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synced 2025-02-20 11:48:35 -06:00
* Remove excess tiny triangles around edges * Remove labels from contour lines that overlap inner contour lines
302 lines
13 KiB
302 lines
13 KiB
// Copyright (C) 2018- Equinor ASA
// Copyright (C) 2018- Ceetron Solutions AS
// Adapted from work by Paul D. Bourke named "conrec"
// http://paulbourke.net/papers/conrec/.
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#include "cafContourLines.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <list>
#include <cmath>
const int caf::ContourLines::s_castab[3][3][3] =
{ {0,0,8},{0,2,5},{7,6,9} },
{ {0,3,4},{1,3,1},{4,3,0} },
{ {9,6,7},{5,2,0},{8,0,0} }
void caf::ContourLines::create(const std::vector<double>& dataXY, const std::vector<double>& xCoords, const std::vector<double>& yCoords, const std::vector<double>& contourLevels, std::vector<std::vector<cvf::Vec2d>>* polygons)
int nContourLevels = static_cast<int>(contourLevels.size());
std::vector<int> sh(5, 0);
std::vector<double> h(5, 0.0), xh(5, 0.0), yh(5, 0.0);
int nx = static_cast<int>(xCoords.size());
int ny = static_cast<int>(yCoords.size());
CVF_ASSERT(static_cast<int>(dataXY.size()) == nx * ny);
int im[4] = { 0,1,1,0 }, jm[4] = { 0,0,1,1 };
for (int j = (ny - 2); j >= 0; j--)
for (int i = 0; i < nx - 1; i++)
double temp1, temp2;
temp1 = std::min(saneValue(gridIndex1d(i, j, nx), dataXY, contourLevels),
saneValue(gridIndex1d(i, j + 1, nx), dataXY, contourLevels));
temp2 = std::min(saneValue(gridIndex1d(i + 1, j, nx), dataXY, contourLevels),
saneValue(gridIndex1d(i + 1, j + 1, nx), dataXY, contourLevels));
double dmin = std::min(temp1, temp2);
temp1 = std::max(saneValue(gridIndex1d(i, j, nx), dataXY, contourLevels),
saneValue(gridIndex1d(i, j + 1, nx), dataXY, contourLevels));
temp2 = std::max(saneValue(gridIndex1d(i + 1, j, nx), dataXY, contourLevels),
saneValue(gridIndex1d(i + 1, j + 1, nx), dataXY, contourLevels));
double dmax = std::max(temp1, temp2);
// Using dmax <= contourLevels[0] as a deviation from Bourke because it empirically
// Reduces gridding artifacts in our code.
if (dmax <= contourLevels[0] || dmin > contourLevels[nContourLevels - 1])
for (int k = 0; k < nContourLevels; k++)
if (contourLevels[k] < dmin || contourLevels[k] > dmax)
for (int m = 4; m >= 0; m--)
if (m > 0)
double value = saneValue(gridIndex1d(i + im[m - 1], j + jm[m - 1], nx), dataXY, contourLevels);
if (value == invalidValue(contourLevels))
h[m] = invalidValue(contourLevels);
h[m] = value - contourLevels[k];
xh[m] = xCoords[i + im[m - 1]];
yh[m] = yCoords[j + jm[m - 1]];
h[0] = 0.25 * (h[1] + h[2] + h[3] + h[4]);
xh[0] = 0.5 * (xCoords[i] + xCoords[i + 1]);
yh[0] = 0.5 * (yCoords[j] + yCoords[j + 1]);
if (h[m] > 0.0)
sh[m] = 1;
else if (h[m] < 0.0)
sh[m] = -1;
sh[m] = 0;
Note: at this stage the relative heights of the corners and the
centre are in the h array, and the corresponding coordinates are
in the xh and yh arrays. The centre of the box is indexed by 0
and the 4 corners by 1 to 4 as shown below.
Each triangle is then indexed by the parameter m, and the 3
vertices of each triangle are indexed by parameters m1,m2,and m3.
It is assumed that the centre of the box is always vertex 2
though this isimportant only when all 3 vertices lie exactly on
the same contour level, in which case only the side of the box
is drawn.
vertex 4 +-------------------+ vertex 3
| \ / |
| \ m-3 / |
| \ / |
| \ / |
| m=2 X m=2 | the centre is vertex 0
| / \ |
| / \ |
| / m=1 \ |
| / \ |
vertex 1 +-------------------+ vertex 2
/* Scan each triangle in the box */
for (int m = 1; m <= 4; m++) {
int m1 = m;
int m2 = 0;
int m3 = (m != 4) ? m + 1 : 1;
double x1 = 0.0, x2 = 0.0, y1 = 0.0, y2 = 0.0;
int case_value = s_castab[sh[m1] + 1][sh[m2] + 1][sh[m3] + 1];
if (case_value == 0)
switch (case_value) {
case 1: /* Line between vertices 1 and 2 */
x1 = xh[m1];
y1 = yh[m1];
x2 = xh[m2];
y2 = yh[m2];
case 2: /* Line between vertices 2 and 3 */
x1 = xh[m2];
y1 = yh[m2];
x2 = xh[m3];
y2 = yh[m3];
case 3: /* Line between vertices 3 and 1 */
x1 = xh[m3];
y1 = yh[m3];
x2 = xh[m1];
y2 = yh[m1];
case 4: /* Line between vertex 1 and side 2-3 */
x1 = xh[m1];
y1 = yh[m1];
x2 = xsect(m2, m3, h, xh, yh);
y2 = ysect(m2, m3, h, xh, yh);
case 5: /* Line between vertex 2 and side 3-1 */
x1 = xh[m2];
y1 = yh[m2];
x2 = xsect(m3, m1, h, xh, yh);
y2 = ysect(m3, m1, h, xh, yh);
case 6: /* Line between vertex 3 and side 1-2 */
x1 = xh[m3];
y1 = yh[m3];
x2 = xsect(m1, m2, h, xh, yh);
y2 = ysect(m1, m2, h, xh, yh);
case 7: /* Line between sides 1-2 and 2-3 */
x1 = xsect(m1, m2, h, xh, yh);
y1 = ysect(m1, m2, h, xh, yh);
x2 = xsect(m2, m3, h, xh, yh);
y2 = ysect(m2, m3, h, xh, yh);
case 8: /* Line between sides 2-3 and 3-1 */
x1 = xsect(m2, m3, h, xh, yh);
y1 = ysect(m2, m3, h, xh, yh);
x2 = xsect(m3, m1, h, xh, yh);
y2 = ysect(m3, m1, h, xh, yh);
case 9: /* Line between sides 3-1 and 1-2 */
x1 = xsect(m3, m1, h, xh, yh);
y1 = ysect(m3, m1, h, xh, yh);
x2 = xsect(m1, m2, h, xh, yh);
y2 = ysect(m1, m2, h, xh, yh);
/* Finally draw the line */
polygons->at(k).push_back(cvf::Vec2d(x1, y1));
polygons->at(k).push_back(cvf::Vec2d(x2, y2));
} /* m */
} /* k - contour */
} /* i */
} /* j */
std::vector<caf::ContourLines::ListOfLineSegments> caf::ContourLines::create(const std::vector<double>& dataXY,
const std::vector<double>& xPositions,
const std::vector<double>& yPositions,
const std::vector<double>& contourLevels)
const double eps = 1.0e-4;
std::vector<std::vector<cvf::Vec2d>> contourLineSegments;
caf::ContourLines::create(dataXY, xPositions, yPositions, contourLevels, &contourLineSegments);
std::vector<ListOfLineSegments> listOfSegmentsPerLevel(contourLevels.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < contourLevels.size(); ++i)
size_t nPoints = contourLineSegments[i].size();
size_t nSegments = nPoints / 2;
if (nSegments >= 3u) // Need at least three segments for a closed polygon
ListOfLineSegments unorderedSegments;
for (size_t j = 0; j < contourLineSegments[i].size(); j += 2)
unorderedSegments.push_back(std::make_pair(cvf::Vec3d(contourLineSegments[i][j]), cvf::Vec3d(contourLineSegments[i][j + 1])));
listOfSegmentsPerLevel[i] = unorderedSegments;
return listOfSegmentsPerLevel;
double caf::ContourLines::contourRange(const std::vector<double>& contourLevels)
return std::max(1.0e-6, contourLevels.back() - contourLevels.front());
double caf::ContourLines::invalidValue(const std::vector<double>& contourLevels)
return contourLevels.front() - 1000.0*contourRange(contourLevels);
double caf::ContourLines::saneValue(int index, const std::vector<double>& dataXY, const std::vector<double>& contourLevels)
CVF_ASSERT(index >= 0 && index < static_cast<int>(dataXY.size()));
// Place all invalid values below the bottom contour level.
if (dataXY[index] == -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity() ||
dataXY[index] == std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity())
return invalidValue(contourLevels);
return dataXY[index];
double caf::ContourLines::xsect(int p1, int p2, const std::vector<double>& h, const std::vector<double>& xh, const std::vector<double>& yh)
return (h[p2] * xh[p1] - h[p1] * xh[p2]) / (h[p2] - h[p1]);
double caf::ContourLines::ysect(int p1, int p2, const std::vector<double>& h, const std::vector<double>& xh, const std::vector<double>& yh)
return (h[p2] * yh[p1] - h[p1] * yh[p2]) / (h[p2] - h[p1]);
int caf::ContourLines::gridIndex1d(int i, int j, int nx)
return j * nx + i;