mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:55:39 -06:00
697 lines
25 KiB
697 lines
25 KiB
// Copyright (C) 2018- Equinor ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#include "RivWindowEdgeAxesOverlayItem.h"
#include "cvfBufferObjectManaged.h"
#include "cvfCamera.h"
#include "cvfFont.h"
#include "cvfGeometryBuilderDrawableGeo.h"
#include "cvfGeometryUtils.h"
#include "cvfGlyph.h"
#include "cvfMatrixState.h"
#include "cvfOpenGL.h"
#include "cvfOpenGLResourceManager.h"
#include "cvfRenderStateDepth.h"
#include "cvfRenderStateLine.h"
#include "cvfShaderProgram.h"
#include "cvfShaderProgramGenerator.h"
#include "cvfShaderSourceProvider.h"
#include "cvfShaderSourceRepository.h"
#include "cvfTextDrawer.h"
#include "cvfUniform.h"
#include "cvfViewport.h"
#include "cvfRenderState_FF.h"
#include "cafTickMarkGenerator.h"
#include "cvfRenderStateBlending.h"
#include "cvfScalarMapper.h"
#include <array>
using namespace cvf;
/// \class cvf::OverlayColorLegend
/// \ingroup Render
/// Constructor
RivWindowEdgeAxesOverlayItem::RivWindowEdgeAxesOverlayItem( Font* font )
: m_windowSize( 600, 600 )
, m_textColor( Color3::BLACK )
, m_lineColor( Color3::BLACK )
, m_frameColor( Color3::WHITE )
, m_lineWidth( 1 )
, m_font( font )
, m_isSwitchingYAxisValueSign( true )
, m_showAxisLines( false )
, m_domainAxes( XZ_AXES )
CVF_ASSERT( font );
CVF_ASSERT( !font->isEmpty() );
setLayoutFixedPosition( { 0, 0 } );
void RivWindowEdgeAxesOverlayItem::setDisplayCoordTransform( const caf::DisplayCoordTransform* displayCoordTransform )
m_displayCoordsTransform = displayCoordTransform;
void RivWindowEdgeAxesOverlayItem::updateGeomerySizes()
String str = String::number( -1.999e-17 );
m_textSize = m_font->textExtent( str );
m_pixelSpacing = 5.0f;
m_tickLineLength = m_textSize.y() * 0.3f;
m_frameBorderHeight = m_pixelSpacing + m_textSize.y() + m_pixelSpacing + m_tickLineLength + m_lineWidth;
m_frameBorderWidth = m_pixelSpacing + m_textSize.x() + m_pixelSpacing + m_tickLineLength + m_lineWidth;
void RivWindowEdgeAxesOverlayItem::updateFromCamera( const Camera* camera )
if ( !camera || camera->projection() != Camera::ORTHO )
m_windowSize = Vec2ui( camera->viewport()->width(), camera->viewport()->height() );
Vec3d windowOrigoInDomain;
Vec3d windowMaxInDomain;
camera->unproject( Vec3d( 0, 0, 0 ), &windowOrigoInDomain );
camera->unproject( Vec3d( m_windowSize.x(), m_windowSize.y(), 0 ), &windowMaxInDomain );
if ( m_displayCoordsTransform.notNull() )
windowOrigoInDomain = m_displayCoordsTransform->transformToDomainCoord( windowOrigoInDomain );
windowMaxInDomain = m_displayCoordsTransform->transformToDomainCoord( windowMaxInDomain );
// For extreme zoom factors we might end up with both variables as zero. Return to avoid divide by zero.
if ( windowOrigoInDomain == windowMaxInDomain ) return;
double domainMinX = windowOrigoInDomain.x();
double domainMaxX = windowMaxInDomain.x();
double domainMinY = m_domainAxes == XY_AXES ? windowOrigoInDomain.y() : windowOrigoInDomain.z();
double domainMaxY = m_domainAxes == XY_AXES ? windowMaxInDomain.y() : windowMaxInDomain.z();
int textSizeX = 2 * m_textSize.x();
int xTickMaxCount = m_windowSize.x() / textSizeX;
// Use same textsize for Y dimension for XY axes to get square "tiles".
// For XZ axes more ticks looks better in Z (depth) axis.
int textSizeY = m_domainAxes == XY_AXES ? textSizeX : 4 * m_textSize.y();
int yTickMaxCount = m_windowSize.y() / textSizeY;
double minDomainXStepSize = ( domainMaxX - domainMinX ) / xTickMaxCount;
caf::TickMarkGenerator xTickCreator( domainMinX, domainMaxX, minDomainXStepSize );
m_domainCoordsXValues = xTickCreator.tickMarkValues();
double minDomainYStepSize = ( domainMaxY - domainMinY ) / yTickMaxCount;
caf::TickMarkGenerator yTickCreator( domainMinY, domainMaxY, minDomainYStepSize );
m_domainCoordsYValues = yTickCreator.tickMarkValues();
auto createDomainVec = []( auto domainAxes, double x, double y )
{ return ( domainAxes == XY_AXES ) ? Vec3d( x, y, 0 ) : Vec3d( x, 0, y ); };
Vec3d windowPoint;
for ( double domainX : m_domainCoordsXValues )
Vec3d displayDomainTick = createDomainVec( m_domainAxes, domainX, domainMinY );
if ( m_displayCoordsTransform.notNull() )
displayDomainTick = m_displayCoordsTransform->transformToDisplayCoord( displayDomainTick );
camera->project( displayDomainTick, &windowPoint );
m_windowTickXValues.push_back( windowPoint.x() );
for ( double domainY : m_domainCoordsYValues )
Vec3d displayDomainTick = createDomainVec( m_domainAxes, domainMinX, domainY );
if ( m_displayCoordsTransform.notNull() )
displayDomainTick = m_displayCoordsTransform->transformToDisplayCoord( displayDomainTick );
camera->project( displayDomainTick, &windowPoint );
m_windowTickYValues.push_back( windowPoint.y() );
cvf::Vec2ui RivWindowEdgeAxesOverlayItem::sizeHint()
return m_windowSize;
/// Set color of the text and lines to be rendered
void RivWindowEdgeAxesOverlayItem::setTextColor( const Color3f& color )
m_textColor = color;
/// Returns the color of the text and lines
const Color3f& RivWindowEdgeAxesOverlayItem::textColor() const
return m_textColor;
/// Hardware rendering using shader programs
void RivWindowEdgeAxesOverlayItem::render( OpenGLContext* oglContext, const Vec2i& position, const Vec2ui& size )
renderGeneric( oglContext, position, size, false );
/// Software rendering using software
void RivWindowEdgeAxesOverlayItem::renderSoftware( OpenGLContext* oglContext, const Vec2i& position, const Vec2ui& size )
renderGeneric( oglContext, position, size, true );
bool RivWindowEdgeAxesOverlayItem::pick( int oglXCoord, int oglYCoord, const Vec2i& position, const Vec2ui& size )
return false;
/// Set up camera/viewport and render
void RivWindowEdgeAxesOverlayItem::renderGeneric( OpenGLContext* oglContext, const Vec2i& position, const Vec2ui& size, bool software )
if ( size.x() <= 0 || size.y() <= 0 || ( m_windowTickXValues.empty() && m_windowTickYValues.empty() ) )
Camera camera;
camera.setViewport( position.x(), position.y(), size.x(), size.y() );
camera.setViewMatrix( Mat4d::IDENTITY );
camera.viewport()->applyOpenGL( oglContext, Viewport::CLEAR_DEPTH );
TextDrawer textDrawer( m_font.p() );
addTextToTextDrawer( &textDrawer );
if ( software )
renderSoftwareFrameAndTickLines( oglContext );
textDrawer.renderSoftware( oglContext, camera );
const MatrixState matrixState( camera );
renderShaderFrameAndTickLines( oglContext, matrixState );
textDrawer.render( oglContext, camera );
CVF_CHECK_OGL( oglContext );
void RivWindowEdgeAxesOverlayItem::addTextToTextDrawer( TextDrawer* textDrawer )
textDrawer->setVerticalAlignment( TextDrawer::CENTER );
textDrawer->setTextColor( m_textColor );
// Bottom X - axis text
const float textYTop = m_windowSize.y() - m_pixelSpacing - m_textSize.y() * 0.5f;
const float textYBott = m_pixelSpacing + m_textSize.y() * 0.5f;
size_t numTicks = m_domainCoordsXValues.size();
size_t i;
for ( i = 0; i < numTicks; i++ )
float textX = static_cast<float>( m_windowTickXValues[i] );
double tickValue = m_domainCoordsXValues[i];
String valueString;
valueString = String::number( tickValue, 'f', 0 );
auto labelSize = m_font->textExtent( valueString );
Vec2f pos( textX - labelSize.x() * 0.5f, textYBott );
textDrawer->addText( valueString, pos );
pos[1] = textYTop;
textDrawer->addText( valueString, pos );
// Right Y - axis texts
const float textXRight = m_windowSize.x() - m_pixelSpacing - m_textSize.x();
const float textXLeft = m_frameBorderWidth - m_tickLineLength - m_pixelSpacing;
size_t numTicks = m_domainCoordsYValues.size();
size_t i;
for ( i = 0; i < numTicks; i++ )
float textY = static_cast<float>( m_windowTickYValues[i] );
double tickValue = m_isSwitchingYAxisValueSign ? -m_domainCoordsYValues[i] : m_domainCoordsYValues[i];
String valueString;
valueString = String::number( tickValue, 'f', 0 );
auto labelSize = m_font->textExtent( valueString );
Vec2f pos( textXRight, textY );
textDrawer->addText( valueString, pos );
Vec2f posl( textXLeft - labelSize.x(), textY );
textDrawer->addText( valueString, posl );
std::array<Vec3f, 8> RivWindowEdgeAxesOverlayItem::frameVertexArray()
float windowWidth = static_cast<float>( m_windowSize.x() );
float windowHeight = static_cast<float>( m_windowSize.y() );
// 3 2
// 7 6
// 4 5
// 0 1
std::array<Vec3f, 8> vertexArray = {
Vec3f( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ),
Vec3f( windowWidth, 0.0f, 0.0f ),
Vec3f( windowWidth, windowHeight, 0.0f ),
Vec3f( 0.0f, windowHeight, 0.0f ),
Vec3f( m_frameBorderWidth, m_frameBorderHeight, 0.0f ),
Vec3f( windowWidth - m_frameBorderWidth, m_frameBorderHeight, 0.0f ),
Vec3f( windowWidth - m_frameBorderWidth, windowHeight - m_frameBorderHeight, 0.0f ),
Vec3f( m_frameBorderWidth, windowHeight - m_frameBorderHeight, 0.0f ),
return vertexArray;
/// Draw the legend using immediate mode OpenGL
void RivWindowEdgeAxesOverlayItem::renderSoftwareFrameAndTickLines( OpenGLContext* oglContext )
RenderStateDepth depth( false );
depth.applyOpenGL( oglContext );
RenderStateLighting_FF lighting( false );
lighting.applyOpenGL( oglContext );
RenderStateBlending blend;
blend.applyOpenGL( oglContext );
// Frame vertices
std::array<Vec3f, 8> vertexArray = frameVertexArray();
glColor4fv( m_frameColor.ptr() );
glVertex3fv( vertexArray[0].ptr() );
glVertex3fv( vertexArray[1].ptr() );
glVertex3fv( vertexArray[5].ptr() );
glVertex3fv( vertexArray[4].ptr() );
glVertex3fv( vertexArray[1].ptr() );
glVertex3fv( vertexArray[2].ptr() );
glVertex3fv( vertexArray[6].ptr() );
glVertex3fv( vertexArray[5].ptr() );
glVertex3fv( vertexArray[3].ptr() );
glVertex3fv( vertexArray[0].ptr() );
glVertex3fv( vertexArray[4].ptr() );
glVertex3fv( vertexArray[7].ptr() );
glVertex3fv( vertexArray[2].ptr() );
glVertex3fv( vertexArray[3].ptr() );
glVertex3fv( vertexArray[7].ptr() );
glVertex3fv( vertexArray[6].ptr() );
// Render Line around
cvf::Color4f lineColorWithAlpha( m_lineColor, m_showAxisLines ? 0.25f : 1.0f );
glColor4fv( lineColorWithAlpha.ptr() );
glBegin( GL_LINES );
// Frame lines
glVertex3fv( vertexArray[7].ptr() );
glVertex3fv( vertexArray[4].ptr() );
glVertex3fv( vertexArray[4].ptr() );
glVertex3fv( vertexArray[5].ptr() );
glVertex3fv( vertexArray[5].ptr() );
glVertex3fv( vertexArray[6].ptr() );
glVertex3fv( vertexArray[6].ptr() );
glVertex3fv( vertexArray[7].ptr() );
// X - axis Tick lines
for ( double txpos : m_windowTickXValues )
if ( m_showAxisLines )
Vec3f p1( Vec3f::ZERO );
Vec3f p2( Vec3f::ZERO );
p1[0] = (float)txpos;
p1[1] = m_frameBorderHeight - m_tickLineLength;
p2[0] = (float)txpos;
p2[1] = m_windowSize.y() - m_frameBorderHeight + m_tickLineLength;
glVertex3fv( p1.ptr() );
glVertex3fv( p2.ptr() );
Vec3f p1( Vec3f::ZERO );
Vec3f p2( Vec3f::ZERO );
p1[0] = (float)txpos;
p1[1] = m_frameBorderHeight;
p2[0] = (float)txpos;
p2[1] = m_frameBorderHeight - m_tickLineLength;
glVertex3fv( p1.ptr() );
glVertex3fv( p2.ptr() );
p1[0] = (float)txpos;
p1[1] = m_windowSize.y() - m_frameBorderHeight;
p2[0] = (float)txpos;
p2[1] = m_windowSize.y() - m_frameBorderHeight + m_tickLineLength;
glVertex3fv( p1.ptr() );
glVertex3fv( p2.ptr() );
// Left Y - axis Tick lines
for ( double typos : m_windowTickYValues )
if ( m_showAxisLines )
Vec3f p1( Vec3f::ZERO );
Vec3f p2( Vec3f::ZERO );
p1[0] = m_frameBorderWidth - m_tickLineLength;
p1[1] = (float)typos;
p2[0] = m_windowSize.x() - m_frameBorderWidth + m_tickLineLength;
p2[1] = (float)typos;
glVertex3fv( p1.ptr() );
glVertex3fv( p2.ptr() );
Vec3f p1( Vec3f::ZERO );
Vec3f p2( Vec3f::ZERO );
p1[0] = m_frameBorderWidth;
p1[1] = (float)typos;
p2[0] = m_frameBorderWidth - m_tickLineLength;
p2[1] = (float)typos;
glVertex3fv( p1.ptr() );
glVertex3fv( p2.ptr() );
p1[0] = m_windowSize.x() - m_frameBorderWidth;
p1[1] = (float)typos;
p2[0] = m_windowSize.x() - m_frameBorderWidth + m_tickLineLength;
p2[1] = (float)typos;
glVertex3fv( p1.ptr() );
glVertex3fv( p2.ptr() );
// Reset render states
RenderStateLighting_FF resetLighting;
resetLighting.applyOpenGL( oglContext );
RenderStateDepth resetDepth;
resetDepth.applyOpenGL( oglContext );
RenderStateBlending resetblend;
resetblend.applyOpenGL( oglContext );
CVF_CHECK_OGL( oglContext );
/// Draw the frame using shader programs
void RivWindowEdgeAxesOverlayItem::renderShaderFrameAndTickLines( OpenGLContext* oglContext, const MatrixState& matrixState )
RenderStateDepth depth( false );
depth.applyOpenGL( oglContext );
RenderStateLine line( static_cast<float>( m_lineWidth ) );
line.applyOpenGL( oglContext );
RenderStateBlending blend;
blend.applyOpenGL( oglContext );
// Shader program
ref<ShaderProgram> shaderProgram = oglContext->resourceManager()->getLinkedUnlitColorShaderProgram( oglContext );
CVF_TIGHT_ASSERT( shaderProgram.notNull() );
if ( shaderProgram->useProgram( oglContext ) )
shaderProgram->applyFixedUniforms( oglContext, matrixState );
// Frame vertices
std::array<Vec3f, 8> vertexArray = frameVertexArray();
glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0 );
glEnableVertexAttribArray( ShaderProgram::VERTEX );
glVertexAttribPointer( ShaderProgram::VERTEX, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, vertexArray.data() );
// Draw frame background
UniformFloat backgroundColorUniform( "u_color", m_frameColor );
shaderProgram->applyUniform( oglContext, backgroundColorUniform );
// Triangle indices for the frame background
static const ushort backgroundTriangleIndices[] = { 0, 1, 5, 0, 5, 4, 1, 2, 6, 1, 6, 5, 3, 0, 4, 3, 4, 7, 2, 3, 6, 3, 7, 6 };
glDrawRangeElements( GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 7, 24, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, backgroundTriangleIndices );
// Draw frame border lines
UniformFloat uniformColor( "u_color", Color4f( m_lineColor, m_showAxisLines ? 0.25f : 1.0f ) );
shaderProgram->applyUniform( oglContext, uniformColor );
static const ushort frameLineIndices[] = { 7, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7 };
glDrawRangeElements( GL_LINES, 0, 7, 8, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, frameLineIndices );
// Render tickmarks
static const ushort tickLineIndices[] = { 0, 1 };
// X - axis Tick lines
for ( double txpos : m_windowTickXValues )
if ( m_showAxisLines )
vertexArray[0][0] = (float)txpos;
vertexArray[0][1] = m_frameBorderHeight - m_tickLineLength;
vertexArray[1][0] = (float)txpos;
vertexArray[1][1] = m_windowSize.y() - m_frameBorderHeight + m_tickLineLength;
glDrawRangeElements( GL_LINES, 0, 1, 2, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, tickLineIndices );
vertexArray[0][0] = (float)txpos;
vertexArray[0][1] = m_frameBorderHeight;
vertexArray[1][0] = (float)txpos;
vertexArray[1][1] = m_frameBorderHeight - m_tickLineLength;
glDrawRangeElements( GL_LINES, 0, 1, 2, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, tickLineIndices );
vertexArray[0][0] = (float)txpos;
vertexArray[0][1] = m_windowSize.y() - m_frameBorderHeight;
vertexArray[1][0] = (float)txpos;
vertexArray[1][1] = m_windowSize.y() - m_frameBorderHeight + m_tickLineLength;
glDrawRangeElements( GL_LINES, 0, 1, 2, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, tickLineIndices );
// Left Y - axis Tick lines
for ( double typos : m_windowTickYValues )
if ( m_showAxisLines )
vertexArray[0][0] = m_frameBorderWidth - m_tickLineLength;
vertexArray[0][1] = (float)typos;
vertexArray[1][0] = m_windowSize.x() - m_frameBorderWidth + m_tickLineLength;
vertexArray[1][1] = (float)typos;
glDrawRangeElements( GL_LINES, 0, 1, 2, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, tickLineIndices );
vertexArray[0][0] = m_frameBorderWidth;
vertexArray[0][1] = (float)typos;
vertexArray[1][0] = m_frameBorderWidth - m_tickLineLength;
vertexArray[1][1] = (float)typos;
glDrawRangeElements( GL_LINES, 0, 1, 2, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, tickLineIndices );
vertexArray[0][0] = m_windowSize.x() - m_frameBorderWidth;
vertexArray[0][1] = (float)typos;
vertexArray[1][0] = m_windowSize.x() - m_frameBorderWidth + m_tickLineLength;
vertexArray[1][1] = (float)typos;
glDrawRangeElements( GL_LINES, 0, 1, 2, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, tickLineIndices );
glDisableVertexAttribArray( ShaderProgram::VERTEX );
CVF_TIGHT_ASSERT( shaderProgram.notNull() );
shaderProgram->useNoProgram( oglContext );
// Reset render states
RenderStateDepth resetDepth;
resetDepth.applyOpenGL( oglContext );
RenderStateLine resetLine;
resetLine.applyOpenGL( oglContext );
RenderStateBlending resetblend;
resetblend.applyOpenGL( oglContext );
CVF_CHECK_OGL( oglContext );
void RivWindowEdgeAxesOverlayItem::setLineColor( const Color3f& lineColor )
m_lineColor = lineColor;
const Color3f& RivWindowEdgeAxesOverlayItem::lineColor() const
return m_lineColor;
void RivWindowEdgeAxesOverlayItem::setFrameColor( const Color4f& frameColor )
m_frameColor = frameColor;
void RivWindowEdgeAxesOverlayItem::setDomainAxes( DomainAxes axes )
m_domainAxes = axes;
void RivWindowEdgeAxesOverlayItem::setIsSwitchingYAxisSign( bool switchSign )
m_isSwitchingYAxisValueSign = switchSign;
void RivWindowEdgeAxesOverlayItem::setShowAxisLines( bool showAxisLines )
m_showAxisLines = showAxisLines;