2017-06-22 11:51:46 +02:00

199 lines
7.5 KiB

Copyright (C) 2011 Statoil ASA, Norway.
The file 'esummary.c' is part of ERT - Ensemble based Reservoir Tool.
ERT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
ERT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
See the GNU General Public License at <>
for more details.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <ert/util/util.h>
#include <ert/util/vector.h>
#include <ert/util/time_interval.h>
#include <ert/ecl/ecl_kw.h>
#include <ert/ecl/ecl_sum.h>
void install_SIGNALS(void) {
signal(SIGSEGV , util_abort_signal); /* Segmentation violation, i.e. overwriting memory ... */
signal(SIGINT , util_abort_signal); /* Control C */
signal(SIGTERM , util_abort_signal); /* If killing the enkf program with SIGTERM (the default kill signal) you will get a backtrace. Killing with SIGKILL (-9) will not give a backtrace.*/
void usage() {
fprintf(stderr," The esummary.x program can be used to extract summary vectors from \n");
fprintf(stderr," an ensemble of summary files: \n\n");
fprintf(stderr," bash%% esummary.x ECLIPSE1.DATA ECLIPSE2.DATA KEY1 KEY2 ... \n\n");
#define MISSING_STRING " 0.000"
int main(int argc , char ** argv) {
if (argc < 3) usage();
ecl_sum_type * first_ecl_sum = NULL; /* This governs the timing */
vector_type * ecl_sum_list = vector_alloc_new();
time_interval_type * time_union = NULL;
time_interval_type * time_intersect = NULL;
time_interval_type * time = NULL;
bool use_time_union = true;
int load_count = 0;
int nvars;
char ** var_list;
bool * has_var;
/** Loading the data */
int iarg = 1;
/* Some sorting here??? */
while (iarg < argc && util_file_exists( argv[iarg] )) {
char * path , * basename;
ecl_sum_type * ecl_sum;
util_alloc_file_components( argv[iarg] , &path , &basename , NULL);
fprintf(stderr,"Loading case: %s/%s" , path , basename); fflush(stderr);
ecl_sum = ecl_sum_fread_alloc_case( argv[iarg] , ":");
if (ecl_sum) {
if (first_ecl_sum == NULL) {
first_ecl_sum = ecl_sum; /* Keep track of this - might sort the vector */
time_union = time_interval_alloc_copy( ecl_sum_get_sim_time( ecl_sum ));
time_intersect = time_interval_alloc_copy( ecl_sum_get_sim_time( ecl_sum ));
if (use_time_union)
time = time_union;
time = time_intersect;
vector_append_owned_ref( ecl_sum_list , ecl_sum , ecl_sum_free__ );
} else {
const time_interval_type * ti = ecl_sum_get_sim_time( ecl_sum );
if (time_interval_has_overlap(time , ti)) {
time_interval_intersect( time_intersect , ti );
time_interval_extend( time_union , ti );
vector_append_owned_ref( ecl_sum_list , ecl_sum , ecl_sum_free__ );
} else {
fprintf(stderr,"** Warning case:%s has no time overlap - discarded \n",ecl_sum_get_case( ecl_sum ));
ecl_sum_free( ecl_sum );
} else
fprintf(stderr," --- no data found?!");
util_safe_free( path );
free( basename );
if (load_count == 0)
nvars = argc - load_count - 1;
if (nvars == 0) util_exit(" --- No variables \n");
var_list = &argv[load_count + 1];
has_var = util_calloc( nvars , sizeof * has_var );
Checking that the summary files have the various variables -
if a variable is missing from one of the cases it is
completely discarded.
int iens,ivar;
/* Checking the variables */
for (ivar = 0; ivar < nvars; ivar++)
has_var[ivar] = true;
for (iens = 0; iens < vector_get_size( ecl_sum_list ); iens++) {
const ecl_sum_type * ecl_sum = vector_iget_const( ecl_sum_list , iens );
for (ivar = 0; ivar < nvars; ivar++) {
if (has_var[ivar]) {
if (!ecl_sum_has_general_var( ecl_sum , var_list[ivar] )) {
fprintf(stderr,"** Warning: could not find variable: \'%s\' in case:%s - completely discarded.\n", var_list[ivar] , ecl_sum_get_case(ecl_sum));
has_var[ivar] = false;
if (!time_interval_equal(time_union , time_intersect )) {
fprintf(stderr,"** Warning: not all simulations have the same length. ");
if (use_time_union)
fprintf(stderr,"Using %s for missing values.\n" , MISSING_STRING);
fprintf(stderr,"Only showing common time period.\n");
/** The actual summary lookup. */
time_t_vector_type * date_list = time_t_vector_alloc(0,0);
time_t start_time = time_interval_get_start( time );
FILE * stream = stdout;
int iens,ivar,itime;
ecl_util_init_month_range( date_list , time_interval_get_start( time ) , time_interval_get_end( time ));
for (itime = 0; itime < time_t_vector_size( date_list ); itime++) {
time_t current_time = time_t_vector_iget( date_list , itime );
for (ivar = 0; ivar < nvars; ivar++) { /* Iterating over the variables */
if (has_var[ivar]) {
for (iens = 0; iens < vector_get_size( ecl_sum_list ); iens++) { /* Iterating over the ensemble members */
const ecl_sum_type * ecl_sum = vector_iget_const( ecl_sum_list , iens );
if (ivar == 0 && iens == 0) { /* Display time info in the first columns */
int day,month,year;
util_set_date_values_utc( current_time , &day , &month, &year);
fprintf(stream , "%7.2f %02d/%02d/%04d " , util_difftime_days( start_time , current_time ) , day , month , year);
const time_interval_type * sim_time = ecl_sum_get_sim_time( ecl_sum );
if (time_interval_arg_before( sim_time , current_time))
fprintf(stream , " %s " , MISSING_STRING); // We are before this case has data.
else if (time_interval_arg_after( sim_time , current_time))
fprintf(stream , " %s " , MISSING_STRING); // We are after this case has data.
else {
double value = ecl_sum_get_general_var_from_sim_time(ecl_sum , current_time , var_list[ivar]);
fprintf(stream , " %12.3f " , value);
fprintf(stream , "\n");
time_t_vector_free( date_list );
vector_free( ecl_sum_list );
free( has_var );