Magne Sjaastad a423ecf95f
Several OpenMP improvements
Several optimizations based on profiling of 20M grid model. These fixes will improve the largest performance issues, but there are still more operations that can be refactored.

* OpenMP: Use in fault geometry generator
* OpenMP: Use when computing statistics for result values
* OpenMP: Use multithreading on fault detection
* Add RiaOpenMPTools
* VizFwk: Use openMP for texture generation
2022-12-19 13:49:03 +01:00

201 lines
6.8 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2021- Equinor ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <>
// for more details.
#include "RifOpmHdf5Summary.h"
#include "RiaLogging.h"
#include "RiaStdStringTools.h"
#include "RifHdf5SummaryReader.h"
#include "RifOpmCommonSummary.h"
#ifdef _MSC_VER
// Disable warning from external library to make sure treat warnings as error works
#pragma warning( disable : 4267 )
#include "opm/io/eclipse/ESmry.hpp"
#include <QFileInfo>
bool RifOpmHdf5Summary::open( const QString& headerFileName, bool includeRestartFiles, RiaThreadSafeLogger* threadSafeLogger )
if ( !openESmryFile( headerFileName, includeRestartFiles, threadSafeLogger ) )
QString errorTxt = "Failed to open " + headerFileName;
if ( threadSafeLogger ) threadSafeLogger->error( errorTxt );
return false;
QFileInfo fi( headerFileName );
QString hdfFileName = fi.absolutePath() + "/" + fi.baseName() + ".h5";
if ( !QFile::exists( hdfFileName ) )
QString errorTxt = "Failed to open H5 file " + hdfFileName;
if ( threadSafeLogger ) threadSafeLogger->error( errorTxt );
return false;
m_hdf5Reader = std::make_unique<RifHdf5SummaryReader>( hdfFileName );
if ( !m_eSmry || !m_hdf5Reader ) return false;
return true;
const std::vector<time_t>& RifOpmHdf5Summary::timeSteps( const RifEclipseSummaryAddress& resultAddress ) const
return m_timeSteps;
bool RifOpmHdf5Summary::values( const RifEclipseSummaryAddress& resultAddress, std::vector<double>* values ) const
if ( m_eSmry && m_hdf5Reader )
auto it = m_adrToSmspecIndices.find( resultAddress );
if ( it != m_adrToSmspecIndices.end() )
const auto& vectorName = resultAddress.vectorName();
size_t smspecIndex = it->second;
if ( smspecIndex != std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() )
*values = m_hdf5Reader->values( vectorName, static_cast<int>( smspecIndex ) );
return true;
return false;
std::string RifOpmHdf5Summary::unitName( const RifEclipseSummaryAddress& resultAddress ) const
if ( m_eSmry )
auto it = m_summaryAddressToKeywordMap.find( resultAddress );
if ( it != m_summaryAddressToKeywordMap.end() )
auto keyword = it->second;
auto stringFromFileReader = m_eSmry->get_unit( keyword );
return RiaStdStringTools::trimString( stringFromFileReader );
return {};
RiaDefines::EclipseUnitSystem RifOpmHdf5Summary::unitSystem() const
// TODO: Not implemented
return RiaDefines::EclipseUnitSystem::UNITS_UNKNOWN;
void RifOpmHdf5Summary::buildMetaData()
if ( m_eSmry )
// Get time step data from HDF
if ( m_hdf5Reader )
m_timeSteps = m_hdf5Reader->timeSteps();
// Fallback to using opm-reader for time step data
auto timePoints = m_eSmry->dates();
for ( const auto& d : timePoints )
auto timeAsTimeT = std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t( d );
m_timeSteps.push_back( timeAsTimeT );
auto [addresses, smspecIndices, addressToKeywordMap] =
RifOpmCommonSummaryTools::buildAddressesSmspecAndKeywordMap( m_eSmry.get() );
m_allResultAddresses = addresses;
m_adrToSmspecIndices = smspecIndices;
m_summaryAddressToKeywordMap = addressToKeywordMap;
bool RifOpmHdf5Summary::openESmryFile( const QString& headerFileName,
bool includeRestartFiles,
RiaThreadSafeLogger* threadSafeLogger )
m_eSmry = std::make_unique<Opm::EclIO::ESmry>( headerFileName.toStdString(), includeRestartFiles );
catch ( std::exception& e )
QString txt = QString( "Optimized Summary Reader error : %1" ).arg( e.what() );
if ( threadSafeLogger ) threadSafeLogger->error( txt );
return false;
return true;