2017-06-22 11:51:46 +02:00

235 lines
8.8 KiB

Copyright (C) 2011 Statoil ASA, Norway.
The file 'vprofile.c' is part of ERT - Ensemble based Reservoir Tool.
ERT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
ERT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
See the GNU General Public License at <>
for more details.
#include <math.h>
#include <util.h>
#include <path_fmt.h>
#include <double_vector.h>
#include <ecl_grid.h>
#include <ecl_file.h>
#include <ecl_kw.h>
#include <ecl_util.h>
static void usage() {
printf("This little program can be used to extract vertical properties of\n");
printf("solution data from ECLIPSE restart files. The program needs the\n");
printf("following input, from the commandline:\n");
printf(" 1. The i,j coordinates you are interested in.\n");
printf(" 2. The ECLIPSE basename - this can either be just the basename, or an\n");
printf(" arbitrary ECLIPSE file with the correct basename. (Can contain a\n");
printf(" leading path part).\n");
printf(" 3. The keyword you want to extract, this will typically be SWAT, SGAS\n");
printf(" or PRESSURE.\n");
printf(" 4. A filename (can contain a path component) for the profile\n");
printf(" files. This filename MUST contain a %%d format specifier which will\n");
printf(" be replaced with the report step.\n");
printf(" 5. The timesteps you want to consider.\n");
printf(" bash%% vprofile 10 5 MODEL1.DATA SWAT profiles/SWAT_%%04d 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 \n");
printf("This will load vertical profiles for i=10 and j=5. The results will be\n");
printf("loaded from a simulation with basename 'MODEL1'. It will load the\n");
printf("keyword 'SWAT', the profiles will be written to the the files:\n");
printf(" profiles/swat_0000\n");
printf(" profiles/swat_0010\n");
printf(" profiles/swat_0020\n");
printf(" ....\n");
printf(" profiles/swat_0060\n");
printf("The profile files will contain two columns, the keyword you have\n");
printf("have asked for and the depth. The i,j must be from the global grid, but (if\n");
printf("available) LGR information will be used for the profiles. The program\n");
printf("works roughly as follows:\n");
printf(" 1. Based on the ECLIPSE basename the program will look for an EGRID,\n");
printf(" alternatively GRID file, and load this.\n");
printf(" 2. Will load restart information based on the timesteps given by the\n");
printf(" user. The program will first look for a unified restart file, and\n");
printf(" then subsequently for non unified files.\n");
printf(" 3. Scans thorough the timesteps/profiles and creates output files. \n");
printf(" \n");
printf("Observe that the program ONLY looks for unformatted files.\n");
static void vprofile__( int i , int j ,
const ecl_grid_type * ecl_grid ,
const ecl_file_type * ecl_file ,
const char * kw ,
double_vector_type * depth ,
double_vector_type * profile) {
int k;
int nz = ecl_grid_get_nz( ecl_grid );
ecl_kw_type * ecl_kw = ecl_file_iget_named_kw( ecl_file , kw , ecl_grid_get_grid_nr( ecl_grid ));
for (k=0; k < nz; k++) {
int active_index = ecl_grid_get_active_index3( ecl_grid , i,j,k);
if (active_index >= 0) {
ecl_grid_type * lgr = ecl_grid_get_cell_lgr3( ecl_grid , i,j,k);
if (lgr != NULL) {
/* Recursive dive .. */
double x,y,z;
int lgr_i , lgr_j , lgr_k , lgr_global;
ecl_grid_get_xyz3( ecl_grid, i ,j , k, &x , &y , &z);
lgr_global = ecl_grid_get_global_index_from_xyz( lgr , x , y , z , 0);
if (lgr_global < 0)
util_exit("Hmmmm - could not locate point: %g,%g,%g in lgr:%s \n",x,y,z,ecl_grid_get_name( lgr ));
ecl_grid_get_ijk1( lgr , lgr_global , &lgr_i , &lgr_j , &lgr_k);
vprofile__(lgr_i , lgr_j , lgr , ecl_file , kw , depth , profile);
double_vector_append( depth , ecl_grid_get_cdepth3( ecl_grid , i,j,k));
double_vector_append( profile , ecl_kw_iget_as_double( ecl_kw , active_index ));
static void vprofile( int i , int j , const ecl_grid_type * ecl_grid , const ecl_file_type * ecl_file , const char * kw , int tstep , path_fmt_type * output_fmt) {
if (ecl_file_has_kw( ecl_file , kw )) {
double_vector_type * depth = double_vector_alloc(0 , 0);
double_vector_type * profile = double_vector_alloc(0 , 0);
vprofile__(i , j , ecl_grid , ecl_file , kw , depth , profile );
char * filename = path_fmt_alloc_file( output_fmt , true , tstep );
int * perm = double_vector_alloc_sort_perm( depth );
FILE * stream = util_fopen( filename, "w");
int l;
double_vector_permute( depth , perm );
double_vector_permute( profile , perm );
for (l=0; l < double_vector_size( depth ); l++)
fprintf(stream , "%12.5f %12.5f\n", double_vector_iget( profile , l ) , -double_vector_iget( depth , l));
free( perm );
fclose( stream );
free( filename);
int main (int argc , char ** argv) {
if (argc < 6)
const char * base_file = argv[3];
const char * kw = argv[4];
const char * fmt = argv[5];
const char ** tlist = (const char **) &argv[6];
const int num_tstep = argc - 6;
int i,j;
if (util_sscanf_int( argv[1] , &i) && util_sscanf_int( argv[2] , &j)) {
bool unified;
path_fmt_type * output_fmt;
char * restart_file;
char * path;
char * eclbase;
ecl_grid_type * ecl_grid;
util_alloc_file_components( base_file , &path , &eclbase , NULL );
char * grid_file = ecl_util_alloc_filename( path , eclbase , ECL_EGRID_FILE , false , -1);
if (util_file_exists( grid_file )) {
ecl_grid = ecl_grid_alloc( grid_file );
printf("Loading grid file: %s \n", grid_file);
} else {
free( grid_file );
grid_file = ecl_util_alloc_filename( path , eclbase , ECL_GRID_FILE , false , -1);
if (util_file_exists( grid_file )) {
ecl_grid = ecl_grid_alloc( grid_file );
printf("Loading grid file: %s \n", grid_file);
} else {
fprintf(stderr,"Could not locate %s.EGRID or %s.GRID file in %s.\n",eclbase , eclbase , path);
free( grid_file );
restart_file = ecl_util_alloc_filename( path , eclbase , ECL_UNIFIED_RESTART_FILE , false , -1 );
if (util_file_exists( restart_file ))
unified = true;
else {
unified = false;
free( restart_file );
output_fmt = path_fmt_alloc_path_fmt( fmt );
int it;
for (it = 0; it < num_tstep; it++) {
int tstep;
if (util_sscanf_int( tlist[it] , &tstep)) {
ecl_file_type * ecl_file = NULL;
if (unified) {
ecl_file = ecl_file_open( restart_file );
if (!ecl_file_select_rstblock_report_step( ecl_file , tstep )) {
fprintf(stderr , "** Failed to load restart information for step:%d \n", tstep);
printf("Loading report step:%d from:%s \n",tstep , restart_file );
} else {
restart_file = ecl_util_alloc_exfilename( path , eclbase , ECL_RESTART_FILE , false , tstep );
if (restart_file != NULL) {
ecl_file = ecl_file_open( restart_file );
printf("Loading report step:%d from:%s \n",tstep , restart_file );
vprofile( i - 1, j - 1, ecl_grid , ecl_file , kw , tstep , output_fmt );
if (!unified)
util_safe_free( restart_file );
} else
fprintf(stderr,"** The string: \'%s\' was not interpreted as a time-step - ignored \n",tlist[it]);
} else
fprintf(stderr,"Failed to interpret \'%s\' and \'%s\' as integers.\n",argv[1] , argv[2]);