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// Copyright (C) 2011- Statoil ASA
// Copyright (C) 2013- Ceetron Solutions AS
// Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Ceetron AS
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#include "RiaSocketServer.h"
#include "RiaSocketCommand.h"
#include "RiaApplication.h"
#include "RiaLogging.h"
#include "RiaPreferences.h"
#include "RimCase.h"
#include "RimEclipseCase.h"
#include "RimEclipseView.h"
#include "RimProject.h"
#include "RiuMainWindow.h"
#include "RiuViewer.h"
#include "cafFactory.h"
#include <QtNetwork>
#include <QtWidgets/QMdiSubWindow>
#include <cstdlib>
RiaSocketServer::RiaSocketServer( QObject* parent )
: QObject( parent )
, m_tcpServer( nullptr )
, m_currentClient( nullptr )
, m_currentCommandSize( 0 )
, m_currentCommand( nullptr )
m_tcpServer = new QTcpServer( this );
m_nextPendingConnectionTimer = new QTimer( this );
m_nextPendingConnectionTimer->setInterval( 100 );
m_nextPendingConnectionTimer->setSingleShot( true );
if ( !m_tcpServer->listen( QHostAddress::LocalHost, 40001 ) )
QString txt = "Disabled communication with Octave due to another ResInsight process running.";
RiaLogging::warning( txt );
connect( m_nextPendingConnectionTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, SLOT( slotNewClientConnection() ) );
connect( m_tcpServer, SIGNAL( newConnection() ), this, SLOT( slotNewClientConnection() ) );
assert( m_currentCommand == nullptr );
unsigned short RiaSocketServer::serverPort()
if ( m_tcpServer )
return m_tcpServer->serverPort();
return 0;
void RiaSocketServer::slotNewClientConnection()
// If we are currently handling a connection, just ignore the new one until the current one is disconnected.
if ( m_currentClient && ( m_currentClient->state() != QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState ) )
// PMonLog("Starting Timer");
m_nextPendingConnectionTimer->start(); // Reset and start again
// Read pending data from socket
if ( m_currentClient && m_currentCommand )
bool isFinshed = m_currentCommand->interpretMore( this, m_currentClient );
if ( !isFinshed )
QString txt;
txt = "ResInsight SocketServer : The command did not finish up correctly at the presence of a new one.";
RiaLogging::error( txt );
/// Find the requested reservoir by caseId
RimEclipseCase* RiaSocketServer::findReservoir( int caseId )
int currCaseId = caseId;
if ( caseId < 0 )
currCaseId = RiaApplication::instance()->currentScriptCaseId();
if ( currCaseId < 0 )
RimEclipseView* eclipseView = dynamic_cast<RimEclipseView*>( RiaApplication::instance()->activeReservoirView() );
if ( eclipseView )
return eclipseView->eclipseCase();
// If the active mdi window is different from an Eclipse view, search through available mdi windows to find the
// last activated Eclipse view. The sub windows are returned with the most recent activated window at the back.
QList<QMdiSubWindow*> subWindows = RiuMainWindow::instance()->subWindowList( QMdiArea::ActivationHistoryOrder );
for ( int i = subWindows.size() - 1; i > -1; i-- )
RiuViewer* viewer = subWindows[i]->widget()->findChild<RiuViewer*>();
if ( viewer )
RimEclipseView* riv = dynamic_cast<RimEclipseView*>( viewer->ownerReservoirView() );
if ( riv )
return riv->eclipseCase();
RimProject* project = RimProject::current();
if ( !project ) return nullptr;
std::vector<RimCase*> cases = project->allGridCases();
for ( size_t i = 0; i < cases.size(); i++ )
if ( cases[i]->caseId() == currCaseId )
return dynamic_cast<RimEclipseCase*>( cases[i] );
return nullptr;
/// Reads the command name size, the command string and creates a new command object based on the string read.
/// Tries to interpret the command as well.
/// Returns whether the command actually was completely finished in one go.
bool RiaSocketServer::readCommandFromOctave()
QDataStream socketStream( m_currentClient );
socketStream.setVersion( riOctavePlugin::qtDataStreamVersion );
// If we have not read the currentCommandSize
// read the size of the command if all the data is available
if ( m_currentCommandSize == 0 )
if ( m_currentClient->bytesAvailable() < (int)sizeof( qint64 ) ) return false;
socketStream >> m_currentCommandSize;
// Check if the complete command is available, return and whait for readyRead() if not
if ( m_currentClient->bytesAvailable() < m_currentCommandSize ) return false;
// Now we can read the command name
QByteArray command = m_currentClient->read( m_currentCommandSize );
QTextStream commandStream( command );
QList<QByteArray> args;
while ( !commandStream.atEnd() )
QByteArray arg;
commandStream >> arg;
args.push_back( arg );
CVF_ASSERT( !args.empty() );
// Create the actual RiaSocketCommand object that will interpret the socket data
m_currentCommand = RiaSocketCommandFactory::instance()->create( args[0] );
if ( m_currentCommand )
bool finished = m_currentCommand->interpretCommand( this, args, socketStream );
return finished;
QString txt;
txt = QString( "ResInsight SocketServer: Unknown command: %1" ).arg( args[0].data() );
RiaLogging::error( txt );
return true;
void RiaSocketServer::slotCurrentClientDisconnected()
if ( m_currentCommand )
// Make sure we read what can be read.
bool isFinished = m_currentCommand->interpretMore( this, m_currentClient );
if ( !isFinished )
QString txt;
txt = QString( "ResInsight SocketServer: The command was interrupted and did not finish because the "
"connection to octave disconnected." );
RiaLogging::error( txt );
void RiaSocketServer::slotReadyRead()
if ( m_currentCommand )
bool isFinished = m_currentCommand->interpretMore( this, m_currentClient );
if ( isFinished )
bool isFinished = readCommandFromOctave();
if ( isFinished )
void RiaSocketServer::showErrorMessage( const QString& message ) const
RiaLogging::error( message );
void RiaSocketServer::terminateCurrentConnection()
if ( m_currentClient )
m_currentClient->disconnect( SIGNAL( disconnected() ) );
m_currentClient->disconnect( SIGNAL( readyRead() ) );
m_currentClient = nullptr;
// Clean up more state:
if ( m_currentCommand )
delete m_currentCommand;
m_currentCommand = nullptr;
m_currentCommandSize = 0;
void RiaSocketServer::handleNextPendingConnection()
if ( m_currentClient && ( m_currentClient->state() != QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState ) )
// PMonLog("Starting Timer");
m_nextPendingConnectionTimer->start(); // Reset and start again
// Stop timer
if ( m_nextPendingConnectionTimer->isActive() )
// PMonLog("Stopping Timer");
QTcpSocket* clientToHandle = m_tcpServer->nextPendingConnection();
if ( clientToHandle )
CVF_ASSERT( m_currentClient == nullptr );
CVF_ASSERT( m_currentCommand == nullptr );
m_currentClient = clientToHandle;
m_currentCommandSize = 0;
connect( m_currentClient, SIGNAL( disconnected() ), this, SLOT( slotCurrentClientDisconnected() ) );
connect( m_currentClient, SIGNAL( readyRead() ), this, SLOT( slotReadyRead() ) );
if ( m_currentClient->bytesAvailable() )
bool isFinished = readCommandFromOctave();
if ( isFinished )
// Call ourselves recursively until there are none left, or until it can not be processed in one go.