2020-04-24 11:40:22 +02:00

676 lines
26 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2017 - Statoil ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <>
// for more details.
#include "RigStimPlanFractureDefinition.h"
#include "RiaFractureDefines.h"
#include "RiaLogging.h"
#include "RigFractureCell.h"
#include "RigFractureGrid.h"
#include "RigStatisticsMath.h"
#include "RivWellFracturePartMgr.h"
#include "cvfMath.h"
#include <cmath>
/// Internal functions
size_t findMirrorXIndex( std::vector<double> xs );
const double RigStimPlanFractureDefinition::THRESHOLD_VALUE = 1e-5;
: m_unitSet( RiaEclipseUnitTools::UnitSystem::UNITS_UNKNOWN )
, m_topPerfTvd( HUGE_VAL )
, m_bottomPerfTvd( HUGE_VAL )
, m_xMirrorMode( false )
RiaEclipseUnitTools::UnitSystem RigStimPlanFractureDefinition::unitSet() const
return m_unitSet;
size_t RigStimPlanFractureDefinition::xCount() const
return m_Xs.size();
size_t RigStimPlanFractureDefinition::yCount() const
return m_Ys.size();
double RigStimPlanFractureDefinition::minDepth() const
return -minY();
double RigStimPlanFractureDefinition::maxDepth() const
return -maxY();
double RigStimPlanFractureDefinition::topPerfTvd() const
return m_topPerfTvd;
double RigStimPlanFractureDefinition::bottomPerfTvd() const
return m_bottomPerfTvd;
double RigStimPlanFractureDefinition::minY() const
return m_Ys[0];
double RigStimPlanFractureDefinition::maxY() const
return m_Ys.back();
void RigStimPlanFractureDefinition::scaleXs( double scaleFactor )
// Scale using 0 as scaling anchor
for ( double& x : m_Xs )
x *= scaleFactor;
void RigStimPlanFractureDefinition::scaleYs( double scaleFactor, double wellPathIntersectionY )
// Scale using wellPathIntersectionY as scaling anchor
for ( double& y : m_Ys )
y = ( y - wellPathIntersectionY ) * scaleFactor + wellPathIntersectionY;
void RigStimPlanFractureDefinition::setTvdToTopPerf( double topPerfTvd )
m_topPerfTvd = topPerfTvd;
void RigStimPlanFractureDefinition::setTvdToBottomPerf( double bottomPerfTvd )
m_bottomPerfTvd = bottomPerfTvd;
void RigStimPlanFractureDefinition::generateXsFromFileXs( bool xMirrorMode )
m_xMirrorMode = xMirrorMode;
if ( m_xMirrorMode )
size_t mirrorIndex = findMirrorXIndex( m_fileXs );
std::list<double> xs;
// Mirror positive X values
xs.push_back( m_fileXs[mirrorIndex] );
for ( size_t i = mirrorIndex + 1; i < m_fileXs.size(); i++ )
xs.push_front( -m_fileXs[i] );
xs.push_back( m_fileXs[i] );
m_Xs = std::vector<double>( xs.begin(), xs.end() );
m_Xs = m_fileXs;
RigStimPlanFractureDefinition::generateDataLayoutFromFileDataLayout( std::vector<std::vector<double>> fileXYData ) const
if ( m_xMirrorMode )
std::vector<std::vector<double>> xyData;
size_t mirrorIndex = findMirrorXIndex( m_fileXs );
for ( const auto& yData : fileXYData )
std::list<double> xValues;
// Mirror positive X values
xValues.push_back( yData[mirrorIndex] );
for ( size_t x = mirrorIndex + 1; x < yData.size(); x++ )
xValues.push_front( yData[x] );
xValues.push_back( yData[x] );
xyData.push_back( std::vector<double>( xValues.begin(), xValues.end() ) );
return xyData;
return fileXYData;
bool RigStimPlanFractureDefinition::numberOfParameterValuesOK( std::vector<std::vector<double>> propertyValuesAtTimestep ) const
size_t xCount = m_Xs.size();
if ( propertyValuesAtTimestep.size() != yCount() ) return false;
for ( const std::vector<double>& valuesAtDepthVector : propertyValuesAtTimestep )
if ( valuesAtDepthVector.size() != xCount ) return false;
return true;
RigStimPlanFractureDefinition::adjustedYCoordsAroundWellPathPosition( double wellPathIntersectionAtFractureDepth ) const
std::vector<double> yRelativeToWellPath;
for ( const double& y : m_Ys )
double adjustedDepth = y + wellPathIntersectionAtFractureDepth;
yRelativeToWellPath.push_back( adjustedDepth );
return yRelativeToWellPath;
std::vector<std::pair<QString, QString>> RigStimPlanFractureDefinition::getStimPlanPropertyNamesUnits() const
std::vector<std::pair<QString, QString>> propertyNamesUnits;
for ( const RigStimPlanResultFrames& stimPlanDataEntry : this->m_stimPlanResults )
propertyNamesUnits.push_back( std::make_pair( stimPlanDataEntry.resultName, stimPlanDataEntry.unit ) );
return propertyNamesUnits;
RigStimPlanFractureDefinition::conductivityValuesAtTimeStep( const QString& resultName,
int activeTimeStepIndex,
RiaEclipseUnitTools::UnitSystem requiredUnitSet ) const
std::vector<std::vector<double>> conductivityValues;
QString conductivityUnitTextOnFile;
std::vector<std::pair<QString, QString>> propertyNamesUnitsOnFile = this->getStimPlanPropertyNamesUnits();
for ( auto properyNameUnit : propertyNamesUnitsOnFile )
if ( resultName == properyNameUnit.first )
conductivityUnitTextOnFile = properyNameUnit.second;
if ( conductivityUnitTextOnFile.isEmpty() )
RiaLogging::error( "Did not find unit for conductivity on file" );
return conductivityValues;
conductivityValues = this->getDataAtTimeIndex( resultName, conductivityUnitTextOnFile, activeTimeStepIndex );
// Convert to the conductivity unit system used by the fracture template
// The conductivity value is used in the computations of transmissibility when exporting COMPDAT, and has unit md-m
// or md-ft This unit must match the unit used to represent coordinates of the grid used for export
for ( auto& yValues : conductivityValues )
for ( auto& xVal : yValues )
if ( requiredUnitSet == RiaEclipseUnitTools::UnitSystem::UNITS_FIELD )
xVal = RiaEclipseUnitTools::convertToFeet( xVal, conductivityUnitTextOnFile );
else if ( requiredUnitSet == RiaEclipseUnitTools::UnitSystem::UNITS_METRIC )
xVal = RiaEclipseUnitTools::convertToMeter( xVal, conductivityUnitTextOnFile );
return conductivityValues;
RigStimPlanFractureDefinition::createFractureGrid( const QString& resultName,
int activeTimeStepIndex,
double wellPathIntersectionAtFractureDepth,
RiaEclipseUnitTools::UnitSystem requiredUnitSet ) const
std::vector<std::vector<double>> conductivityValues =
conductivityValuesAtTimeStep( resultName, activeTimeStepIndex, requiredUnitSet );
if ( conductivityValues.empty() )
return nullptr;
std::vector<RigFractureCell> stimPlanCells;
std::pair<size_t, size_t> wellCenterStimPlanCellIJ = std::make_pair( 0, 0 );
bool wellCenterStimPlanCellFound = false;
std::vector<double> yCoordsAtNodes = this->adjustedYCoordsAroundWellPathPosition( wellPathIntersectionAtFractureDepth );
std::vector<double> xCoordsAtNodes = this->m_Xs;
std::vector<double> xCoords;
for ( int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>( xCoordsAtNodes.size() ) - 1; i++ )
xCoords.push_back( ( xCoordsAtNodes[i] + xCoordsAtNodes[i + 1] ) / 2 );
std::vector<double> depthCoords;
for ( int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>( yCoordsAtNodes.size() ) - 1; i++ )
depthCoords.push_back( ( yCoordsAtNodes[i] + yCoordsAtNodes[i + 1] ) / 2 );
for ( int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>( xCoords.size() ) - 1; i++ )
for ( int j = 0; j < static_cast<int>( depthCoords.size() ) - 1; j++ )
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> cellPolygon;
cellPolygon.push_back( cvf::Vec3d( xCoords[i], depthCoords[j], 0.0 ) );
cellPolygon.push_back( cvf::Vec3d( xCoords[i + 1], depthCoords[j], 0.0 ) );
cellPolygon.push_back( cvf::Vec3d( xCoords[i + 1], depthCoords[j + 1], 0.0 ) );
cellPolygon.push_back( cvf::Vec3d( xCoords[i], depthCoords[j + 1], 0.0 ) );
RigFractureCell stimPlanCell( cellPolygon, i, j );
if ( !conductivityValues.empty() ) // Assuming vector to be of correct length, or no values
stimPlanCell.setConductivityValue( conductivityValues[j + 1][i + 1] );
stimPlanCell.setConductivityValue( cvf::UNDEFINED_DOUBLE );
// The well path is intersecting the fracture at origo in the fracture coordinate system
// Find the Stimplan cell where the well path is intersecting
if ( cellPolygon[0].x() <= 0.0 && cellPolygon[1].x() >= 0.0 )
if ( cellPolygon[1].y() >= 0.0 && cellPolygon[2].y() <= 0.0 )
wellCenterStimPlanCellIJ = std::make_pair( stimPlanCell.getI(), stimPlanCell.getJ() );
QString( "Setting wellCenterStimPlanCell at cell %1, %2" )
.arg( QString::number( stimPlanCell.getI() ), QString::number( stimPlanCell.getJ() ) ) );
wellCenterStimPlanCellFound = true;
stimPlanCells.push_back( stimPlanCell );
if ( !wellCenterStimPlanCellFound )
RiaLogging::error( "Did not find stim plan cell at well crossing!" );
cvf::ref<RigFractureGrid> fractureGrid = new RigFractureGrid;
fractureGrid->setFractureCells( stimPlanCells );
fractureGrid->setWellCenterFractureCellIJ( wellCenterStimPlanCellIJ );
fractureGrid->setICellCount( this->m_Xs.size() - 2 );
this->adjustedYCoordsAroundWellPathPosition( wellPathIntersectionAtFractureDepth ).size() - 2 );
return fractureGrid;
std::vector<double> RigStimPlanFractureDefinition::fractureGridResults( const QString& resultName,
const QString& unitName,
size_t timeStepIndex ) const
std::vector<double> fractureGridResults;
const std::vector<std::vector<double>>& resultValuesAtTimeStep =
this->getDataAtTimeIndex( resultName, unitName, timeStepIndex );
for ( int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>( xCount() ) - 2; i++ )
for ( int j = 0; j < static_cast<int>( yCount() ) - 2; j++ )
if ( j + 1 < static_cast<int>( resultValuesAtTimeStep.size() ) &&
i + 1 < static_cast<int>( resultValuesAtTimeStep[j + 1].size() ) )
fractureGridResults.push_back( resultValuesAtTimeStep[j + 1][i + 1] );
fractureGridResults.push_back( HUGE_VAL );
return fractureGridResults;
void RigStimPlanFractureDefinition::createFractureTriangleGeometry( double wellPathIntersectionAtFractureDepth,
const QString& fractureUserName,
std::vector<cvf::Vec3f>* vertices,
std::vector<cvf::uint>* triangleIndices ) const
std::vector<double> xCoords = this->m_Xs;
cvf::uint lenXcoords = static_cast<cvf::uint>( xCoords.size() );
std::vector<double> adjustedYs = this->adjustedYCoordsAroundWellPathPosition( wellPathIntersectionAtFractureDepth );
for ( cvf::uint k = 0; k < adjustedYs.size(); k++ )
for ( cvf::uint i = 0; i < lenXcoords; i++ )
cvf::Vec3f node = cvf::Vec3f( xCoords[i], adjustedYs[k], 0 );
vertices->push_back( node );
if ( i < lenXcoords - 1 && k < adjustedYs.size() - 1 )
if ( xCoords[i] < THRESHOLD_VALUE )
// Upper triangle
triangleIndices->push_back( i + k * lenXcoords );
triangleIndices->push_back( ( i + 1 ) + k * lenXcoords );
triangleIndices->push_back( ( i + 1 ) + ( k + 1 ) * lenXcoords );
// Lower triangle
triangleIndices->push_back( i + k * lenXcoords );
triangleIndices->push_back( ( i + 1 ) + ( k + 1 ) * lenXcoords );
triangleIndices->push_back( ( i ) + ( k + 1 ) * lenXcoords );
// Upper triangle
triangleIndices->push_back( i + k * lenXcoords );
triangleIndices->push_back( ( i + 1 ) + k * lenXcoords );
triangleIndices->push_back( ( i ) + ( k + 1 ) * lenXcoords );
// Lower triangle
triangleIndices->push_back( ( i + 1 ) + k * lenXcoords );
triangleIndices->push_back( ( i + 1 ) + ( k + 1 ) * lenXcoords );
triangleIndices->push_back( ( i ) + ( k + 1 ) * lenXcoords );
const std::vector<double>& RigStimPlanFractureDefinition::timeSteps() const
return m_timeSteps;
void RigStimPlanFractureDefinition::addTimeStep( double time )
if ( !timeStepExists( time ) ) m_timeSteps.push_back( time );
bool RigStimPlanFractureDefinition::timeStepExists( double timeStepValueToCheck ) const
for ( double timeStep : m_timeSteps )
if ( fabs( timeStepValueToCheck - timeStep ) < THRESHOLD_VALUE ) return true;
return false;
size_t RigStimPlanFractureDefinition::getTimeStepIndex( double timeStepValue ) const
size_t index = 0;
while ( index < m_timeSteps.size() )
if ( fabs( m_timeSteps[index] - timeStepValue ) < 1e-4 )
return index;
return -1; // returns -1 if not found
size_t RigStimPlanFractureDefinition::totalNumberTimeSteps() const
return m_timeSteps.size();
size_t RigStimPlanFractureDefinition::resultIndex( const QString& resultName, const QString& unit ) const
for ( size_t i = 0; i < m_stimPlanResults.size(); i++ )
if ( m_stimPlanResults[i].resultName == resultName && m_stimPlanResults[i].unit == unit )
return i;
return cvf::UNDEFINED_SIZE_T;
void RigStimPlanFractureDefinition::setDataAtTimeValue( const QString& resultName,
const QString& unit,
const std::vector<std::vector<double>>& data,
double timeStepValue )
size_t resIndex = resultIndex( resultName, unit );
if ( resIndex != cvf::UNDEFINED_SIZE_T )
m_stimPlanResults[resIndex].parameterValues[getTimeStepIndex( timeStepValue )] = data;
RigStimPlanResultFrames resultData;
resultData.resultName = resultName;
resultData.unit = unit;
std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<double>>> values( m_timeSteps.size() );
resultData.parameterValues = values;
resultData.parameterValues[getTimeStepIndex( timeStepValue )] = data;
m_stimPlanResults.push_back( resultData );
const std::vector<std::vector<double>>& RigStimPlanFractureDefinition::getDataAtTimeIndex( const QString& resultName,
const QString& unit,
size_t timeStepIndex ) const
size_t resIndex = resultIndex( resultName, unit );
if ( resIndex != cvf::UNDEFINED_SIZE_T )
if ( timeStepIndex < m_stimPlanResults[resIndex].parameterValues.size() )
return m_stimPlanResults[resIndex].parameterValues[timeStepIndex];
RiaLogging::error( "Requested parameter does not exists in stimPlan data" );
static std::vector<std::vector<double>> emptyVector;
return emptyVector;
void RigStimPlanFractureDefinition::appendDataToResultStatistics( const QString& resultName,
const QString& unit,
MinMaxAccumulator& minMaxAccumulator,
PosNegAccumulator& posNegAccumulator ) const
size_t resIndex = resultIndex( resultName, unit );
if ( resIndex == cvf::UNDEFINED_SIZE_T ) return;
for ( const auto& timeValues : m_stimPlanResults[resIndex].parameterValues )
for ( const auto& values : timeValues )
minMaxAccumulator.addData( values );
posNegAccumulator.addData( values );
QStringList RigStimPlanFractureDefinition::conductivityResultNames() const
QStringList resultNames;
for ( const auto& stimPlanResult : m_stimPlanResults )
if ( stimPlanResult.resultName.contains( "conductivity", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
resultNames.push_back( stimPlanResult.resultName );
return resultNames;
size_t findMirrorXIndex( std::vector<double> xs )
size_t mirrorIndex = cvf::UNDEFINED_SIZE_T;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < xs.size(); i++ )
if ( xs[i] > -RigStimPlanFractureDefinition::THRESHOLD_VALUE )
mirrorIndex = i;
return mirrorIndex;