mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:55:39 -06:00
Increase default segment threshold to 4 Add an optional setting to override the default value Use this threshold to merge short branches into parent branch
678 lines
29 KiB
678 lines
29 KiB
// Copyright (C) 2011- Statoil ASA
// Copyright (C) 2013- Ceetron Solutions AS
// Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Ceetron AS
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#include "RivSimWellPipesPartMgr.h"
#include "RiaColorTables.h"
#include "RiaExtractionTools.h"
#include "RiaPreferences.h"
#include "RigEclipseWellLogExtractor.h"
#include "RigMswCenterLineCalculator.h"
#include "RigSimulationWellCenterLineCalculator.h"
#include "RigVirtualPerforationTransmissibilities.h"
#include "RigWellLogExtractor.h"
#include "RigWellPath.h"
#include "RigWellResultFrame.h"
#include "Rim3dView.h"
#include "RimCase.h"
#include "RimEclipseView.h"
#include "RimRegularLegendConfig.h"
#include "RimSimWellInView.h"
#include "RimSimWellInViewCollection.h"
#include "RimVirtualPerforationResults.h"
#include "RivPipeGeometryGenerator.h"
#include "RivSectionFlattener.h"
#include "RivSimWellConnectionSourceInfo.h"
#include "RivSimWellPipeSourceInfo.h"
#include "RivWellConnectionFactorGeometryGenerator.h"
#include "RivWellConnectionSourceInfo.h"
#include "cafDisplayCoordTransform.h"
#include "cafEffectGenerator.h"
#include "cvfDrawableGeo.h"
#include "cvfGeometryBuilderDrawableGeo.h"
#include "cvfGeometryUtils.h"
#include "cvfModelBasicList.h"
#include "cvfPart.h"
#include "cvfScalarMapperDiscreteLinear.h"
#include <numbers>
RivSimWellPipesPartMgr::RivSimWellPipesPartMgr( RimSimWellInView* well )
: m_simWellInView( well )
Rim3dView* RivSimWellPipesPartMgr::viewWithSettings()
if ( m_simWellInView ) return m_simWellInView->firstAncestorOrThisOfType<Rim3dView>();
return nullptr;
void RivSimWellPipesPartMgr::appendDynamicGeometryPartsToModel( cvf::ModelBasicList* model,
size_t frameIndex,
const caf::DisplayCoordTransform* displayXf )
if ( !viewWithSettings() ) return;
if ( !m_simWellInView->isWellPipeVisible( frameIndex ) ) return;
buildWellPipeParts( displayXf, false, 0.0, -1, frameIndex );
std::list<RivPipeBranchData>::iterator it;
for ( it = m_wellBranches.begin(); it != m_wellBranches.end(); ++it )
if ( it->m_surfacePart.notNull() )
model->addPart( it->m_surfacePart.p() );
if ( it->m_centerLinePart.notNull() )
model->addPart( it->m_centerLinePart.p() );
if ( it->m_connectionFactorsPart.notNull() )
model->addPart( it->m_connectionFactorsPart.p() );
for ( auto valvePart : it->m_valveParts )
model->addPart( valvePart.p() );
void RivSimWellPipesPartMgr::appendFlattenedDynamicGeometryPartsToModel( cvf::ModelBasicList* model,
size_t frameIndex,
const caf::DisplayCoordTransform* displayXf,
double flattenedIntersectionExtentLength,
int branchIndex )
if ( !viewWithSettings() ) return;
if ( !m_simWellInView->isWellPipeVisible( frameIndex ) ) return;
buildWellPipeParts( displayXf, true, flattenedIntersectionExtentLength, branchIndex, frameIndex );
std::list<RivPipeBranchData>::iterator it;
for ( it = m_wellBranches.begin(); it != m_wellBranches.end(); ++it )
if ( it->m_surfacePart.notNull() )
model->addPart( it->m_surfacePart.p() );
if ( it->m_centerLinePart.notNull() )
model->addPart( it->m_centerLinePart.p() );
void RivSimWellPipesPartMgr::buildWellPipeParts( const caf::DisplayCoordTransform* displayXf,
bool doFlatten,
double flattenedIntersectionExtentLength,
int branchIndex,
size_t frameIndex )
if ( !viewWithSettings() ) return;
auto simWells = m_simWellInView->wellBranchesForVisualization();
const auto& [coords, wellCells] = RigSimulationWellCenterLineCalculator::extractBranchData( simWells );
auto pipeBranchesCLCoords = coords;
auto pipeBranchesCellIds = wellCells;
double pipeRadius = m_simWellInView->pipeRadius();
int crossSectionVertexCount = m_simWellInView->pipeCrossSectionVertexCount();
// Take branch selection into account
size_t branchIdxStart = 0;
size_t branchIdxStop = pipeBranchesCellIds.size();
if ( pipeBranchesCLCoords.size() > 1 )
if ( branchIndex >= 0 && branchIndex < static_cast<int>( branchIdxStop ) )
branchIdxStart = branchIndex;
branchIdxStop = branchIdxStart + 1;
cvf::Vec3d flattenedStartOffset = cvf::Vec3d::ZERO;
if ( pipeBranchesCLCoords.size() > branchIdxStart && !pipeBranchesCLCoords[branchIdxStart].empty() )
flattenedStartOffset = { 0.0, 0.0, pipeBranchesCLCoords[branchIdxStart][0].z() };
for ( size_t brIdx = branchIdxStart; brIdx < branchIdxStop; ++brIdx )
cvf::ref<RivSimWellPipeSourceInfo> sourceInfo = new RivSimWellPipeSourceInfo( m_simWellInView, brIdx );
RivPipeBranchData& pbd = m_wellBranches.back();
pbd.m_cellIds = pipeBranchesCellIds[brIdx];
pbd.m_pipeGeomGenerator = new RivPipeGeometryGenerator;
pbd.m_pipeGeomGenerator->setRadius( pipeRadius );
pbd.m_pipeGeomGenerator->setCrossSectionVertexCount( crossSectionVertexCount );
cvf::ref<cvf::Vec3dArray> cvfCoords = new cvf::Vec3dArray;
cvfCoords->assign( pipeBranchesCLCoords[brIdx] );
flattenedStartOffset.z() = pipeBranchesCLCoords[brIdx][0].z();
m_flattenedBranchWellHeadOffsets.push_back( flattenedStartOffset.x() );
if ( doFlatten )
std::vector<cvf::Mat4d> flatningCSs = RivSectionFlattener::calculateFlatteningCSsForPolyline( pipeBranchesCLCoords[brIdx],
&flattenedStartOffset );
for ( size_t cIdx = 0; cIdx < cvfCoords->size(); ++cIdx )
( *cvfCoords )[cIdx] = ( ( *cvfCoords )[cIdx] ).getTransformedPoint( flatningCSs[cIdx] );
( *cvfCoords )[cIdx] = displayXf->scaleToDisplaySize( ( *cvfCoords )[cIdx] );
// Scale the centerline coordinates using the Z-scale transform of the grid and correct for the display offset.
for ( size_t cIdx = 0; cIdx < cvfCoords->size(); ++cIdx )
( *cvfCoords )[cIdx] = displayXf->transformToDisplayCoord( ( *cvfCoords )[cIdx] );
pbd.m_pipeGeomGenerator->setPipeCenterCoords( cvfCoords.p() );
pbd.m_surfaceDrawable = pbd.m_pipeGeomGenerator->createPipeSurface();
pbd.m_centerLineDrawable = pbd.m_pipeGeomGenerator->createCenterLine();
if ( pbd.m_surfaceDrawable.notNull() )
pbd.m_surfacePart = new cvf::Part( 0, "SimWellPipeSurface" );
pbd.m_surfacePart->setDrawable( pbd.m_surfaceDrawable.p() );
caf::SurfaceEffectGenerator surfaceGen( cvf::Color4f( m_simWellInView->wellPipeColor() ), caf::PO_1 );
cvf::ref<cvf::Effect> eff = surfaceGen.generateCachedEffect();
pbd.m_surfacePart->setEffect( eff.p() );
pbd.m_surfacePart->setSourceInfo( sourceInfo.p() );
if ( pbd.m_centerLineDrawable.notNull() )
pbd.m_centerLinePart = new cvf::Part( 0, "SimWellPipeCenterLine" );
pbd.m_centerLinePart->setDrawable( pbd.m_centerLineDrawable.p() );
caf::MeshEffectGenerator gen( m_simWellInView->wellPipeColor() );
cvf::ref<cvf::Effect> eff = gen.generateCachedEffect();
pbd.m_centerLinePart->setEffect( eff.p() );
// Create slightly larger geometry for active (open) wells
// This will avoid visual artifacts when two wells are located at the same position
pbd.m_pipeGeomGenerator->setRadius( pipeRadius * 1.1 );
pbd.m_largeSurfaceDrawable = pbd.m_pipeGeomGenerator->createPipeSurface();
pbd.m_connectionFactorGeometryGenerator = nullptr;
pbd.m_connectionFactorsPart = nullptr;
auto eclipseView = m_simWellInView->firstAncestorOrThisOfType<RimEclipseView>();
appendVirtualConnectionFactorGeo( eclipseView, frameIndex, brIdx, displayXf, pipeRadius, pbd );
appendValvesGeo( eclipseView, frameIndex, brIdx, displayXf, pipeRadius, pbd );
if ( doFlatten ) flattenedStartOffset += { 2 * flattenedIntersectionExtentLength, 0.0, 0.0 };
void RivSimWellPipesPartMgr::appendVirtualConnectionFactorGeo( const RimEclipseView* eclipseView,
size_t frameIndex,
size_t brIdx,
const caf::DisplayCoordTransform* displayXf,
double pipeRadius,
RivPipeBranchData& pbd )
if ( eclipseView && eclipseView->isVirtualConnectionFactorGeometryVisible() )
RigSimWellData* simWellData = m_simWellInView->simWellData();
if ( simWellData && simWellData->hasWellResult( frameIndex ) )
const RigWellResultFrame* wResFrame = simWellData->wellResultFrame( frameIndex );
std::vector<CompletionVizData> completionVizDataItems;
RimVirtualPerforationResults* virtualPerforationResult = eclipseView->virtualPerforationResult();
auto wellPaths = m_simWellInView->wellPipeBranches();
const RigWellPath* wellPath = wellPaths[brIdx];
RigEclipseWellLogExtractor* extractor = RiaExtractionTools::findOrCreateSimWellExtractor( m_simWellInView, wellPath );
if ( extractor )
std::vector<WellPathCellIntersectionInfo> wellPathCellIntersections = extractor->cellIntersectionInfosAlongWellPath();
for ( const auto& intersectionInfo : wellPathCellIntersections )
size_t globalCellIndex = intersectionInfo.globCellIndex;
const RigWellResultPoint wResCell = wResFrame->findResultCellWellHeadIncluded( 0, globalCellIndex );
if ( !wResCell.isValid() )
if ( !virtualPerforationResult->showConnectionFactorsOnClosedConnections() && !wResCell.isOpen() )
double startMD = intersectionInfo.startMD;
double endMD = intersectionInfo.endMD;
double middleMD = ( startMD + endMD ) / 2.0;
cvf::Vec3d domainCoord = wellPath->interpolatedPointAlongWellPath( middleMD );
cvf::Vec3d p1;
cvf::Vec3d p2;
wellPath->twoClosestPoints( domainCoord, &p1, &p2 );
cvf::Vec3d direction = ( p2 - p1 ).getNormalized();
cvf::Vec3d anchor = displayXf->transformToDisplayCoord( domainCoord );
CompletionVizData data( anchor, direction, wResCell.connectionFactor(), globalCellIndex );
completionVizDataItems.push_back( data );
if ( !completionVizDataItems.empty() )
double radius = pipeRadius * virtualPerforationResult->geometryScaleFactor();
radius *= 2.0; // Enlarge the radius slightly to make the connection factor visible if geometry
// scale factor is set to 1.0
pbd.m_connectionFactorGeometryGenerator = new RivWellConnectionFactorGeometryGenerator( completionVizDataItems, radius );
cvf::ScalarMapper* scalarMapper = virtualPerforationResult->legendConfig()->scalarMapper();
cvf::ref<cvf::Part> part =
pbd.m_connectionFactorGeometryGenerator->createSurfacePart( scalarMapper, eclipseView->isLightingDisabled() );
if ( part.notNull() )
cvf::ref<RivSimWellConnectionSourceInfo> simWellSourceInfo =
new RivSimWellConnectionSourceInfo( m_simWellInView, pbd.m_connectionFactorGeometryGenerator.p() );
part->setSourceInfo( simWellSourceInfo.p() );
pbd.m_connectionFactorsPart = part;
void RivSimWellPipesPartMgr::appendValvesGeo( const RimEclipseView* eclipseView,
size_t frameIndex,
size_t brIdx,
const caf::DisplayCoordTransform* displayXf,
double wellPathRadius,
RivPipeBranchData& pbd )
if ( !m_simWellInView || !m_simWellInView->isWellValvesVisible( frameIndex ) ) return;
if ( !eclipseView || !eclipseView->ownerCase() ) return;
const auto characteristicCellSize = eclipseView->characteristicCellSize();
const auto coords = pbd.m_pipeGeomGenerator->pipeCenterCoords();
std::set<std::pair<size_t, size_t>> resultPointWithValve;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < pbd.m_cellIds.size(); i++ )
const auto resultPoint = pbd.m_cellIds[i];
if ( resultPointWithValve.contains( { resultPoint.gridIndex(), resultPoint.cellIndex() } ) ) continue;
const auto segmentStartCoord = coords->get( i );
const auto segmentEndCoord = coords->get( i + 1 );
const auto segmentLength = ( segmentEndCoord - segmentStartCoord ).length();
const double valveLength = characteristicCellSize * 0.2;
// Insert valve geometry if the length of the segment is sufficient
if ( resultPoint.isConnectedToValve() && ( valveLength * 2 < segmentLength ) )
resultPointWithValve.insert( { resultPoint.gridIndex(), resultPoint.cellIndex() } );
const auto segmentDirection = ( segmentEndCoord - segmentStartCoord ).getNormalized();
// A segment ends at the center of a simulation cell
auto valveCenterCoord = ( segmentEndCoord + segmentStartCoord ) / 2.0;
const cvf::Color3f valveColor = cvf::Color3f::ORANGE;
const auto measuredDepthsRelativeToStartMD = { 0.0, 1.0, valveLength - 1.0, valveLength };
const auto outerValveRadius = wellPathRadius * 1.3;
const auto radii = { wellPathRadius, outerValveRadius, outerValveRadius, wellPathRadius };
// The location of the valve is adjusted to locate the valve at the center of the segment
double locationAdjustment = -valveLength / 2.0;
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> displayCoords;
for ( const auto& mdRelativeToStart : measuredDepthsRelativeToStartMD )
displayCoords.push_back( valveCenterCoord + ( locationAdjustment + mdRelativeToStart ) * segmentDirection );
RivPipeGeometryGenerator::tubeWithCenterLinePartsAndVariableWidth( &pbd.m_valveParts, displayCoords, radii, valveColor );
auto computeRotationAxisAndAngle = []( const cvf::Vec3f& direction )
// Compute upwards normal based on direction
// Compute the rotation axis and angle between up vector and Z_AXIS
cvf::Vec3f crossBetweenZAndDirection;
crossBetweenZAndDirection.cross( cvf::Vec3f::Z_AXIS, cvf::Vec3f( direction ) );
cvf::Vec3f upVector;
upVector.cross( cvf::Vec3f( direction ), crossBetweenZAndDirection );
cvf::Vec3f rotationAxis;
rotationAxis.cross( upVector, cvf::Vec3f::Z_AXIS );
float angle = cvf::Math::acos( upVector * cvf::Vec3f::Z_AXIS );
return std::make_pair( rotationAxis, angle );
const auto& [rotationAxis, angle] = computeRotationAxisAndAngle( cvf::Vec3f( segmentDirection ) );
// Add visualization of valves openings for segments close to horizontal segments
if ( !std::isnan( angle ) && ( std::fabs( angle ) < ( std::numbers::pi / 2.0 ) ) )
cvf::GeometryBuilderDrawableGeo builder;
const float bottomRadius = wellPathRadius * 0.4f;
const float topRadius = bottomRadius;
const float height = outerValveRadius * 2.1f;
const float topOffsetX = 0.0f;
const float topOffsetY = 0.0f;
const uint numSlices = 12;
const bool normalsOutwards = true;
const bool closedBot = true;
const bool closedTop = true;
const uint numPolysZDir = 1;
cvf::GeometryUtils::createObliqueCylinder( bottomRadius,
&builder );
// Move center of cylinder to origo
builder.transformVertexRange( 0, builder.vertexCount() - 1, cvf::Mat4f::fromTranslation( cvf::Vec3f( 0.0, 0.0, -height / 2.0 ) ) );
// Rotate cylinder to match the be normal to the well path direction
const cvf::Mat4f rotMat = cvf::Mat4f::fromRotation( rotationAxis, -angle );
builder.transformVertexRange( 0, builder.vertexCount() - 1, rotMat );
// Move the cylinder to display coordinate location
builder.transformVertexRange( 0, builder.vertexCount() - 1, cvf::Mat4f::fromTranslation( cvf::Vec3f( valveCenterCoord ) ) );
auto drawableGeo = builder.drawableGeo();
auto part = new cvf::Part;
part->setName( "RivPipeGeometryGenerator::surface" );
part->setDrawable( drawableGeo.p() );
caf::SurfaceEffectGenerator surfaceGen( cvf::Color4f( cvf::Color3f::BLACK ), caf::PO_1 );
auto eff = surfaceGen.generateCachedEffect();
part->setEffect( eff.p() );
pbd.m_valveParts.push_back( part );
void RivSimWellPipesPartMgr::updatePipeResultColor( size_t frameIndex )
if ( m_simWellInView == nullptr ) return;
RigSimWellData* simWellData = m_simWellInView->simWellData();
if ( simWellData == nullptr ) return;
if ( !simWellData->hasWellResult( frameIndex ) ) return; // Or reset colors or something
const double defaultState = -0.1; // Closed set to -0.1 instead of 0.5 to workaround bug in the scalar mapper.
const double producerState = 1.5;
const double waterInjectorState = 2.5;
const double hcInjectorState = 3.5;
const double closedState = 4.5;
const RigWellResultFrame* wResFrame = simWellData->wellResultFrame( frameIndex );
// Setup a scalar mapper
cvf::ref<cvf::ScalarMapperDiscreteLinear> scalarMapper = new cvf::ScalarMapperDiscreteLinear;
cvf::Color3ubArray legendColors;
legendColors.resize( 5 );
legendColors[0] = cvf::Color3ub( m_simWellInView->wellPipeColor() );
legendColors[1] = cvf::Color3::GREEN;
legendColors[2] = cvf::Color3::BLUE;
legendColors[3] = cvf::Color3::RED;
legendColors[4] = cvf::Color3ub( RiaColorTables::undefinedCellColor() );
scalarMapper->setColors( legendColors );
scalarMapper->setRange( 0.0, 5.0 );
scalarMapper->setLevelCount( 5, true );
caf::ScalarMapperEffectGenerator surfEffGen( scalarMapper.p(), caf::PO_1 );
if ( viewWithSettings() && viewWithSettings()->isLightingDisabled() )
surfEffGen.disableLighting( true );
cvf::ref<cvf::Effect> scalarMapperSurfaceEffect = surfEffGen.generateUnCachedEffect();
caf::ScalarMapperMeshEffectGenerator meshEffGen( scalarMapper.p() );
cvf::ref<cvf::Effect> scalarMapperMeshEffect = meshEffGen.generateUnCachedEffect();
for ( auto& wellBranch : m_wellBranches )
std::vector<double> wellCellStates;
wellCellStates.resize( wellBranch.m_cellIds.size(), defaultState );
RimSimWellInViewCollection* wellColl = nullptr;
if ( m_simWellInView )
wellColl = m_simWellInView->firstAncestorOrThisOfType<RimSimWellInViewCollection>();
if ( wellColl && wellColl->showConnectionStatusColors() )
const std::vector<RigWellResultPoint>& cellIds = wellBranch.m_cellIds;
for ( size_t wcIdx = 0; wcIdx < cellIds.size(); ++wcIdx )
// we need a faster lookup, I guess
RigWellResultPoint wResCell;
if ( cellIds[wcIdx].isCell() )
wResCell = wResFrame->findResultCellWellHeadExcluded( cellIds[wcIdx].gridIndex(), cellIds[wcIdx].cellIndex() );
if ( wResCell.isValid() )
double cellState = defaultState;
if ( wResCell.isOpen() )
switch ( wResFrame->productionType() )
case RiaDefines::WellProductionType::PRODUCER:
cellState = producerState;
case RiaDefines::WellProductionType::OIL_INJECTOR:
cellState = hcInjectorState;
case RiaDefines::WellProductionType::GAS_INJECTOR:
cellState = hcInjectorState;
case RiaDefines::WellProductionType::WATER_INJECTOR:
cellState = waterInjectorState;
case RiaDefines::WellProductionType::UNDEFINED_PRODUCTION_TYPE:
cellState = defaultState;
cellState = closedState;
wellCellStates[wcIdx] = cellState;
// Find or create texture coords array for pipe surface
if ( wellBranch.m_surfaceDrawable.notNull() )
cvf::ref<cvf::Vec2fArray> surfTexCoords = const_cast<cvf::Vec2fArray*>( wellBranch.m_surfaceDrawable->textureCoordArray() );
if ( surfTexCoords.isNull() )
surfTexCoords = new cvf::Vec2fArray;
wellBranch.m_pipeGeomGenerator->pipeSurfaceTextureCoords( surfTexCoords.p(), wellCellStates, scalarMapper.p() );
wellBranch.m_surfaceDrawable->setTextureCoordArray( surfTexCoords.p() );
wellBranch.m_largeSurfaceDrawable->setTextureCoordArray( surfTexCoords.p() );
if ( wResFrame->isOpen() )
// Use slightly larger geometry for open wells to avoid z-fighting when two wells are located at the
// same position
wellBranch.m_surfacePart->setDrawable( wellBranch.m_largeSurfaceDrawable.p() );
wellBranch.m_surfacePart->setDrawable( wellBranch.m_surfaceDrawable.p() );
wellBranch.m_surfacePart->setEffect( scalarMapperSurfaceEffect.p() );
// Find or create texture coords array for pipe center line
if ( wellBranch.m_centerLineDrawable.notNull() )
cvf::ref<cvf::Vec2fArray> lineTexCoords = const_cast<cvf::Vec2fArray*>( wellBranch.m_centerLineDrawable->textureCoordArray() );
if ( lineTexCoords.isNull() )
lineTexCoords = new cvf::Vec2fArray;
// Calculate new texture coordinates
wellBranch.m_pipeGeomGenerator->centerlineTextureCoords( lineTexCoords.p(), wellCellStates, scalarMapper.p() );
// Set the new texture coordinates
wellBranch.m_centerLineDrawable->setTextureCoordArray( lineTexCoords.p() );
// Set effects
wellBranch.m_centerLinePart->setEffect( scalarMapperMeshEffect.p() );
std::vector<double> RivSimWellPipesPartMgr::flattenedBranchWellHeadOffsets()
return m_flattenedBranchWellHeadOffsets;