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// Copyright (C) 2016 Statoil ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#include "RicSnapshotViewToFileFeature.h"
#include "RiaGuiApplication.h"
#include "RiaLogging.h"
#include "RiaPlotWindowRedrawScheduler.h"
#include "RimMainPlotCollection.h"
#include "RimMultiPlot.h"
#include "RimPlotWindow.h"
#include "RimProject.h"
#include "RimViewWindow.h"
#include "RiuFileDialogTools.h"
#include "RiuPlotMainWindow.h"
#include "RicSnapshotFilenameGenerator.h"
#include "cafUtils.h"
#include <QAction>
#include <QClipboard>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QDesktopWidget>
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QMdiSubWindow>
#include <QPageLayout>
#include <QPdfWriter>
CAF_CMD_SOURCE_INIT( RicSnapshotViewToFileFeature, "RicSnapshotViewToFileFeature" );
void RicSnapshotViewToFileFeature::saveSnapshotAs( const QString& fileName, RimViewWindow* viewWindow )
auto* plotWindow = dynamic_cast<RimPlotWindow*>( viewWindow );
if ( plotWindow && fileName.endsWith( ".pdf" ) )
savePlotPdfReportAs( fileName, plotWindow );
else if ( viewWindow )
QImage image = viewWindow->snapshotWindowContent();
saveSnapshotAs( fileName, image );
void RicSnapshotViewToFileFeature::saveSnapshotAs( const QString& fileName, const QImage& image )
if ( !image.isNull() )
if ( image.save( fileName ) )
RiaLogging::info( QString( "Exported snapshot image to %1" ).arg( fileName ) );
RiaLogging::error( QString( "Error when trying to export snapshot image to %1" ).arg( fileName ) );
void RicSnapshotViewToFileFeature::savePlotPdfReportAs( const QString& fileName, RimPlotWindow* plot )
if ( !plot || !plot->viewWidget() ) return;
auto viewWidget = plot->viewWidget();
QFile pdfFile( fileName );
if ( pdfFile.open( QIODevice::WriteOnly ) )
int resolution = RiaGuiApplication::applicationResolution();
QPdfWriter pdfPrinter( fileName );
pdfPrinter.setPageLayout( plot->pageLayout() );
pdfPrinter.setCreator( QCoreApplication::applicationName() );
pdfPrinter.setResolution( resolution );
QRect widgetRect = viewWidget->contentsRect();
auto* multiPlot = dynamic_cast<RimMultiPlot*>( plot );
if ( multiPlot && multiPlot->previewModeEnabled() )
QRect pageRect = pdfPrinter.pageLayout().fullRectPixels( resolution );
viewWidget->resize( pageRect.size() );
plot->renderWindowContent( &pdfPrinter );
viewWidget->resize( widgetRect.size() );
QRect pageRect = pdfPrinter.pageLayout().paintRectPixels( resolution );
viewWidget->resize( pageRect.size() );
plot->renderWindowContent( &pdfPrinter );
viewWidget->resize( widgetRect.size() );
RiaLogging::error( QString( "Could not write PDF to %1" ).arg( fileName ) );
void RicSnapshotViewToFileFeature::saveViewWindowToFile( RimViewWindow* viewWindow, const QString& defaultFileBaseName /*= "image" */ )
auto* plotWindow = dynamic_cast<RimPlotWindow*>( viewWindow );
QString fileName = generateSaveFileName( defaultFileBaseName, plotWindow != nullptr );
if ( !fileName.isEmpty() )
if ( plotWindow && fileName.endsWith( "PDF", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
savePlotPdfReportAs( fileName, plotWindow );
RicSnapshotViewToFileFeature::saveSnapshotAs( fileName, viewWindow->snapshotWindowContent() );
void RicSnapshotViewToFileFeature::saveImageToFile( const QImage& image, const QString& defaultFileBaseName )
QString fileName = generateSaveFileName( defaultFileBaseName, false );
if ( !fileName.isEmpty() )
RicSnapshotViewToFileFeature::saveSnapshotAs( fileName, image );
QString RicSnapshotViewToFileFeature::generateSaveFileName( const QString& defaultFileBaseName, bool supportPDF, const QString& defaultExtension )
RiaApplication* app = RiaApplication::instance();
RimProject* proj = app->project();
QString startPath;
if ( !proj->fileName().isEmpty() )
QFileInfo fi( proj->fileName() );
startPath = fi.absolutePath();
startPath = app->lastUsedDialogDirectory( "IMAGE_SNAPSHOT" );
QStringList imageFileExtensions;
imageFileExtensions << "*.png"
<< "*.jpg"
<< "*.bmp"
<< "*.pbm"
<< "*.pgm";
QString fileExtensionFilter = QString( "Images (%1)" ).arg( imageFileExtensions.join( " " ) );
QString pdfFilter = "PDF report( *.pdf )";
if ( supportPDF )
fileExtensionFilter += QString( ";;%1" ).arg( pdfFilter );
QString defaultAbsFileName = caf::Utils::constructFullFileName( startPath, defaultFileBaseName, "." + defaultExtension );
QString selectedExtension;
if ( supportPDF && defaultExtension.compare( "pdf", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
selectedExtension = pdfFilter;
QString fileName =
RiuFileDialogTools::getSaveFileName( nullptr, tr( "Export to File" ), defaultAbsFileName, fileExtensionFilter, &selectedExtension );
if ( !fileName.isEmpty() )
// Remember the directory to next time
app->setLastUsedDialogDirectory( "IMAGE_SNAPSHOT", QFileInfo( fileName ).absolutePath() );
return fileName;
QIcon RicSnapshotViewToFileFeature::icon()
return QIcon( ":/SnapShotSave.svg" );
QString RicSnapshotViewToFileFeature::text()
return "Snapshot To File";
void RicSnapshotViewToFileFeature::onActionTriggered( bool isChecked )
// Get active view window before displaying the file selection dialog
// If this is done after the file save dialog is displayed (and closed)
// app->activeViewWindow() returns nullptr on Linux
RimViewWindow* viewWindow = RiaGuiApplication::activeViewWindow();
if ( !viewWindow )
RiaLogging::error( "No view window is available, nothing to do" );
saveViewWindowToFile( viewWindow, RicSnapshotFilenameGenerator::generateSnapshotFileName( viewWindow ) );
void RicSnapshotViewToFileFeature::setupActionLook( QAction* actionToSetup )
actionToSetup->setText( text() );
actionToSetup->setIcon( icon() );