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// Custom Visualization Core library
// Copyright (C) 2017 Ceetron Solutions AS
// This library may be used under the terms of either the GNU General Public License or
// the GNU Lesser General Public License as follows:
// GNU General Public License Usage
// This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>>
// for more details.
// GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU Lesser General Public License at <<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html>>
// for more details.
#include "cafPdmUiFormLayoutObjectEditor.h"
#include "cafPdmObjectHandle.h"
#include "cafPdmUiFieldEditorHandle.h"
#include "cafPdmUiFieldEditorHelper.h"
#include "cafPdmUiFieldHandle.h"
#include "cafPdmUiListEditor.h"
#include "cafPdmUiObjectHandle.h"
#include "cafPdmUiOrdering.h"
#include "cafPdmXmlObjectHandle.h"
#include "cafAssert.h"
#include "QMinimizePanel.h"
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QFrame>
#include <QGridLayout>
// If there are field editor present, the usage of this editor has not cleared correctly
// The intended usage is to call the method setPdmObject(NULL) before closing the dialog
CAF_ASSERT( m_fieldViews.size() == 0 );
bool caf::PdmUiFormLayoutObjectEditor::recursivelyConfigureAndUpdateUiOrderingInNewGridLayout( const PdmUiOrdering& uiOrdering,
QWidget* containerWidget,
const QString& uiConfigName )
QSize beforeSize = containerWidget->sizeHint();
ensureWidgetContainsEmptyGridLayout( containerWidget );
int stretch = recursivelyConfigureAndUpdateUiOrderingInGridLayout( uiOrdering, containerWidget, uiConfigName );
QSize afterSize = containerWidget->sizeHint();
if ( beforeSize != afterSize )
return stretch > 0;
/// Add all widgets at a recursion level in the form.
/// Returns the stretch factor that should be applied at the level above.
int caf::PdmUiFormLayoutObjectEditor::recursivelyConfigureAndUpdateUiOrderingInGridLayout( const PdmUiOrdering& uiOrdering,
QWidget* containerWidgetWithGridLayout,
const QString& uiConfigName )
int sumRowStretch = 0;
CAF_ASSERT( containerWidgetWithGridLayout );
QWidget* previousTabOrderWidget = nullptr;
// Currently, only QGridLayout is supported
QGridLayout* parentLayout = dynamic_cast<QGridLayout*>( containerWidgetWithGridLayout->layout() );
CAF_ASSERT( parentLayout );
PdmUiOrdering::TableLayout tableLayout = uiOrdering.calculateTableLayout( uiConfigName );
int totalRows = static_cast<int>( tableLayout.size() );
int totalColumns = uiOrdering.nrOfColumns( tableLayout );
for ( int currentRowIndex = 0; currentRowIndex < totalRows; ++currentRowIndex )
int currentColumn = 0;
const PdmUiOrdering::RowLayout& uiItemsInRow = tableLayout[currentRowIndex];
int columnsRequiredForCurrentRow = uiOrdering.nrOfRequiredColumnsInRow( uiItemsInRow );
int nrOfExpandingItemsInRow = uiOrdering.nrOfExpandingItemsInRow( uiItemsInRow );
int spareColumnsInRow = totalColumns - columnsRequiredForCurrentRow;
std::div_t columnsDiv = { 0, 0 };
if ( spareColumnsInRow && nrOfExpandingItemsInRow )
columnsDiv = std::div( spareColumnsInRow, nrOfExpandingItemsInRow );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < uiItemsInRow.size(); ++i )
PdmUiItem* currentItem = uiItemsInRow[i].first;
PdmUiOrdering::LayoutOptions currentLayout = uiItemsInRow[i].second;
int minimumItemColumnSpan = 0, minimumLabelColumnSpan = 0, minimumFieldColumnSpan = 0;
uiOrdering.nrOfColumnsRequiredForItem( uiItemsInRow[i],
&minimumFieldColumnSpan );
bool isExpandingItem = currentLayout.totalColumnSpan == PdmUiOrdering::LayoutOptions::MAX_COLUMN_SPAN;
int spareColumnsToAssign = 0;
if ( isExpandingItem )
spareColumnsToAssign += columnsDiv.quot;
if ( i == 0 ) spareColumnsToAssign += columnsDiv.rem;
int itemColumnSpan = minimumItemColumnSpan + spareColumnsToAssign;
if ( currentItem->isUiGroup() )
int groupStretchFactor = recursivelyAddGroupToGridLayout( currentItem,
itemColumnSpan );
parentLayout->setRowStretch( currentRowIndex, groupStretchFactor );
currentColumn += itemColumnSpan;
sumRowStretch += groupStretchFactor;
PdmUiFieldEditorHandle* fieldEditor = nullptr;
PdmUiFieldHandle* field = dynamic_cast<PdmUiFieldHandle*>( currentItem );
if ( field )
fieldEditor = findOrCreateFieldEditor( containerWidgetWithGridLayout, field, uiConfigName );
if ( fieldEditor )
// Also assign required item space that isn't taken up by field and label
spareColumnsToAssign += minimumItemColumnSpan - ( minimumLabelColumnSpan + minimumFieldColumnSpan );
// Place the widget(s) into the correct parent and layout
QWidget* fieldCombinedWidget = fieldEditor->combinedWidget();
if ( fieldCombinedWidget )
parentLayout->addWidget( fieldCombinedWidget, currentRowIndex, currentColumn, 1, itemColumnSpan );
parentLayout->setRowStretch( currentRowIndex, fieldEditor->rowStretchFactor() );
sumRowStretch += fieldEditor->rowStretchFactor();
QWidget* fieldEditorWidget = fieldEditor->editorWidget();
if ( !fieldEditorWidget ) continue;
int fieldColumnSpan = minimumFieldColumnSpan;
QWidget* fieldLabelWidget = fieldEditor->labelWidget();
PdmUiItemInfo::LabelPosType labelPos = PdmUiItemInfo::HIDDEN;
if ( fieldLabelWidget )
labelPos = field->uiLabelPosition( uiConfigName );
if ( labelPos == PdmUiItemInfo::HIDDEN )
else if ( labelPos == PdmUiItemInfo::TOP )
QVBoxLayout* labelAndFieldVerticalLayout = new QVBoxLayout();
parentLayout->addLayout( labelAndFieldVerticalLayout,
Qt::AlignTop );
labelAndFieldVerticalLayout->addWidget( fieldLabelWidget, 0, Qt::AlignTop );
labelAndFieldVerticalLayout->addWidget( fieldEditorWidget, 1, Qt::AlignTop );
// Apply margins determined by the editor type
// fieldLabelWidget->setContentsMargins(fieldEditor->labelContentMargins());
currentColumn += itemColumnSpan;
CAF_ASSERT( labelPos == PdmUiItemInfo::LEFT );
int leftLabelColumnSpan = minimumLabelColumnSpan;
if ( currentLayout.leftLabelColumnSpan == PdmUiOrdering::LayoutOptions::MAX_COLUMN_SPAN &&
currentLayout.totalColumnSpan != PdmUiOrdering::LayoutOptions::MAX_COLUMN_SPAN )
leftLabelColumnSpan += spareColumnsToAssign;
spareColumnsToAssign = 0;
else if ( currentLayout.leftLabelColumnSpan == PdmUiOrdering::LayoutOptions::MAX_COLUMN_SPAN )
leftLabelColumnSpan += spareColumnsToAssign / 2;
spareColumnsToAssign -= spareColumnsToAssign / 2;
parentLayout->addWidget( fieldLabelWidget,
Qt::AlignTop );
currentColumn += leftLabelColumnSpan;
// Apply margins determined by the editor type
fieldLabelWidget->setContentsMargins( fieldEditor->labelContentMargins() );
if ( labelPos != PdmUiItemInfo::TOP ) // Already added if TOP
fieldColumnSpan += spareColumnsToAssign;
CAF_ASSERT( fieldColumnSpan >= 1 && "Need at least one column for the field" );
fieldColumnSpan = std::max( 1, fieldColumnSpan );
parentLayout->addWidget( fieldEditorWidget,
Qt::AlignTop );
currentColumn += fieldColumnSpan;
if ( previousTabOrderWidget )
QWidget::setTabOrder( previousTabOrderWidget, fieldEditorWidget );
previousTabOrderWidget = fieldEditorWidget;
parentLayout->setRowStretch( currentRowIndex, fieldEditor->rowStretchFactor() );
sumRowStretch += fieldEditor->rowStretchFactor();
fieldEditor->updateUi( uiConfigName );
CAF_ASSERT( currentColumn <= totalColumns );
// The magnitude of the stretch should not be sent up, only if there was stretch or not
return sumRowStretch;
/// Create a group and add widgets. Return true if the containing row needs to be stretched.
int caf::PdmUiFormLayoutObjectEditor::recursivelyAddGroupToGridLayout( PdmUiItem* currentItem,
QWidget* containerWidgetWithGridLayout,
const QString& uiConfigName,
QGridLayout* parentLayout,
int currentRowIndex,
int currentColumn,
int itemColumnSpan )
PdmUiGroup* group = static_cast<PdmUiGroup*>( currentItem );
QMinimizePanel* groupBox = findOrCreateGroupBox( containerWidgetWithGridLayout, group, uiConfigName );
int stretch = recursivelyConfigureAndUpdateUiOrderingInGridLayout( *group, groupBox->contentFrame(), uiConfigName );
/// Insert the group box at the correct position of the parent layout
parentLayout->addWidget( groupBox, currentRowIndex, currentColumn, 1, itemColumnSpan );
return stretch;
bool caf::PdmUiFormLayoutObjectEditor::isUiGroupExpanded( const PdmUiGroup* uiGroup ) const
if ( uiGroup->hasForcedExpandedState() ) return uiGroup->forcedExpandedState();
auto kwMapPair = m_objectKeywordGroupUiNameExpandedState.find( pdmObject()->xmlCapability()->classKeyword() );
if ( kwMapPair != m_objectKeywordGroupUiNameExpandedState.end() )
QString keyword = uiGroup->keyword();
auto uiNameExpStatePair = kwMapPair->second.find( keyword );
if ( uiNameExpStatePair != kwMapPair->second.end() )
return uiNameExpStatePair->second;
return uiGroup->isExpandedByDefault();
QMinimizePanel* caf::PdmUiFormLayoutObjectEditor::findOrCreateGroupBox( QWidget* parent,
PdmUiGroup* group,
const QString& uiConfigName )
QString groupBoxKey = group->keyword();
QMinimizePanel* groupBox = nullptr;
// Find or create groupBox
std::map<QString, QPointer<QMinimizePanel>>::iterator it;
it = m_groupBoxes.find( groupBoxKey );
if ( it == m_groupBoxes.end() )
groupBox = new QMinimizePanel( parent );
groupBox->enableFrame( group->enableFrame() );
groupBox->setTitle( group->uiName( uiConfigName ) );
groupBox->setObjectName( group->keyword() );
connect( groupBox, SIGNAL( expandedChanged( bool ) ), this, SLOT( groupBoxExpandedStateToggled( bool ) ) );
m_newGroupBoxes[groupBoxKey] = groupBox;
groupBox = it->second;
CAF_ASSERT( groupBox );
m_newGroupBoxes[groupBoxKey] = groupBox;
QMargins contentMargins;
if ( group->enableFrame() )
contentMargins = QMargins( 6, 6, 6, 6 );
ensureWidgetContainsEmptyGridLayout( groupBox->contentFrame(), contentMargins );
// Set Expanded state
bool isExpanded = isUiGroupExpanded( group );
groupBox->setExpanded( isExpanded );
// Update the title to be able to support dynamic group names
groupBox->setTitle( group->uiName( uiConfigName ) );
return groupBox;
caf::PdmUiFieldEditorHandle* caf::PdmUiFormLayoutObjectEditor::findOrCreateFieldEditor( QWidget* parent,
PdmUiFieldHandle* field,
const QString& uiConfigName )
caf::PdmUiFieldEditorHandle* fieldEditor = nullptr;
std::map<PdmFieldHandle*, PdmUiFieldEditorHandle*>::iterator it = m_fieldViews.find( field->fieldHandle() );
if ( it == m_fieldViews.end() )
fieldEditor = PdmUiFieldEditorHelper::createFieldEditorForField( field, uiConfigName );
if ( fieldEditor )
m_fieldViews[field->fieldHandle()] = fieldEditor;
fieldEditor->setContainingEditor( this );
fieldEditor->setUiField( field );
fieldEditor->createWidgets( parent );
// This assert happens if no editor is available for a given field
// If the macro for registering the editor is put as the single statement
// in a cpp file, a dummy static class must be used to make sure the compile unit
// is included
// See cafPdmUiCoreColor3f and cafPdmUiCoreVec3d
// This assert will trigger for PdmChildArrayField and PdmChildField
// Consider to exclude assert or add editors for these types if the assert is reintroduced
// CAF_ASSERT(false);
fieldEditor = it->second;
if ( fieldEditor )
m_usedFields.insert( field->fieldHandle() );
return fieldEditor;
void caf::PdmUiFormLayoutObjectEditor::ensureWidgetContainsEmptyGridLayout( QWidget* containerWidget,
QMargins contentMargins )
CAF_ASSERT( containerWidget );
QLayout* layout = containerWidget->layout();
if ( layout != nullptr )
// Remove all items from the layout, then reparent the layout to a temporary
// This is because you cannot remove a layout from a widget but it gets moved when reparenting.
QLayoutItem* item;
while ( ( item = layout->takeAt( 0 ) ) != 0 )
QWidget().setLayout( layout );
QGridLayout* gridLayout = new QGridLayout;
gridLayout->setContentsMargins( contentMargins );
containerWidget->setLayout( gridLayout );
void caf::PdmUiFormLayoutObjectEditor::groupBoxExpandedStateToggled( bool isExpanded )
if ( !this->pdmObject()->xmlCapability() ) return;
QString objKeyword = this->pdmObject()->xmlCapability()->classKeyword();
QMinimizePanel* panel = dynamic_cast<QMinimizePanel*>( this->sender() );
if ( !panel ) return;
m_objectKeywordGroupUiNameExpandedState[objKeyword][panel->objectName()] = isExpanded;
void caf::PdmUiFormLayoutObjectEditor::cleanupBeforeSettingPdmObject()
std::map<PdmFieldHandle*, PdmUiFieldEditorHandle*>::iterator it;
for ( it = m_fieldViews.begin(); it != m_fieldViews.end(); ++it )
PdmUiFieldEditorHandle* fvh = it->second;
delete fvh;
std::map<QString, QPointer<QMinimizePanel>>::iterator groupIt;
for ( groupIt = m_groupBoxes.begin(); groupIt != m_groupBoxes.end(); ++groupIt )
if ( !groupIt->second.isNull() ) groupIt->second->deleteLater();
void caf::PdmUiFormLayoutObjectEditor::configureAndUpdateUi( const QString& uiConfigName )
caf::PdmUiOrdering config;
if ( pdmObject() )
caf::PdmUiObjectHandle* uiObject = uiObj( pdmObject() );
if ( uiObject )
uiObject->uiOrdering( uiConfigName, config );
// Set all fieldViews to be unvisited
// Set all group Boxes to be unvisited
recursivelyConfigureAndUpdateTopLevelUiOrdering( config, uiConfigName );
// Remove all fieldViews not mentioned by the configuration from the layout
std::vector<PdmFieldHandle*> fvhToRemoveFromMap;
for ( auto oldFvIt = m_fieldViews.begin(); oldFvIt != m_fieldViews.end(); ++oldFvIt )
if ( m_usedFields.count( oldFvIt->first ) == 0 )
// The old field editor is not present anymore, get rid of it
delete oldFvIt->second;
fvhToRemoveFromMap.push_back( oldFvIt->first );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < fvhToRemoveFromMap.size(); ++i )
m_fieldViews.erase( fvhToRemoveFromMap[i] );
// Remove all unmentioned group boxes
std::map<QString, QPointer<QMinimizePanel>>::iterator itOld;
std::map<QString, QPointer<QMinimizePanel>>::iterator itNew;
for ( itOld = m_groupBoxes.begin(); itOld != m_groupBoxes.end(); ++itOld )
itNew = m_newGroupBoxes.find( itOld->first );
if ( itNew == m_newGroupBoxes.end() )
// The old groupBox is not present anymore, get rid of it
if ( !itOld->second.isNull() ) delete itOld->second;
m_groupBoxes = m_newGroupBoxes;
// Notify pdm object when widgets have been created
caf::PdmUiObjectHandle* uiObject = uiObj( pdmObject() );
if ( uiObject )
/// Unused. Should probably remove
void caf::PdmUiFormLayoutObjectEditor::recursiveVerifyUniqueNames( const std::vector<PdmUiItem*>& uiItems,
const QString& uiConfigName,
std::set<QString>* fieldKeywordNames,
std::set<QString>* groupNames )
for ( size_t i = 0; i < uiItems.size(); ++i )
if ( uiItems[i]->isUiGroup() )
PdmUiGroup* group = static_cast<PdmUiGroup*>( uiItems[i] );
const std::vector<PdmUiItem*>& groupChildren = group->uiItems();
QString groupBoxKey = group->keyword();
if ( groupNames->find( groupBoxKey ) != groupNames->end() )
// It is not supported to have two groups with identical names
CAF_ASSERT( false );
groupNames->insert( groupBoxKey );
recursiveVerifyUniqueNames( groupChildren, uiConfigName, fieldKeywordNames, groupNames );
PdmUiFieldHandle* field = dynamic_cast<PdmUiFieldHandle*>( uiItems[i] );
QString fieldKeyword = field->fieldHandle()->keyword();
if ( fieldKeywordNames->find( fieldKeyword ) != fieldKeywordNames->end() )
// It is not supported to have two fields with identical names
CAF_ASSERT( false );
fieldKeywordNames->insert( fieldKeyword );