mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:55:39 -06:00
* Move members to private in RigWellResultPoint * Create simulation well path geometry using well topology * Add separate MSW well pipe centerline computations * Review comments --------- Co-authored-by: magnesj <magnesj@users.noreply.github.com>
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// Copyright (C) 2017 Statoil ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#include "RigAccWellFlowCalculator.h"
#include "RigActiveCellInfo.h"
#include "RigFlowDiagResults.h"
#include "RigMainGrid.h"
#include "RigSimWellData.h"
#include "RigSimulationWellCoordsAndMD.h"
#include "RigWellResultPoint.h"
#include <cmath>
size_t RigEclCellIndexCalculator::resultCellIndex( size_t gridIndex, size_t gridCellIndex ) const
const RigGridBase* grid = m_mainGrid->gridByIndex( gridIndex );
size_t reservoirCellIndex = grid->reservoirCellIndex( gridCellIndex );
return m_activeCellInfo->cellResultIndex( reservoirCellIndex );
/// The pipeBranchesWellResultPoints are describing the lines between the points, starting with the first line
// and is thus expected to be one less than the number of centerline points
RigAccWellFlowCalculator::RigAccWellFlowCalculator( const std::vector<std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>>& pipeBranchesCLCoords,
const std::vector<std::vector<RigWellResultPoint>>& pipeBranchesWellResultPoints,
const std::map<QString, const std::vector<double>*>& tracerCellFractionValues,
const RigEclCellIndexCalculator& cellIndexCalculator,
double smallContribThreshold,
bool isProducer )
: m_pipeBranchesCLCoords( pipeBranchesCLCoords )
, m_pipeBranchesWellResultPoints( pipeBranchesWellResultPoints )
, m_tracerCellFractionValues( &tracerCellFractionValues )
, m_cellIndexCalculator( cellIndexCalculator )
, m_smallContributionsThreshold( smallContribThreshold )
, m_isProducer( isProducer )
, m_useTotalWellPhaseRateOnly( false )
m_connectionFlowPrBranch.resize( m_pipeBranchesWellResultPoints.size() );
m_pseudoLengthFlowPrBranch.resize( m_pipeBranchesWellResultPoints.size() );
for ( const auto& it : ( *m_tracerCellFractionValues ) )
m_tracerNames.push_back( it.first );
m_tracerNames.push_back( RIG_RESERVOIR_TRACER_NAME );
RigAccWellFlowCalculator::RigAccWellFlowCalculator( const std::vector<std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>>& pipeBranchesCLCoords,
const std::vector<std::vector<RigWellResultPoint>>& pipeBranchesWellResultPoints,
double smallContribThreshold )
: m_pipeBranchesCLCoords( pipeBranchesCLCoords )
, m_pipeBranchesWellResultPoints( pipeBranchesWellResultPoints )
, m_tracerCellFractionValues( nullptr )
, m_cellIndexCalculator( RigEclCellIndexCalculator( nullptr, nullptr ) )
, m_smallContributionsThreshold( smallContribThreshold )
, m_isProducer( true )
, m_useTotalWellPhaseRateOnly( false )
m_connectionFlowPrBranch.resize( m_pipeBranchesWellResultPoints.size() );
m_pseudoLengthFlowPrBranch.resize( m_pipeBranchesWellResultPoints.size() );
if ( !m_useTotalWellPhaseRateOnly )
m_tracerNames.push_back( RIG_FLOW_OIL_NAME );
m_tracerNames.push_back( RIG_FLOW_GAS_NAME );
m_tracerNames.push_back( RIG_FLOW_WATER_NAME );
m_tracerNames.push_back( RIG_FLOW_TOTAL_NAME );
if ( !m_useTotalWellPhaseRateOnly ) sortTracers();
RigAccWellFlowCalculator::RigAccWellFlowCalculator( const std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>& pipeBranchCLCoords,
const std::vector<RigWellResultPoint>& pipeBranchesWellResultPoints,
const std::vector<double>& pipeBranchMeasuredDepths,
bool totalFlowOnly )
: m_tracerCellFractionValues( nullptr )
, m_cellIndexCalculator( RigEclCellIndexCalculator( nullptr, nullptr ) )
, m_smallContributionsThreshold( 0.0 )
, m_isProducer( true )
, m_useTotalWellPhaseRateOnly( totalFlowOnly )
m_pipeBranchesCLCoords.push_back( pipeBranchCLCoords );
m_pipeBranchesWellResultPoints.push_back( pipeBranchesWellResultPoints );
m_pipeBranchesMeasuredDepths.push_back( pipeBranchMeasuredDepths );
m_connectionFlowPrBranch.resize( m_pipeBranchesWellResultPoints.size() );
m_pseudoLengthFlowPrBranch.resize( m_pipeBranchesWellResultPoints.size() );
if ( !m_useTotalWellPhaseRateOnly )
m_tracerNames.push_back( RIG_FLOW_OIL_NAME );
m_tracerNames.push_back( RIG_FLOW_GAS_NAME );
m_tracerNames.push_back( RIG_FLOW_WATER_NAME );
m_tracerNames.push_back( RIG_FLOW_TOTAL_NAME );
if ( !m_useTotalWellPhaseRateOnly ) sortTracers();
void RigAccWellFlowCalculator::initializePipeBranchesMeasuredDepths()
for ( const auto& branchClPoints : m_pipeBranchesCLCoords )
RigSimulationWellCoordsAndMD mdCalculator( branchClPoints );
m_pipeBranchesMeasuredDepths.push_back( mdCalculator.measuredDepths() );
const std::vector<double>& RigAccWellFlowCalculator::connectionNumbersFromTop( size_t branchIdx ) const
return m_connectionFlowPrBranch[branchIdx].depthValuesFromTop;
const std::vector<double>& RigAccWellFlowCalculator::accumulatedTracerFlowPrConnection( const QString& tracerName, size_t branchIdx ) const
auto flowPrTracerIt = m_connectionFlowPrBranch[branchIdx].accFlowPrTracer.find( tracerName );
if ( flowPrTracerIt != m_connectionFlowPrBranch[branchIdx].accFlowPrTracer.end() )
return flowPrTracerIt->second;
CVF_ASSERT( false );
static std::vector<double> dummy;
return dummy;
const std::vector<double>& RigAccWellFlowCalculator::tracerFlowPrConnection( const QString& tracerName, size_t branchIdx ) const
auto flowPrTracerIt = m_connectionFlowPrBranch[branchIdx].flowPrTracer.find( tracerName );
if ( flowPrTracerIt != m_connectionFlowPrBranch[branchIdx].flowPrTracer.end() )
return flowPrTracerIt->second;
CVF_ASSERT( false );
static std::vector<double> dummy;
return dummy;
const std::vector<double>& RigAccWellFlowCalculator::pseudoLengthFromTop( size_t branchIdx ) const
return m_pseudoLengthFlowPrBranch[branchIdx].depthValuesFromTop;
const std::vector<double>& RigAccWellFlowCalculator::trueVerticalDepth( size_t branchIdx ) const
return m_pseudoLengthFlowPrBranch[branchIdx].trueVerticalDepth;
const std::vector<double>& RigAccWellFlowCalculator::accumulatedTracerFlowPrPseudoLength( const QString& tracerName, size_t branchIdx ) const
auto flowPrTracerIt = m_pseudoLengthFlowPrBranch[branchIdx].accFlowPrTracer.find( tracerName );
if ( flowPrTracerIt != m_pseudoLengthFlowPrBranch[branchIdx].accFlowPrTracer.end() )
return flowPrTracerIt->second;
CVF_ASSERT( false );
static std::vector<double> dummy;
return dummy;
const std::vector<double>& RigAccWellFlowCalculator::tracerFlowPrPseudoLength( const QString& tracerName, size_t branchIdx ) const
auto flowPrTracerIt = m_pseudoLengthFlowPrBranch[branchIdx].flowPrTracer.find( tracerName );
if ( flowPrTracerIt != m_pseudoLengthFlowPrBranch[branchIdx].flowPrTracer.end() )
return flowPrTracerIt->second;
CVF_ASSERT( false );
static std::vector<double> dummy;
return dummy;
std::vector<std::pair<QString, double>> RigAccWellFlowCalculator::totalWellFlowPrTracer() const
std::vector<QString> tracerNames = this->tracerNames();
std::vector<std::pair<QString, double>> tracerWithValues;
for ( const QString& tracerName : tracerNames )
const std::vector<double>& accFlow = this->accumulatedTracerFlowPrConnection( tracerName, 0 );
tracerWithValues.push_back( std::make_pair( tracerName, accFlow.back() ) );
return tracerWithValues;
std::vector<std::pair<QString, double>> RigAccWellFlowCalculator::totalTracerFractions() const
std::vector<std::pair<QString, double>> totalFlows = totalWellFlowPrTracer();
float sumTracerFlows = 0.0f;
for ( const auto& tracerVal : totalFlows )
sumTracerFlows += tracerVal.second;
if ( sumTracerFlows == 0.0 ) totalFlows.clear();
for ( auto& tracerPair : totalFlows )
tracerPair.second = tracerPair.second / sumTracerFlows;
return totalFlows;
bool RigAccWellFlowCalculator::isWellFlowConsistent() const
bool isConsistent = true;
for ( const std::vector<RigWellResultPoint>& branch : m_pipeBranchesWellResultPoints )
for ( const RigWellResultPoint& wrp : branch )
isConsistent = isFlowRateConsistent( wrp.flowRate() );
if ( !isConsistent ) break;
if ( !isConsistent ) break;
return isConsistent;
std::vector<double> RigAccWellFlowCalculator::calculateAccumulatedFractions( const std::vector<double>& accumulatedFlowPrTracer ) const
double totalFlow = 0.0;
for ( double tracerFlow : accumulatedFlowPrTracer )
totalFlow += tracerFlow;
std::vector<double> flowFractionsPrTracer( accumulatedFlowPrTracer.size(), 0.0 );
if ( totalFlow == 0.0 || !isFlowRateConsistent( totalFlow ) ) // If we have no accumulated flow, we set all the flow
// associated to the last tracer, which is the reservoir
flowFractionsPrTracer.back() = 1.0;
return flowFractionsPrTracer;
for ( size_t tIdx = 0; tIdx < accumulatedFlowPrTracer.size(); ++tIdx )
double tracerFlow = accumulatedFlowPrTracer[tIdx];
flowFractionsPrTracer[tIdx] = tracerFlow / totalFlow;
return flowFractionsPrTracer;
bool RigAccWellFlowCalculator::isConnectionFlowConsistent( const RigWellResultPoint& wellCell ) const
if ( !m_tracerCellFractionValues ) return true; // No flow diagnostics.
return isFlowRateConsistent( wellCell.flowRate() );
bool RigAccWellFlowCalculator::isFlowRateConsistent( double flowRate ) const
if ( !m_tracerCellFractionValues ) return true; // No flow diagnostics.
return ( flowRate >= 0.0 && m_isProducer ) || ( flowRate <= 0.0 && !m_isProducer );
void RigAccWellFlowCalculator::calculateFlowData()
for ( size_t branchIndex = 0; branchIndex < m_connectionFlowPrBranch.size(); branchIndex++ )
const auto branch = m_connectionFlowPrBranch[branchIndex];
if ( branch.depthValuesFromTop.empty() )
calculateAccumulatedFlowPrConnection( branchIndex, 0 );
for ( size_t branchIndex = 0; branchIndex < m_pseudoLengthFlowPrBranch.size(); branchIndex++ )
const auto branch = m_pseudoLengthFlowPrBranch[branchIndex];
if ( branch.depthValuesFromTop.empty() )
calculateFlowPrPseudoLength( branchIndex, 0.0 );
void RigAccWellFlowCalculator::calculateAccumulatedFlowPrConnection( size_t branchIdx, size_t startConnectionNumberFromTop )
const std::vector<RigWellResultPoint>& branchCells = m_pipeBranchesWellResultPoints[branchIdx];
std::vector<size_t> resPointUniqueIndexFromBottom = wrpToUniqueWrpIndexFromBottom( branchCells );
size_t prevConnIndx = -1;
int clSegIdx = static_cast<int>( branchCells.size() ) - 1;
std::vector<double> accFlowPrTracer( m_tracerNames.size(), 0.0 );
while ( clSegIdx >= 0 )
// Skip point if referring to the same cell as the previous centerline segment did
if ( resPointUniqueIndexFromBottom[clSegIdx] == prevConnIndx )
prevConnIndx = resPointUniqueIndexFromBottom[clSegIdx];
// Accumulate the connection-cell's fraction flows
const RigWellResultPoint& wellCell = branchCells[clSegIdx];
std::vector<double> flowPrTracer = calculateWellCellFlowPrTracer( wellCell, accFlowPrTracer );
addDownStreamBranchFlow( &accFlowPrTracer, flowPrTracer );
if ( !isConnectionFlowConsistent( wellCell ) )
// Associate all the flow with the reservoir tracer for inconsistent flow direction
flowPrTracer = std::vector<double>( flowPrTracer.size(), 0.0 );
flowPrTracer.back() = wellCell.flowRate();
// Add the total accumulated (fraction) flows from any branches connected to this cell
size_t connNumFromTop = connectionIndexFromTop( resPointUniqueIndexFromBottom, clSegIdx ) + startConnectionNumberFromTop;
std::vector<size_t> downStreamBranchIndices = findDownStreamBranchIdxs( branchCells[clSegIdx] );
for ( size_t dsBidx : downStreamBranchIndices )
BranchFlow& downStreamBranchFlow = m_connectionFlowPrBranch[dsBidx];
if ( dsBidx != branchIdx && downStreamBranchFlow.depthValuesFromTop.size() == 0 ) // Not this branch or
// already calculated
calculateAccumulatedFlowPrConnection( dsBidx, connNumFromTop );
std::vector<double> accBranchFlowPrTracer = accumulatedDsBranchFlowPrTracer( downStreamBranchFlow );
addDownStreamBranchFlow( &accFlowPrTracer, accBranchFlowPrTracer );
if ( m_pipeBranchesWellResultPoints[dsBidx].size() <= 3 )
// Short branch. Will not be visible. Show branch flow as addition to this connections direct flow
addDownStreamBranchFlow( &flowPrTracer, accBranchFlowPrTracer );
// Push back the accumulated result into the storage
BranchFlow& branchFlow = m_connectionFlowPrBranch[branchIdx];
storeFlowOnDepth( &branchFlow, connNumFromTop, accFlowPrTracer, flowPrTracer );
void RigAccWellFlowCalculator::calculateFlowPrPseudoLength( size_t branchIdx, double startPseudoLengthFromTop )
const std::vector<RigWellResultPoint>& branchCells = m_pipeBranchesWellResultPoints[branchIdx];
const std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>& branchClPoints = m_pipeBranchesCLCoords[branchIdx];
const std::vector<double>& branchMDs = m_pipeBranchesMeasuredDepths[branchIdx];
int clSegIdx = static_cast<int>( branchCells.size() ) - 1;
std::vector<double> accFlowPrTracer( m_tracerNames.size(), 0.0 );
BranchFlow& branchFlow = m_pseudoLengthFlowPrBranch[branchIdx];
RigWellResultPoint previousResultPoint;
while ( clSegIdx >= 0 )
int cellBottomPointIndex = -1;
int cellUpperPointIndex = -1;
int currentSegmentIndex = -1;
// Find the complete cell span
cellBottomPointIndex = clSegIdx + 1;
previousResultPoint = branchCells[clSegIdx];
while ( clSegIdx >= 0 && previousResultPoint.isEqual( branchCells[clSegIdx] ) )
cellUpperPointIndex = clSegIdx + 1;
currentSegmentIndex = cellUpperPointIndex;
const RigWellResultPoint& wellCell = branchCells[currentSegmentIndex];
std::vector<double> flowPrTracerToAccumulate = calculateWellCellFlowPrTracer( wellCell, accFlowPrTracer );
double pseudoLengthFromTop_lower = branchMDs[cellBottomPointIndex] + startPseudoLengthFromTop;
double tvd_lower = -branchClPoints[cellBottomPointIndex][2];
// Push back the new start-of-cell flow, with the previously accumulated result into the storage
std::vector<double> flowPrTracer;
if ( !isConnectionFlowConsistent( wellCell ) )
// Associate all the flow with the reservoir tracer for inconsistent flow direction
flowPrTracer = std::vector<double>( flowPrTracerToAccumulate.size(), 0.0 );
flowPrTracer.back() = wellCell.flowRate();
flowPrTracer = flowPrTracerToAccumulate;
storeFlowOnDepthWTvd( &branchFlow, pseudoLengthFromTop_lower, tvd_lower, accFlowPrTracer, flowPrTracer );
// Accumulate the connection-cell's fraction flows
addDownStreamBranchFlow( &accFlowPrTracer, flowPrTracerToAccumulate );
double pseudoLengthFromTop_upper = branchMDs[cellUpperPointIndex] + startPseudoLengthFromTop;
double tvd_upper = -branchClPoints[cellUpperPointIndex][2];
// Push back the accumulated result into the storage
storeFlowOnDepthWTvd( &branchFlow, pseudoLengthFromTop_upper, tvd_upper, accFlowPrTracer, flowPrTracer );
// Add the total accumulated (fraction) flows from any branches connected to this cell
std::vector<size_t> downStreamBranchIndices = findDownStreamBranchIdxs( branchCells[cellUpperPointIndex] );
for ( size_t dsBidx : downStreamBranchIndices )
BranchFlow& downStreamBranchFlow = m_pseudoLengthFlowPrBranch[dsBidx];
if ( dsBidx != branchIdx && downStreamBranchFlow.depthValuesFromTop.size() == 0 ) // Not this branch or
// already calculated
calculateFlowPrPseudoLength( dsBidx, pseudoLengthFromTop_upper );
std::vector<double> accBranchFlowPrTracer = accumulatedDsBranchFlowPrTracer( downStreamBranchFlow );
addDownStreamBranchFlow( &accFlowPrTracer, accBranchFlowPrTracer );
if ( m_pipeBranchesWellResultPoints[dsBidx].size() <= 3 )
// Short branch. Will not be visible. Show branch flow as addition to this connections direct flow
addDownStreamBranchFlow( &flowPrTracer, accBranchFlowPrTracer );
// Push back the accumulated result after adding the branch result into the storage
if ( downStreamBranchIndices.size() )
storeFlowOnDepthWTvd( &branchFlow, pseudoLengthFromTop_upper, tvd_upper, accFlowPrTracer, flowPrTracer );
void RigAccWellFlowCalculator::addDownStreamBranchFlow( std::vector<double>* accFlowPrTracer,
const std::vector<double>& accBranchFlowPrTracer ) const
double totalThisBranchFlow = 0.0;
for ( double tracerFlow : *accFlowPrTracer )
totalThisBranchFlow += tracerFlow;
double totalDsBranchFlow = 0.0;
for ( double tracerFlow : accBranchFlowPrTracer )
totalDsBranchFlow += tracerFlow;
bool isAccumulationConsistent = isFlowRateConsistent( totalThisBranchFlow ); // If inconsistent, is it always only
// the Reservoir tracer that has the
// flow ?
bool isBranchConsistent = isFlowRateConsistent( totalDsBranchFlow );
if ( isAccumulationConsistent == isBranchConsistent )
for ( size_t tracerIdx = 0; tracerIdx < ( *accFlowPrTracer ).size(); ++tracerIdx )
( *accFlowPrTracer )[tracerIdx] += accBranchFlowPrTracer[tracerIdx];
double totalAccFlow = totalThisBranchFlow + totalDsBranchFlow;
if ( !isFlowRateConsistent( totalAccFlow ) )
// Reset the accumulated values, as everything must be moved to the "Reservoir" tracer.
for ( double& val : ( *accFlowPrTracer ) )
val = 0.0;
// Put all flow into the Reservoir tracer
accFlowPrTracer->back() = totalThisBranchFlow + totalDsBranchFlow;
// We will end up with a consistent accumulated flow, and need to keep the accumulated distribution in this branch
// or to use the ds branch distribution
std::vector<double> accFractionsPrTracer;
if ( !isAccumulationConsistent && isBranchConsistent )
accFractionsPrTracer = calculateAccumulatedFractions( accBranchFlowPrTracer );
else if ( isAccumulationConsistent && !isBranchConsistent )
accFractionsPrTracer = calculateAccumulatedFractions( *accFlowPrTracer );
// Set the accumulated values to the totalFlow times the tracer fraction selected.
for ( size_t tIdx = 0; tIdx < accFlowPrTracer->size(); ++tIdx )
( *accFlowPrTracer )[tIdx] = accFractionsPrTracer[tIdx] * ( totalAccFlow );
void RigAccWellFlowCalculator::storeFlowOnDepth( BranchFlow* branchFlow,
double depthValue,
const std::vector<double>& accFlowPrTracer,
const std::vector<double>& flowPrTracer )
size_t tracerIdx = 0;
for ( const auto& tracerName : m_tracerNames )
branchFlow->accFlowPrTracer[tracerName].push_back( accFlowPrTracer[tracerIdx] );
branchFlow->flowPrTracer[tracerName].push_back( flowPrTracer[tracerIdx] );
branchFlow->depthValuesFromTop.push_back( depthValue );
void RigAccWellFlowCalculator::storeFlowOnDepthWTvd( BranchFlow* branchFlow,
double depthValue,
double trueVerticalDepth,
const std::vector<double>& accFlowPrTracer,
const std::vector<double>& flowPrTracer )
size_t tracerIdx = 0;
for ( const auto& tracerName : m_tracerNames )
branchFlow->accFlowPrTracer[tracerName].push_back( accFlowPrTracer[tracerIdx] );
branchFlow->flowPrTracer[tracerName].push_back( flowPrTracer[tracerIdx] );
branchFlow->depthValuesFromTop.push_back( depthValue );
branchFlow->trueVerticalDepth.push_back( trueVerticalDepth );
std::vector<double> RigAccWellFlowCalculator::accumulatedDsBranchFlowPrTracer( const BranchFlow& downStreamBranchFlow ) const
std::vector<double> accBranchFlowPrTracer( m_tracerNames.size(), 0.0 );
size_t tracerIdx = 0;
for ( const auto& tracerName : m_tracerNames )
const auto trNameAccFlowsPair = downStreamBranchFlow.accFlowPrTracer.find( tracerName );
if ( trNameAccFlowsPair != downStreamBranchFlow.accFlowPrTracer.end() )
accBranchFlowPrTracer[tracerIdx] = trNameAccFlowsPair->second.back();
return accBranchFlowPrTracer;
/// Calculate the flow pr tracer. If inconsistent flow, keep the existing fractions constant
std::vector<double> RigAccWellFlowCalculator::calculateWellCellFlowPrTracer( const RigWellResultPoint& wellCell,
const std::vector<double>& currentAccumulatedFlowPrTracer ) const
std::vector<double> flowPrTracer( m_tracerNames.size(), 0.0 );
if ( !isConnectionFlowConsistent( wellCell ) )
double flowRate = wellCell.flowRate();
flowPrTracer = calculateAccumulatedFractions( currentAccumulatedFlowPrTracer );
for ( double& accFraction : flowPrTracer )
accFraction *= flowRate;
return flowPrTracer;
if ( m_tracerCellFractionValues )
if ( wellCell.isCell() && wellCell.isOpen() )
size_t resCellIndex = m_cellIndexCalculator.resultCellIndex( wellCell.gridIndex(), wellCell.cellIndex() );
size_t tracerIdx = 0;
double totalTracerFractionInCell = 0.0;
for ( const auto& tracerFractionValsPair : ( *m_tracerCellFractionValues ) )
const std::vector<double>* fractionVals = tracerFractionValsPair.second;
if ( fractionVals )
double cellTracerFraction = ( *fractionVals )[resCellIndex];
if ( cellTracerFraction != HUGE_VAL && cellTracerFraction == cellTracerFraction )
double tracerFlow = cellTracerFraction * wellCell.flowRate();
flowPrTracer[tracerIdx] = tracerFlow;
totalTracerFractionInCell += cellTracerFraction;
double reservoirFraction = 1.0 - totalTracerFractionInCell;
double reservoirTracerFlow = reservoirFraction * wellCell.flowRate();
flowPrTracer[tracerIdx] = reservoirTracerFlow;
if ( !m_useTotalWellPhaseRateOnly )
flowPrTracer[0] = wellCell.oilRate();
flowPrTracer[1] = wellCell.gasRate();
flowPrTracer[2] = wellCell.waterRate();
flowPrTracer[0] = wellCell.flowRate();
return flowPrTracer;
std::vector<size_t> RigAccWellFlowCalculator::wrpToUniqueWrpIndexFromBottom( const std::vector<RigWellResultPoint>& branchCells ) const
std::vector<size_t> resPointToConnectionIndexFromBottom;
resPointToConnectionIndexFromBottom.resize( branchCells.size(), -1 );
size_t connIdxFromBottom = 0;
int clSegIdx = static_cast<int>( branchCells.size() ) - 1;
if ( clSegIdx < 0 ) return resPointToConnectionIndexFromBottom;
size_t prevGridIdx = branchCells[clSegIdx].gridIndex();
size_t prevGridCellIdx = branchCells[clSegIdx].cellIndex();
int prevErtSegId = branchCells[clSegIdx].segmentId();
int prevErtBranchId = branchCells[clSegIdx].branchId();
while ( clSegIdx >= 0 )
if ( branchCells[clSegIdx].isValid() &&
( branchCells[clSegIdx].gridIndex() != prevGridIdx || branchCells[clSegIdx].cellIndex() != prevGridCellIdx ||
branchCells[clSegIdx].segmentId() != prevErtSegId || branchCells[clSegIdx].branchId() != prevErtBranchId ) )
prevGridIdx = branchCells[clSegIdx].gridIndex();
prevGridCellIdx = branchCells[clSegIdx].cellIndex();
prevErtSegId = branchCells[clSegIdx].segmentId();
prevErtBranchId = branchCells[clSegIdx].branchId();
resPointToConnectionIndexFromBottom[clSegIdx] = connIdxFromBottom;
return resPointToConnectionIndexFromBottom;
size_t RigAccWellFlowCalculator::connectionIndexFromTop( const std::vector<size_t>& resPointToConnectionIndexFromBottom, size_t clSegIdx )
return resPointToConnectionIndexFromBottom.front() - resPointToConnectionIndexFromBottom[clSegIdx];
std::vector<size_t> RigAccWellFlowCalculator::findDownStreamBranchIdxs( const RigWellResultPoint& connectionPoint ) const
std::vector<size_t> downStreamBranchIdxs;
for ( size_t bIdx = 0; bIdx < m_pipeBranchesWellResultPoints.size(); ++bIdx )
if ( m_pipeBranchesWellResultPoints[bIdx][0].gridIndex() == connectionPoint.gridIndex() &&
m_pipeBranchesWellResultPoints[bIdx][0].cellIndex() == connectionPoint.cellIndex() &&
m_pipeBranchesWellResultPoints[bIdx][0].branchId() == connectionPoint.branchId() &&
m_pipeBranchesWellResultPoints[bIdx][0].segmentId() == connectionPoint.segmentId() )
downStreamBranchIdxs.push_back( bIdx );
return downStreamBranchIdxs;
void RigAccWellFlowCalculator::sortTracers()
std::multimap<double, QString> sortedTracers;
for ( const QString& tracerName : m_tracerNames )
const std::vector<double>& mainBranchAccFlow = accumulatedTracerFlowPrConnection( tracerName, 0 );
double totalFlow = 0.0;
if ( mainBranchAccFlow.size() ) totalFlow = -fabs( mainBranchAccFlow.back() ); // Based on size in reverse order (biggest to least)
sortedTracers.insert( { totalFlow, tracerName } );
for ( const auto& tracerPair : sortedTracers )
m_tracerNames.push_back( tracerPair.second );
/// Concatenate small tracers into an "Other" group
void RigAccWellFlowCalculator::groupSmallContributions()
if ( !( m_smallContributionsThreshold > 0.0 ) ) return;
// Find the tracers we need to group
std::vector<QString> tracersToGroup;
bool hasConsistentWellFlow = isWellFlowConsistent();
std::vector<std::pair<QString, double>> totalTracerFractions = this->totalTracerFractions();
for ( const auto& tracerPair : totalTracerFractions )
if ( fabs( tracerPair.second ) <= m_smallContributionsThreshold &&
( hasConsistentWellFlow || tracerPair.first != RIG_RESERVOIR_TRACER_NAME ) ) // Do not group the
// Reservoir tracer if the
// well flow is
// inconsistent, because
// cross flow is shown as
// the reservoir fraction
tracersToGroup.push_back( tracerPair.first );
if ( tracersToGroup.size() < 2 ) return; // Must at least group two ...
// Concatenate the values for each branch, erasing the tracers being grouped, replaced with the concatenated values
for ( BranchFlow& brRes : m_connectionFlowPrBranch )
groupSmallTracers( &brRes.accFlowPrTracer, tracersToGroup );
groupSmallTracers( &brRes.flowPrTracer, tracersToGroup );
for ( BranchFlow& brRes : m_pseudoLengthFlowPrBranch )
groupSmallTracers( &brRes.accFlowPrTracer, tracersToGroup );
groupSmallTracers( &brRes.flowPrTracer, tracersToGroup );
// Remove the grouped tracer names from the tracerName list, and replace with the "Others" name
std::vector<QString> filteredTracernames;
for ( const QString& tracerName : m_tracerNames )
bool isDeleted = false;
for ( const QString& deletedTracerName : tracersToGroup )
if ( tracerName == deletedTracerName )
isDeleted = true;
if ( !isDeleted ) filteredTracernames.push_back( tracerName );
m_tracerNames.swap( filteredTracernames );
m_tracerNames.push_back( RIG_TINY_TRACER_GROUP_NAME );
void RigAccWellFlowCalculator::groupSmallTracers( std::map<QString, std::vector<double>>* branchFlowSet,
const std::vector<QString>& tracersToGroup )
if ( branchFlowSet->empty() ) return;
size_t depthCount = branchFlowSet->begin()->second.size();
std::vector<double> groupedAccFlowValues( depthCount, 0.0 );
for ( const QString& tracername : tracersToGroup )
auto it = branchFlowSet->find( tracername );
if ( it != branchFlowSet->end() )
const std::vector<double>& tracerVals = it->second;
for ( size_t cIdx = 0; cIdx < groupedAccFlowValues.size(); ++cIdx )
groupedAccFlowValues[cIdx] += tracerVals[cIdx];
branchFlowSet->erase( it );
( *branchFlowSet )[RIG_TINY_TRACER_GROUP_NAME] = groupedAccFlowValues;