jonjenssen a7775214c8
Rewrite of cell filters. Added new polyline filter and user defined filter types. (#7191)
Make 3d view picker more generic to enable picking cell filter polygon

Give cell filters a new, generic interface for updating included/excluded cells from collection

Remove old range filter collection and replace with new filter collection that supports both range filters, polyline filters and user defined filters.

Update existing range filter code for the new collection and interface

Add user defined cell filter type

Add polyline cell filter type

Implement both Z and K index depth for polyline filters
Allow interactive editing of polyline filter node positions.
Support both geomech and eclipse views
Support view linking with both eclipse and geomech views and the new filter types

Support loading old project files with range filter collections into the new collection type

Adjust to new world order.
2021-01-11 18:47:09 +01:00

845 lines
35 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2017 Statoil ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <>
// for more details.
#include "RigCellGeometryTools.h"
#include "cvfGeometryTools.h"
#include "cvfStructGrid.h"
#include "cafHexGridIntersectionTools/cafHexGridIntersectionTools.h"
#include "cvfBoundingBox.h"
#include "cvfMatrix3.h"
#include "clipper/clipper.hpp"
#include "cvfMath.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <vector>
/// Efficient Computation of Volume of Hexahedral Cells
/// Jeffrey Grandy, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
/// Note that in the paper the following vertex numbering is used
/// 6---------7
/// /| /| |k
/// / | / | | /j
/// 4---------5 | |/
/// | 2------|--3 *---i
/// | / | /
/// |/ |/
/// 0---------1
/// While in ResInsight, this is the numbering. Thus we need to swap 2<->3, 6<->7 in the equations.
/// Note the negative k! This causes an additional set of 0<->4, 1<->5, etc. index swaps.
/// 7---------6
/// /| /| |-k
/// / | / | | /j
/// 4---------5 | |/
/// | 3------|--2 *---i
/// | / | /
/// |/ |/
/// 0---------1
double RigCellGeometryTools::calculateCellVolume( const std::array<cvf::Vec3d, 8>& x )
// 6 * 3 flops = 18 flops
// Perform index swap when retrieving corners but keep indices in variable names matching paper.
cvf::Vec3d x3mx0 = x[6] - x[4]; // Swap 3->2, then negate z by 2->6 and 0->4
cvf::Vec3d x5mx0 = x[1] - x[4]; // Negate z by Swap 5->1 and 0->4
cvf::Vec3d x6mx0 = x[3] - x[4]; // Swap 6->7, then negate z by 7->3 and 0->4
cvf::Vec3d x7mx1 = x[2] - x[5]; // Swap 7->6, then negate z by 6->2 and 1->5
cvf::Vec3d x7mx2 = x[2] - x[7]; // Swap 7->6, 2->3, then negate z by 6->2 and 3->7
cvf::Vec3d x7mx4 = x[2] - x[0]; // Swap 7->6 then negate z by 6->2 and 4->0
// 3 flops for summation + 5 for dot product + 9 flops for cross product = 17 flops
double det1 = ( x7mx1 + x6mx0 ) * ( x7mx2 ^ x3mx0 );
// 3 flops for summation + 5 for dot product + 9 flops for cross product = 17 flops
double det2 = x6mx0 * ( ( x7mx2 + x5mx0 ) ^ x7mx4 );
// 3 flops for summation + 5 for dot product + 9 flops for cross product = 17 flops
double det3 = x7mx1 * ( x5mx0 ^ ( x7mx4 + x3mx0 ) );
// 2 flops for summation + 1 for division = 3 flops
double volume = ( det1 + det2 + det3 ) / 12.0;
// In order for this to work in any rotation of the cell, we need the absolute value. 1 flop.
return std::abs( volume ); // Altogether 18 + 3*17 + 3 + 1 flops = 73 flops.
/// A reasonable approximation to the overlap volume
bool RigCellGeometryTools::estimateHexOverlapWithBoundingBox( const std::array<cvf::Vec3d, 8>& hexCorners,
const cvf::BoundingBox& boundingBox,
std::array<cvf::Vec3d, 8>* overlapElement,
cvf::BoundingBox* overlapBoundingBox )
CVF_ASSERT( overlapElement && overlapBoundingBox );
*overlapBoundingBox = cvf::BoundingBox();
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> uniqueTopPoints = { hexCorners[0], hexCorners[1], hexCorners[2], hexCorners[3] };
auto uniqueTopEnd = std::unique( uniqueTopPoints.begin(), uniqueTopPoints.end() );
if ( uniqueTopEnd - uniqueTopPoints.begin() < 3u ) return false;
cvf::Plane topPlane;
if ( !topPlane.setFromPoints( uniqueTopPoints[0], uniqueTopPoints[1], uniqueTopPoints[2] ) ) return false;
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> uniqueBottomPoints = { hexCorners[4], hexCorners[5], hexCorners[6], hexCorners[7] };
auto uniqueBottomEnd = std::unique( uniqueBottomPoints.begin(), uniqueBottomPoints.end() );
if ( uniqueBottomEnd - uniqueBottomPoints.begin() < 3u ) return false;
cvf::Plane bottomPlane;
if ( !bottomPlane.setFromPoints( uniqueBottomPoints[0], uniqueBottomPoints[1], uniqueBottomPoints[2] ) )
return false;
const cvf::Vec3d& boundingMin = boundingBox.min();
const cvf::Vec3d& boundingMax = boundingBox.max();
for ( size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i )
const cvf::Vec3d& hexCorner = hexCorners[i];
double x = cvf::Math::clamp( hexCorner.x(), boundingMin.x(), boundingMax.x() );
double y = cvf::Math::clamp( hexCorner.y(), boundingMin.y(), boundingMax.y() );
cvf::Vec3d corner;
cvf::Vec3d maxZCorner( x, y, boundingMax.z() );
cvf::Vec3d minZCorner( x, y, boundingMin.z() );
if ( topPlane.intersect( minZCorner, maxZCorner, &corner ) )
overlapBoundingBox->add( corner );
std::swap( ( *overlapElement )[i], corner );
double z = cvf::Math::clamp( hexCorner.z(), boundingMin.z(), boundingMax.z() );
cvf::Vec3d clampedCorner( x, y, z );
overlapBoundingBox->add( clampedCorner );
( *overlapElement )[i] = clampedCorner;
for ( size_t i = 4; i < 8; ++i )
const cvf::Vec3d& hexCorner = hexCorners[i];
double x = cvf::Math::clamp( hexCorner.x(), boundingMin.x(), boundingMax.x() );
double y = cvf::Math::clamp( hexCorner.y(), boundingMin.y(), boundingMax.y() );
cvf::Vec3d corner;
cvf::Vec3d maxZCorner( x, y, boundingMax.z() );
cvf::Vec3d minZCorner( x, y, boundingMin.z() );
if ( bottomPlane.intersect( minZCorner, maxZCorner, &corner ) )
overlapBoundingBox->add( corner );
std::swap( ( *overlapElement )[i], corner );
double z = cvf::Math::clamp( hexCorner.z(), boundingMin.z(), boundingMax.z() );
cvf::Vec3d clampedCorner( x, y, z );
overlapBoundingBox->add( clampedCorner );
( *overlapElement )[i] = clampedCorner;
return true;
void RigCellGeometryTools::createPolygonFromLineSegments( std::list<std::pair<cvf::Vec3d, cvf::Vec3d>>& intersectionLineSegments,
std::vector<std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>>& polygons,
double tolerance )
bool startNewPolygon = true;
while ( !intersectionLineSegments.empty() )
if ( startNewPolygon )
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> polygon;
// Add first line segments to polygon and remove from list
std::pair<cvf::Vec3d, cvf::Vec3d> linesegment = intersectionLineSegments.front();
polygon.push_back( linesegment.first );
polygon.push_back( linesegment.second );
intersectionLineSegments.remove( linesegment );
polygons.push_back( polygon );
startNewPolygon = false;
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>& polygon = polygons.back();
// Search remaining list for next point...
bool isFound = false;
for ( std::list<std::pair<cvf::Vec3d, cvf::Vec3d>>::iterator lIt = intersectionLineSegments.begin();
lIt != intersectionLineSegments.end();
lIt++ )
cvf::Vec3d lineSegmentStart = lIt->first;
cvf::Vec3d lineSegmentEnd = lIt->second;
cvf::Vec3d polygonEnd = polygon.back();
double lineSegmentLength = ( lineSegmentStart - lineSegmentEnd ).lengthSquared();
if ( lineSegmentLength < tolerance * tolerance )
intersectionLineSegments.erase( lIt );
isFound = true;
double lineSegmentStartDiff = ( lineSegmentStart - polygonEnd ).lengthSquared();
if ( lineSegmentStartDiff < tolerance * tolerance )
polygon.push_back( lIt->second );
intersectionLineSegments.erase( lIt );
isFound = true;
double lineSegmentEndDiff = ( lineSegmentEnd - polygonEnd ).lengthSquared();
if ( lineSegmentEndDiff < tolerance * tolerance )
polygon.push_back( lIt->first );
intersectionLineSegments.erase( lIt );
isFound = true;
if ( isFound )
startNewPolygon = true;
/// Ramer-Douglas-Peucker simplification algorithm
void RigCellGeometryTools::simplifyPolygon( std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>* vertices, double epsilon )
CVF_ASSERT( vertices );
if ( vertices->size() < 3 ) return;
std::pair<size_t, double> maxDistPoint( 0u, 0.0 );
for ( size_t i = 1; i < vertices->size() - 1; ++i )
cvf::Vec3d v = vertices->at( i );
double u;
cvf::Vec3d v_proj = cvf::GeometryTools::projectPointOnLine( vertices->front(), vertices->back(), v, &u );
double distance = ( v_proj - v ).length();
if ( distance > maxDistPoint.second )
maxDistPoint = std::make_pair( i, distance );
if ( maxDistPoint.second > epsilon )
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> newVertices1( vertices->begin(), vertices->begin() + maxDistPoint.first + 1 );
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> newVertices2( vertices->begin() + maxDistPoint.first, vertices->end() );
// Recurse
simplifyPolygon( &newVertices1, epsilon );
simplifyPolygon( &newVertices2, epsilon );
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> newVertices( newVertices1.begin(), newVertices1.end() - 1 );
newVertices.insert( newVertices.end(), newVertices2.begin(), newVertices2.end() );
*vertices = newVertices;
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> newVertices = { vertices->front(), vertices->back() };
*vertices = newVertices;
void RigCellGeometryTools::findCellLocalXYZ( const std::array<cvf::Vec3d, 8>& hexCorners,
cvf::Vec3d& localXdirection,
cvf::Vec3d& localYdirection,
cvf::Vec3d& localZdirection )
cvf::ubyte faceVertexIndices[4];
cvf::StructGridInterface::FaceEnum face;
face = cvf::StructGridInterface::NEG_I;
cvf::StructGridInterface::cellFaceVertexIndices( face, faceVertexIndices );
cvf::Vec3d faceCenterNegI = cvf::GeometryTools::computeFaceCenter( hexCorners[faceVertexIndices[0]],
hexCorners[faceVertexIndices[3]] );
// TODO: Should we use face centroids instead of face centers?
face = cvf::StructGridInterface::POS_I;
cvf::StructGridInterface::cellFaceVertexIndices( face, faceVertexIndices );
cvf::Vec3d faceCenterPosI = cvf::GeometryTools::computeFaceCenter( hexCorners[faceVertexIndices[0]],
hexCorners[faceVertexIndices[3]] );
face = cvf::StructGridInterface::NEG_J;
cvf::StructGridInterface::cellFaceVertexIndices( face, faceVertexIndices );
cvf::Vec3d faceCenterNegJ = cvf::GeometryTools::computeFaceCenter( hexCorners[faceVertexIndices[0]],
hexCorners[faceVertexIndices[3]] );
face = cvf::StructGridInterface::POS_J;
cvf::StructGridInterface::cellFaceVertexIndices( face, faceVertexIndices );
cvf::Vec3d faceCenterPosJ = cvf::GeometryTools::computeFaceCenter( hexCorners[faceVertexIndices[0]],
hexCorners[faceVertexIndices[3]] );
cvf::Vec3d faceCenterCenterVectorI = faceCenterPosI - faceCenterNegI;
cvf::Vec3d faceCenterCenterVectorJ = faceCenterPosJ - faceCenterNegJ;
localZdirection.cross( faceCenterCenterVectorI, faceCenterCenterVectorJ );
cvf::Vec3d crossPoductJZ;
crossPoductJZ.cross( faceCenterCenterVectorJ, localZdirection );
localXdirection = faceCenterCenterVectorI + crossPoductJZ;
cvf::Vec3d crossPoductIZ;
crossPoductIZ.cross( faceCenterCenterVectorI, localZdirection );
localYdirection = faceCenterCenterVectorJ - crossPoductIZ;
// TODO: Check if we end up with 0-vectors, and handle this case...
double RigCellGeometryTools::polygonLengthInLocalXdirWeightedByArea( const std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>& polygonToCalcLengthOf )
// Find bounding box
cvf::BoundingBox polygonBBox;
for ( cvf::Vec3d nodeCoord : polygonToCalcLengthOf )
polygonBBox.add( nodeCoord );
cvf::Vec3d bboxCorners[8];
polygonBBox.cornerVertices( bboxCorners );
// Split bounding box in multiple polygons (2D)
int resolutionOfLengthCalc = 20;
double widthOfPolygon = polygonBBox.extent().y() / resolutionOfLengthCalc;
std::vector<double> areasOfPolygonContributions;
std::vector<double> lengthOfPolygonContributions;
cvf::Vec3d directionOfLength( 1, 0, 0 );
for ( int i = 0; i < resolutionOfLengthCalc; i++ )
cvf::Vec3d pointOnLine1( bboxCorners[0].x(), bboxCorners[0].y() + i * widthOfPolygon, 0 );
cvf::Vec3d pointOnLine2( bboxCorners[0].x(), bboxCorners[0].y() + ( i + 1 ) * widthOfPolygon, 0 );
std::pair<cvf::Vec3d, cvf::Vec3d> line1 = getLineThroughBoundingBox( directionOfLength, polygonBBox, pointOnLine1 );
std::pair<cvf::Vec3d, cvf::Vec3d> line2 = getLineThroughBoundingBox( directionOfLength, polygonBBox, pointOnLine2 );
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> polygon;
polygon.push_back( line1.first );
polygon.push_back( line1.second );
polygon.push_back( line2.second );
polygon.push_back( line2.first );
// Use clipper to find overlap between bbpolygon and fracture
std::vector<std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>> clippedPolygons = intersectionWithPolygon( polygonToCalcLengthOf, polygon );
double area = 0;
double length = 0;
cvf::Vec3d areaVector = cvf::Vec3d::ZERO;
// Calculate length (max-min) and area
for ( std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> clippedPolygon : clippedPolygons )
areaVector = cvf::GeometryTools::polygonAreaNormal3D( clippedPolygon );
area += areaVector.length();
length += ( getLengthOfPolygonAlongLine( line1, clippedPolygon ) +
getLengthOfPolygonAlongLine( line2, clippedPolygon ) ) /
areasOfPolygonContributions.push_back( area );
lengthOfPolygonContributions.push_back( length );
// Calculate area-weighted length average.
double totalArea = 0.0;
double totalAreaXlength = 0.0;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < areasOfPolygonContributions.size(); i++ )
totalArea += areasOfPolygonContributions[i];
totalAreaXlength += ( areasOfPolygonContributions[i] * lengthOfPolygonContributions[i] );
double areaWeightedLength = totalAreaXlength / totalArea;
return areaWeightedLength;
double clipperConversionFactor = 10000; // For transform to clipper int
ClipperLib::IntPoint toClipperPoint( const cvf::Vec3d& cvfPoint )
int xInt = cvfPoint.x() * clipperConversionFactor;
int yInt = cvfPoint.y() * clipperConversionFactor;
int zInt = cvfPoint.z() * clipperConversionFactor;
return ClipperLib::IntPoint( xInt, yInt, zInt );
cvf::Vec3d fromClipperPoint( const ClipperLib::IntPoint& clipPoint )
double zDValue;
if ( clipPoint.Z == std::numeric_limits<int>::max() )
zDValue = HUGE_VAL;
zDValue = clipPoint.Z;
return cvf::Vec3d( clipPoint.X, clipPoint.Y, zDValue ) / clipperConversionFactor;
RigCellGeometryTools::intersectionWithPolygons( const std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>& polygon1,
const std::vector<std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>>& polygonToIntersectWith )
std::vector<std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>> clippedPolygons;
// Convert to int for clipper library and store as clipper "path"
ClipperLib::Clipper clpr;
ClipperLib::Path polygon1path;
for ( const cvf::Vec3d& v : polygon1 )
polygon1path.push_back( toClipperPoint( v ) );
clpr.AddPath( polygon1path, ClipperLib::ptSubject, true );
for ( const auto& path : polygonToIntersectWith )
ClipperLib::Path polygon2path;
for ( const auto& v : path )
polygon2path.push_back( toClipperPoint( v ) );
clpr.AddPath( polygon2path, ClipperLib::ptClip, true );
ClipperLib::Paths solution;
clpr.Execute( ClipperLib::ctIntersection, solution, ClipperLib::pftEvenOdd, ClipperLib::pftEvenOdd );
// Convert back to std::vector<std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> >
for ( ClipperLib::Path pathInSol : solution )
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> clippedPolygon;
for ( ClipperLib::IntPoint IntPosition : pathInSol )
clippedPolygon.push_back( fromClipperPoint( IntPosition ) );
clippedPolygons.push_back( clippedPolygon );
return clippedPolygons;
RigCellGeometryTools::intersectionWithPolygon( const std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>& polygon1,
const std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>& polygon2 )
return intersectionWithPolygons( polygon1, { polygon2 } );
RigCellGeometryTools::subtractPolygons( const std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>& sourcePolygon,
const std::vector<std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>>& polygonsToSubtract )
ClipperLib::Clipper clpr;
// Convert to int for clipper library and store as clipper "path"
ClipperLib::Path polygon1path;
for ( const auto& v : sourcePolygon )
polygon1path.push_back( toClipperPoint( v ) );
clpr.AddPath( polygon1path, ClipperLib::ptSubject, true );
for ( const auto& path : polygonsToSubtract )
ClipperLib::Path polygon2path;
for ( const auto& v : path )
polygon2path.push_back( toClipperPoint( v ) );
clpr.AddPath( polygon2path, ClipperLib::ptClip, true );
ClipperLib::Paths solution;
clpr.Execute( ClipperLib::ctDifference, solution, ClipperLib::pftEvenOdd, ClipperLib::pftEvenOdd );
std::vector<std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>> clippedPolygons;
// Convert back to std::vector<std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> >
for ( ClipperLib::Path pathInSol : solution )
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> clippedPolygon;
for ( ClipperLib::IntPoint IntPosition : pathInSol )
clippedPolygon.push_back( fromClipperPoint( IntPosition ) );
clippedPolygons.push_back( clippedPolygon );
return clippedPolygons;
std::vector<std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>> RigCellGeometryTools::subtractPolygon( const std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>& sourcePolygon,
const std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>& polygonToSubtract )
return subtractPolygons( sourcePolygon, { polygonToSubtract } );
/// Note for cppcheck : First four parameter cannot be const to match the signature of the receiver
void fillInterpolatedSubjectZ( ClipperLib::IntPoint& e1bot,
ClipperLib::IntPoint& e1top,
ClipperLib::IntPoint& e2bot,
ClipperLib::IntPoint& e2top,
ClipperLib::IntPoint& pt )
ClipperLib::IntPoint ePLbot;
ClipperLib::IntPoint ePLtop;
if ( e1top.Z == std::numeric_limits<int>::max() )
ePLtop = e2top;
ePLbot = e2bot;
ePLtop = e1top;
ePLbot = e1bot;
double ePLXRange = ( ePLtop.X - ePLbot.X );
double ePLYRange = ( ePLtop.Y - ePLbot.Y );
double ePLLength = sqrt( ePLXRange * ePLXRange + ePLYRange * ePLYRange );
if ( ePLLength <= 1 )
pt.Z = ePLbot.Z;
double ePLBotPtXRange = pt.X - ePLbot.X;
double ePLBotPtYRange = pt.Y - ePLbot.Y;
double ePLBotPtLength = sqrt( ePLBotPtXRange * ePLBotPtXRange + ePLBotPtYRange * ePLBotPtYRange );
double fraction = ePLBotPtLength / ePLLength;
pt.Z = std::nearbyint( ePLbot.Z + fraction * ( ePLtop.Z - ePLbot.Z ) );
void fillUndefinedZ( ClipperLib::IntPoint& e1bot,
ClipperLib::IntPoint& e1top,
ClipperLib::IntPoint& e2bot,
ClipperLib::IntPoint& e2top,
ClipperLib::IntPoint& pt )
pt.Z = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
/// Assumes x.y plane polygon. Polyline might have a Z, and the returned Z is the polyline Z, interpolated if it is
/// clipped.
std::vector<std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>> RigCellGeometryTools::clipPolylineByPolygon( const std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>& polyLine,
const std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>& polygon,
ZInterpolationType interpolType )
std::vector<std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>> clippedPolyline;
// Adjusting polygon to avoid clipper issue with interpolating z-values when lines crosses though polygon vertecies
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> adjustedPolygon = ajustPolygonToAvoidIntersectionsAtVertex( polyLine, polygon );
// Convert to int for clipper library and store as clipper "path"
ClipperLib::Path polyLinePath;
for ( const cvf::Vec3d& v : polyLine )
polyLinePath.push_back( toClipperPoint( v ) );
ClipperLib::Path polygonPath;
for ( const cvf::Vec3d& v : adjustedPolygon )
ClipperLib::IntPoint intp = toClipperPoint( v );
intp.Z = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
polygonPath.push_back( intp );
ClipperLib::Clipper clpr;
clpr.AddPath( polyLinePath, ClipperLib::ptSubject, false );
clpr.AddPath( polygonPath, ClipperLib::ptClip, true );
if ( interpolType == INTERPOLATE_LINE_Z )
clpr.ZFillFunction( &fillInterpolatedSubjectZ );
else if ( interpolType == USE_HUGEVAL )
clpr.ZFillFunction( &fillUndefinedZ );
ClipperLib::PolyTree solution;
clpr.Execute( ClipperLib::ctIntersection, solution, ClipperLib::pftEvenOdd, ClipperLib::pftEvenOdd );
// We only expect open paths from this method (unless the polyline is self intersecting, a condition we do not handle)
ClipperLib::Paths solutionPaths;
ClipperLib::OpenPathsFromPolyTree( solution, solutionPaths );
// Convert back to std::vector<std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> >
for ( ClipperLib::Path pathInSol : solutionPaths )
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> clippedPolygon;
for ( ClipperLib::IntPoint IntPosition : pathInSol )
clippedPolygon.push_back( fromClipperPoint( IntPosition ) );
clippedPolyline.push_back( clippedPolygon );
return clippedPolyline;
std::pair<cvf::Vec3d, cvf::Vec3d> RigCellGeometryTools::getLineThroughBoundingBox( const cvf::Vec3d& lineDirection,
const cvf::BoundingBox& polygonBBox,
const cvf::Vec3d& pointOnLine )
cvf::Vec3d bboxCorners[8];
polygonBBox.cornerVertices( bboxCorners );
cvf::Vec3d startPoint = pointOnLine;
cvf::Vec3d endPoint = pointOnLine;
cvf::Vec3d lineDir = lineDirection;
// To avoid doing many iterations in loops below linedirection should be quite large.
lineDir = lineDir * polygonBBox.extent().length() / 5;
// Extend line in positive direction
while ( polygonBBox.contains( startPoint ) )
startPoint = startPoint + lineDir;
// Extend line in negative direction
while ( polygonBBox.contains( endPoint ) )
endPoint = endPoint - lineDir;
std::pair<cvf::Vec3d, cvf::Vec3d> line;
line = { startPoint, endPoint };
return line;
double RigCellGeometryTools::getLengthOfPolygonAlongLine( const std::pair<cvf::Vec3d, cvf::Vec3d>& line,
const std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>& polygon )
cvf::BoundingBox lineBoundingBox;
for ( cvf::Vec3d polygonPoint : polygon )
cvf::Vec3d pointOnLine = cvf::GeometryTools::projectPointOnLine( line.first, line.second, polygonPoint, nullptr );
lineBoundingBox.add( pointOnLine );
double length = lineBoundingBox.extent().length();
return length;
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> RigCellGeometryTools::unionOfPolygons( const std::vector<std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>>& polygons )
// Convert to int for clipper library and store as clipper "path"
std::vector<ClipperLib::Path> polygonPaths;
for ( const std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>& polygon : polygons )
auto& p = polygonPaths.back();
for ( const cvf::Vec3d& pp : polygon )
p.push_back( toClipperPoint( pp ) );
ClipperLib::Clipper clpr;
clpr.AddPaths( polygonPaths, ClipperLib::ptSubject, true );
ClipperLib::Paths solution;
clpr.Execute( ClipperLib::ctUnion, solution, ClipperLib::pftEvenOdd, ClipperLib::pftEvenOdd );
// Convert back to std::vector<std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> >
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> unionPolygon;
for ( ClipperLib::Path pathInSol : solution )
for ( ClipperLib::IntPoint IntPosition : pathInSol )
unionPolygon.push_back( fromClipperPoint( IntPosition ) );
return unionPolygon;
RigCellGeometryTools::ajustPolygonToAvoidIntersectionsAtVertex( const std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>& polyLine,
const std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>& polygon )
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> adjustedPolygon;
double treshold = ( 1.0 / 10000.0 ) * 5; // 5 times polygonScaleFactor for converting to int for clipper
for ( cvf::Vec3d polygonPoint : polygon )
for ( size_t i = 0; i < polyLine.size() - 1; i++ )
cvf::Vec3d linePoint1( polyLine[i].x(), polyLine[i].y(), 0.0 );
cvf::Vec3d linePoint2( polyLine[i + 1].x(), polyLine[i + 1].y(), 0.0 );
double pointDistanceFromLine = cvf::GeometryTools::linePointSquareDist( linePoint1, linePoint2, polygonPoint );
if ( pointDistanceFromLine < treshold )
// calculate new polygonPoint
cvf::Vec3d directionOfLineSegment = linePoint2 - linePoint1;
// finding normal to the direction of the line segment in the XY plane (z=0)
cvf::Vec3d normalToLine( -directionOfLineSegment.y(), directionOfLineSegment.x(), 0.0 );
polygonPoint = polygonPoint + normalToLine * 0.005;
adjustedPolygon.push_back( polygonPoint );
return adjustedPolygon;
/// tests if a point is Left|On|Right of an infinite line.
/// Input: three points P1, P2, and P3
/// Return: >0 for P3 left of the line through P1 and P2
/// =0 for P3 on the line
/// <0 for P3 right of the line
/// ref.
inline double
RigCellGeometryTools::isLeftOfLine2D( const cvf::Vec3d& point1, const cvf::Vec3d& point2, const cvf::Vec3d& point3 )
return ( ( point2.x() - point1.x() ) * ( point3.y() - point1.y() ) -
( point3.x() - point1.x() ) * ( point2.y() - point1.y() ) );
/// winding number test for a point in a polygon
/// Input: point = the point to test,
/// polygon[] = vertex points of a closed polygon of size n, where polygon[n-1]=polygon[0]
/// Return: true if inside, false if outside)
/// ref.
bool RigCellGeometryTools::pointInsidePolygon2D( const cvf::Vec3d point, const std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>& polygon )
// Copyright 2000 softSurfer, 2012 Dan Sunday
// This code may be freely used and modified for any purpose
// providing that this copyright notice is included with it.
// SoftSurfer makes no warranty for this code, and cannot be held
// liable for any real or imagined damage resulting from its use.
// Users of this code must verify correctness for their application
int wn = 0; // the winding number counter
size_t N = polygon.size() - 1;
// loop through all edges of the polygon
for ( size_t i = 0; i < N; i++ )
{ // edge from V[i] to V[i+1]
if ( polygon[i].y() <= point.y() )
{ // start y <= P.y
if ( polygon[i + 1].y() > point.y() ) // an upward crossing
if ( isLeftOfLine2D( polygon[i], polygon[i + 1], point ) > 0 ) // P left of edge
++wn; // have a valid up intersect
{ // start y > P.y
if ( polygon[i + 1].y() <= point.y() ) // a downward crossing
if ( isLeftOfLine2D( polygon[i], polygon[i + 1], point ) < 0 ) // P right of edge
--wn; // have a valid down intersect
return wn != 0;