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552 lines
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// Copyright (C) 2022- Equinor ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#include "RiuPlotCurveSymbolImageCreator.h"
#include "cafFontTools.h"
#include "cvfAssert.h"
#include <QPainter>
#include <QRect>
#include <cmath>
QImage RiuPlotCurveSymbolImageCreator::createSymbolImage( RiuPlotCurveSymbol::PointSymbolEnum symbolStyle,
const QSize& size,
const QPen& pen,
const QColor& color )
if ( symbolStyle == RiuPlotCurveSymbol::PointSymbolEnum::SYMBOL_NONE )
return QImage();
if ( symbolStyle == RiuPlotCurveSymbol::PointSymbolEnum::SYMBOL_RECT )
return createRectImage( size, pen, color );
else if ( symbolStyle == RiuPlotCurveSymbol::PointSymbolEnum::SYMBOL_ELLIPSE )
return createEllipseImage( size, pen, color );
else if ( symbolStyle == RiuPlotCurveSymbol::PointSymbolEnum::SYMBOL_CROSS )
return createCrossImage( size, pen, color );
else if ( symbolStyle == RiuPlotCurveSymbol::PointSymbolEnum::SYMBOL_XCROSS )
return createXCrossImage( size, pen, color );
else if ( symbolStyle == RiuPlotCurveSymbol::PointSymbolEnum::SYMBOL_DIAMOND )
return createDiamondImage( size, pen, color );
else if ( symbolStyle == RiuPlotCurveSymbol::PointSymbolEnum::SYMBOL_HEXAGON )
return createHexagonImage( size, pen, color );
else if ( symbolStyle == RiuPlotCurveSymbol::PointSymbolEnum::SYMBOL_STAR1 )
return createStar1Image( size, pen, color );
else if ( symbolStyle == RiuPlotCurveSymbol::PointSymbolEnum::SYMBOL_STAR1 )
return createStar1Image( size, pen, color );
else if ( symbolStyle == RiuPlotCurveSymbol::PointSymbolEnum::SYMBOL_STAR2 )
return createStar2Image( size, pen, color );
else if ( symbolStyle == RiuPlotCurveSymbol::PointSymbolEnum::SYMBOL_TRIANGLE ||
symbolStyle == RiuPlotCurveSymbol::PointSymbolEnum::SYMBOL_UP_TRIANGLE ||
symbolStyle == RiuPlotCurveSymbol::PointSymbolEnum::SYMBOL_DOWN_TRIANGLE ||
symbolStyle == RiuPlotCurveSymbol::PointSymbolEnum::SYMBOL_LEFT_TRIANGLE ||
symbolStyle == RiuPlotCurveSymbol::PointSymbolEnum::SYMBOL_RIGHT_TRIANGLE )
return createTriangleImage( symbolStyle, size, pen, color );
return QImage();
QImage RiuPlotCurveSymbolImageCreator::createSymbolImage( RiuPlotCurveSymbol::RiuPlotCurveSymbol::PointSymbolEnum symbolStyle,
const QSize& size,
const QColor& color )
QPen defaultPen;
return createSymbolImage( symbolStyle, size, defaultPen, color );
/// Adapted from QwtSymbol::qwtDrawTriangleSymbols
QImage RiuPlotCurveSymbolImageCreator::createTriangleImage( RiuPlotCurveSymbol::RiuPlotCurveSymbol::PointSymbolEnum symbolStyle,
const QSize& size,
const QPen& m_pen,
const QColor& color )
QImage star( size, QImage::Format_ARGB32 );
star.fill( Qt::transparent );
QPainter painter( &star );
painter.setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing );
QPen pen( m_pen );
pen.setWidth( 1.0 );
pen.setJoinStyle( Qt::MiterJoin );
painter.setPen( pen );
painter.setBrush( color );
double sw2 = 0.5 * size.width();
double sh2 = 0.5 * size.height();
QPolygonF triangle( 3 );
QPointF* trianglePoints = triangle.data();
double x = size.width() * 0.5;
double y = size.width() * 0.5;
const double x1 = x - sw2;
const double x2 = x1 + size.width();
const double y1 = y - sh2;
const double y2 = y1 + size.height();
if ( symbolStyle == RiuPlotCurveSymbol::PointSymbolEnum::SYMBOL_LEFT_TRIANGLE )
trianglePoints[0].rx() = x2;
trianglePoints[0].ry() = y1;
trianglePoints[1].rx() = x1;
trianglePoints[1].ry() = y;
trianglePoints[2].rx() = x2;
trianglePoints[2].ry() = y2;
if ( symbolStyle == RiuPlotCurveSymbol::PointSymbolEnum::SYMBOL_RIGHT_TRIANGLE )
trianglePoints[0].rx() = x1;
trianglePoints[0].ry() = y1;
trianglePoints[1].rx() = x2;
trianglePoints[1].ry() = y;
trianglePoints[2].rx() = x1;
trianglePoints[2].ry() = y2;
if ( symbolStyle == RiuPlotCurveSymbol::PointSymbolEnum::SYMBOL_UP_TRIANGLE ||
symbolStyle == RiuPlotCurveSymbol::PointSymbolEnum::SYMBOL_TRIANGLE )
trianglePoints[0].rx() = x1;
trianglePoints[0].ry() = y2;
trianglePoints[1].rx() = x;
trianglePoints[1].ry() = y1;
trianglePoints[2].rx() = x2;
trianglePoints[2].ry() = y2;
if ( symbolStyle == RiuPlotCurveSymbol::PointSymbolEnum::SYMBOL_DOWN_TRIANGLE )
trianglePoints[0].rx() = x1;
trianglePoints[0].ry() = y1;
trianglePoints[1].rx() = x;
trianglePoints[1].ry() = y2;
trianglePoints[2].rx() = x2;
trianglePoints[2].ry() = y1;
painter.drawPolygon( triangle );
return star;
/// Adapted from QwtSymbol::qwtDrawLineSymbols
QImage RiuPlotCurveSymbolImageCreator::createCrossImage( const QSize& size, const QPen& m_pen, const QColor& color )
QImage image( size, QImage::Format_ARGB32 );
image.fill( Qt::transparent );
QPainter painter( &image );
painter.setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing );
QPen pen( m_pen );
pen.setWidth( 1.0 );
pen.setJoinStyle( Qt::MiterJoin );
painter.setPen( pen );
painter.setBrush( color );
const double sw = size.width();
const double sh = size.height();
const double sw2 = 0.5 * size.width();
const double sh2 = 0.5 * size.height();
double midX = size.width() * 0.5;
double midY = size.height() * 0.5;
const double x = midX - sw2;
const double y = midY;
painter.drawLine( x, y, x + sw, y );
const double y = midY - sh2;
const double x = midX;
painter.drawLine( x, y, x, y + sh );
return image;
/// Adapted from QwtSymbol::qwtDrawXCrossSymbols
QImage RiuPlotCurveSymbolImageCreator::createXCrossImage( const QSize& size, const QPen& m_pen, const QColor& color )
QImage image( size, QImage::Format_ARGB32 );
image.fill( Qt::transparent );
QPainter painter( &image );
painter.setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing );
QPen pen( m_pen );
pen.setWidth( 1.0 );
pen.setJoinStyle( Qt::MiterJoin );
painter.setPen( pen );
painter.setBrush( color );
const double sw = size.width();
const double sh = size.height();
const double sw2 = 0.5 * size.width();
const double sh2 = 0.5 * size.height();
double midX = size.width() * 0.5;
double midY = size.height() * 0.5;
const double x1 = midX - sw2;
const double x2 = x1 + sw;
const double y1 = midY - sh2;
const double y2 = y1 + sh;
painter.drawLine( x1, y1, x2, y2 );
painter.drawLine( x1, y2, x2, y1 );
return image;
/// Adapted from QwtSymbol::qwtDrawRectSymbols
QImage RiuPlotCurveSymbolImageCreator::createRectImage( const QSize& size, const QPen& m_pen, const QColor& color )
QImage image( size, QImage::Format_ARGB32 );
image.fill( Qt::transparent );
QPainter painter( &image );
painter.setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing );
QPen pen( m_pen );
pen.setWidth( 1.0 );
pen.setJoinStyle( Qt::MiterJoin );
painter.setPen( pen );
painter.setBrush( color );
const double sw = size.width();
const double sh = size.height();
const double sw2 = 0.5 * size.width();
const double sh2 = 0.5 * size.height();
// Mid point
const double x = sw * 0.5;
const double y = sw * 0.5;
const QRectF r( x - sw2, y - sh2, sw, sh );
painter.drawRect( r );
return image;
/// Adapted from QwtSymbol::qwtDrawEllipseSymbols
QImage RiuPlotCurveSymbolImageCreator::createEllipseImage( const QSize& size, const QPen& m_pen, const QColor& color )
QImage image( size, QImage::Format_ARGB32 );
image.fill( Qt::transparent );
QPainter painter( &image );
painter.setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing );
QPen pen( m_pen );
pen.setWidth( 1.0 );
pen.setJoinStyle( Qt::MiterJoin );
painter.setPen( pen );
painter.setBrush( color );
const double sw = size.width();
const double sh = size.height();
const double sw2 = 0.5 * size.width();
const double sh2 = 0.5 * size.height();
// Mid point
const double x = sw * 0.5;
const double y = sw * 0.5;
const QRectF r( x - sw2, y - sh2, sw, sh );
painter.drawEllipse( r );
return image;
/// Adapted from QwtSymbol::qwtDrawStar1Symbols
QImage RiuPlotCurveSymbolImageCreator::createStar1Image( const QSize& size, const QPen& m_pen, const QColor& color )
QImage image( size, QImage::Format_ARGB32 );
image.fill( Qt::transparent );
QPainter painter( &image );
painter.setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing );
QPen pen( m_pen );
pen.setWidth( 1.0 );
pen.setJoinStyle( Qt::MiterJoin );
painter.setPen( pen );
painter.setBrush( color );
QRectF r( 0, 0, size.width(), size.height() );
const double sqrt1_2 = 1.0 / std::sqrt( 2 );
const QPointF c = r.center();
const double d1 = r.width() / 2.0 * ( 1.0 - sqrt1_2 );
painter.drawLine( r.left() + d1, r.top() + d1, r.right() - d1, r.bottom() - d1 );
painter.drawLine( r.left() + d1, r.bottom() - d1, r.right() - d1, r.top() + d1 );
painter.drawLine( c.x(), r.top(), c.x(), r.bottom() );
painter.drawLine( r.left(), c.y(), r.right(), c.y() );
return image;
/// Adapted from QwtSymbol::qwtDrawStar2Symbols
QImage RiuPlotCurveSymbolImageCreator::createStar2Image( const QSize& size, const QPen& m_pen, const QColor& color )
QImage image( size, QImage::Format_ARGB32 );
image.fill( Qt::transparent );
QPainter painter( &image );
painter.setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing );
QPen pen( m_pen );
pen.setWidth( 1.0 );
pen.setJoinStyle( Qt::MiterJoin );
painter.setPen( pen );
painter.setBrush( color );
QRectF r( 0, 0, size.width(), size.height() );
const double cos30 = 0.866025; // cos(30°)
const double dy = 0.25 * size.height();
const double dx = 0.5 * size.width() * cos30 / 3.0;
QPolygonF star( 12 );
QPointF* starPoints = star.data();
double x = size.width() * 0.5;
double y = size.height() * 0.5;
double x1 = x - 3 * dx;
double y1 = y - 2 * dy;
const double x2 = x1 + 1 * dx;
const double x3 = x1 + 2 * dx;
const double x4 = x1 + 3 * dx;
const double x5 = x1 + 4 * dx;
const double x6 = x1 + 5 * dx;
const double x7 = x1 + 6 * dx;
const double y2 = y1 + 1 * dy;
const double y3 = y1 + 2 * dy;
const double y4 = y1 + 3 * dy;
const double y5 = y1 + 4 * dy;
starPoints[0].rx() = x4;
starPoints[0].ry() = y1;
starPoints[1].rx() = x5;
starPoints[1].ry() = y2;
starPoints[2].rx() = x7;
starPoints[2].ry() = y2;
starPoints[3].rx() = x6;
starPoints[3].ry() = y3;
starPoints[4].rx() = x7;
starPoints[4].ry() = y4;
starPoints[5].rx() = x5;
starPoints[5].ry() = y4;
starPoints[6].rx() = x4;
starPoints[6].ry() = y5;
starPoints[7].rx() = x3;
starPoints[7].ry() = y4;
starPoints[8].rx() = x1;
starPoints[8].ry() = y4;
starPoints[9].rx() = x2;
starPoints[9].ry() = y3;
starPoints[10].rx() = x1;
starPoints[10].ry() = y2;
starPoints[11].rx() = x3;
starPoints[11].ry() = y2;
painter.drawPolygon( star );
return image;
/// Adapted from QwtSymbol::qwtDrawHexagonSymbols
QImage RiuPlotCurveSymbolImageCreator::createHexagonImage( const QSize& size, const QPen& m_pen, const QColor& color )
QImage image( size, QImage::Format_ARGB32 );
image.fill( Qt::transparent );
QPainter painter( &image );
painter.setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing );
QPen pen( m_pen );
pen.setWidth( 1.0 );
pen.setJoinStyle( Qt::MiterJoin );
painter.setPen( pen );
painter.setBrush( color );
QRectF r( 0, 0, size.width(), size.height() );
const double cos30 = 0.866025; // cos(30°)
const double dx = 0.5 * ( size.height() - cos30 );
const double dy = 0.25 * size.height();
QPolygonF hexaPolygon( 6 );
QPointF* hexaPoints = hexaPolygon.data();
double x = size.width() * 0.5;
double y = size.height() * 0.5;
double x1 = x - dx;
double y1 = y - 2 * dy;
const double x2 = x1 + 1 * dx;
const double x3 = x1 + 2 * dx;
const double y2 = y1 + 1 * dy;
const double y3 = y1 + 3 * dy;
const double y4 = y1 + 4 * dy;
hexaPoints[0].rx() = x2;
hexaPoints[0].ry() = y1;
hexaPoints[1].rx() = x3;
hexaPoints[1].ry() = y2;
hexaPoints[2].rx() = x3;
hexaPoints[2].ry() = y3;
hexaPoints[3].rx() = x2;
hexaPoints[3].ry() = y4;
hexaPoints[4].rx() = x1;
hexaPoints[4].ry() = y3;
hexaPoints[5].rx() = x1;
hexaPoints[5].ry() = y2;
painter.drawPolygon( hexaPolygon );
return image;
/// Adapted from QwtSymbol::qwtDrawDiamondSymbols
QImage RiuPlotCurveSymbolImageCreator::createDiamondImage( const QSize& size, const QPen& m_pen, const QColor& color )
QImage image( size, QImage::Format_ARGB32 );
image.fill( Qt::transparent );
QPainter painter( &image );
painter.setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing );
QPen pen( m_pen );
pen.setWidth( 1.0 );
pen.setJoinStyle( Qt::MiterJoin );
painter.setPen( pen );
painter.setBrush( color );
double x = size.width() * 0.5;
double y = size.height() * 0.5;
const double x1 = x - 0.5 * size.width();
const double y1 = y - 0.5 * size.height();
const double x2 = x1 + size.width();
const double y2 = y1 + size.height();
QPolygonF polygon;
polygon += QPointF( x, y1 );
polygon += QPointF( x2, y );
polygon += QPointF( x, y2 );
polygon += QPointF( x1, y );
painter.drawPolygon( polygon );
return image;