Magne Sjaastad 04006370ac Added ERT as source code based on and commit 7b53b5f61f5b47e8169b72098b562071df394bc3
This is SVN commit 4117
Updated ResInsight cmakelists to build ERT and link directly
Removed precompiled ERT binaries
p4#: 20183
2013-01-17 13:33:59 +01:00

214 lines
11 KiB

Copyright (C) 2011 Statoil ASA, Norway.
The file 'conf_test.c' is part of ERT - Ensemble based Reservoir Tool.
ERT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
ERT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
See the GNU General Public License at <>
for more details.
#include <conf.h>
int main()
const char * enkf_conf_help = "The main enkf conf shall contain neccessary infomation to run the enkf.";
conf_class_type * enkf_conf_class = conf_class_alloc_empty("ENKF_conf", true, false, enkf_conf_help);
conf_class_set_help(enkf_conf_class, enkf_conf_help);
/** Create and insert HISTORY_OBSERVATION class. */
const char * help_class_history_observation = "The class HISTORY_OBSERVATION is used to condition on a time series from the production history. The name of the an instance is used to define the item to condition on, and should be in summary.x syntax. E.g., creating a HISTORY_OBSERVATION instance with name GOPR:P4 conditions on GOPR for group P4.";
conf_class_type * history_observation_class = conf_class_alloc_empty("HISTORY_OBSERVATION", false, false, help_class_history_observation);
conf_class_set_help(history_observation_class, help_class_history_observation);
const char * help_item_spec_error_mode = "The string ERROR_MODE gives the error mode for the observation.";
conf_item_spec_type * item_spec_error_mode = conf_item_spec_alloc("ERROR_MODE", true, DT_STR, help_item_spec_error_mode);
conf_item_spec_set_help(item_spec_error_mode, help_item_spec_error_mode);
conf_item_spec_add_restriction(item_spec_error_mode, "rel");
conf_item_spec_add_restriction(item_spec_error_mode, "abs");
conf_item_spec_add_restriction(item_spec_error_mode, "relmin");
conf_item_spec_set_default_value(item_spec_error_mode, "rel");
const char * help_item_spec_error = "The positive floating number ERROR gives the standard deviation (abs) or the relative uncertainty (rel/relmin) of the observations.";
conf_item_spec_type * item_spec_error = conf_item_spec_alloc("ERROR", true, DT_POSFLOAT, help_item_spec_error);
conf_item_spec_set_default_value(item_spec_error, "0.10");
conf_item_spec_set_help(item_spec_error, help_item_spec_error);
const char * help_item_spec_error_min = "The positive floating point number ERROR_MIN gives the minimum value for the standard deviation of the observation when relmin is used.";
conf_item_spec_type * item_spec_error_min = conf_item_spec_alloc("ERROR_MIN", true, DT_POSFLOAT, help_item_spec_error_min);
conf_item_spec_set_default_value(item_spec_error_min, "0.10");
conf_item_spec_set_help(item_spec_error_min, help_item_spec_error_min);
conf_class_insert_owned_item_spec(history_observation_class, item_spec_error_mode);
conf_class_insert_owned_item_spec(history_observation_class, item_spec_error);
conf_class_insert_owned_item_spec(history_observation_class, item_spec_error_min);
conf_class_insert_owned_sub_class(enkf_conf_class, history_observation_class);
/** Create and insert SUMMARY_OBSERVATION class. */
const char * help_class_summary_observation = "The class SUMMARY_OBSERVATION can be used to condition on any observation whos simulated value is written to the summary file.";
conf_class_type * summary_observation_class = conf_class_alloc_empty("SUMMARY_OBSERVATION", false, false, help_class_summary_observation);
conf_class_set_help(summary_observation_class, help_class_summary_observation);
const char * help_item_spec_value = "The floating point number VALUE gives the observed value.";
conf_item_spec_type * item_spec_value = conf_item_spec_alloc("VALUE", true, DT_FLOAT, help_item_spec_value);
conf_item_spec_set_help(item_spec_value, help_item_spec_value);
const char * help_item_spec_error = "The positive floating point number ERROR is the standard deviation of the observed value.";
conf_item_spec_type * item_spec_error = conf_item_spec_alloc("ERROR", true, DT_POSFLOAT, help_item_spec_error);
conf_item_spec_set_help(item_spec_error, help_item_spec_error);
const char * help_item_spec_date = "The DATE item gives the date of the observation. Format is dd/mm/yyyy.";
conf_item_spec_type * item_spec_date = conf_item_spec_alloc("DATE", false, DT_DATE, help_item_spec_date);
conf_item_spec_set_help(item_spec_date, help_item_spec_date);
const char * help_item_spec_days = "The DAYS item gives the observation time as days after simulation start.";
conf_item_spec_type * item_spec_days = conf_item_spec_alloc("DAYS", false, DT_POSFLOAT, help_item_spec_days);
conf_item_spec_set_help(item_spec_days, help_item_spec_days);
const char * help_item_spec_restart = "The RESTART item gives the observation time as the ECLIPSE restart nr.";
conf_item_spec_type * item_spec_restart = conf_item_spec_alloc("RESTART", false, DT_POSINT, help_item_spec_restart);
conf_item_spec_set_help(item_spec_restart, help_item_spec_restart);
const char * help_item_spec_sumkey = "The string SUMMARY_KEY is used to look up the simulated value in the summary file. It has the same format as the summary.x program, e.g. WOPR:P4";
conf_item_spec_type * item_spec_sumkey = conf_item_spec_alloc("KEY", true, DT_STR, help_item_spec_sumkey);
conf_item_spec_set_help(item_spec_sumkey, help_item_spec_sumkey);
conf_class_insert_owned_item_spec(summary_observation_class, item_spec_value);
conf_class_insert_owned_item_spec(summary_observation_class, item_spec_error);
conf_class_insert_owned_item_spec(summary_observation_class, item_spec_date);
conf_class_insert_owned_item_spec(summary_observation_class, item_spec_days);
conf_class_insert_owned_item_spec(summary_observation_class, item_spec_restart);
conf_class_insert_owned_item_spec(summary_observation_class, item_spec_sumkey);
/** Create a mutex on DATE, DAYS and RESTART. */
conf_item_mutex_type * time_mutex = conf_class_new_item_mutex(summary_observation_class , true , false);
conf_item_mutex_add_item_spec(time_mutex, item_spec_date);
conf_item_mutex_add_item_spec(time_mutex, item_spec_days);
conf_item_mutex_add_item_spec(time_mutex, item_spec_restart);
conf_class_insert_owned_sub_class(enkf_conf_class, summary_observation_class);
/** Create and insert BLOCK_OBSERVATION class. */
const char * help_class_block_observation = "The class BLOCK_OBSERVATION can be used to condition on an observation whos simulated values are block/cell values of a field, e.g. RFT tests.";
conf_class_type * block_observation_class = conf_class_alloc_empty("BLOCK_OBSERVATION", false, false, help_class_block_observation);
conf_class_set_help(block_observation_class, help_class_block_observation);
const char * help_item_spec_field = "The item FIELD gives the observed field. E.g., ECLIPSE fields such as PRESSURE, SGAS or any user defined fields such as PORO or PERMX.";
conf_item_spec_type * item_spec_field = conf_item_spec_alloc("FIELD", true, DT_STR, help_item_spec_field);
conf_item_spec_set_help(item_spec_field, help_item_spec_field);
const char * help_item_spec_date = "The DATE item gives the date of the observation. Format is dd/mm/yyyy.";
conf_item_spec_type * item_spec_date = conf_item_spec_alloc("DATE", true, DT_DATE, help_item_spec_date);
conf_item_spec_set_help(item_spec_date, help_item_spec_date);
conf_class_insert_owned_item_spec(block_observation_class, item_spec_field);
conf_class_insert_owned_item_spec(block_observation_class, item_spec_date);
/** Create and insert the sub class OBS. */
const char * help_class_obs = "The class OBS is used to specify a single observed point.";
conf_class_type * obs_class = conf_class_alloc_empty("OBS", true, true , help_class_obs);
conf_class_set_help(obs_class, help_class_obs);
const char * help_item_i = "The item I gives the I index of the block observation.";
conf_item_spec_type * item_spec_i = conf_item_spec_alloc("I", true, DT_POSINT, help_item_i);
conf_item_spec_set_help(item_spec_i, help_item_i);
const char * help_item_j = "The item J gives the J index of the block observation.";
conf_item_spec_type * item_spec_j = conf_item_spec_alloc("J", true, DT_POSINT, help_item_j);
conf_item_spec_set_help(item_spec_j, help_item_j);
const char * help_item_k = "The item K gives the K index of the block observation.";
conf_item_spec_type * item_spec_k = conf_item_spec_alloc("K", true, DT_POSINT, help_item_k);
conf_item_spec_set_help(item_spec_k, help_item_k);
const char * help_item_spec_value = "The floating point number VALUE gives the observed value.";
conf_item_spec_type * item_spec_value = conf_item_spec_alloc("VALUE", true, DT_FLOAT, help_item_spec_value);
conf_item_spec_set_help(item_spec_value, help_item_spec_value);
const char * help_item_spec_error = "The positive floating point number ERROR is the standard deviation of the observed value.";
conf_item_spec_type * item_spec_error = conf_item_spec_alloc("ERROR", true, DT_POSFLOAT, help_item_spec_error);
conf_item_spec_set_help(item_spec_error, help_item_spec_error);
conf_class_insert_owned_item_spec(obs_class, item_spec_i);
conf_class_insert_owned_item_spec(obs_class, item_spec_j);
conf_class_insert_owned_item_spec(obs_class, item_spec_k);
conf_class_insert_owned_item_spec(obs_class, item_spec_value);
conf_class_insert_owned_item_spec(obs_class, item_spec_error);
conf_class_insert_owned_sub_class(block_observation_class, obs_class);
conf_class_insert_owned_sub_class(enkf_conf_class, block_observation_class);
/** Try to create an instance of the enkf_conf_class. */
conf_instance_type * enkf_conf = conf_instance_alloc_from_file(enkf_conf_class, "enkf_conf", "testcase/test.txt");
conf_instance_type * enkf_conf2 = conf_instance_alloc_from_file(enkf_conf_class, "enkf_conf2", "testcase/test2.txt");
/** Validate enkf_conf_class. */
/** Overload. */
conf_instance_overload(enkf_conf, enkf_conf2);
/** Print the name of the HISTORY_OBSERVATION instances. */
stringlist_type * history_observations = conf_instance_alloc_list_of_sub_instances_of_class_by_name(enkf_conf, "HISTORY_OBSERVATION");
int num_history_observations = stringlist_get_size(history_observations);
for(int obs_nr = 0; obs_nr < num_history_observations ; obs_nr++)
printf("%2i. %s\n", obs_nr, stringlist_iget(history_observations, obs_nr));
const conf_instance_type * sched_obs = conf_instance_get_sub_instance_ref(enkf_conf, stringlist_iget(history_observations, obs_nr));
double error = conf_instance_get_item_value_double(sched_obs, "ERROR");
printf(" : %f\n", error);
/** Clean up. */