOWritable( false );
CAF_PDM_InitFieldNoDefault( &m_additionalCasesType, "AdditionalCasesType", "Apply To Additional Cases" );
CAF_PDM_InitFieldNoDefault( &m_additionalCaseGroup, "AdditionalCaseGroup", "Case Group" );
CAF_PDM_InitFieldNoDefault( &m_nonVisibleResultAddress, "NonVisibleResultAddress", "" );
m_nonVisibleResultAddress = new RimEclipseResultAddress;
CAF_PDM_InitField( &m_editNonVisibleResultAddress, "EditNonVisibleResultAddress", false, "Edit" );
caf::PdmUiPushButtonEditor::configureEditorLabelHidden( &m_editNonVisibleResultAddress );
CAF_PDM_InitFieldNoDefault( &m_nonVisibleResultText, "NonVisibleResultText", "" );
m_nonVisibleResultText.registerGetMethod( this, &RimGridCalculation::nonVisibleResultAddressText );
m_nonVisibleResultText.uiCapability()->setUiReadOnly( true );
CAF_PDM_InitFieldNoDefault( &m_selectedTimeSteps, "SelectedTimeSteps", "Time Step Selection" );
m_selectedTimeSteps.uiCapability()->setUiEditorTypeName( caf::PdmUiTreeSelectionEditor::uiEditorTypeName() );
bool RimGridCalculation::preCalculate() const
if ( !RiaRegressionTestRunner::instance()->isRunningRegressionTests() && RiaGuiApplication::isRunning() &&
m_additionalCasesType() != RimGridCalculation::AdditionalCasesType::NONE )
const QString cacheKey = "GridCalculatorMessage";
auto cacheValue = RiaApplication::instance()->cacheDataObject( cacheKey );
if ( cacheValue.isValid() && cacheValue.canConvert<bool>() )
return cacheValue.toBool();
QCheckBox* cb = new QCheckBox( "Don't show this question again" );
QMessageBox msgbox;
msgbox.setWindowTitle( "Grid Property Calculator" );
msgbox.setText( "Calculation will be executed on all grid model cases.\nDo you want to continue?\n" );
msgbox.setIcon( QMessageBox::Icon::Question );
msgbox.addButton( QMessageBox::Yes );
msgbox.addButton( QMessageBox::No );
msgbox.setDefaultButton( QMessageBox::Yes );
msgbox.setCheckBox( cb );
auto reply = msgbox.exec();
bool returnValue = ( reply == QMessageBox::Yes );
if ( cb->isChecked() && returnValue )
RiaApplication::instance()->setCacheDataObject( cacheKey, returnValue );
return returnValue;
return true;
RimGridCalculationVariable* RimGridCalculation::createVariable()
auto variable = new RimGridCalculationVariable;
variable->eclipseResultChanged.connect( this, &RimGridCalculation::onVariableUpdated );
return variable;
bool RimGridCalculation::calculate()
// Equal grid size is required if there is more than one grid case in the expression. If a cell filter view is active, the visibility is
// based on one view and reused for all other grid models, and requires equal grid size.
bool checkIfGridSizeIsEqual = !allSourceCasesAreEqualToDestinationCase() || m_cellFilterView != nullptr;
for ( auto calculationCase : outputEclipseCases() )
if ( !calculationCase ) continue;
if ( !calculationCase->eclipseCaseData() )
QString msg = QString( "No data available for case %1, aborting calculation" ).arg( calculationCase->caseUserDescription() );
RiaLogging::errorInMessageBox( nullptr, "Grid Property Calculator", msg );
return false;
if ( !calculationCase->eclipseCaseData()->activeCellInfo( RiaDefines::PorosityModelType::MATRIX_MODEL ) )
QString msg =
QString( "No active cell data available for case %1, aborting calculation" ).arg( calculationCase->caseUserDescription() );
RiaLogging::errorInMessageBox( nullptr, "Grid Property Calculator", msg );
return false;
if ( checkIfGridSizeIsEqual )
for ( auto inputCase : inputCases() )
if ( !calculationCase->isGridSizeEqualTo( inputCase ) )
QString msg = "Detected IJK mismatch between input cases and destination case. All grid "
"cases must have identical IJK sizes.";
RiaLogging::errorInMessageBox( nullptr, "Grid Property Calculator", msg );
return false;
if ( m_defaultValueType() == DefaultValueType::FROM_PROPERTY )
bool isDataSourceAvailable = false;
if ( m_nonVisibleResultAddress->eclipseCase() )
auto data = m_nonVisibleResultAddress->eclipseCase()->results( RiaDefines::PorosityModelType::MATRIX_MODEL );
if ( data && data->hasResultEntry(
RigEclipseResultAddress( m_nonVisibleResultAddress->resultType(), m_nonVisibleResultAddress->resultName() ) ) )
isDataSourceAvailable = true;
if ( !isDataSourceAvailable )
QString msg = "No data available for result defined in 'Non-visible Cell Value'";
RiaLogging::errorInMessageBox( nullptr, "Grid Property Calculator", msg );
return false;
cvf::UByteArray* inputValueVisibilityFilter = nullptr;
if ( m_cellFilterView() )
inputValueVisibilityFilter = m_cellFilterView()->currentTotalCellVisibility().p();
std::optional<std::vector<size_t>> timeSteps = std::nullopt;
if ( !m_selectedTimeSteps().empty() )
std::vector<size_t> tmp;
for ( auto t : m_selectedTimeSteps() )
tmp.push_back( static_cast<size_t>( t ) );
timeSteps = tmp;
bool evaluateDependentCalculations = true;
return calculateForCases( outputEclipseCases(), inputValueVisibilityFilter, timeSteps, evaluateDependentCalculations );
std::vector<RimEclipseCase*> RimGridCalculation::outputEclipseCases() const
if ( m_additionalCasesType() == RimGridCalculation::AdditionalCasesType::ALL_CASES )
// Find all Eclipse cases suitable for grid calculations. This includes all single grid cases and source cases in a grid case group.
// Exclude the statistics cases, as it is not possible to use them in a grid calculations.
return RimEclipseCaseTools::allEclipseGridCases();
if ( m_additionalCasesType() == RimGridCalculation::AdditionalCasesType::GRID_CASE_GROUP )
if ( m_additionalCaseGroup() && m_additionalCaseGroup()->caseCollection() )
return m_additionalCaseGroup()->caseCollection()->reservoirs.childrenByType();
return { m_destinationCase };
std::vector<RimEclipseCase*> RimGridCalculation::inputCases() const
std::vector<RimEclipseCase*> cases;
for ( const auto& variable : m_variables )
auto* v = dynamic_cast<RimGridCalculationVariable*>( variable.p() );
if ( v->eclipseCase() ) cases.push_back( v->eclipseCase() );
return cases;
RimGridCalculation::DefaultValueConfig RimGridCalculation::defaultValueConfiguration() const
if ( m_defaultValueType() == RimGridCalculation::DefaultValueType::USER_DEFINED )
return std::make_pair( m_defaultValueType(), m_defaultValue() );
return std::make_pair( m_defaultValueType(), HUGE_VAL );
QString RimGridCalculation::nonVisibleResultAddressText() const
QString txt;
if ( m_nonVisibleResultAddress->eclipseCase() ) txt += m_nonVisibleResultAddress->eclipseCase()->caseUserDescription() + " : ";
txt += m_nonVisibleResultAddress->resultName();
return txt;
void RimGridCalculation::defineUiOrdering( QString uiConfigName, caf::PdmUiOrdering& uiOrdering )
RimUserDefinedCalculation::defineUiOrdering( uiConfigName, uiOrdering );
uiOrdering.add( &m_destinationCase );
uiOrdering.add( &m_additionalCasesType );
uiOrdering.add( &m_additionalCaseGroup );
m_additionalCaseGroup.uiCapability()->setUiHidden( m_additionalCasesType() != RimGridCalculation::AdditionalCasesType::GRID_CASE_GROUP );
caf::PdmUiGroup* filterGroup = uiOrdering.addNewGroup( "Cell Filter" );
filterGroup->add( &m_cellFilterView );
if ( m_cellFilterView() != nullptr )
filterGroup->add( &m_defaultValueType );
if ( m_defaultValueType() == RimGridCalculation::DefaultValueType::FROM_PROPERTY )
filterGroup->add( &m_nonVisibleResultText );
filterGroup->add( &m_editNonVisibleResultAddress, { .newRow = false } );
else if ( m_defaultValueType() == RimGridCalculation::DefaultValueType::USER_DEFINED )
filterGroup->add( &m_defaultValue );
caf::PdmUiGroup* timeStepGroup = uiOrdering.addNewGroup( "Time Step Filter" );
timeStepGroup->add( &m_selectedTimeSteps );
QList<caf::PdmOptionItemInfo> RimGridCalculation::calculateValueOptions( const caf::PdmFieldHandle* fieldNeedingOptions )
QList<caf::PdmOptionItemInfo> options;
if ( fieldNeedingOptions == &m_cellFilterView )
options.push_back( caf::PdmOptionItemInfo( "Disabled", nullptr ) );
RimEclipseCase* firstEclipseCase = nullptr;
if ( !inputCases().empty() )
firstEclipseCase = inputCases().front();
// If no input cases are defined, use the destination case to determine the grid size. This will enable use of expressions
// with no input cases like "calculation := 1.0"
firstEclipseCase = m_destinationCase();
if ( firstEclipseCase )
std::vector<Rim3dView*> views = RimProject::current()->allViews();
for ( auto* view : views )
auto eclipseView = dynamic_cast<RimEclipseView*>( view );
if ( !eclipseView ) continue;
if ( !firstEclipseCase->isGridSizeEqualTo( eclipseView->eclipseCase() ) ) continue;
options.push_back( caf::PdmOptionItemInfo( view->autoName(), view, false, view->uiIconProvider() ) );
else if ( fieldNeedingOptions == &m_destinationCase )
RimEclipseCase* firstInputCase = nullptr;
if ( !inputCases().empty() )
firstInputCase = inputCases()[0];
for ( auto eclipseCase : RimEclipseCaseTools::allEclipseGridCases() )
if ( !eclipseCase ) continue;
if ( firstInputCase && !firstInputCase->isGridSizeEqualTo( eclipseCase ) ) continue;
options.push_back( caf::PdmOptionItemInfo( eclipseCase->caseUserDescription(), eclipseCase, false, eclipseCase->uiIconProvider() ) );
options.push_front( caf::PdmOptionItemInfo( "None", nullptr ) );
else if ( &m_selectedTimeSteps == fieldNeedingOptions )
RimEclipseCase* firstEclipseCase = nullptr;
if ( !inputCases().empty() ) firstEclipseCase = inputCases().front();
if ( firstEclipseCase )
const auto timeStepStrings = firstEclipseCase->timeStepStrings();
int index = 0;
for ( const auto& text : timeStepStrings )
options.push_back( caf::PdmOptionItemInfo( text, index++ ) );
else if ( &m_additionalCaseGroup == fieldNeedingOptions )
options.push_back( caf::PdmOptionItemInfo( "None", nullptr ) );
RimProject* proj = RimProject::current();
if ( proj->activeOilField() && proj->activeOilField()->analysisModels() )
auto analysisModels = proj->activeOilField()->analysisModels();
for ( RimIdenticalGridCaseGroup* cg : analysisModels->caseGroups() )
options.push_back( caf::PdmOptionItemInfo( cg->name(), cg, false, cg->uiIconProvider() ) );
return options;
void RimGridCalculation::initAfterRead()
for ( auto& variable : m_variables )
auto gridVar = dynamic_cast<RimGridCalculationVariable*>( variable.p() );
if ( gridVar )
gridVar->eclipseResultChanged.connect( this, &RimGridCalculation::onVariableUpdated );
if ( m_destinationCase == nullptr ) m_destinationCase = gridVar->eclipseCase();
if ( m_applyToAllCases_OBSOLETE ) m_additionalCasesType = RimGridCalculation::AdditionalCasesType::ALL_CASES;
void RimGridCalculation::fieldChangedByUi( const caf::PdmFieldHandle* changedField, const QVariant& oldValue, const QVariant& newValue )
RimUserDefinedCalculation::fieldChangedByUi( changedField, oldValue, newValue );
if ( changedField == &m_editNonVisibleResultAddress )
auto eclipseCase = m_nonVisibleResultAddress->eclipseCase();
if ( !eclipseCase ) eclipseCase = m_destinationCase;
RimResultSelectionUi selectionUi;
selectionUi.setEclipseResultAddress( eclipseCase, m_nonVisibleResultAddress->resultType(), m_nonVisibleResultAddress->resultName() );
caf::PdmUiPropertyViewDialog propertyDialog( nullptr, &selectionUi, "Select Result", "" );
if ( propertyDialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted )
m_nonVisibleResultAddress->setEclipseCase( selectionUi.eclipseCase() );
m_nonVisibleResultAddress->setResultType( selectionUi.resultType() );
m_nonVisibleResultAddress->setResultName( selectionUi.resultVariable() );
m_editNonVisibleResultAddress = false;
void RimGridCalculation::defineEditorAttribute( const caf::PdmFieldHandle* field, QString uiConfigName, caf::PdmUiEditorAttribute* attribute )
RimUserDefinedCalculation::defineEditorAttribute( field, uiConfigName, attribute );
if ( field == &m_editNonVisibleResultAddress )
if ( auto attrib = dynamic_cast<caf::PdmUiPushButtonEditorAttribute*>( attribute ) )
attrib->m_buttonText = "Edit";
void RimGridCalculation::onVariableUpdated( const SignalEmitter* emitter )
if ( auto variable = dynamic_cast<const RimGridCalculationVariable*>( emitter ) )
if ( auto variableCase = variable->eclipseCase() )
if ( !m_destinationCase || !m_destinationCase->isGridSizeEqualTo( variableCase ) )
m_destinationCase = variableCase;
bool RimGridCalculation::allSourceCasesAreEqualToDestinationCase() const
if ( m_destinationCase() == nullptr ) return false;
for ( const auto& variable : m_variables )
auto gridVar = dynamic_cast<RimGridCalculationVariable*>( variable.p() );
if ( gridVar )
if ( gridVar->eclipseCase() != m_destinationCase() ) return false;
return true;
RigEclipseResultAddress RimGridCalculation::outputAddress() const
QString leftHandSideVariableName = RimGridCalculation::findLeftHandSide( m_expression );
RigEclipseResultAddress resAddr( RiaDefines::ResultCatType::GENERATED, leftHandSideVariableName );
return resAddr;
std::vector<double> RimGridCalculation::getActiveCellValuesForVariable( RimGridCalculationVariable* variable,
size_t tsId,
RiaDefines::PorosityModelType porosityModel,
RimEclipseCase* sourceCase,
RimEclipseCase* destinationCase ) const
if ( !sourceCase || !destinationCase ) return {};
int timeStep = variable->timeStep();
auto resultCategoryType = variable->resultCategoryType();
// General case is to use the data from the given time step
size_t timeStepToUse = tsId;
if ( resultCategoryType == RiaDefines::ResultCatType::STATIC_NATIVE )
// Use the first time step for static data for all time steps
timeStepToUse = 0;
else if ( timeStep != RimGridCalculationVariable::allTimeStepsValue() )
// Use data from a specific time step for this variable for all result time steps
timeStepToUse = timeStep;
return getActiveCellValues( variable->resultVariable(), resultCategoryType, timeStepToUse, porosityModel, sourceCase, destinationCase );
/// Return values for active cells, both for dynamic and static results. Use the active cell info from the destination case, and read data
/// from the source case.
std::vector<double> RimGridCalculation::getActiveCellValues( const QString& resultName,
const RiaDefines::ResultCatType resultCategoryType,
size_t tsId,
RiaDefines::PorosityModelType porosityModel,
RimEclipseCase* sourceCase,
RimEclipseCase* destinationCase ) const
if ( !sourceCase || !destinationCase ) return {};
size_t timeStepToUse = tsId;
if ( resultCategoryType == RiaDefines::ResultCatType::STATIC_NATIVE )
// Use the first time step for static data for all time steps
timeStepToUse = 0;
RigEclipseResultAddress resAddr( resultCategoryType, resultName );
auto eclipseCaseData = sourceCase->eclipseCaseData();
auto rigCaseCellResultsData = eclipseCaseData->results( porosityModel );
if ( rigCaseCellResultsData->findOrLoadKnownScalarResultForTimeStep( resAddr, timeStepToUse ) == cvf::UNDEFINED_SIZE_T ) return {};
// Active cell info must always be retrieved from the destination case, as the returned vector must be of the same size as
// number of active cells in the destination case. Active cells can be different between source and destination case.
auto activeCellInfoDestination = destinationCase->eclipseCaseData()->activeCellInfo( porosityModel );
if ( !activeCellInfoDestination ) return {};
auto activeReservoirCells = activeCellInfoDestination->activeReservoirCellIndices();
if ( activeReservoirCells.empty() ) return {};
std::vector<double> values( activeCellInfoDestination->activeReservoirCellIndices().size() );
size_t gridIndex = 0;
auto resultAccessor =
RigResultAccessorFactory::createFromResultAddress( eclipseCaseData, gridIndex, porosityModel, timeStepToUse, resAddr );
#pragma omp parallel for
for ( int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>( activeReservoirCells.size() ); i++ )
values[i] = resultAccessor->cellScalarGlobIdx( activeReservoirCells[i] );
if ( m_releaseMemoryAfterDataIsExtracted )
auto categoriesToExclude = { RiaDefines::ResultCatType::GENERATED };
sourceCase->results( RiaDefines::PorosityModelType::MATRIX_MODEL )->freeAllocatedResultsData( categoriesToExclude, timeStepToUse );
sourceCase->results( RiaDefines::PorosityModelType::FRACTURE_MODEL )->freeAllocatedResultsData( categoriesToExclude, timeStepToUse );
return values;
void RimGridCalculation::replaceFilteredValuesWithVector( const std::vector<double>& inputValues,
cvf::ref<cvf::UByteArray> visibility,
std::vector<double>& resultValues,
RigActiveCellInfo* activeCellInfo )
auto activeReservoirCellIndices = activeCellInfo->activeReservoirCellIndices();
int numActiveCells = static_cast<int>( activeReservoirCellIndices.size() );
CAF_ASSERT( numActiveCells == (int)resultValues.size() );
CAF_ASSERT( numActiveCells == (int)inputValues.size() );
#pragma omp parallel for
for ( int i = 0; i < numActiveCells; i++ )
const auto reservoirCellIndex = activeReservoirCellIndices[i];
if ( !visibility->val( reservoirCellIndex ) )
resultValues[i] = inputValues[i];
void RimGridCalculation::replaceFilteredValuesWithDefaultValue( double defaultValue,
cvf::ref<cvf::UByteArray> visibility,
std::vector<double>& resultValues,
RigActiveCellInfo* activeCellInfo )
auto activeReservoirCellIndices = activeCellInfo->activeReservoirCellIndices();
int numActiveCells = static_cast<int>( activeReservoirCellIndices.size() );
CAF_ASSERT( numActiveCells == (int)resultValues.size() );
#pragma omp parallel for
for ( int i = 0; i < numActiveCells; i++ )
const auto reservoirCellIndex = activeReservoirCellIndices[i];
if ( !visibility->val( reservoirCellIndex ) )
resultValues[i] = defaultValue;
void RimGridCalculation::filterResults( RimGridView* cellFilterView,
const std::vector<std::vector<double>>& values,
size_t timeStep,
RimGridCalculation::DefaultValueType defaultValueType,
double defaultValue,
std::vector<double>& resultValues,
RiaDefines::PorosityModelType porosityModel,
RimEclipseCase* outputEclipseCase ) const
auto visibility = cellFilterView->currentTotalCellVisibility();
auto activeCellInfo = outputEclipseCase->eclipseCaseData()->activeCellInfo( porosityModel );
if ( defaultValueType == RimGridCalculation::DefaultValueType::FROM_PROPERTY )
auto nonVisibleValues = getActiveCellValues( m_nonVisibleResultAddress->resultName(),
outputEclipseCase );
if ( !nonVisibleValues.empty() )
replaceFilteredValuesWithVector( nonVisibleValues, visibility, resultValues, activeCellInfo );
QString errorMessage =
"Grid Property Calculator: Invalid input data for default result property, no data assigned to non-visible cells.";
RiaLogging::error( errorMessage );
double valueToUse = defaultValue;
if ( defaultValueType == RimGridCalculation::DefaultValueType::POSITIVE_INFINITY ) valueToUse = HUGE_VAL;
replaceFilteredValuesWithDefaultValue( valueToUse, visibility, resultValues, activeCellInfo );
void RimGridCalculation::updateDependentObjects()
for ( RimEclipseCase* eclipseCase : outputEclipseCases() )
if ( eclipseCase )
RimReloadCaseTools::updateAll3dViews( eclipseCase );
void RimGridCalculation::removeDependentObjects()
QString leftHandSideVariableName = RimGridCalculation::findLeftHandSide( m_expression );
auto porosityModel = RiaDefines::PorosityModelType::MATRIX_MODEL;
RigEclipseResultAddress resAddr( RiaDefines::ResultCatType::GENERATED, leftHandSideVariableName );
for ( RimEclipseCase* eclipseCase : outputEclipseCases() )
if ( eclipseCase )
// Select "None" result if the result that is being removed were displayed in a view.
for ( auto v : eclipseCase->reservoirViews() )
if ( v->cellResult()->resultType() == resAddr.resultCatType() && v->cellResult()->resultVariable() == resAddr.resultName() )
v->cellResult()->setResultType( RiaDefines::ResultCatType::GENERATED );
v->cellResult()->setResultVariable( "None" );
eclipseCase->results( porosityModel )->clearScalarResult( resAddr );
eclipseCase->results( porosityModel )->setRemovedTagOnGeneratedResult( resAddr );
RimReloadCaseTools::updateAll3dViews( eclipseCase );
bool RimGridCalculation::calculateForCases( const std::vector<RimEclipseCase*>& calculationCases,
cvf::UByteArray* inputValueVisibilityFilter,
std::optional<std::vector<size_t>> timeSteps,
bool evaluateDependentCalculations )
if ( calculationCases.empty() ) return true;
if ( evaluateDependentCalculations ) findAndEvaluateDependentCalculations( calculationCases, inputValueVisibilityFilter, timeSteps );
QString leftHandSideVariableName = RimGridCalculation::findLeftHandSide( m_expression );
auto [isOk, errorMessage] = validateVariables();
if ( !isOk )
RiaLogging::errorInMessageBox( nullptr, "Grid Property Calculator", errorMessage );
return false;
const bool isMultipleCasesPresent = calculationCases.size() > 1;
const bool hasAggregationExpression = m_expression().contains( "sum" ) || m_expression().contains( "avg" ) ||
m_expression().contains( "min" ) || m_expression().contains( "max" ) ||
m_expression().contains( "count" );
// If multiple cases are present, release memory after data is extracted to avoid memory issues.
m_releaseMemoryAfterDataIsExtracted = isMultipleCasesPresent;
if ( isMultipleCasesPresent )
QString txt = "Starting calculation '" + description() + "' for " + QString::number( calculationCases.size() ) + " cases.";
RiaLogging::info( txt );
if ( hasAggregationExpression )
RiaLogging::info( QString( " Detected aggregated value in expression '%1'." ).arg( m_expression() ) );
RiaLogging::info( QString( " Aggregated value per realization is displayed in one column per time step." ) );
std::vector<std::vector<double>> allAggregatedValues;
bool anyErrorsDetected = false;
for ( RimEclipseCase* calculationCase : calculationCases )
if ( !calculationCase )
RiaLogging::errorInMessageBox( nullptr,
"Grid Property Calculator",
QString( "No case found for calculation : %1" ).arg( leftHandSideVariableName ) );
anyErrorsDetected = true;
auto porosityModel = RiaDefines::PorosityModelType::MATRIX_MODEL;
RigEclipseResultAddress resAddr( RiaDefines::ResultCatType::GENERATED, leftHandSideVariableName );
if ( !calculationCase->results( porosityModel )->ensureKnownResultLoaded( resAddr ) )
bool needsToBeStored = false;
calculationCase->results( porosityModel )->createResultEntry( resAddr, needsToBeStored );
calculationCase->results( porosityModel )->clearScalarResult( resAddr );
// If an input grid is present, max time step count is zero. Make sure the time step count for the calculation is
// always 1 or more.
const size_t timeStepCount = std::max( size_t( 1 ), calculationCase->results( porosityModel )->maxTimeStepCount() );
if ( calculationCase == calculationCases.front() && hasAggregationExpression )
// Print time header
auto timeStepStrings = calculationCase->timeStepStrings();
QString timeHeader;
for ( size_t tsId = 0; tsId < timeStepCount; tsId++ )
// Skip time steps that are not in the list of time steps to calculate
if ( timeSteps && std::find( timeSteps->begin(), timeSteps->end(), tsId ) == timeSteps->end() ) continue;
timeHeader += "\t";
auto index = static_cast<int>( tsId );
if ( index < timeStepStrings.size() )
timeHeader += timeStepStrings.at( static_cast<int>( tsId ) );
timeHeader += "Undefined";
RiaLogging::info( timeHeader );
std::vector<std::vector<double>>* scalarResultFrames =
calculationCase->results( porosityModel )->modifiableCellScalarResultTimesteps( resAddr );
scalarResultFrames->resize( timeStepCount );
std::vector<double> aggregatedValuesOneTimeStep;
for ( size_t tsId = 0; tsId < timeStepCount; tsId++ )
// Skip time steps that are not in the list of time steps to calculate
if ( timeSteps && std::find( timeSteps->begin(), timeSteps->end(), tsId ) == timeSteps->end() ) continue;
std::vector<std::vector<double>> dataForAllVariables;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < m_variables.size(); i++ )
RimGridCalculationVariable* v = dynamic_cast<RimGridCalculationVariable*>( m_variables[i] );
CAF_ASSERT( v != nullptr );
bool useDataFromSourceCase = ( v->eclipseCase() == m_destinationCase );
auto sourceCase = useDataFromSourceCase ? calculationCase : v->eclipseCase();
auto dataForVariable = getActiveCellValuesForVariable( v, tsId, porosityModel, sourceCase, calculationCase );
if ( dataForVariable.empty() )
RiaLogging::error( QString( " No data found for variable '%1'." ).arg( v->name() ) );
else if ( inputValueVisibilityFilter && hasAggregationExpression )
const double defaultValue = 0.0;
auto activeCellInfo = calculationCase->eclipseCaseData()->activeCellInfo( porosityModel );
replaceFilteredValuesWithDefaultValue( defaultValue, inputValueVisibilityFilter, dataForVariable, activeCellInfo );
dataForAllVariables.push_back( dataForVariable );
ExpressionParser parser;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < m_variables.size(); i++ )
RimGridCalculationVariable* v = dynamic_cast<RimGridCalculationVariable*>( m_variables[i] );
CAF_ASSERT( v != nullptr );
parser.assignVector( v->name(), dataForAllVariables[i] );
std::vector<double> resultValues;
if ( calculationCase && calculationCase->eclipseCaseData() )
// Find number of active cells in the destination case.
auto activeCellInfoDestination = calculationCase->eclipseCaseData()->activeCellInfo( porosityModel );
if ( activeCellInfoDestination )
resultValues.resize( activeCellInfoDestination->reservoirActiveCellCount() );
parser.assignVector( leftHandSideVariableName, resultValues );
QString errorText;
bool evaluatedOk = parser.expandIfStatementsAndEvaluate( m_expression, &errorText );
if ( evaluatedOk )
if ( hasAggregationExpression )
auto it =
std::find_if( resultValues.begin(), resultValues.end(), []( double v ) { return ( !std::isnan( v ) && v != 0.0 ); } );
if ( it != resultValues.end() )
aggregatedValuesOneTimeStep.push_back( *it );
aggregatedValuesOneTimeStep.push_back( 0.0 );
if ( m_cellFilterView() && !resultValues.empty() )
filterResults( m_cellFilterView(),
calculationCase );
scalarResultFrames->at( tsId ) = resultValues;
m_isDirty = false;
QString s = "The following error message was received from the parser library : \n\n";
s += errorText;
RiaLogging::errorInMessageBox( nullptr, "Grid Property Calculator", s );
return false;
if ( hasAggregationExpression )
QString txt = " " + calculationCase->caseUserDescription();
for ( auto v : aggregatedValuesOneTimeStep )
txt += "\t" + QString::number( v );
allAggregatedValues.push_back( aggregatedValuesOneTimeStep );
RiaLogging::info( txt );
if ( isMultipleCasesPresent )
auto [anyError, statisticsText] = createStatisticsText( allAggregatedValues );
if ( anyError )
anyErrorsDetected = true;
else if ( !statisticsText.empty() )
RiaLogging::info( " Statistics" );
for ( const auto& txt : statisticsText )
RiaLogging::info( txt );
QString txt = "Completed calculation '" + description() + "' for " + QString::number( calculationCases.size() ) + " cases.";
RiaLogging::info( txt );
return !anyErrorsDetected;
void RimGridCalculation::findAndEvaluateDependentCalculations( const std::vector<RimEclipseCase*>& calculationCases,
cvf::UByteArray* inputValueVisibilityFilter,
std::optional<std::vector<size_t>> timeSteps )
auto proj = RimProject::current();
auto calcColl = proj->gridCalculationCollection();
auto dependentCalculations = calcColl->dependentCalculations( this );
for ( auto dependentCalc : dependentCalculations )
if ( dependentCalc == this ) continue;
// Propagate the settings for this calculation to the dependent calculation. This will allow changes on top level
// calculation to be propagated to dependent calculations automatically. Do not trigger
// findAndEvaluateDependentCalculations() recursively, as all dependent calculations are traversed in this function.
bool evaluateDependentCalculations = false;
dependentCalc->calculateForCases( calculationCases, inputValueVisibilityFilter, timeSteps, evaluateDependentCalculations );
void RimGridCalculation::assignEclipseCaseForNullPointers( RimEclipseCase* eclipseCase )
if ( m_destinationCase() == nullptr )
m_destinationCase = eclipseCase;
for ( auto v : m_variables )
if ( auto gridVar = dynamic_cast<RimGridCalculationVariable*>( v.p() ) )
if ( gridVar->eclipseCase() == nullptr )
gridVar->setEclipseCase( eclipseCase );
std::pair<bool, QString> RimGridCalculation::validateVariables()
auto porosityModel = RiaDefines::PorosityModelType::MATRIX_MODEL;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < m_variables.size(); i++ )
RimGridCalculationVariable* v = dynamic_cast<RimGridCalculationVariable*>( m_variables[i] );
CAF_ASSERT( v != nullptr );
if ( !v->eclipseCase() )
QString errorMessage = QString( "No case defined for variable : %1" ).arg( v->name() );
return std::make_pair( false, errorMessage );
if ( v->resultVariable().isEmpty() )
QString errorMessage = QString( "No result variable defined for variable : %1" ).arg( v->name() );
return std::make_pair( false, errorMessage );
auto resultCategoryType = v->resultCategoryType();
RigEclipseResultAddress resAddr( resultCategoryType, v->resultVariable() );
if ( !v->eclipseCase()->results( porosityModel )->ensureKnownResultLoaded( resAddr ) )
QString errorMessage = QString( "Unable to load result for variable : %1" ).arg( v->name() );
return std::make_pair( false, errorMessage );
return std::make_pair( true, "" );
void RimGridCalculation::onChildrenUpdated( caf::PdmChildArrayFieldHandle* childArray, std::vector<caf::PdmObjectHandle*>& updatedObjects )
if ( childArray == &m_variables )
// Update the editors of all the variables if a variable changes.
// This makes the read-only state of the filter parameters consistent:
// only one filter is allowed at a time.
for ( auto v : m_variables )
std::pair<bool, QStringList> RimGridCalculation::createStatisticsText( const std::vector<std::vector<double>>& values )
bool anyErrorsDetected = false;
QStringList statisticsText;
if ( values.empty() ) return { anyErrorsDetected, statisticsText };
size_t size = values.front().size();
for ( const auto& aggregatedVector : values )
if ( aggregatedVector.size() != size )
QString msg = "Detected mismatch in number of time steps for aggregated values. All grid "
"cases must have identical number of time steps.";
RiaLogging::error( msg );
anyErrorsDetected = true;
return { anyErrorsDetected, statisticsText };
std::vector<double> minValues;
std::vector<double> p90Values;
std::vector<double> p50Values;
std::vector<double> avgValues;
std::vector<double> p10Values;
std::vector<double> maxValues;
for ( size_t timeIdx = 0; timeIdx < values.front().size(); timeIdx++ )
std::vector<double> valuesForTimeStep;
for ( auto v : values )
valuesForTimeStep.push_back( v[timeIdx] );
// Required to have minimum 8 values to calculate statistics
if ( valuesForTimeStep.size() < 8 ) continue;
double p90 = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
double p50 = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
double avg = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
double p10 = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
auto [min, max] = std::minmax_element( valuesForTimeStep.begin(), valuesForTimeStep.end() );
RigStatisticsMath::calculateStatisticsCurves( valuesForTimeStep, &p10, &p50, &p90, &avg, RigStatisticsMath::PercentileStyle::SWITCHED );
minValues.push_back( *min );
p90Values.push_back( p90 );
p50Values.push_back( p50 );
avgValues.push_back( avg );
p10Values.push_back( p10 );
maxValues.push_back( *max );
if ( !minValues.empty() )
QString minTxt = " Minimum";
QString p90Txt = " P90 ";
QString p50Txt = " P50 ";
QString avgTxt = " Mean ";
QString p10Txt = " P10 ";
QString maxTxt = " Maximum";
for ( size_t timeIdx = 0; timeIdx < p10Values.size(); timeIdx++ )
minTxt += "\t" + QString::number( minValues[timeIdx] );
p90Txt += "\t" + QString::number( p90Values[timeIdx] );
p50Txt += "\t" + QString::number( p50Values[timeIdx] );
avgTxt += "\t" + QString::number( avgValues[timeIdx] );
p10Txt += "\t" + QString::number( p10Values[timeIdx] );
maxTxt += "\t" + QString::number( maxValues[timeIdx] );
statisticsText.push_back( minTxt );
statisticsText.push_back( p90Txt );
statisticsText.push_back( p50Txt );
statisticsText.push_back( avgTxt );
statisticsText.push_back( p10Txt );
statisticsText.push_back( maxTxt );
return { anyErrorsDetected, statisticsText };