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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:39 -06:00
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2337 lines
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// Copyright (C) 2017- Statoil ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#include "RiuSummaryQuantityNameInfoProvider.h"
#include "RifEclipseSummaryAddress.h"
#include <regex>
#include <sstream>
// The region_to_region helper functions are taken from
// https://github.com/OPM/opm-common/blob/e1e0edba7da2d3b30f1f009511a62be073c27eb0/src/opm/input/eclipse/EclipseState/SummaryConfig/SummaryConfig.cpp#L317-L342
namespace ParseHelpers
bool is_supported_region_to_region( const std::string& keyword )
static const auto supported_kw = std::regex{ R"~~(R[OGW]F[RT][-+GL_]?([A-Z0-9_]{3})?)~~" };
// R[OGW]F[RT][-+GL]? (e.g., "ROFTG", "RGFR+", or "RWFT")
return std::regex_match( keyword, supported_kw );
bool is_unsupported_region_to_region( const std::string& keyword )
static const auto unsupported_kw = std::regex{ R"~~(R([EK]|NL)F[RT][-+_]?([A-Z0-9_]{3})?)~~" };
// R[EK]F[RT][-+]? (e.g., "REFT" or "RKFR+")
// RNLF[RT][-+]? (e.g., "RNLFR-" or "RNLFT")
return std::regex_match( keyword, unsupported_kw );
bool is_region_to_region( const std::string& keyword )
return is_supported_region_to_region( keyword ) || is_unsupported_region_to_region( keyword );
} // namespace ParseHelpers
RiuSummaryQuantityNameInfoProvider* RiuSummaryQuantityNameInfoProvider::instance()
static RiuSummaryQuantityNameInfoProvider theInstance;
return &theInstance;
RifEclipseSummaryAddressDefines::SummaryCategory RiuSummaryQuantityNameInfoProvider::identifyCategory( const std::string& vectorName )
// Try to an exact match on the vector name first in the vector table.
bool exactMatch = true;
auto exactCategory = categoryFromVectorName( vectorName, exactMatch );
if ( exactCategory != RifEclipseSummaryAddressDefines::SummaryCategory::SUMMARY_INVALID ) return exactCategory;
if ( ( vectorName.size() < 3 || vectorName.size() > 8 ) && !vectorName.ends_with( RifEclipseSummaryAddressDefines::differenceIdentifier() ) )
return RifEclipseSummaryAddressDefines::SummaryCategory::SUMMARY_INVALID;
// Try to match the base vector name with more heuristics
auto strippedQuantityName = RifEclipseSummaryAddress::baseVectorName( vectorName );
// First, try to lookup vector in vector table
auto category = categoryFromVectorName( strippedQuantityName );
if ( category != RifEclipseSummaryAddressDefines::SummaryCategory::SUMMARY_INVALID ) return category;
switch ( strippedQuantityName[0] )
case 'A':
return RifEclipseSummaryAddressDefines::SummaryCategory::SUMMARY_AQUIFER;
case 'B':
return RifEclipseSummaryAddressDefines::SummaryCategory::SUMMARY_BLOCK;
case 'F':
return RifEclipseSummaryAddressDefines::SummaryCategory::SUMMARY_FIELD;
case 'N':
return RifEclipseSummaryAddressDefines::SummaryCategory::SUMMARY_NETWORK;
case 'S':
return RifEclipseSummaryAddressDefines::SummaryCategory::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT;
case 'W':
return RifEclipseSummaryAddressDefines::SummaryCategory::SUMMARY_WELL;
if ( strippedQuantityName[0] == 'R' )
if ( ParseHelpers::is_region_to_region( strippedQuantityName ) )
return RifEclipseSummaryAddressDefines::SummaryCategory::SUMMARY_REGION_2_REGION;
return RifEclipseSummaryAddressDefines::SummaryCategory::SUMMARY_REGION;
// Then check LGR categories
std::string firstTwoLetters = strippedQuantityName.substr( 0, 2 );
if ( firstTwoLetters == "LB" ) return RifEclipseSummaryAddressDefines::SummaryCategory::SUMMARY_BLOCK_LGR;
if ( firstTwoLetters == "LC" ) return RifEclipseSummaryAddressDefines::SummaryCategory::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION_LGR;
if ( firstTwoLetters == "LW" ) return RifEclipseSummaryAddressDefines::SummaryCategory::SUMMARY_WELL_LGR;
return RifEclipseSummaryAddressDefines::SummaryCategory::SUMMARY_INVALID;
RifEclipseSummaryAddressDefines::SummaryCategory RiuSummaryQuantityNameInfoProvider::categoryFromVectorName( const std::string& vectorName,
bool exactMatch ) const
auto info = quantityInfo( vectorName, exactMatch );
return info.category;
RiuSummaryQuantityNameInfoProvider::RiuSummaryQuantityInfo RiuSummaryQuantityNameInfoProvider::quantityInfo( const std::string& vectorName,
bool exactMatch ) const
auto it = m_summaryToDescMap.find( vectorName );
if ( it != m_summaryToDescMap.end() )
return it->second;
// Stop searching if not found in lookup table and exact match was requested.
if ( exactMatch ) return RiuSummaryQuantityInfo();
if ( vectorName.size() > 1 && vectorName[1] == 'U' )
// User defined vector name
// The summary type is given by the first letter, and U defines user-defined
// FU : field user defined name
// WU : well user defined name
// .....
return RiuSummaryQuantityInfo();
if ( vectorName.size() > 5 )
// Check for custom vector naming
std::string postfix = vectorName.substr( vectorName.size() - 5, 5 );
std::string baseName = vectorName.substr( 0, 5 );
while ( baseName.back() == '_' )
bool isDifference = ( postfix == "_DIFF" );
it = m_summaryToDescMap.find( baseName );
if ( it != m_summaryToDescMap.end() )
if ( isDifference )
return RiuSummaryQuantityInfo( it->second.category, it->second.longName + " Difference" );
return it->second;
return RiuSummaryQuantityInfo();
std::string RiuSummaryQuantityNameInfoProvider::longNameFromVectorName( const std::string& vectorName, bool returnVectorNameIfNotFound ) const
auto info = quantityInfo( vectorName );
return info.category != RifEclipseSummaryAddressDefines::SummaryCategory::SUMMARY_INVALID || !returnVectorNameIfNotFound ? info.longName
: vectorName;
m_summaryToDescMap = createInfoForEclipseKeywords();
auto infoFor6x = createInfoFor6xKeywords();
for ( const auto& other : infoFor6x )
if ( m_summaryToDescMap.count( other.first ) == 0 )
m_summaryToDescMap.insert( other );
std::unordered_map<std::string, RiuSummaryQuantityNameInfoProvider::RiuSummaryQuantityInfo>
using A = RifEclipseSummaryAddressDefines::SummaryCategory;
std::unordered_map<std::string, RiuSummaryQuantityInfo> info;
info.insert( { "FOPR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Oil Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FOPRA", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Oil Production Rate above GOC" } } );
info.insert( { "FOPRB", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Oil Production Rate below GOC" } } );
info.insert( { "FOPTA", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Oil Production Total above GOC" } } );
info.insert( { "FOPTB", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Oil Production Total below GOC" } } );
info.insert( { "FOPR1", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Oil Production Rate above GOC" } } );
info.insert( { "FOPR2", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Oil Production Rate below GOC" } } );
info.insert( { "FOPT1", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Oil Production Total above GOC" } } );
info.insert( { "FOPT2", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Oil Production Total below GOC" } } );
info.insert( { "FOMR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Oil Mass Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FOMT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Oil Mass Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FODN", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Oil Density at Surface Conditions" } } );
info.insert( { "FOPRH", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Oil Production Rate History" } } );
info.insert( { "FOPRT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Oil Production Rate Target/Limit" } } );
info.insert( { "FOPRF", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Free Oil Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FOPRS", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Solution Oil Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FOPT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Oil Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FOPTH", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Oil Production Total History" } } );
info.insert( { "FOPTF", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Free Oil Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FOPTS", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Solution Oil Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FOIR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Oil Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FOIRH", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Oil Injection Rate History" } } );
info.insert( { "FOIRT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Oil Injection Rate Target/Limit" } } );
info.insert( { "FOIT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Oil Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FOITH", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Oil Injection Total History" } } );
info.insert( { "FOPP", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Oil Potential Production rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FOPP2", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Oil Potential Production rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FOPI", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Oil Potential Injection rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FOPI2", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Oil Potential Injection rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FOVPR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Oil Voidage Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FOVPT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Oil Voidage Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FOVIR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Oil Voidage Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FOVIT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Oil Voidage Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FOnPR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "nth separator stage oil rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FOnPT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "nth separator stage oil total" } } );
info.insert( { "FEOR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Export Oil Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FEOT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Export Oil Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FEOMF", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Export Oil Mole Fraction" } } );
info.insert( { "FWPR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Water Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FWMR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Water Mass Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FWMT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Water Mass Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FWPRH", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Water Production Rate History" } } );
info.insert( { "FWPRT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Water Production Rate Target/Limit" } } );
info.insert( { "FWPT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Water Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FWPTH", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Water Production Total History" } } );
info.insert( { "FWIR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Water Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FWIRH", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Water Injection Rate History" } } );
info.insert( { "FWIRT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Water Injection Rate Target/Limit" } } );
info.insert( { "FWIT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Water Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FWITH", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Water Injection Total History" } } );
info.insert( { "FWPP", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Water Potential Production rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FWPP2", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Water Potential Production rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FWPI", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Water Potential Injection rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FWPI2", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Water Potential Injection rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FWVPR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Water Voidage Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FWVPT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Water Voidage Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FWVIR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Water Voidage Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FWVIT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Water Voidage Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FWPIR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Ratio of produced water to injected water (percentage)" } } );
info.insert( { "FWMPR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Water component molar production rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FWMPT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Water component molar production total" } } );
info.insert( { "FWMIR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Water component molar injection rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FWMIT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Water component molar injection total" } } );
info.insert( { "FGPR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Gas Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FGPRA", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Gas Production Rate above" } } );
info.insert( { "FGPRB", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Gas Production Rate below" } } );
info.insert( { "FGPTA", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Gas Production Total above" } } );
info.insert( { "FGPTB", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Gas Production Total below" } } );
info.insert( { "FGPR1", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Gas Production Rate above GOC" } } );
info.insert( { "FGPR2", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Gas Production Rate below GOC" } } );
info.insert( { "FGPT1", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Gas Production Total above GOC" } } );
info.insert( { "FGPT2", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Gas Production Total below GOC" } } );
info.insert( { "FGMR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Gas Mass Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FGMT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Gas Mass Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FGDN", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Gas Density at Surface Conditions" } } );
info.insert( { "FGPRH", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Gas Production Rate History" } } );
info.insert( { "FGPRT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Gas Production Rate Target/Limit" } } );
info.insert( { "FGPRF", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Free Gas Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FGPRS", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Solution Gas Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FGPT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Gas Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FGPTH", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Gas Production Total History" } } );
info.insert( { "FGPTF", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Free Gas Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FGPTS", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Solution Gas Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FGIR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Gas Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FGIRH", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Gas Injection Rate History" } } );
info.insert( { "FGIRT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Gas Injection Rate Target/Limit" } } );
info.insert( { "FGIT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Gas Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FGITH", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Gas Injection Total History" } } );
info.insert( { "FGPP", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Gas Potential Production rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FGPP2", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Gas Potential Production rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FGPPS", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Solution" } } );
info.insert( { "FGPPS2", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Solution" } } );
info.insert( { "FGPPF", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Free Gas Potential Production rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FGPPF2", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Free Gas Potential Production rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FGPI", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Gas Potential Injection rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FGPI2", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Gas Potential Injection rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FSGR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Sales Gas Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FGSR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Sales Gas Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FSGT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Sales Gas Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FGST", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Sales Gas Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FSMF", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Sales Gas Mole Fraction" } } );
info.insert( { "FFGR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Fuel Gas Rate, at and below this group" } } );
info.insert( { "FFGT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Fuel Gas cumulative Total, at and below this group" } } );
info.insert( { "FFMF", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Fuel Gas Mole Fraction" } } );
info.insert( { "FGCR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Gas Consumption Rate, at and below this group" } } );
info.insert( { "FGCT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Gas Consumption Total, at and below this group" } } );
info.insert( { "FGIMR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Gas Import Rate, at and below this group" } } );
info.insert( { "FGIMT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Gas Import Total, at and below this group" } } );
info.insert( { "FGLIR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Gas Lift Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FGLIT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Gas Lift Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FWGPR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Wet Gas Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FWGPT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Wet Gas Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FWGPRH", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Wet Gas Production Rate History" } } );
info.insert( { "FWGIR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Wet Gas Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FWGIT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Wet Gas Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FEGR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Export Gas Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FEGT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Export Gas Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FEMF", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Export Gas Mole Fraction" } } );
info.insert( { "FEXGR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Excess Gas Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FEXGT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Excess Gas Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FRGR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Re-injection Gas Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FRGT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Re-injection Gas Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FGnPR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "nth separator stage gas rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FGnPT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "nth separator stage gas total" } } );
info.insert( { "FGVPR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Gas Voidage Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FGVPT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Gas Voidage Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FGVIR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Gas Voidage Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FGVIT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Gas Voidage Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FGQ", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Gas Quality" } } );
info.insert( { "FLPR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Liquid Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FLPRH", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Liquid Production Rate History" } } );
info.insert( { "FLPRT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Liquid Production Rate Target/Limit" } } );
info.insert( { "FLPT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Liquid Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FLPTH", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Liquid Production Total History" } } );
info.insert( { "FVPR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Res Volume Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FVPRT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Res Volume Production Rate Target/Limit" } } );
info.insert( { "FVPT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Res Volume Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FVIR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Res Volume Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FVIRT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Res Volume Injection Rate Target/Limit" } } );
info.insert( { "FVIT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Res Volume Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FWCT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Water Cut" } } );
info.insert( { "FWCTH", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Water Cut History" } } );
info.insert( { "FGOR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Gas-Oil Ratio" } } );
info.insert( { "FGORH", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Gas-Oil Ratio History" } } );
info.insert( { "FOGR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Oil-Gas Ratio" } } );
info.insert( { "FOGRH", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Oil-Gas Ratio History" } } );
info.insert( { "FWGR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Water-Gas Ratio" } } );
info.insert( { "FWGRH", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Water-Gas Ratio History" } } );
info.insert( { "FGLR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Gas-Liquid Ratio" } } );
info.insert( { "FGLRH", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Gas-Liquid Ratio History" } } );
info.insert( { "FMCTP", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Mode of Control for group Production" } } );
info.insert( { "FMCTW", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Mode of Control for group Water Injection" } } );
info.insert( { "FMCTG", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Mode of Control for group Gas Injection" } } );
info.insert( { "FMWPT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Total number of production wells" } } );
info.insert( { "FMWPR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Number of production wells currently flowing" } } );
info.insert( { "FMWPA", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Number of abandoned production wells" } } );
info.insert( { "FMWPU", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Number of unused production wells" } } );
info.insert( { "FMWPG", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Number of producers on group control" } } );
info.insert( { "FMWPO", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Number of producers controlled by own oil rate limit" } } );
info.insert( { "FMWPS", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Number of producers on own surface rate limit control" } } );
info.insert( { "FMWPV", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Number of producers on own reservoir volume rate limit control" } } );
info.insert( { "FMWPP", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Number of producers on pressure control" } } );
info.insert( { "FMWPL", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Number of producers using artificial lift" } } );
info.insert( { "FMWIT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Total number of injection wells" } } );
info.insert( { "FMWIN", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Number of injection wells currently flowing" } } );
info.insert( { "FMWIA", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Number of abandoned injection wells" } } );
info.insert( { "FMWIU", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Number of unused injection wells" } } );
info.insert( { "FMWIG", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Number of injectors on group control" } } );
info.insert( { "FMWIS", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Number of injectors on own surface rate limit control" } } );
info.insert( { "FMWIV", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Number of injectors on own reservoir volume rate limit control" } } );
info.insert( { "FMWIP", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Number of injectors on pressure control" } } );
info.insert( { "FMWDR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Number of drilling events this timestep" } } );
info.insert( { "FMWDT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Number of drilling events in total" } } );
info.insert( { "FMWWO", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Number of workover events this timestep" } } );
info.insert( { "FMWWT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Number of workover events in total" } } );
info.insert( { "FEPR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Energy Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FEPT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Energy Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FNLPR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "NGL Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FNLPT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "NGL Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FNLPRH", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "NGL Production Rate History" } } );
info.insert( { "FNLPTH", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "NGL Production Total History" } } );
info.insert( { "FAMF", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Component aqueous mole fraction, from producing completions" } } );
info.insert( { "FXMF", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Liquid Mole Fraction" } } );
info.insert( { "FYMF", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Vapor Mole Fraction" } } );
info.insert( { "FXMFn", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Liquid Mole Fraction for nth separator stage" } } );
info.insert( { "FYMFn", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Vapor Mole Fraction for nth separator stage" } } );
info.insert( { "FZMF", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Total Mole Fraction" } } );
info.insert( { "FCMPR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Hydrocarbon Component Molar Production Rates" } } );
info.insert( { "FCMPT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Hydrocarbon Component" } } );
info.insert( { "FCMIR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Hydrocarbon Component Molar Injection Rates" } } );
info.insert( { "FCMIT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Hydrocarbon Component Molar Injection Totals" } } );
info.insert( { "FHMIR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Hydrocarbon Molar Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FHMIT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Hydrocarbon Molar Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FHMPR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Hydrocarbon Molar Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FHMPT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Hydrocarbon Molar Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FCHMR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Hydrocarbon Component" } } );
info.insert( { "FCHMT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Hydrocarbon Component" } } );
info.insert( { "FCWGPR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Hydrocarbon Component Wet Gas Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FCWGPT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Hydrocarbon Component Wet Gas Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FCWGIR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Hydrocarbon Component Wet Gas Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FCWGIT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Hydrocarbon Component Wet Gas Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FCGMR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Hydrocarbon component" } } );
info.insert( { "FCGMT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Hydrocarbon component" } } );
info.insert( { "FCOMR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Hydrocarbon component" } } );
info.insert( { "FCOMT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Hydrocarbon component" } } );
info.insert( { "FCNMR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Hydrocarbon component molar rates in the NGL phase" } } );
info.insert( { "FCNWR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Hydrocarbon component mass rates in the NGL phase" } } );
info.insert( { "FCGMRn", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Hydrocarbon component molar rates in the gas phase for nth separator stage" } } );
info.insert( { "FCGRn", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Hydrocarbon component molar rates in the gas phase for nth separator stage" } } );
info.insert( { "FCOMRn", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Hydrocarbon component" } } );
info.insert( { "FCORn", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Hydrocarbon component" } } );
info.insert( { "FMUF", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Make-up fraction" } } );
info.insert( { "FAMR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Make-up gas rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FAMT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Make-up gas total" } } );
info.insert( { "FGSPR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Target sustainable rate for most recent sustainable capacity test for gas" } } );
info.insert( { "FGSRL",
"Maximum tested rate sustained for the test period during the most recent "
"sustainable capacity test for gas" } } );
info.insert( { "FGSRU",
"Minimum tested rate not sustained for the test period during the most recent "
"sustainable capacity test for gas" } } );
info.insert( { "FGSSP",
"Period for which target sustainable rate could be maintained for the most recent "
"sustainable capacity test for gas" } } );
info.insert( { "FGSTP", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Test period for the most recent sustainable capacity test for gas" } } );
info.insert( { "FOSPR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Target sustainable rate for most recent sustainable capacity test for oil" } } );
info.insert( { "FOSRL",
"Maximum tested rate sustained for the test period during the most recent "
"sustainable capacity test for oil" } } );
info.insert( { "FOSRU",
"Minimum tested rate not sustained for the test period during the most recent "
"sustainable capacity test for oil" } } );
info.insert( { "FOSSP",
"Period for which target sustainable rate could be maintained for the most recent "
"sustainable capacity test for oil" } } );
info.insert( { "FOSTP", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Test period for the most recent sustainable capacity test for oil" } } );
info.insert( { "FWSPR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Target sustainable rate for most recent sustainable capacity test for water" } } );
info.insert( { "FWSRL",
"Maximum tested rate sustained for the test period during the most recent "
"sustainable capacity test for water" } } );
info.insert( { "FWSRU",
"Minimum tested rate not sustained for the test period during the most recent "
"sustainable capacity test for water" } } );
info.insert( { "FWSSP",
"Period for which target sustainable rate could be maintained for the most recent "
"sustainable capacity test "
"for water" } } );
info.insert( { "FWSTP", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Test period for the most recent sustainable capacity test for water" } } );
info.insert( { "FGPRG", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Gas production rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FOPRG", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Oil production rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FNLPRG", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "NGL production rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FXMFG", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Liquid mole fraction" } } );
info.insert( { "FYMFG", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Vapor mole fraction" } } );
info.insert( { "FCOMRG", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Hydrocarbon component" } } );
info.insert( { "FCGMRG", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Hydrocarbon component molar rates in the gas phase" } } );
info.insert( { "FCNMRG", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Hydrocarbon component molar rates in the NGL phase" } } );
info.insert( { "FPR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Pressure average value" } } );
info.insert( { "FPRH", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Pressure average value" } } );
info.insert( { "FPRP", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Pressure average value" } } );
info.insert( { "FPRGZ", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "P/Z" } } );
info.insert( { "FRS", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Gas-oil ratio" } } );
info.insert( { "FRV", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Oil-gas ratio" } } );
info.insert( { "FCHIP", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Component Hydrocarbon as Wet Gas" } } );
info.insert( { "FCMIP", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Component Hydrocarbon as Moles" } } );
info.insert( { "FPPC", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Initial Contact Corrected Potential" } } );
info.insert( { "FREAC", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Reaction rate. The reaction number is given as a component index" } } );
info.insert( { "FREAT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Reaction total. The reaction number is given as a component index" } } );
info.insert( { "FRPV", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Pore Volume at Reservoir conditions" } } );
info.insert( { "FOPV", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Pore Volume containing Oil" } } );
info.insert( { "FWPV", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Pore Volume containing Water" } } );
info.insert( { "FGPV", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Pore Volume containing Gas" } } );
info.insert( { "FHPV", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Pore Volume containing Hydrocarbon" } } );
info.insert( { "FRTM", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Transmissibility Multiplier associated with rock compaction" } } );
info.insert( { "FOE", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "(OIP(initial) - OIP(now)) / OIP(initial)" } } );
info.insert( { "FOEW", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Oil Production from Wells / OIP(initial)" } } );
info.insert( { "FOEIW", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "(OIP(initial) - OIP(now)) / Initial Mobile Oil with respect to Water" } } );
info.insert( { "FOEWW", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Oil Production from Wells / Initial Mobile Oil with respect to Water" } } );
info.insert( { "FOEIG", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "(OIP(initial) - OIP(now)) / Initial Mobile Oil with respect to Gas" } } );
info.insert( { "FOEWG", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Oil Production from Wells / Initial Mobile Oil with respect to Gas" } } );
info.insert( { "FORMR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Total stock tank oil produced by rock compaction" } } );
info.insert( { "FORMW", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Total stock tank oil produced by water influx" } } );
info.insert( { "FORMG", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Total stock tank oil produced by gas influx" } } );
info.insert( { "FORME", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Total stock tank oil produced by oil expansion" } } );
info.insert( { "FORMS", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Total stock tank oil produced by solution gas" } } );
info.insert( { "FORMF", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Total stock tank oil produced by free gas influx" } } );
info.insert( { "FORMX", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Total stock tank oil produced by 'traced' water influx" } } );
info.insert( { "FORMY", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Total stock tank oil produced by other water influx" } } );
info.insert( { "FORFR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Fraction of total oil produced by rock compaction" } } );
info.insert( { "FORFW", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Fraction of total oil produced by water influx" } } );
info.insert( { "FORFG", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Fraction of total oil produced by gas influx" } } );
info.insert( { "FORFE", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Fraction of total oil produced by oil expansion" } } );
info.insert( { "FORFS", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Fraction of total oil produced by solution gas" } } );
info.insert( { "FORFF", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Fraction of total oil produced by free gas influx" } } );
info.insert( { "FORFX", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Fraction of total oil produced by 'traced' water influx" } } );
info.insert( { "FORFY", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Fraction of total oil produced by other water influx" } } );
info.insert( { "FAQR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Aquifer influx rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FAQT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Cumulative aquifer influx" } } );
info.insert( { "FAQRG", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Aquifer influx rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FAQTG", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Cumulative aquifer influx" } } );
info.insert( { "FAQER", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Aquifer thermal energy influx rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FAQET", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Cumulative aquifer thermal energy influx" } } );
info.insert( { "FNQR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Aquifer influx rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FNQT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Cumulative aquifer influx" } } );
info.insert( { "FTPR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Tracer Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FTPT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Tracer Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FTPC", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Tracer Production Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "FTIR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Tracer Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FTIT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Tracer Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FTIC", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Tracer Injection Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "FTMR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Traced mass Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FTMT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Traced mass Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FTQR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Traced molar Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FTCM", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Tracer Carrier molar Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FTMF", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Traced molar fraction" } } );
info.insert( { "FTVL", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Traced liquid volume rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FTVV", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Traced vapor volume rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FTTL", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Traced liquid volume total" } } );
info.insert( { "FTTV", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Traced vapor volume total" } } );
info.insert( { "FTML", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Traced mass liquid rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FTMV", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Traced mass vapor rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FTLM", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Traced mass liquid total" } } );
info.insert( { "FTVM", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Traced mass vapor total" } } );
info.insert( { "FTIPT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Tracer In Place" } } );
info.insert( { "FTIPF", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Tracer In Place" } } );
info.insert( { "FTIPS", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Tracer In Place" } } );
info.insert( { "FAPI", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Oil API" } } );
info.insert( { "FSPR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Salt Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FSPT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Salt Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FSIR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Salt Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FSIT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Salt Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FSPC", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Salt Production Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "FSIC", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Salt Injection Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "FSIP", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Salt In Place" } } );
info.insert( { "GTPRANI", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Anion Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GTPTANI", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Anion Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GTIRANI", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Anion Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GTITANI", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Anion Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GTPRCAT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Cation Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GTPTCAT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Cation Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GTIRCAT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Cation Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GTITCAT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Cation Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FTPCHEA", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Production Temperature" } } );
info.insert( { "FTICHEA", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Injection Temperature" } } );
info.insert( { "FTPRHEA", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Energy flows" } } );
info.insert( { "FTPTHEA", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Energy Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FTIRHEA", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Energy flows" } } );
info.insert( { "FTITHEA", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Energy Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FTIPTHEA", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Difference in Energy in place between current and initial time" } } );
info.insert( { "FTPR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Tracer Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FTPT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Tracer Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FTPC", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Tracer Production Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "FTIR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Tracer Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FTIT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Tracer Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FTIC", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Tracer Injection Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "FTIPT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Tracer In Place" } } );
info.insert( { "FTIPF", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Tracer In Place" } } );
info.insert( { "FTIPS", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Tracer In Place" } } );
info.insert( { "FTIP#", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, " Tracer In Place in phase # (1,2,3,...)" } } );
info.insert( { "FTADS", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Tracer Adsorption total" } } );
info.insert( { "FTDCY", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Decayed tracer" } } );
info.insert( { "FTIRF", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Tracer Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FTIRS", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Tracer Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FTPRF", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Tracer Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FTPRS", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Tracer Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FTITF", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Tracer Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FTITS", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Tracer Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FTPTF", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Tracer Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FTPTS", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Tracer Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FTICF", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Tracer Injection Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "FTICS", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Tracer Injection Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "FTPCF", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Tracer Production" } } );
info.insert( { "FTPCS", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Tracer Production" } } );
info.insert( { "FMPR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Methane Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FMPT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Methane Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FMIR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Methane Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FMIT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Methane Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FCGC", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Bulk Coal Gas Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "FCSC", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Bulk Coal Solvent Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "FTPRFOA", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FTPTFOA", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FTIRFOA", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FTITFOA", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FTIPTFOA", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "In Solution" } } );
info.insert( { "FTADSFOA", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Adsorption total" } } );
info.insert( { "FTDCYFOA", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Decayed tracer" } } );
info.insert( { "FTMOBFOA", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Gas mobility factor" } } );
info.insert( { "FTPRFOA", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FTPTFOA", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FTIRFOA", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FTITFOA", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FTIPTFOA", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "In Solution" } } );
info.insert( { "FTADSFOA", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Adsorption total" } } );
info.insert( { "FTDCYFOA", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Decayed tracer" } } );
info.insert( { "FTMOBFOA", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Gas mobility factor" } } );
info.insert( { "FSGR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Sales Gas Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FGSR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Sales Gas Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FSGT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Sales Gas Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FGST", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Sales Gas Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FGDC", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Gas Delivery Capacity" } } );
info.insert( { "FGDCQ", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Field/Group Gas DCQ" } } );
info.insert( { "FGCR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Gas consumption rate, at and below this group" } } );
info.insert( { "FGCT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Gas consumption cumulative total, at and below this group" } } );
info.insert( { "FFGR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Fuel Gas rate, at and below this group" } } );
info.insert( { "FFGT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Fuel Gas cumulative total, at and below this group" } } );
info.insert( { "FGIMR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Gas import rate, at and below this group" } } );
info.insert( { "FGIMT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Gas import cumulative total, at and below this group" } } );
info.insert( { "FGLIR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Gas Lift Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FGCV", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Gas Calorific Value" } } );
info.insert( { "FGQ", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Gas molar Quality" } } );
info.insert( { "FEPR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Energy Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FEPT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Energy Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FESR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Energy Sales Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FEST", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Energy Sales Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FEDC", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Energy Delivery Capacity" } } );
info.insert( { "FEDCQ", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Energy DCQ" } } );
info.insert( { "FCPR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Polymer Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FCPC", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Polymer Production Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "FCPT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Polymer Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FCIR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Polymer Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FCIC", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Polymer Injection Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "FCIT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Polymer Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FCIP", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Polymer In Solution" } } );
info.insert( { "FCAD", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Polymer Adsorption total" } } );
info.insert( { "FSPR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Salt Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FSPT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Salt Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FSIR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Salt Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FSIT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Salt Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FSIP", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Salt In Place" } } );
info.insert( { "PSSPR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Log of the pressure change per unit time" } } );
info.insert( { "PSSSO", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Log of the oil saturation change per unit time" } } );
info.insert( { "PSSSW", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Log of the water saturation change per unit time" } } );
info.insert( { "PSSSG", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Log of the gas saturation change per unit time" } } );
info.insert( { "PSSSC", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Log of the salt concentration change per unit time" } } );
info.insert( { "FNPR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Solvent Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FNPT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Solvent Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FNIR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Solvent Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FNIT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Solvent Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FNIP", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Solvent In Place" } } );
info.insert( { "FTPRSUR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FTPTSUR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FTIRSUR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FTITSUR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FTIPTSUR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "In Solution" } } );
info.insert( { "FTADSUR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Adsorption total" } } );
info.insert( { "FTPRALK", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FTPTALK", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FTIRALK", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FTITALK", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FU", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "User-defined field quantity" } } );
info.insert( { "GOPR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Oil Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GOPRA", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Oil Production Rate above GOC" } } );
info.insert( { "GOPRB", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Oil Production Rate below GOC" } } );
info.insert( { "GOPTA", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Oil Production Total above GOC" } } );
info.insert( { "GOPTB", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Oil Production Total below GOC" } } );
info.insert( { "GOPR1", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Oil Production Rate above GOC" } } );
info.insert( { "GOPR2", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Oil Production Rate below GOC" } } );
info.insert( { "GOPT1", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Oil Production Total above GOC" } } );
info.insert( { "GOPT2", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Oil Production Total below GOC" } } );
info.insert( { "GOMR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Oil Mass Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GOMT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Oil Mass Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GODN", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Oil Density at Surface Conditions" } } );
info.insert( { "GOPRH", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Oil Production Rate History" } } );
info.insert( { "GOPRT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Oil Production Rate Target/Limit" } } );
info.insert( { "GOPRL", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Oil Production Rate Target/Limit" } } );
info.insert( { "GOPRF", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Free Oil Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GOPRS", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Solution Oil Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GOPT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Oil Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GOPTH", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Oil Production Total History" } } );
info.insert( { "GOPTF", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Free Oil Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GOPTS", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Solution Oil Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GOIR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Oil Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GOIRH", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Oil Injection Rate History" } } );
info.insert( { "GOIRT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Oil Injection Rate Target/Limit" } } );
info.insert( { "GOIRL", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Oil Injection Rate Target/Limit" } } );
info.insert( { "GOIT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Oil Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GOITH", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Oil Injection Total History" } } );
info.insert( { "GOPP", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Oil Potential Production rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GOPP2", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Oil Potential Production rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GOPI", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Oil Potential Injection rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GOPI2", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Oil Potential Injection rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GOPGR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Oil Production Guide Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GOIGR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Oil Injection Guide Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GOVPR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Oil Voidage Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GOVPT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Oil Voidage Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GOVIR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Oil Voidage Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GOVIT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Oil Voidage Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GOnPR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "nth separator stage oil rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GOnPT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "nth separator stage oil total" } } );
info.insert( { "GEOR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Export Oil Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GEOT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Export Oil Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GEOMF", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Export Oil Mole Fraction" } } );
info.insert( { "GWPR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Water Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GWMR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Water Mass Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GWMT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Water Mass Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GWPRH", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Water Production Rate History" } } );
info.insert( { "GWPRT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Water Production Rate Target/Limit" } } );
info.insert( { "GWPRL", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Water Production Rate Target/Limit" } } );
info.insert( { "GWPT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Water Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GWPTH", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Water Production Total History" } } );
info.insert( { "GWIR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Water Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GWIRH", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Water Injection Rate History" } } );
info.insert( { "GWIRT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Water Injection Rate Target/Limit" } } );
info.insert( { "GWIRL", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Water Injection Rate Target/Limit" } } );
info.insert( { "GWIT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Water Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GWITH", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Water Injection Total History" } } );
info.insert( { "GWPP", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Water Potential Production rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GWPP2", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Water Potential Production rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GWPI", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Water Potential Injection rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GWPI2", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Water Potential Injection rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GWPGR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Water Production Guide Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GWIGR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Water Injection Guide Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GWVPR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Water Voidage Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GWVPT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Water Voidage Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GWVIR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Water Voidage Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GWVIT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Water Voidage Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GWPIR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Ratio of produced water to injected water (percentage)" } } );
info.insert( { "GWMPR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Water component molar production rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GWMPT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Water component molar production total" } } );
info.insert( { "GWMIR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Water component molar injection rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GWMIT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Water component molar injection total" } } );
info.insert( { "GGPR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Gas Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GGPRA", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Gas Production Rate above" } } );
info.insert( { "GGPRB", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Gas Production Rate below" } } );
info.insert( { "GGPTA", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Gas Production Total above" } } );
info.insert( { "GGPTB", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Gas Production Total below" } } );
info.insert( { "GGPR1", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Gas Production Rate above GOC" } } );
info.insert( { "GGPR2", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Gas Production Rate below GOC" } } );
info.insert( { "GGPT1", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Gas Production Total above GOC" } } );
info.insert( { "GGPT2", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Gas Production Total below GOC" } } );
info.insert( { "GGMR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Gas Mass Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GGMT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Gas Mass Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GGDN", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Gas Density at Surface Conditions" } } );
info.insert( { "GGPRH", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Gas Production Rate History" } } );
info.insert( { "GGPRT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Gas Production Rate Target/Limit" } } );
info.insert( { "GGPRL", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Gas Production Rate Target/Limit" } } );
info.insert( { "GGPRF", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Free Gas Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GGPRS", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Solution Gas Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GGPT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Gas Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GGPTH", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Gas Production Total History" } } );
info.insert( { "GGPTF", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Free Gas Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GGPTS", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Solution Gas Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GGIR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Gas Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GGIRH", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Gas Injection Rate History" } } );
info.insert( { "GGIRT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Gas Injection Rate Target/Limit" } } );
info.insert( { "GGIRL", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Gas Injection Rate Target/Limit" } } );
info.insert( { "GGIT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Gas Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GGITH", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Gas Injection Total History" } } );
info.insert( { "GGPP", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Gas Potential Production rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GGPP2", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Gas Potential Production rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GGPPS", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Solution" } } );
info.insert( { "GGPPS2", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Solution" } } );
info.insert( { "GGPPF", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Free Gas Potential Production rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GGPPF2", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Free Gas Potential Production rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GGPI", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Gas Potential Injection rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GGPI2", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Gas Potential Injection rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GGPGR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Gas Production Guide Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GGIGR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Gas Injection Guide Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GSGR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Sales Gas Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GGSR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Sales Gas Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GSGT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Sales Gas Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GGST", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Sales Gas Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GSMF", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Sales Gas Mole Fraction" } } );
info.insert( { "GFGR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Fuel Gas Rate, at and below this group" } } );
info.insert( { "GFGT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Fuel Gas cumulative Total, at and below this group" } } );
info.insert( { "GFMF", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Fuel Gas Mole Fraction" } } );
info.insert( { "GGCR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Gas Consumption Rate, at and below this group" } } );
info.insert( { "GGCT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Gas Consumption Total, at and below this group" } } );
info.insert( { "GGIMR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Gas Import Rate, at and below this group" } } );
info.insert( { "GGIMT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Gas Import Total, at and below this group" } } );
info.insert( { "GGLIR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Gas Lift Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GGLIT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Gas Lift Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GWGPR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Wet Gas Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GWGPT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Wet Gas Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GWGPRH", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Wet Gas Production Rate History" } } );
info.insert( { "GWGIR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Wet Gas Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GWGIT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Wet Gas Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GEGR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Export Gas Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GEGT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Export Gas Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GEMF", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Export Gas Mole Fraction" } } );
info.insert( { "GEXGR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Excess Gas Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GEXGT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Excess Gas Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GRGR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Re-injection Gas Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GRGT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Re-injection Gas Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GGnPR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "nth separator stage gas rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GGnPT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "nth separator stage gas total" } } );
info.insert( { "GGVPR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Gas Voidage Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GGVPT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Gas Voidage Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GGVIR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Gas Voidage Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GGVIT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Gas Voidage Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GGQ", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Gas Quality" } } );
info.insert( { "GLPR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Liquid Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GLPRH", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Liquid Production Rate History" } } );
info.insert( { "GLPRT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Liquid Production Rate Target/Limit" } } );
info.insert( { "GLPRL", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Liquid Production Rate Target/Limit" } } );
info.insert( { "GLPT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Liquid Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GLPTH", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Liquid Production Total History" } } );
info.insert( { "GVPR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Res Volume Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GVPRT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Res Volume Production Rate Target/Limit" } } );
info.insert( { "GVPRL", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Res Volume Production Rate Target/Limit" } } );
info.insert( { "GVPT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Res Volume Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GVPGR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Res Volume Production Guide Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GVIR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Res Volume Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GVIRT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Res Volume Injection Rate Target/Limit" } } );
info.insert( { "GVIRL", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Res Volume Injection Rate Target/Limit" } } );
info.insert( { "GVIT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Res Volume Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GWCT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Water Cut" } } );
info.insert( { "GWCTH", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Water Cut History" } } );
info.insert( { "GGOR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Gas-Oil Ratio" } } );
info.insert( { "GGORH", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Gas-Oil Ratio History" } } );
info.insert( { "GOGR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Oil-Gas Ratio" } } );
info.insert( { "GOGRH", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Oil-Gas Ratio History" } } );
info.insert( { "GWGR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Water-Gas Ratio" } } );
info.insert( { "GWGRH", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Water-Gas Ratio History" } } );
info.insert( { "GGLR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Gas-Liquid Ratio" } } );
info.insert( { "GGLRH", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Gas-Liquid Ratio History" } } );
info.insert( { "GMCTP", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Mode of Control for group Production" } } );
info.insert( { "GMCTW", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Mode of Control for group Water Injection" } } );
info.insert( { "GMCTG", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Mode of Control for group Gas Injection" } } );
info.insert( { "GMWPT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Total number of production wells" } } );
info.insert( { "GMWPR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Number of production wells currently flowing" } } );
info.insert( { "GMWPA", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Number of abandoned production wells" } } );
info.insert( { "GMWPU", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Number of unused production wells" } } );
info.insert( { "GMWPG", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Number of producers on group control" } } );
info.insert( { "GMWPO", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Number of producers controlled by own oil rate limit" } } );
info.insert( { "GMWPS", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Number of producers on own surface rate limit control" } } );
info.insert( { "GMWPV", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Number of producers on own reservoir volume rate limit control" } } );
info.insert( { "GMWPP", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Number of producers on pressure control" } } );
info.insert( { "GMWPL", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Number of producers using artificial lift" } } );
info.insert( { "GMWIT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Total number of injection wells" } } );
info.insert( { "GMWIN", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Number of injection wells currently flowing" } } );
info.insert( { "GMWIA", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Number of abandoned injection wells" } } );
info.insert( { "GMWIU", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Number of unused injection wells" } } );
info.insert( { "GMWIG", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Number of injectors on group control" } } );
info.insert( { "GMWIS", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Number of injectors on own surface rate limit control" } } );
info.insert( { "GMWIV", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Number of injectors on own reservoir volume rate limit control" } } );
info.insert( { "GMWIP", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Number of injectors on pressure control" } } );
info.insert( { "GMWDR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Number of drilling events this timestep" } } );
info.insert( { "GMWDT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Number of drilling events in total" } } );
info.insert( { "GMWWO", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Number of workover events this timestep" } } );
info.insert( { "GMWWT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Number of workover events in total" } } );
info.insert( { "GEPR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Energy Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GEPT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Energy Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GEFF", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Efficiency Factor" } } );
info.insert( { "GNLPR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "NGL Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GNLPT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "NGL Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GNLPRH", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "NGL Production Rate History" } } );
info.insert( { "GNLPTH", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "NGL Production Total History" } } );
info.insert( { "GAMF", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Component aqueous mole fraction, from producing completions" } } );
info.insert( { "GXMF", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Liquid Mole Fraction" } } );
info.insert( { "GYMF", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Vapor Mole Fraction" } } );
info.insert( { "GXMFn", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Liquid Mole Fraction for nth separator stage" } } );
info.insert( { "GYMFn", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Vapor Mole Fraction for nth separator stage" } } );
info.insert( { "GZMF", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Total Mole Fraction" } } );
info.insert( { "GCMPR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Hydrocarbon Component Molar Production Rates" } } );
info.insert( { "GCMPT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Hydrocarbon Component" } } );
info.insert( { "GCMIR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Hydrocarbon Component Molar Injection Rates" } } );
info.insert( { "GCMIT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Hydrocarbon Component Molar Injection Totals" } } );
info.insert( { "GHMIR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Hydrocarbon Molar Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GHMIT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Hydrocarbon Molar Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GHMPR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Hydrocarbon Molar Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GHMPT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Hydrocarbon Molar Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GCHMR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Hydrocarbon Component" } } );
info.insert( { "GCHMT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Hydrocarbon Component" } } );
info.insert( { "GCWGPR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Hydrocarbon Component Wet Gas Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GCWGPT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Hydrocarbon Component Wet Gas Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GCWGIR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Hydrocarbon Component Wet Gas Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GCWGIT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Hydrocarbon Component Wet Gas Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GCGMR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Hydrocarbon component" } } );
info.insert( { "GCGMT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Hydrocarbon component" } } );
info.insert( { "GCOMR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Hydrocarbon component" } } );
info.insert( { "GCOMT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Hydrocarbon component" } } );
info.insert( { "GCNMR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Hydrocarbon component molar rates in the NGL phase" } } );
info.insert( { "GCNWR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Hydrocarbon component mass rates in the NGL phase" } } );
info.insert( { "GCGMRn", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Hydrocarbon component molar rates in the gas phase for nth separator stage" } } );
info.insert( { "GCGRn", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Hydrocarbon component molar rates in the gas phase for nth separator stage" } } );
info.insert( { "GCOMRn", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Hydrocarbon component" } } );
info.insert( { "GCORn", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Hydrocarbon component" } } );
info.insert( { "GMUF", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Make-up fraction" } } );
info.insert( { "GAMR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Make-up gas rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GAMT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Make-up gas total" } } );
info.insert( { "GGSPR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Target sustainable rate for most recent sustainable capacity test for gas" } } );
info.insert( { "GGSRL",
"Maximum tested rate sustained for the test period during the most recent sustainable "
"capacity test for gas" } } );
info.insert( { "GGSRU",
"Minimum tested rate not sustained for the test period during the most recent "
"sustainable capacity test for "
"gas" } } );
info.insert( { "GGSSP",
"Period for which target sustainable rate could be maintained for the most recent "
"sustainable capacity test "
"for gas" } } );
info.insert( { "GGSTP", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Test period for the most recent sustainable capacity test for gas" } } );
info.insert( { "GOSPR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Target sustainable rate for most recent sustainable capacity test for oil" } } );
info.insert( { "GOSRL",
"Maximum tested rate sustained for the test period during the most recent sustainable "
"capacity test for oil" } } );
info.insert( { "GOSRU",
"Minimum tested rate not sustained for the test period during the most recent "
"sustainable capacity test for "
"oil" } } );
info.insert( { "GOSSP",
"Period for which target sustainable rate could be maintained for the most recent "
"sustainable capacity test "
"for oil" } } );
info.insert( { "GOSTP", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Test period for the most recent sustainable capacity test for oil" } } );
info.insert( { "GWSPR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Target sustainable rate for most recent sustainable capacity test for water" } } );
info.insert( { "GWSRL",
"Maximum tested rate sustained for the test period during the most recent sustainable "
"capacity test for water" } } );
info.insert( { "GWSRU",
"Minimum tested rate not sustained for the test period during the most recent "
"sustainable capacity test for "
"water" } } );
info.insert( { "GWSSP",
"Period for which target sustainable rate could be maintained for the most recent "
"sustainable capacity test "
"for water" } } );
info.insert( { "GWSTP", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Test period for the most recent sustainable capacity test for water" } } );
info.insert( { "GGPRG", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Gas production rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GOPRG", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Oil production rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GNLPRG", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "NGL production rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GXMFG", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Liquid mole fraction" } } );
info.insert( { "GYMFG", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Vapor mole fraction" } } );
info.insert( { "GCOMRG", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Hydrocarbon component" } } );
info.insert( { "GCGMRG", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Hydrocarbon component molar rates in the gas phase" } } );
info.insert( { "GCNMRG", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Hydrocarbon component molar rates in the NGL phase" } } );
info.insert( { "GTPR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Tracer Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GTPT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Tracer Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GTPC", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Tracer Production Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "GTIR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Tracer Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GTIT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Tracer Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GTIC", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Tracer Injection Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "GTMR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Traced mass Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GTMT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Traced mass Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GTQR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Traced molar Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GTCM", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Tracer Carrier molar Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GTMF", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Traced molar fraction" } } );
info.insert( { "GTVL", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Traced liquid volume rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GTVV", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Traced vapor volume rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GTTL", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Traced liquid volume total" } } );
info.insert( { "GTTV", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Traced vapor volume total" } } );
info.insert( { "GTML", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Traced mass liquid rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GTMV", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Traced mass vapor rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GTLM", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Traced mass liquid total" } } );
info.insert( { "GTVM", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Traced mass vapor total" } } );
info.insert( { "GAPI", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Oil API" } } );
info.insert( { "GSPR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Salt Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GSPT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Salt Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GSIR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Salt Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GSIT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Salt Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GSPC", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Salt Production Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "GSIC", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Salt Injection Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "WTPRANI", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Anion Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WTPTANI", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Anion Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WTIRANI", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Anion Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WTITANI", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Anion Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WTPRCAT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Cation Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WTPTCAT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Cation Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WTIRCAT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Cation Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WTITCAT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Cation Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GTPCHEA", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Production Temperature" } } );
info.insert( { "GTICHEA", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Injection Temperature" } } );
info.insert( { "GTPRHEA", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Energy flows" } } );
info.insert( { "GTPTHEA", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Energy Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GTIRHEA", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Energy flows" } } );
info.insert( { "GTITHEA", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Energy Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GTPR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Tracer Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GTPT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Tracer Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GTPC", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Tracer Production Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "GTIR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Tracer Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GTIT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Tracer Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GTIC", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Tracer Injection Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "GTIRF", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Tracer Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GTIRS", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Tracer Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GTPRF", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Tracer Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GTPRS", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Tracer Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GTITF", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Tracer Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GTITS", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Tracer Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GTPTF", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Tracer Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GTPTS", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Tracer Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GTICF", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Tracer Injection Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "GTICS", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Tracer Injection Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "GTPCF", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Tracer Production" } } );
info.insert( { "GTPCS", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Tracer Production" } } );
info.insert( { "GMPR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Methane Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GMPT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Methane Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GMIR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Methane Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GMIT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Methane Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GTPRFOA", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GTPTFOA", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GTIRFOA", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GTITFOA", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GSGR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Sales Gas Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GGSR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Sales Gas Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GSGT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Sales Gas Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GGST", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Sales Gas Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GGDC", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Gas Delivery Capacity" } } );
info.insert( { "GGDCQ", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Field/Group Gas DCQ" } } );
info.insert( { "GMCPL", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Group Multi-level Compressor Level" } } );
info.insert( { "GPR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Group nodal Pressure in network" } } );
info.insert( { "GPRDC", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Group Pressure at Delivery Capacity" } } );
info.insert( { "GGCR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Gas consumption rate, at and below this group" } } );
info.insert( { "GGCT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Gas consumption cumulative total, at and below this group" } } );
info.insert( { "GFGR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Fuel Gas rate, at and below this group" } } );
info.insert( { "GFGT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Fuel Gas cumulative total, at and below this group" } } );
info.insert( { "GGIMR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Gas import rate, at and below this group" } } );
info.insert( { "GGIMT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Gas import cumulative total, at and below this group" } } );
info.insert( { "GPRFP", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Group or node Pressure in network from end of First Pass" } } );
{ "GGPRNBFP", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Gas flow rate along Group's or node's outlet branch in network, from end of First Pass" } } );
info.insert( { "GGLIR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Gas Lift Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GGCV", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Gas Calorific Value" } } );
info.insert( { "GGQ", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Gas molar Quality" } } );
info.insert( { "GEPR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Energy Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GEPT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Energy Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GESR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Energy Sales Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GEST", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Energy Sales Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GEDC", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Energy Delivery Capacity" } } );
info.insert( { "GEDCQ", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Energy DCQ" } } );
info.insert( { "GPR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Group or node Pressure in the production network" } } );
info.insert( { "GPRG", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Group or node Pressure in the gas injection network" } } );
info.insert( { "GPRW", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Group or node Pressure in the water injection network" } } );
info.insert( { "GPRB", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Pressure drop along the group's or node's outlet branch in the production network" } } );
info.insert( { "GPRBG", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Pressure drop along the group's or node's inlet branch in the gas injection network" } } );
info.insert( { "GPRBW", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Pressure drop along the group's or node's inlet branch in the water injection network" } } );
info.insert( { "GALQ", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "ALQ in the group's or node's outlet branch in the production network" } } );
info.insert( { "GOPRNB", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Oil flow rate along the group's or node's outlet branch in the production network" } } );
info.insert( { "GWPRNB", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Water flow rate along the group's or node's outlet branch in the production network" } } );
info.insert( { "GGPRNB", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Gas flow rate along the group's or node's outlet branch in the production network" } } );
info.insert( { "GLPRNB", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Liquid flow rate along the group's or node's outlet branch in the production network" } } );
info.insert( { "GWIRNB", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Water flow rate along the group's or node's inlet branch in the water injection network" } } );
info.insert( { "GGIRNB", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Gas flow rate along the group's or node's inlet branch in the gas injection network" } } );
info.insert( { "GOMNR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Group or node minimum oil rate as specified with GNETDP in the production network" } } );
info.insert( { "GGMNR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Group or node minimum gas rate as specified with GNETDP in the production network" } } );
info.insert( { "GWMNR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Group or node minimum water rate as specified with GNETDP in the production network" } } );
info.insert( { "GLMNR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Group or node minimum liquid rate as specified with GNETDP in the production network" } } );
info.insert( { "GOMXR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Group or node maximum oil rate as specified with GNETDP in the production network" } } );
info.insert( { "GGMXR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Group or node maximum gas rate as specified with GNETDP in the production network" } } );
info.insert( { "GWMXR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Group or node maximum water rate as specified with GNETDP in the production network" } } );
info.insert( { "GLMXR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Group or node maximum liquid rate as specified with GNETDP in the production network" } } );
info.insert( { "GMNP", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Group or node minimum pressure as specified with GNETDP in the production network" } } );
info.insert( { "GMXP", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Group or node maximum pressure as specified with GNETDP in the production network" } } );
info.insert( { "GPRINC", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Group or node pressure increment as specified with GNETDP in the production network" } } );
info.insert( { "GPRDEC", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Group or node pressure decrement as specified with GNETDP in the production network" } } );
info.insert( { "GCPR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Polymer Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GCPC", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Polymer Production Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "GCPT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Polymer Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GCIR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Polymer Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GCIC", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Polymer Injection Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "GCIT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Polymer Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GSPR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Salt Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GSPT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Salt Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GSIR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Salt Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GSIT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Salt Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GOPRL", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Group Oil Production Rate Target" } } );
info.insert( { "GOIRL", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Group Oil Injection Rate Target" } } );
info.insert( { "GWPRL", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Group Water Production Rate Target" } } );
info.insert( { "GWIRL", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Group Water Injection Rate Target" } } );
info.insert( { "GGPRL", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Group Gas Production Rate Target" } } );
info.insert( { "GGIRL", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Group Gas Injection Rate Target" } } );
info.insert( { "GLPRL", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Group Liquid Production Rate Target" } } );
info.insert( { "GVPRL", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Group reservoir Volume Production Rate Target" } } );
info.insert( { "GVIRL", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Group reservoir Volume Injection Rate Target" } } );
info.insert( { "GNPR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Solvent Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GNPT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Solvent Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GNIR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Solvent Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GNIT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Solvent Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GTPRSUR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GTPTSUR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GTIRSUR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GTITSUR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GTPRALK", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GTPTALK", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GTIRALK", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GTITALK", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "GU", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "User-defined group quantity" } } );
info.insert( { "WOPR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Oil Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WOPRA", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Oil Production Rate above GOC" } } );
info.insert( { "WOPRB", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Oil Production Rate below GOC" } } );
info.insert( { "WOPTA", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Oil Production Total above GOC" } } );
info.insert( { "WOPTB", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Oil Production Total below GOC" } } );
info.insert( { "WOPR1", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Oil Production Rate above GOC" } } );
info.insert( { "WOPR2", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Oil Production Rate below GOC" } } );
info.insert( { "WOPT1", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Oil Production Total above GOC" } } );
info.insert( { "WOPT2", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Oil Production Total below GOC" } } );
info.insert( { "WOMR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Oil Mass Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WOMT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Oil Mass Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WODN", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Oil Density at Surface Conditions" } } );
info.insert( { "WOPRH", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Oil Production Rate History" } } );
info.insert( { "WOPRT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Oil Production Rate Target/Limit" } } );
info.insert( { "WOPRF", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Free Oil Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WOPRS", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Solution Oil Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WOPT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Oil Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WOPTH", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Oil Production Total History" } } );
info.insert( { "WOPTF", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Free Oil Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WOPTS", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Solution Oil Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WOIR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Oil Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WOIRH", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Oil Injection Rate History" } } );
info.insert( { "WOIRT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Oil Injection Rate Target/Limit" } } );
info.insert( { "WOIT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Oil Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WOITH", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Oil Injection Total History" } } );
info.insert( { "WOPP", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Oil Potential Production rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WOPP2", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Oil Potential Production rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WOPI", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Oil Potential Injection rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WOPI2", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Oil Potential Injection rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WOPGR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Oil Production Guide Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WOIGR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Oil Injection Guide Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WOVPR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Oil Voidage Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WOVPT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Oil Voidage Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WOVIR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Oil Voidage Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WOVIT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Oil Voidage Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WOnPR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "nth separator stage oil rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WOnPT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "nth separator stage oil total" } } );
info.insert( { "WWPR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Water Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WWMR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Water Mass Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WWMT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Water Mass Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WWPRH", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Water Production Rate History" } } );
info.insert( { "WWPRT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Water Production Rate Target/Limit" } } );
info.insert( { "WWPT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Water Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WWPTH", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Water Production Total History" } } );
info.insert( { "WWIR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Water Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WWIRH", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Water Injection Rate History" } } );
info.insert( { "WWIRT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Water Injection Rate Target/Limit" } } );
info.insert( { "WWIT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Water Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WWITH", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Water Injection Total History" } } );
info.insert( { "WWPP", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Water Potential Production rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WWPP2", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Water Potential Production rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WWPI", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Water Potential Injection rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WWIP", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Water Potential Injection rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WWPI2", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Water Potential Injection rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WWIP2", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Water Potential Injection rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WWPGR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Water Production Guide Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WWIGR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Water Injection Guide Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WWVPR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Water Voidage Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WWVPT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Water Voidage Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WWVIR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Water Voidage Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WWVIT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Water Voidage Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WWPIR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Ratio of produced water to injected water (percentage)" } } );
info.insert( { "WWMPR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Water component molar production rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WWMPT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Water component molar production total" } } );
info.insert( { "WWMIR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Water component molar injection rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WWMIT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Water component molar injection total" } } );
info.insert( { "WGPR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Gas Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WGPRA", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Gas Production Rate above" } } );
info.insert( { "WGPRB", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Gas Production Rate below" } } );
info.insert( { "WGPTA", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Gas Production Total above" } } );
info.insert( { "WGPTB", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Gas Production Total below" } } );
info.insert( { "WGPR1", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Gas Production Rate above GOC" } } );
info.insert( { "WGPR2", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Gas Production Rate below GOC" } } );
info.insert( { "WGPT1", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Gas Production Total above GOC" } } );
info.insert( { "WGPT2", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Gas Production Total below GOC" } } );
info.insert( { "WGMR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Gas Mass Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WGMT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Gas Mass Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WGDN", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Gas Density at Surface Conditions" } } );
info.insert( { "WGPRH", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Gas Production Rate History" } } );
info.insert( { "WGPRT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Gas Production Rate Target/Limit" } } );
info.insert( { "WGPRF", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Free Gas Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WGPRS", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Solution Gas Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WGPT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Gas Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WGPTH", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Gas Production Total History" } } );
info.insert( { "WGPTF", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Free Gas Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WGPTS", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Solution Gas Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WGIR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Gas Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WGIRH", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Gas Injection Rate History" } } );
info.insert( { "WGIRT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Gas Injection Rate Target/Limit" } } );
info.insert( { "WGIT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Gas Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WGITH", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Gas Injection Total History" } } );
info.insert( { "WGPP", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Gas Potential Production rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WGPP2", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Gas Potential Production rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WGPPS", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Solution" } } );
info.insert( { "WGPPS2", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Solution" } } );
info.insert( { "WGPPF", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Free Gas Potential Production rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WGPPF2", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Free Gas Potential Production rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WGPI", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Gas Potential Injection rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WGIP", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Gas Potential Injection rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WGPI2", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Gas Potential Injection rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WGIP2", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Gas Potential Injection rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WGPGR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Gas Production Guide Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WGIGR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Gas Injection Guide Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WGLIR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Gas Lift Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WGLIT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Gas Lift Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WWGPR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Wet Gas Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WWGPT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Wet Gas Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WWGPRH", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Wet Gas Production Rate History" } } );
info.insert( { "WWGIR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Wet Gas Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WWGIT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Wet Gas Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WGnPR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "nth separator stage gas rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WGnPT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "nth separator stage gas total" } } );
info.insert( { "WGVPR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Gas Voidage Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WGVPT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Gas Voidage Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WGVIR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Gas Voidage Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WGVIT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Gas Voidage Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WGQ", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Gas Quality" } } );
info.insert( { "WLPR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Liquid Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WLPRH", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Liquid Production Rate History" } } );
info.insert( { "WLPRT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Liquid Production Rate Target/Limit" } } );
info.insert( { "WLPT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Liquid Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WLPTH", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Liquid Production Total History" } } );
info.insert( { "WVPR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Res Volume Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WVPRT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Res Volume Production Rate Target/Limit" } } );
info.insert( { "WVPT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Res Volume Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WVPGR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Res Volume Production Guide Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WVIR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Res Volume Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WVIRT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Res Volume Injection Rate Target/Limit" } } );
info.insert( { "WVIT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Res Volume Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WWCT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Water Cut" } } );
info.insert( { "WWCTH", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Water Cut History" } } );
info.insert( { "WGOR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Gas-Oil Ratio" } } );
info.insert( { "WGORH", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Gas-Oil Ratio History" } } );
info.insert( { "WOGR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Oil-Gas Ratio" } } );
info.insert( { "WOGRH", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Oil-Gas Ratio History" } } );
info.insert( { "WWGR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Water-Gas Ratio" } } );
info.insert( { "WWGRH", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Water-Gas Ratio History" } } );
info.insert( { "WGLR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Gas-Liquid Ratio" } } );
info.insert( { "WGLRH", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Gas-Liquid Ratio History" } } );
info.insert( { "WBGLR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Bottom hole Gas-Liquid Ratio" } } );
info.insert( { "WBHP", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Bottom Hole Pressure" } } );
info.insert( { "WBHPH", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Bottom Hole Pressure History" } } );
info.insert( { "WBHPT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Bottom Hole Pressure Target/Limit" } } );
info.insert( { "WTHP", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Tubing Head Pressure" } } );
info.insert( { "WTHPH", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Tubing Head Pressure History" } } );
info.insert( { "WPI", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Productivity Index of well's preferred phase" } } );
info.insert( { "WPIO", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Oil phase PI" } } );
info.insert( { "WPIG", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Gas phase PI" } } );
info.insert( { "WPIW", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Water phase PI" } } );
info.insert( { "WPIL", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Liquid phase PI" } } );
info.insert( { "WBP", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "One-point Pressure Average" } } );
info.insert( { "WBP4", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Four-point Pressure Average" } } );
info.insert( { "WBP5", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Five-point Pressure Average" } } );
info.insert( { "WBP9", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Nine-point Pressure Average" } } );
info.insert( { "WPI1", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Productivity Index based on the value of WBP" } } );
info.insert( { "WPI4", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Productivity Index based on the value of WBP4" } } );
info.insert( { "WPI5", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Productivity Index based on the value of WBP5" } } );
info.insert( { "WPI9", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Productivity Index based on the value of WBP9" } } );
info.insert( { "WHD",
"Hydraulic head in well based on the reference depth given in HYDRHEAD and the well's reference "
"depth" } } );
info.insert( { "WHDF",
"Hydraulic head in well based on the reference depth given in HYDRHEAD and the well's reference depth "
"calculated at freshwater conditions" } } );
info.insert( { "WSTAT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Well State Indicator" } } );
info.insert( { "WMCTL", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Mode of Control" } } );
info.insert( { "WMCON", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "The number of connections capable of flowing in the well" } } );
info.insert( { "WEPR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Energy Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WEPT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Energy Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WEFF", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Efficiency Factor" } } );
info.insert( { "WEFFG", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Product of efficiency factors of the well and all its superior groups" } } );
info.insert( { "WALQ", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Well Artificial Lift Quantity" } } );
info.insert( { "WMVFP", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "VFP table number used by the well" } } );
info.insert( { "WNLPR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "NGL Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WNLPT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "NGL Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WNLPRH", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "NGL Production Rate History" } } );
info.insert( { "WNLPTH", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "NGL Production Total History" } } );
info.insert( { "WNLPRT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "NGL Production Rate Target" } } );
info.insert( { "WAMF", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Component aqueous mole fraction, from producing completions" } } );
info.insert( { "WXMF", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Liquid Mole Fraction" } } );
info.insert( { "WYMF", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Vapor Mole Fraction" } } );
info.insert( { "WXMFn", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Liquid Mole Fraction for nth separator stage" } } );
info.insert( { "WYMFn", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Vapor Mole Fraction for nth separator stage" } } );
info.insert( { "WZMF", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Total Mole Fraction" } } );
info.insert( { "WCMPR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Hydrocarbon Component Molar Production Rates" } } );
info.insert( { "WCMPT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Hydrocarbon Component" } } );
info.insert( { "WCMIR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Hydrocarbon Component Molar Injection Rates" } } );
info.insert( { "WCMIT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Hydrocarbon Component Molar Injection Totals" } } );
info.insert( { "WCGIR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Hydrocarbon Component Gas Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WCGPR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Hydrocarbon Component Gas Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WCOPR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Hydrocarbon Component Oil Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WHMIR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Hydrocarbon Molar Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WHMIT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Hydrocarbon Molar Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WHMPR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Hydrocarbon Molar Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WHMPT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Hydrocarbon Molar Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WCHMR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Hydrocarbon Component" } } );
info.insert( { "WCHMT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Hydrocarbon Component" } } );
info.insert( { "WCWGPR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Hydrocarbon Component Wet Gas Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WCWGPT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Hydrocarbon Component Wet Gas Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WCWGIR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Hydrocarbon Component Wet Gas Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WCWGIT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Hydrocarbon Component Wet Gas Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WCGMR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Hydrocarbon component" } } );
info.insert( { "WCGMT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Hydrocarbon component" } } );
info.insert( { "WCOMR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Hydrocarbon component" } } );
info.insert( { "WCOMT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Hydrocarbon component" } } );
info.insert( { "WCNMR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Hydrocarbon component molar rates in the NGL phase" } } );
info.insert( { "WCNWR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Hydrocarbon component mass rates in the NGL phase" } } );
info.insert( { "WCGMRn", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Hydrocarbon component molar rates in the gas phase for nth separator stage" } } );
info.insert( { "WCGRn", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Hydrocarbon component molar rates in the gas phase for nth separator stage" } } );
info.insert( { "WCOMRn", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Hydrocarbon component" } } );
info.insert( { "WCORn", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Hydrocarbon component" } } );
info.insert( { "WMUF", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Make-up fraction" } } );
info.insert( { "WTHT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Tubing Head Temperature" } } );
info.insert( { "WMMW", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Mean molecular weight of wellstream" } } );
info.insert( { "WPWE0", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Well drilled indicator" } } );
info.insert( { "WPWE1", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Connections opened indicator" } } );
info.insert( { "WPWE2", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Connections closed indicator" } } );
info.insert( { "WPWE3", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Connections closed to bottom indicator" } } );
info.insert( { "WPWE4", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Well stopped indicator" } } );
info.insert( { "WPWE5", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Injector to producer indicator" } } );
info.insert( { "WPWE6", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Producer to injector indicator" } } );
info.insert( { "WPWE7", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Well shut indicator" } } );
info.insert( { "WPWEM", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "WELEVNT output mnemonic" } } );
info.insert( { "WDRPR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Well drilling priority" } } );
info.insert( { "WBHWCn", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Derivative of well BHP with respect to parameter n" } } );
info.insert( { "WGFWCn", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Derivative of well gas flow rate with respect to parameter n" } } );
info.insert( { "WOFWCn", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Derivative of well oil flow rate with respect to parameter n" } } );
info.insert( { "WWFWCn", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Derivative of water flow rate with respect to parameter n" } } );
info.insert( { "WTPR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Tracer Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WTPT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Tracer Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WTPC", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Tracer Production Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "WTIR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Tracer Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WTIT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Tracer Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WTIC", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Tracer Injection Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "WTMR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Traced mass Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WTMT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Traced mass Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WTQR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Traced molar Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WTCM", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Tracer Carrier molar Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WTMF", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Traced molar fraction" } } );
info.insert( { "WTVL", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Traced liquid volume rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WTVV", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Traced vapor volume rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WTTL", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Traced liquid volume total" } } );
info.insert( { "WTTV", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Traced vapor volume total" } } );
info.insert( { "WTML", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Traced mass liquid rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WTMV", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Traced mass vapor rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WTLM", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Traced mass liquid total" } } );
info.insert( { "WTVM", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Traced mass vapor total" } } );
info.insert( { "WAPI", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Oil API" } } );
info.insert( { "WSPR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Salt Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WSPT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Salt Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WSIR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Salt Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WSIT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Salt Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WSPC", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Salt Production Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "WSIC", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Salt Injection Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "WTPCHEA", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Production Temperature" } } );
info.insert( { "WTICHEA", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Injection Temperature" } } );
info.insert( { "WTPRHEA", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Energy flows" } } );
info.insert( { "WTPTHEA", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Energy Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WTIRHEA", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Energy flows" } } );
info.insert( { "WTITHEA", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Energy Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WTPR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Tracer Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WTPT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Tracer Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WTPC", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Tracer Production Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "WTIR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Tracer Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WTIT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Tracer Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WTIC", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Tracer Injection Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "WTIRF", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Tracer Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WTIRS", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Tracer Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WTPRF", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Tracer Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WTPRS", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Tracer Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WTITF", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Tracer Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WTITS", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Tracer Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WTPTF", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Tracer Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WTPTS", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Tracer Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WTICF", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Tracer Injection Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "WTICS", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Tracer Injection Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "WTPCF", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Tracer Production" } } );
info.insert( { "WTPCS", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Tracer Production" } } );
info.insert( { "WMPR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Methane Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WMPT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Methane Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WMIR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Methane Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WMIT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Methane Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WTPRFOA", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WTPTFOA", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WTIRFOA", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WTITFOA", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WGDC", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Gas Delivery Capacity" } } );
info.insert( { "NGOPAS", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Number of iterations to converge DCQ in first pass" } } );
info.insert( { "WGPRFP", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Well Gas Production Rate from end of First Pass" } } );
info.insert( { "WTHPFP", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Well Tubing Head Pressure from end of First Pass" } } );
info.insert( { "WBHPFP", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Well Bottom Hole Pressure from end of First Pass" } } );
info.insert( { "WGLIR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Gas Lift Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WOGLR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Well Oil Gas Lift Ratio" } } );
info.insert( { "WGCV", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Gas Calorific Value" } } );
info.insert( { "WGQ", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Gas molar Quality" } } );
info.insert( { "WEPR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Energy Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WEPT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Energy Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WEDC", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Energy Delivery Capacity" } } );
info.insert( { "WCPR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Polymer Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WCPC", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Polymer Production Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "WCPT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Polymer Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WCIR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Polymer Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WCIC", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Polymer Injection Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "WCIT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Polymer Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WSPR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Salt Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WSPT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Salt Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WSIR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Salt Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WSIT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Salt Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WNPR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Solvent Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WNPT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Solvent Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WNIR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Solvent Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WNIT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Solvent Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WTPRSUR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WTPTSUR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WTIRSUR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WTITSUR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WTPRALK", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WTPTALK", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WTIRALK", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WTITALK", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WOFRL", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Oil Flow Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WOPRL", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Oil Flow Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WOPTL", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Oil Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WOITL", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Oil Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WWFRL", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Water Flow Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WWPRL", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Water Flow Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WWPTL", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Water Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WWIRL", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Water Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WWITL", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Water Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WGFRL", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Gas Flow Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WGPRL", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Gas Flow Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WGPTL", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Gas Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WGIRL", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Gas Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WGITL", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Gas Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WLFRL", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Liquid Flow Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WLPTL", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Liquid Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WVFRL", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Res Volume Flow Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WVPRL", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Res Volume Production Flow Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WVIRL", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Res Volume Injection Flow Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WVPTL", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Res Volume Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WVITL", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Res Volume Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WWCTL", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Water Cut" } } );
info.insert( { "WGORL", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Gas-Oil Ratio" } } );
info.insert( { "WOGRL", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Oil-Gas Ratio" } } );
info.insert( { "WWGRL", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Water-Gas Ratio" } } );
info.insert( { "WGLRL", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Gas-Liquid Ratio" } } );
info.insert( { "WU", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "User-defined well quantity" } } );
// Future CONNECTION vectors
info.insert( { "COFR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Oil Flow Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "COFRF", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Free Oil Flow Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "COFRS", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Solution oil flow rate" } } );
info.insert( { "COFRU", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Sum of connection oil flow rates upstream of, and including, this connection" } } );
info.insert( { "COPR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Oil Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "COPT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Oil Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "COPTF", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Free Oil Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "COPTS", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Solution Oil Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "COIT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Oil Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "COPP", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Oil Potential Production rate" } } );
info.insert( { "COPI", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Oil Potential Injection rate" } } );
info.insert( { "CWFR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Water Flow Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "CWFRU", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Sum of connection water flow rates upstream of, and including, this connection" } } );
info.insert( { "CWPR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Water Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "CWPT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Water Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "CWIR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Water Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "CWIT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Water Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "CWPP", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Water Potential Production rate" } } );
info.insert( { "CWPI", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Water Potential Injection rate" } } );
info.insert( { "CGFR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Gas Flow Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "CGFRF", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Free Gas Flow Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "CGFRS", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Solution Gas Flow Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "CGFRU", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Sum of connection gas flow rates upstream of, and including, this connection" } } );
info.insert( { "CGPR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Gas Production Rate " } } );
info.insert( { "CGPT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Gas Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "CGPTF", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Free Gas Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "CGPTS", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Solution Gas Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "CGIR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Gas Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "CGIT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Gas Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "CGPP", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Gas Potential Production rate" } } );
info.insert( { "CGPI", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Gas Potential Injection rate" } } );
info.insert( { "CGQ", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Gas Quality" } } );
info.insert( { "CLFR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Liquid Flow Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "CLPT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Liquid Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "CVFR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Reservoir" } } );
info.insert( { "CVPR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Res Volume Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "CVPT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Res Volume Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "CVIR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Res Volume Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "CVIT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Res Volume Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "CWCT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Water Cut" } } );
info.insert( { "CGOR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Gas-Oil Ratio" } } );
info.insert( { "COGR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Oil-Gas Ratio" } } );
info.insert( { "CWGR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Water-Gas Ratio" } } );
info.insert( { "CGLR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Gas-Liquid Ratio" } } );
info.insert( { "CPR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Connection Pressure" } } );
info.insert( { "CPI", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Productivity Index of well's preferred phase" } } );
info.insert( { "CTFAC", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Connection Transmissibility Factor" } } );
info.insert( { "CDBF", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Blocking factor for generalized pseudo-pressure method" } } );
info.insert( { "CGPPTN", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Generalized pseudo-pressure table update counter" } } );
info.insert( { "CGPPTS", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Generalized pseudo-pressure table update status" } } );
info.insert( { "CDSM", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Current mass of scale deposited" } } );
info.insert( { "CDSML", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Current mass of scale deposited per unit perforation length" } } );
info.insert( { "CDSF", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "PI multiplicative factor due to scale damage" } } );
info.insert( { "CAMF", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Component aqueous mole fraction, from producing completions" } } );
info.insert( { "CZMF", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Total Mole Fraction" } } );
info.insert( { "CKFR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Hydrocarbon Component" } } );
info.insert( { "CKFT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Hydrocarbon Component" } } );
info.insert( { "CDFAC", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "D-factor for flow dependent skin factor" } } );
info.insert( { "CTFR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Tracer Flow Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "CTPR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Tracer Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "CTPT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Tracer Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "CTPC", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Tracer Production Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "CTIR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Tracer Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "CTIT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Tracer Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "CTIC", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Tracer Injection Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "CAPI", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Oil API" } } );
info.insert( { "CSFR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Salt Flow Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "CSPR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Salt Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "CSPT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Salt Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "CSIR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Salt Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "CSIT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Salt Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "CSPC", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Salt Production Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "CSIC", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Salt Injection Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "CTFRANI", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Anion Flow Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "CTPTANI", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Anion Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "CTITANI", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Anion Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "CTFRCAT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Cation Flow Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "CTPTCAT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Cation Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "CTITCAT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Cation Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "CTFR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Tracer Flow Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "CTPR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Tracer Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "CTPT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Tracer Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "CTPC", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Tracer Production Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "CTIR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Tracer Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "CTIT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Tracer Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "CTIC", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Tracer Injection Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "CTIRF", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Tracer Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "CTIRS", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Tracer Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "CTPRF", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Tracer Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "CTPRS", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Tracer Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "CTITF", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Tracer Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "CTITS", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Tracer Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "CTPTF", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Tracer Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "CTPTS", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Tracer Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "CTICF", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Tracer Injection Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "CTICS", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Tracer Injection Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "CTPCF", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Tracer Production" } } );
info.insert( { "CTPCS", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Tracer Production" } } );
info.insert( { "CTFRFOA", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Flow Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "CTPTFOA", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "CTITFOA", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "CRREXCH", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Exchange flux at current time" } } );
info.insert( { "CRRPROT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Connection cumulative water production" } } );
info.insert( { "CRRINJT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Connection cumulative water injection" } } );
info.insert( { "CCFR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Polymer Flow Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "CCPR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Polymer Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "CCPC", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Polymer Production Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "CCPT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Polymer Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "CCIR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Polymer Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "CCIC", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Polymer Injection Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "CCIT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Polymer Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "CSFR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Salt Flow Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "CSPR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Salt Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "CSPT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Salt Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "CSIR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Salt Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "CSIT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Salt Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "CNFR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Solvent Flow Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "CNPT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Solvent Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "CNIT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Solvent Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "CTFRSUR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Flow Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "CTPTSUR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "CTITSUR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "CTFRALK", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Flow Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "CTPTALK", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "CTITALK", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "COFRU", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Sum of connection oil flow rates upstream of, and including, this connection" } } );
info.insert( { "CWFRU", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Sum of connection water flow rates upstream of, and including, this connection" } } );
info.insert( { "CGFRU", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Sum of connection gas flow rates upstream of, and including, this connection" } } );
info.insert( { "LCOFRU", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "As COFRU but for local grids" } } );
info.insert( { "LCWFRU", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "As CWFRU but for local grids" } } );
info.insert( { "LCGFRU", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "As CGFRU but for local grids" } } );
info.insert( { "CU", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "User-defined connection quantity" } } );
info.insert( { "COFRL", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Oil Flow Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "COPRL", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Oil Flow Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "COPTL", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Oil Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "COITL", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Oil Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "CWFRL", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Water Flow Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "CWPRL", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Water Flow Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "CWPTL", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Water Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "CWIRL", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Water Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "CWITL", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Water Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "CGFRL", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Gas Flow Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "CGPRL", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Gas Flow Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "CGPTL", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Gas Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "CGIRL", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Gas Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "CGITL", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Gas Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "CLFRL", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Liquid Flow Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "CLPTL", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Liquid Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "CVFRL", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Reservoir" } } );
info.insert( { "CVPRL", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Res Volume Production Flow Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "CVIRL", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Res Volume Injection Flow Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "CVPTL", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Res Volume Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "CVITL", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Res Volume Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "CWCTL", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Water Cut" } } );
info.insert( { "CGORL", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Gas-Oil Ratio" } } );
info.insert( { "COGRL", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Oil-Gas Ratio" } } );
info.insert( { "CWGRL", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Water-Gas Ratio" } } );
info.insert( { "CGLRL", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Gas-Liquid Ratio" } } );
info.insert( { "CPRL", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Average Connection Pressure in completion" } } );
info.insert( { "CKFRL", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Hydrocarbon Component" } } );
info.insert( { "CKFTL", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Hydrocarbon Component" } } );
info.insert( { "RPR", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Pressure average value" } } );
info.insert( { "RPRH", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Pressure average value" } } );
info.insert( { "RPRP", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Pressure average value" } } );
info.insert( { "RPRGZ", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "P/Z" } } );
info.insert( { "RRS", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Gas-oil ratio" } } );
info.insert( { "RRV", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Oil-gas ratio" } } );
info.insert( { "RPPC", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Initial Contact Corrected Potential" } } );
info.insert( { "RRPV", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Pore Volume at Reservoir conditions" } } );
info.insert( { "ROPV", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Pore Volume containing Oil" } } );
info.insert( { "RWPV", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Pore Volume containing Water" } } );
info.insert( { "RGPV", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Pore Volume containing Gas" } } );
info.insert( { "RHPV", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Pore Volume containing Hydrocarbon" } } );
info.insert( { "RRTM", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Transmissibility Multiplier associated with rock compaction" } } );
info.insert( { "ROE", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "(OIP(initial) - OIP(now)) / OIP(initial)" } } );
info.insert( { "ROEW", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Oil Production from Wells / OIP(initial)" } } );
info.insert( { "ROEIW", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "(OIP(initial) - OIP(now)) / Initial Mobile Oil with respect to Water" } } );
info.insert( { "ROEWW", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Oil Production from Wells / Initial Mobile Oil with respect to Water" } } );
info.insert( { "ROEIG", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "(OIP(initial) - OIP(now)) / Initial Mobile Oil with respect to Gas" } } );
info.insert( { "ROEWG", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Oil Production from Wells / Initial Mobile Oil with respect to Gas" } } );
info.insert( { "RORMR", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Total stock tank oil produced by rock compaction" } } );
info.insert( { "RORMW", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Total stock tank oil produced by water influx" } } );
info.insert( { "RORMG", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Total stock tank oil produced by gas influx" } } );
info.insert( { "RORME", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Total stock tank oil produced by oil expansion" } } );
info.insert( { "RORMS", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Total stock tank oil produced by solution gas" } } );
info.insert( { "RORMF", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Total stock tank oil produced by free gas influx" } } );
info.insert( { "RORMX", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Total stock tank oil produced by 'traced' water influx" } } );
info.insert( { "RORMY", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Total stock tank oil produced by other water influx" } } );
info.insert( { "RORFR", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Fraction of total oil produced by rock compaction" } } );
info.insert( { "RORFW", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Fraction of total oil produced by water influx" } } );
info.insert( { "RORFG", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Fraction of total oil produced by gas influx" } } );
info.insert( { "RORFE", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Fraction of total oil produced by oil expansion" } } );
info.insert( { "RORFS", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Fraction of total oil produced by solution gas" } } );
info.insert( { "RORFF", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Fraction of total oil produced by free gas influx" } } );
info.insert( { "RORFX", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Fraction of total oil produced by 'traced' water influx" } } );
info.insert( { "RORFY", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Fraction of total oil produced by other water influx" } } );
info.insert( { "RTIPT", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Tracer In Place" } } );
info.insert( { "RTIPF", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Tracer In Place" } } );
info.insert( { "RTIPS", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Tracer In Place" } } );
info.insert( { "RAPI", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Oil API" } } );
info.insert( { "RSIP", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Salt In Place" } } );
info.insert( { "RTIPTHEA", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Difference in Energy in place between current and initial time" } } );
info.insert( { "RTIPT", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Tracer In Place" } } );
info.insert( { "RTIPF", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Tracer In Place" } } );
info.insert( { "RTIPS", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Tracer In Place" } } );
info.insert( { "RTIP#", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Tracer In Place in phase # (1,2,3,...)" } } );
info.insert( { "RTADS", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Tracer Adsorption total" } } );
info.insert( { "RTDCY", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Decayed tracer" } } );
info.insert( { "RCGC", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Bulk Coal Gas Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "RCSC", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Bulk Coal Solvent Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "RTIPTFOA", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "In Solution" } } );
info.insert( { "RTADSFOA", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Adsorption total" } } );
info.insert( { "RTDCYFOA", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Decayed tracer" } } );
info.insert( { "RTMOBFOA", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Gas mobility factor" } } );
info.insert( { "RCIP", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Polymer In Solution" } } );
info.insert( { "RCAD", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Polymer Adsorption total" } } );
info.insert( { "RSIP", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Salt In Place" } } );
info.insert( { "RNIP", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Solvent In Place" } } );
info.insert( { "RTIPTSUR", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "In Solution" } } );
info.insert( { "RTADSUR", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Adsorption total" } } );
info.insert( { "RU", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "User-defined region quantity" } } );
info.insert( { "ROFR", { A::SUMMARY_REGION_2_REGION, "Inter-region oil flow rate" } } );
info.insert( { "ROFR+", { A::SUMMARY_REGION_2_REGION, "Inter-region oil flow rate" } } );
info.insert( { "ROFR-", { A::SUMMARY_REGION_2_REGION, "Inter-region oil flow rate" } } );
info.insert( { "ROFT", { A::SUMMARY_REGION_2_REGION, "Inter-region oil flow total" } } );
info.insert( { "ROFT+", { A::SUMMARY_REGION_2_REGION, "Inter-region oil flow total" } } );
info.insert( { "ROFT-", { A::SUMMARY_REGION_2_REGION, "Inter-region oil flow total" } } );
info.insert( { "ROFTL", { A::SUMMARY_REGION_2_REGION, "Inter-region oil flow total" } } );
info.insert( { "ROFTG", { A::SUMMARY_REGION_2_REGION, "Inter-region oil flow total" } } );
info.insert( { "RGFR", { A::SUMMARY_REGION_2_REGION, "Inter-region gas flow rate" } } );
info.insert( { "RGFR+", { A::SUMMARY_REGION_2_REGION, "Inter-region gas flow rate" } } );
info.insert( { "RGFR-", { A::SUMMARY_REGION_2_REGION, "Inter-region gas flow rate" } } );
info.insert( { "RGFT", { A::SUMMARY_REGION_2_REGION, "Inter-region gas flow total)" } } );
info.insert( { "RGFT+", { A::SUMMARY_REGION_2_REGION, "Inter-region gas flow total" } } );
info.insert( { "RGFT-", { A::SUMMARY_REGION_2_REGION, "Inter-region gas flow total" } } );
info.insert( { "RGFTL", { A::SUMMARY_REGION_2_REGION, "Inter-region gas flow total" } } );
info.insert( { "RGFTG", { A::SUMMARY_REGION_2_REGION, "Inter-region gas flow total" } } );
info.insert( { "RWFR", { A::SUMMARY_REGION_2_REGION, "Inter-region water flow rate" } } );
info.insert( { "RWFR+", { A::SUMMARY_REGION_2_REGION, "Inter-region water flow rate" } } );
info.insert( { "RWFR-", { A::SUMMARY_REGION_2_REGION, "Inter-region water flow rate" } } );
info.insert( { "RWFT", { A::SUMMARY_REGION_2_REGION, "Inter-region water flow total" } } );
info.insert( { "RTFTF", { A::SUMMARY_REGION_2_REGION, "Tracer inter-region Flow Total" } } );
info.insert( { "RTFTS", { A::SUMMARY_REGION_2_REGION, "Tracer inter-region Flow Total" } } );
info.insert( { "RTFTT", { A::SUMMARY_REGION_2_REGION, "Tracer inter-region Flow Total" } } );
info.insert( { "RSFT", { A::SUMMARY_REGION_2_REGION, "Salt inter-region Flow Total" } } );
info.insert( { "RTFTT", { A::SUMMARY_REGION_2_REGION, "Tracer inter-region Flow" } } );
info.insert( { "RTFTF", { A::SUMMARY_REGION_2_REGION, "Tracer inter-region Flow" } } );
info.insert( { "RTFTS", { A::SUMMARY_REGION_2_REGION, "Tracer inter-region Flow" } } );
info.insert( { "RTFT#", { A::SUMMARY_REGION_2_REGION, "Tracer inter-region Flow in phase # (1,2,3,...)" } } );
info.insert( { "RTFTTFOA", { A::SUMMARY_REGION_2_REGION, "Inter-region Flow Total" } } );
info.insert( { "RCFT", { A::SUMMARY_REGION_2_REGION, "Polymer inter-region Flow Total" } } );
info.insert( { "RSFT", { A::SUMMARY_REGION_2_REGION, "Salt inter-region Flow Total" } } );
info.insert( { "RNFT", { A::SUMMARY_REGION_2_REGION, "Solvent inter-region Flow" } } );
info.insert( { "RTFTTSUR", { A::SUMMARY_REGION_2_REGION, "Inter-region Flow Total" } } );
info.insert( { "BPR", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Oil phase Pressure" } } );
info.insert( { "BPRESSUR", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Oil phase Pressure" } } );
info.insert( { "BWPR", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Water phase Pressure" } } );
info.insert( { "BGPR", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Gas phase Pressure" } } );
info.insert( { "BRS", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Gas-oil ratio" } } );
info.insert( { "BRV", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Oil-gas ratio" } } );
info.insert( { "BPBUB", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Bubble point pressure" } } );
info.insert( { "BPDEW", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Dew point pressure" } } );
info.insert( { "BRSSAT", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Saturated gas-oil ratio" } } );
info.insert( { "BRVSAT", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Saturated oil-gas ratio" } } );
info.insert( { "BSTATE", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Gas-oil state indicator" } } );
info.insert( { "BPPC", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Initial Contact Corrected Potential" } } );
info.insert( { "BOKR", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Oil relative permeability" } } );
info.insert( { "BWKR", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Water relative permeability" } } );
info.insert( { "BGKR", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Gas relative permeability" } } );
info.insert( { "BKRO", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Oil relative permeability" } } );
info.insert( { "BKROG", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Two-phase oil relative permeability to gas" } } );
info.insert( { "BKROW", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Two-phase oil relative permeability to water" } } );
info.insert( { "BKRG", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Gas relative permeability" } } );
info.insert( { "BKRGO", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Two-phase gas relative permeability to oil" } } );
info.insert( { "BKRGW", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Two-phase gas relative permeability to water" } } );
info.insert( { "BKRW", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Water relative permeability" } } );
info.insert( { "BKRWG", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Two-phase water relative permeability to gas" } } );
info.insert( { "BKRWO", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Two-phase water relative permeability to oil" } } );
info.insert( { "BRK", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Water relative permeability reduction factor due to polymer" } } );
info.insert( { "BEWKR", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Water effective relative permeability due to polymer" } } );
info.insert( { "BWPC", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Water-Oil capillary pressure" } } );
info.insert( { "BGPC", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Gas-Oil capillary pressure" } } );
info.insert( { "BPCO", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Oil Capillary Pressures" } } );
info.insert( { "BPCG", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Gas Capillary Pressures" } } );
info.insert( { "BPCW", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Water Capillary Pressures" } } );
info.insert( { "BGTRP", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Trapped gas saturation" } } );
info.insert( { "BGTPD", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Dynamic trapped gas saturation" } } );
info.insert( { "BGSHY", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Departure saturation from drainage to imbibition for gas capillary pressure hysteresis" } } );
info.insert( { "BGSTRP", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Trapped gas critical saturation for gas capillary pressure hysteresis" } } );
info.insert( { "BWSHY", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Departure saturation from drainage to imbibition for water capillary pressure hysteresis" } } );
info.insert( { "BWSMA", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Maximum wetting saturation for water capillary pressure hysteresis" } } );
info.insert( { "BMLSC", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Hydrocarbon molar density" } } );
info.insert( { "BMLST", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Total hydrocarbon molar density" } } );
info.insert( { "BMWAT", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Water molar density" } } );
info.insert( { "BROMLS", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Residual oil moles/ reservoir volume" } } );
info.insert( { "BJV", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "In" } } );
info.insert( { "BVMF", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Vapor mole fraction" } } );
info.insert( { "BPSAT", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Saturation Pressures" } } );
info.insert( { "BAMF", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Component aqueous mole fraction" } } );
info.insert( { "BXMF", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Liquid hydrocarbon component mole fraction" } } );
info.insert( { "BYMF", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Vapor hydrocarbon component mole fraction / vapor steam" } } );
info.insert( { "BSMF", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "CO2STORE with SOLID option only Solid hydrocarbon component mole fraction" } } );
info.insert( { "BSTEN", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Surface Tension" } } );
info.insert( { "BFMISC", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Miscibility Factor" } } );
info.insert( { "BREAC", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Reaction rate. The reaction number is given as a component index" } } );
info.insert( { "BHD", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Hydraulic head" } } );
info.insert( { "BHDF", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Hydraulic head at fresh water conditions" } } );
info.insert( { "BPR_X", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Pressure interpolated at a defined coordinate" } } );
info.insert( { "BHD_X", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Hydraulic head interpolated at a defined coordinate" } } );
info.insert( { "BHDF_X", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Hydraulic head at fresh water conditions interpolated at a defined coordinate" } } );
info.insert( { "BSCN_X", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Brine concentration interpolated at a defined coordinate" } } );
info.insert( { "BCTRA_X", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Tracer concentration interpolated at a defined coordinate" } } );
info.insert( { "LBPR_X", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Pressure interpolated at a defined coordinate within a local grid" } } );
info.insert( { "LBHD_X", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Hydraulic head interpolated at a defined coordinate within a local grid" } } );
info.insert( { "LBHDF_X",
{ A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Hydraulic head at freshwater conditions interpolated at a defined coordinate within a local grid" } } );
info.insert( { "LBSCN_X", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Brine concentration interpolated at a defined coordinate within a local grid" } } );
info.insert( { "LBCTRA_X", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Tracer concentration interpolated at a defined coordinate within a local grid" } } );
info.insert( { "BOKRX", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Oil relative permeability in the X direction" } } );
info.insert( { "BOKRX", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "- Oil relative permeability in the -X direction" } } );
info.insert( { "BOKRY", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Oil relative permeability in the Y direction" } } );
info.insert( { "BOKRY", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "- Oil relative permeability in the -Y direction" } } );
info.insert( { "BOKRZ", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Oil relative permeability in the Z direction" } } );
info.insert( { "BOKRZ", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "- Oil relative permeability in the -Z direction" } } );
info.insert( { "BWKRX", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Water relative permeability in the X direction" } } );
info.insert( { "BWKRX", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "- Water relative permeability in the -X direction" } } );
info.insert( { "BWKRY", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Water relative permeability in the Y direction" } } );
info.insert( { "BWKRY", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "- Water relative permeability in the -Y direction" } } );
info.insert( { "BWKRZ", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Water relative permeability in the Z direction" } } );
info.insert( { "BWKRZ", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "- Water relative permeability in the -Z direction" } } );
info.insert( { "BGKRX", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Gas relative permeability in the X direction" } } );
info.insert( { "BGKRX", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "- Gas relative permeability in the -X direction" } } );
info.insert( { "BGKRY", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Gas relative permeability in the Y direction" } } );
info.insert( { "BGKRY", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "- Gas relative permeability in the -Y direction" } } );
info.insert( { "BGKRZ", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Gas relative permeability in the Z direction" } } );
info.insert( { "BGKRZ", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "- Gas relative permeability in the -Z direction" } } );
info.insert( { "BOKRI", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Oil relative permeability in the I direction" } } );
info.insert( { "BOKRI", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "- Oil relative permeability in the -I direction" } } );
info.insert( { "BOKRJ", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Oil relative permeability in the J direction" } } );
info.insert( { "BOKRJ", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "- Oil relative permeability in the -J direction" } } );
info.insert( { "BOKRK", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Oil relative permeability in the K direction" } } );
info.insert( { "BOKRK", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "- Oil relative permeability in the -K direction" } } );
info.insert( { "BWKRI", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Water relative permeability in the I direction" } } );
info.insert( { "BWKRI", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "- Water relative permeability in the -I direction" } } );
info.insert( { "BWKRJ", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Water relative permeability in the J direction" } } );
info.insert( { "BWKRJ", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "- Water relative permeability in the -J direction" } } );
info.insert( { "BWKRK", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Water relative permeability in the K direction" } } );
info.insert( { "BWKRK", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "- Water relative permeability in the -K direction" } } );
info.insert( { "BGKRI", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Gas relative permeability in the I direction" } } );
info.insert( { "BGKRI", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "- Gas relative permeability in the -I direction" } } );
info.insert( { "BGKRJ", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Gas relative permeability in the J direction" } } );
info.insert( { "BGKRJ", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "- Gas relative permeability in the -J direction" } } );
info.insert( { "BGKRK", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Gas relative permeability in the K direction" } } );
info.insert( { "BGKRK", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "- Gas relative permeability in the -K direction" } } );
info.insert( { "BOKRR", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Oil relative permeability in the R" } } );
info.insert( { "BOKRR", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "- Oil relative permeability in the -R" } } );
info.insert( { "BOKRT", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Oil relative permeability in the T" } } );
info.insert( { "BOKRT", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "- Oil relative permeability in the -T" } } );
info.insert( { "BWKRR", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Water relative permeability in the R" } } );
info.insert( { "BWKRR", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "- Water relative permeability in the -R" } } );
info.insert( { "BWKRT", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Water relative permeability in the T" } } );
info.insert( { "BWKRT", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "- Water relative permeability in the -T" } } );
info.insert( { "BGKRR", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Gas relative permeability in the R" } } );
info.insert( { "BGKRR", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "- Gas relative permeability in the -R" } } );
info.insert( { "BGKRT", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Gas relative permeability in the T" } } );
info.insert( { "BGKRT", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "- Gas relative permeability in the -T" } } );
info.insert( { "BRPV", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Pore Volume at Reservoir conditions" } } );
info.insert( { "BPORV", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Cell Pore Volumes at Reference conditions" } } );
info.insert( { "BOPV", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Pore Volume containing Oil" } } );
info.insert( { "BWPV", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Pore Volume containing Water" } } );
info.insert( { "BGPV", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Pore Volume containing Gas" } } );
info.insert( { "BHPV", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Pore Volume containing Hydrocarbon" } } );
info.insert( { "BRTM", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Transmissibility Multiplier associated with rock compaction" } } );
info.insert( { "BPERMMOD", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Transmissibility Multiplier associated with rock compaction" } } );
info.insert( { "BPERMMDX",
{ A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Directional Transmissibility Multipliers in the X direction, associated with rock compaction" } } );
info.insert( { "BPERMMDY",
{ A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Directional Transmissibility Multipliers in the Y direction, associated with rock compaction" } } );
info.insert( { "BPERMMDZ",
{ A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Directional Transmissibility Multipliers in the Z direction, associated with rock compaction" } } );
info.insert( { "BPORVMOD", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Pore Volume Multiplier associated with rock compaction" } } );
info.insert( { "BSIGMMOD", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Dual Porosity Sigma Multiplier associated with rock compaction" } } );
info.insert( { "BTCNF", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Tracer Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "BTCNS", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Tracer Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "BTCN", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Tracer Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "BTIPT", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Tracer In Place" } } );
info.insert( { "BTIPF", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Tracer In Place" } } );
info.insert( { "BTIPS", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Tracer In Place" } } );
info.insert( { "BAPI", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Oil API" } } );
info.insert( { "BSCN", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Salt Cell Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "BSIP", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Salt In Place" } } );
info.insert( { "BEWV_SAL", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Effective water viscosity due to salt concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "BTCNFANI", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Anion Flowing Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "BTCNFCAT", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Cation Flowing Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "BTRADCAT", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Cation Rock Associated Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "BTSADCAT", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Cation Surfactant Associated Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "BESALSUR", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Effective Salinity with respect to Surfactant" } } );
info.insert( { "BESALPLY", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Effective Salinity with respect to Polymer" } } );
info.insert( { "BTCNFHEA", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Block Temperature" } } );
info.insert( { "BTIPTHEA", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Difference in Energy in place between current and initial time" } } );
info.insert( { "BTCNF", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Tracer Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "BTCNS", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Tracer Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "BTCN#", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Tracer concentration in phase # (1,2,3,...)" } } );
info.insert( { "BTIPT", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Tracer In Place" } } );
info.insert( { "BTIPF", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Tracer In Place" } } );
info.insert( { "BTIPS", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Tracer In Place" } } );
info.insert( { "BTIP#", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Tracer In Place in phase # (1,2,3,...)" } } );
info.insert( { "BTADS", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Tracer Adsorption" } } );
info.insert( { "BTDCY", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Decayed tracer" } } );
info.insert( { "BCGC", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Bulk Coal Gas Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "BCSC", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Bulk Coal Solvent Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "BTCNFFOA", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "BFOAM", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Surfactant concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "BTCNMFOA", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Capillary number" } } );
info.insert( { "BFOAMCNM", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Capillary number" } } );
info.insert( { "BTIPTFOA", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "In Solution" } } );
info.insert( { "BTADSFOA", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Adsorption" } } );
info.insert( { "BTDCYFOA", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Decayed tracer" } } );
info.insert( { "BTMOBFOA", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Gas mobility factor" } } );
info.insert( { "BFOAMMOB", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Gas mobility factor" } } );
info.insert( { "BTHLFFOA", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Decay Half life" } } );
info.insert( { "BGI", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Block Gi value" } } );
info.insert( { "BCCN", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Polymer Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "BCIP", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Polymer In Solution" } } );
info.insert( { "BEPVIS", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Effective polymer solution viscosity" } } );
info.insert( { "BVPOLY", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Effective polymer solution viscosity" } } );
info.insert( { "BEMVIS", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Effective mixture" } } );
info.insert( { "BEWV_POL", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Effective water viscosity" } } );
info.insert( { "BCAD", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Polymer Adsorption concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "BCDCS", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Polymer thermal degradation - total mass degraded in previous timestep" } } );
info.insert( { "BCDCR", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Polymer thermal degradation - total degradation rate" } } );
info.insert( { "BCDCP", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Polymer thermal degradation solution degradation rate" } } );
info.insert( { "BCDCA", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Polymer thermal degradation adsorbed degradation rate" } } );
info.insert( { "BCABnnn", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Adsorbed polymer by highest temperature band at which RRF was calculated" } } );
info.insert( { "BSCN", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Salt Cell Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "BSIP", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Salt In Place" } } );
info.insert( { "BFLOW0I",
"Inter-block water flow rate in the positive I direction multiplied by the "
"corresponding shear multiplier" } } );
info.insert( { "BFLOW0J",
"Inter-block water flow rate in the positive J direction multiplied by the "
"corresponding shear multiplier" } } );
info.insert( { "BFLOW0K",
"Inter-block water flow rate in the positive K direction multiplied by the "
"corresponding shear multiplier" } } );
info.insert( { "BVELW0I",
{ A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Water velocity in the positive I direction multiplied by the corresponding shear multiplier" } } );
info.insert( { "BVELW0J",
{ A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Water velocity in the positive J direction multiplied by the corresponding shear multiplier" } } );
info.insert( { "BVELW0K",
{ A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Water velocity in the positive K direction multiplied by the corresponding shear multiplier" } } );
info.insert( { "BPSHLZI", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Viscosity multiplier due to sheared water flow in the positive I direction" } } );
info.insert( { "BPSHLZJ", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Viscosity multiplier due to sheared water flow in the positive J direction" } } );
info.insert( { "BPSHLZK", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Viscosity multiplier due to sheared water flow in the positive K direction" } } );
info.insert( { "BSRTW0I", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Water shear rate in the positive I direction prior to shear effects" } } );
info.insert( { "BSRTW0J", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Water shear rate in the positive J direction prior to shear effects" } } );
info.insert( { "BSRTW0K", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Water shear rate in the positive K direction prior to shear effects" } } );
info.insert( { "BSRTWI", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Water shear rate in the positive I direction following shear effects" } } );
info.insert( { "BSRTWJ", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Water shear rate in the positive J direction following shear effects" } } );
info.insert( { "BSRTWK", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Water shear rate in the positive K direction following shear effects" } } );
info.insert( { "BSHWVISI",
"Shear viscosity of the water/polymer solution due to shear thinning/thickening in "
"the positive I direction" } } );
info.insert( { "BSHWVISJ",
"Shear viscosity of the water/polymer solution due to shear thinning/thickening in "
"the positive J direction" } } );
info.insert( { "BSHWVISK",
"Shear viscosity of the water/polymer solution due to shear thinning/thickening in "
"the positive K direction" } } );
info.insert( { "BNSAT", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Solvent SATuration" } } );
info.insert( { "BNIP", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Solvent In Place" } } );
info.insert( { "BNKR", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Solvent relative permeability" } } );
info.insert( { "BTCNFSUR", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "BSURF", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Concentration in solution" } } );
info.insert( { "BTIPTSUR", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "In Solution" } } );
info.insert( { "BTADSUR", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Adsorption" } } );
info.insert( { "BTCASUR", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Log" } } );
info.insert( { "BSURFCNM", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Log" } } );
info.insert( { "BTSTSUR", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Surface tension" } } );
info.insert( { "BSURFST", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Surface tension" } } );
info.insert( { "BEWV_SUR", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Effective water viscosity due to surfactant concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "BESVIS", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Effective water viscosity due to surfactant concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "BTCNFALK", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "BTADSALK", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Adsorption" } } );
info.insert( { "BTSTMALK", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Surface tension multiplier" } } );
info.insert( { "BTSADALK", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Surfactant adsorption multiplier" } } );
info.insert( { "BTPADALK", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Polymer adsorption multiplier" } } );
info.insert( { "BKRGOE", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Equivalent relative permeability to gas for gas-oil system" } } );
info.insert( { "BKRGWE", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Equivalent relative permeability to gas for gas-water system" } } );
info.insert( { "BKRWGE", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Equivalent relative permeability to water for water-gas system" } } );
info.insert( { "BKROWT",
{ A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Opposite saturation direction turning point relative permeability to oil for oil-water system" } } );
info.insert( { "BKRWOT",
{ A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Opposite saturation direction turning point relative permeability to water for water-oil system" } } );
{ "BKROGT", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Opposite saturation direction turning point relative permeability to oil for oil-gas system" } } );
{ "BKRGOT", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Opposite saturation direction turning point relative permeability to gas for gas-oil system" } } );
info.insert( { "BKRGWT",
{ A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Opposite saturation direction turning point relative permeability to gas for gas-water system" } } );
info.insert( { "BKRWGT",
{ A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Opposite saturation direction turning point relative permeability to water for water-gas system" } } );
info.insert( { "BIFTOW", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Oil-water interfacial tension" } } );
info.insert( { "BIFTWO", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Water-oil interfacial tension" } } );
info.insert( { "BIFTOG", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Oil-gas interfacial tension" } } );
info.insert( { "BIFTGO", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Gas-oil interfacial tension" } } );
info.insert( { "BIFTGW", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Gas-water interfacial tension" } } );
info.insert( { "BIFTWG", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Water-gas interfacial tension" } } );
info.insert( { "BPCOWR", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Representative oil-water capillary pressure" } } );
info.insert( { "BPCWOR", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Representative water-oil capillary pressure" } } );
info.insert( { "BPCOGR", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Representative oil-gas capillary pressure" } } );
info.insert( { "BPCGOR", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Representative gas-oil capillary pressure" } } );
info.insert( { "BPCGWR", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Representative gas-water capillary pressure" } } );
info.insert( { "BPCWGR", { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Representative water-gas capillary pressure" } } );
info.insert( { "SOFR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment Oil Flow Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "SOFRF", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment Free Oil Flow Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "SOFRS", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment Solution Oil Flow Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "SWFR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment Water Flow Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "SGFR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment Gas Flow Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "SGFRF", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment Free Gas Flow Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "SGFRS", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment Solution Gas Flow Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "SKFR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment Component Flow Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "SCWGFR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment Component Flow Rate as Wet Gas" } } );
info.insert( { "SHFR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment Enthalpy Flow Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "SWCT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment Water Cut" } } );
info.insert( { "SGOR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment Gas Oil Ratio" } } );
info.insert( { "SOGR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment Oil Gas Ratio" } } );
info.insert( { "SWGR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment Water Gas Ratio" } } );
info.insert( { "SPR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment Pressure" } } );
info.insert( { "SPRD", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment Pressure Drop" } } );
info.insert( { "SPRDF", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment Pressure Drop component due to Friction" } } );
info.insert( { "SPRDH", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment Pressure Drop component due to Hydrostatic head" } } );
info.insert( { "SPRDA", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment Pressure drop due to Acceleration head" } } );
info.insert( { "SPRDM", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment frictional Pressure Drop Multiplier" } } );
info.insert( { "SPPOW", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Working power of a pull through pump" } } );
info.insert( { "SOFV", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment Oil Flow Velocity" } } );
info.insert( { "SWFV", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment Water Flow Velocity" } } );
info.insert( { "SGFV", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment Gas Flow Velocity" } } );
info.insert( { "SOHF", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment Oil Holdup Fraction" } } );
info.insert( { "SWHF", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment Water Holdup Fraction" } } );
info.insert( { "SGHF", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment Gas Holdup Fraction" } } );
info.insert( { "SDENM", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment fluid mixture density" } } );
info.insert( { "SOVIS", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment oil viscosity" } } );
info.insert( { "SWVIS", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment water viscosity" } } );
info.insert( { "SGVIS", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment gas viscosity" } } );
info.insert( { "SEMVIS", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment effective mixture viscosity" } } );
info.insert( { "SGLPP", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment Gas-Liquid Profile Parameter, C0" } } );
info.insert( { "SGLVD", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment Gas-Liquid Drift Velocity, Vd" } } );
info.insert( { "SOWPP", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment Oil-Water Profile Parameter, C0" } } );
info.insert( { "SOWVD", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment Oil-Water Drift Velocity, Vd" } } );
info.insert( { "SOIMR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment Oil Import Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "SGIMR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment Gas Import Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "SWIMR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment Water Import Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "SHIMR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment Enthalpy Import Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "SORMR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment Oil Removal Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "SGRMR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment Gas Removal Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "SWRMR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment Water Removal Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "SHRMR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment Enthalpy Removal Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "SOIMT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment Oil Import Total" } } );
info.insert( { "SGIMT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment Gas Import Total" } } );
info.insert( { "SWIMT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment Water Import Total" } } );
info.insert( { "SHIMT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment Enthalpy Import Total" } } );
info.insert( { "SORMT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment Oil Removal Total" } } );
info.insert( { "SGRMT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment Gas Removal Total" } } );
info.insert( { "SWRMT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment Water Removal Total" } } );
info.insert( { "SHRMT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment Enthalpy Removal Total" } } );
info.insert( { "SAPI", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment API value" } } );
info.insert( { "SCFR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment polymer flow rate" } } );
info.insert( { "SCCN", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment polymer concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "SSFR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment brine flow rate" } } );
info.insert( { "SSCN", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment brine concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "STFR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment tracer flow rate" } } );
info.insert( { "STFC", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment tracer concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "SFD", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment diameter for Karst Conduit Calcite Dissolution" } } );
info.insert( { "SPSAT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment Psat" } } );
info.insert( { "STEM", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment Temperature" } } );
info.insert( { "SENE", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment Energy Density" } } );
info.insert( { "SSQU", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment Steam Quality" } } );
info.insert( { "SCVPR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment Calorific Value Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "SGQ", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment Gas Quality" } } );
info.insert( { "SCSA", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Segment Cross Sectional Area" } } );
info.insert( { "SSTR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Strength of ICD on segment" } } );
info.insert( { "SFOPN", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Setting of segment" } } );
info.insert( { "SALQ", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Artificial lift quantity for segment" } } );
info.insert( { "SRRQR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Reach flow at current time" } } );
info.insert( { "SRRQT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Reach cumulative flow" } } );
info.insert( { "SRBQR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Branch flow at current time" } } );
info.insert( { "SRBQT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Branch cumulative flow" } } );
info.insert( { "SRTQR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "River total flow at current time" } } );
info.insert( { "SRTQT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "River total cumulative flow" } } );
info.insert( { "SRRFLOW", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Reach flux through cross-sectional area at current time" } } );
info.insert( { "SRRAREA", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Reach area at current time" } } );
info.insert( { "SRRDEPTH", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Reach depth at current time" } } );
info.insert( { "SRREXCH", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Exchange flux at current time" } } );
info.insert( { "SRRFRODE", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Reach Froude number at current time" } } );
info.insert( { "SRRHEAD", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Reach hydraulic head at current time" } } );
info.insert( { "SRTFR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Reach tracer flow rate" } } );
info.insert( { "SRTFC", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Reach tracer concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "SRSFR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Reach brine flow rate through connections" } } );
info.insert( { "SRSFC", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "Reach brine concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "SU", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT, "User-defined segment quantity" } } );
info.insert( { "AAQR", { A::SUMMARY_AQUIFER, "Aquifer influx rate" } } );
info.insert( { "ALQR", { A::SUMMARY_AQUIFER, "Aquifer influx rate" } } );
info.insert( { "AAQT", { A::SUMMARY_AQUIFER, "Cumulative aquifer influx" } } );
info.insert( { "ALQT", { A::SUMMARY_AQUIFER, "Cumulative aquifer influx" } } );
info.insert( { "AAQRG", { A::SUMMARY_AQUIFER, "Aquifer influx rate" } } );
info.insert( { "ALQRG", { A::SUMMARY_AQUIFER, "Aquifer influx rate" } } );
info.insert( { "AAQTG", { A::SUMMARY_AQUIFER, "Cumulative aquifer influx" } } );
info.insert( { "ALQTG", { A::SUMMARY_AQUIFER, "Cumulative aquifer influx" } } );
info.insert( { "AACMR", { A::SUMMARY_AQUIFER, "Aquifer component molar influx rate" } } );
info.insert( { "AACMT", { A::SUMMARY_AQUIFER, "Aquifer component molar influx totals" } } );
info.insert( { "AAQP", { A::SUMMARY_AQUIFER, "Aquifer pressure" } } );
info.insert( { "AAQER", { A::SUMMARY_AQUIFER, "Aquifer thermal energy influx rate" } } );
info.insert( { "AAQET", { A::SUMMARY_AQUIFER, "Cumulative aquifer thermal energy influx" } } );
info.insert( { "AAQTEMP", { A::SUMMARY_AQUIFER, "Aquifer temperature" } } );
info.insert( { "AAQENTH", { A::SUMMARY_AQUIFER, "Aquifer molar enthalpy" } } );
info.insert( { "AAQTD", { A::SUMMARY_AQUIFER, "Aquifer dimensionless time" } } );
info.insert( { "AAQPD", { A::SUMMARY_AQUIFER, "Aquifer dimensionless pressure" } } );
info.insert( { "ANQR", { A::SUMMARY_AQUIFER, "Aquifer influx rate" } } );
info.insert( { "ANQT", { A::SUMMARY_AQUIFER, "Cumulative aquifer influx" } } );
info.insert( { "ANQP", { A::SUMMARY_AQUIFER, "Aquifer pressure" } } );
info.insert( { "CPU", { A::SUMMARY_MISC, "CPU" } } );
info.insert( { "DATE", { A::SUMMARY_MISC, "Date" } } );
info.insert( { "DAY", { A::SUMMARY_MISC, "Day" } } );
info.insert( { "ELAPSED", { A::SUMMARY_MISC, "Elapsed time in seconds" } } );
info.insert( { "MLINEARS", { A::SUMMARY_MISC, "Number linear iterations for each timestep" } } );
info.insert( { "MONTH", { A::SUMMARY_MISC, "Month" } } );
info.insert( { "MSUMLINS", { A::SUMMARY_MISC, "Total number of linear iterations since the start of the run" } } );
info.insert( { "MSUMNEWT", { A::SUMMARY_MISC, "Total number of Newton iterations since the start of the run" } } );
info.insert( { "NBAKFL", { A::SUMMARY_MISC, "Number of calls to scalar fallback routines" } } );
info.insert( { "NBYTOT", { A::SUMMARY_MISC, "Peak usage of dynamically allocated memory" } } );
info.insert( { "NCPRLINS", { A::SUMMARY_MISC, "Average number of pressure iterations" } } );
info.insert( { "NEWTFL", { A::SUMMARY_MISC, "Cumulative average Newton iterations" } } );
info.insert( { "NEWTON", { A::SUMMARY_MISC, "Number of Newton iterations used for each timestep" } } );
info.insert( { "NLINEARP", { A::SUMMARY_MISC, "Average number of pressure iterations" } } );
info.insert( { "NLINEARS", { A::SUMMARY_MISC, "Average number of linear iterations" } } );
info.insert( { "NLINSMAX", { A::SUMMARY_MISC, "Actual maximum number of linear iterations" } } );
info.insert( { "NLINSMIN", { A::SUMMARY_MISC, "Actual minimum number of linear iterations" } } );
info.insert( { "NLRESMAX", { A::SUMMARY_MISC, "Maximum element of the non-linear residual" } } );
info.insert( { "NLRESSUM", { A::SUMMARY_MISC, "Sum of the non-linear residual" } } );
info.insert( { "NMESSAGE", { A::SUMMARY_MISC, "Requests a set of message data vectors for the run" } } );
info.insert( { "NNUMFL", { A::SUMMARY_MISC, "Total number of two phase flash calculations performed" } } );
info.insert( { "NNUMST", { A::SUMMARY_MISC, "Total number of stability tests performed" } } );
info.insert( { "NTS", { A::SUMMARY_MISC, "Number of timesteps taken" } } );
info.insert( { "NTSECL", { A::SUMMARY_MISC, "Number of energy density solution converged last" } } );
info.insert( { "NTSMCL", { A::SUMMARY_MISC, "Number of molar density solution converged last" } } );
info.insert( { "NTSPCL", { A::SUMMARY_MISC, "Number of pressure solution converged last" } } );
info.insert( { "STEPTYPE", { A::SUMMARY_MISC, "Step type" } } );
info.insert( { "TCPU", { A::SUMMARY_MISC, "TCPU" } } );
info.insert( { "TCPUDAY", { A::SUMMARY_MISC, "TCPUDAY" } } );
info.insert( { "TCPUTS", { A::SUMMARY_MISC, "TCPUTS" } } );
info.insert( { "TELAPLIN", { A::SUMMARY_MISC, "TELAPLIN" } } );
info.insert( { "TIME", { A::SUMMARY_MISC, "Time" } } );
info.insert( { "TIMESTEP", { A::SUMMARY_MISC, "Time step" } } );
info.insert( { "TIMESTRY", { A::SUMMARY_MISC, "TIMESTRY" } } );
info.insert( { "YEAR", { A::SUMMARY_MISC, "Year" } } );
info.insert( { "YEARS", { A::SUMMARY_MISC, "Years" } } );
return info;
std::unordered_map<std::string, RiuSummaryQuantityNameInfoProvider::RiuSummaryQuantityInfo>
using A = RifEclipseSummaryAddressDefines::SummaryCategory;
std::unordered_map<std::string, RiuSummaryQuantityInfo> info;
int nporo = 6;
for ( int iporo = 0; iporo < nporo; ++iporo )
std::string suffix;
std::string descadd;
if ( iporo == 1 )
suffix = "F";
descadd = " (Fracture)";
else if ( iporo == 2 )
suffix = "M";
descadd = " (Matrix)";
std::stringstream ss;
ss << iporo - 1;
suffix = "M" + ss.str();
descadd = " (Matrix " + ss.str() + ")";
info.insert( { "BAPI" + suffix, { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Oil API" + descadd } } );
info.insert( { "BCCP" + suffix, { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Pore Volume Compressibility" + descadd } } );
info.insert( { "BDENGAS" + suffix, { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Gas Density" + descadd } } );
info.insert( { "BDENOIL" + suffix, { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Oil Density" + descadd } } );
info.insert( { "BDENWAT" + suffix, { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Water Density" + descadd } } );
info.insert( { "BDP" + suffix, { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Change in Pressure Since Initial State" + descadd } } );
info.insert( { "BDYNBRST" + suffix, { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Dynamic Breaking Stress" + descadd } } );
info.insert( { "BDYNKX" + suffix, { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Dynamic Permeability in X-Direction" + descadd } } );
info.insert( { "BDYNKY" + suffix, { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Dynamic Permeability in Y-Direction" + descadd } } );
info.insert( { "BDYNKZ" + suffix, { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Dynamic Permeability in Z-Direction" + descadd } } );
info.insert( { "BDYNPV" + suffix, { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Dynamic Pore Volume" + descadd } } );
info.insert( { "BDYNSIG" + suffix, { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Dynamic Sigma Permeability" + descadd } } );
info.insert( { "BKRGAS" + suffix, { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Gas Relative Permeability" + descadd } } );
info.insert( { "BKROIL" + suffix, { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Oil Relative Permeability" + descadd } } );
info.insert( { "BKRWAT" + suffix, { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Water Relative Permeability" + descadd } } );
info.insert( { "BPCOG" + suffix, { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Oil-Gas Capillary Pressure" + descadd } } );
info.insert( { "BPCOIL" + suffix, { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Oil Capillary Pressure" + descadd } } );
info.insert( { "BPCOW" + suffix, { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Oil-Water Capillary Pressure" + descadd } } );
info.insert( { "BPCWAT" + suffix, { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Water Capillary Pressure" + descadd } } );
info.insert( { "BPMODHYS" + suffix, { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Dynamic Pmod Hysteresis Curve Type (1/2/3=B/S/P)" + descadd } } );
info.insert( { "BPR" + suffix, { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Pressure" + descadd } } );
info.insert( { "BRS" + suffix, { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Gas Rs" + descadd } } );
info.insert( { "BRV" + suffix, { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Gas Rv" + descadd } } );
info.insert( { "BSGAS" + suffix, { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Gas Saturation" + descadd } } );
info.insert( { "BSOIL" + suffix, { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Oil Saturation" + descadd } } );
info.insert( { "BSWAT" + suffix, { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Water Saturation" + descadd } } );
info.insert( { "BSRVSTAT" + suffix, { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Srv Status (1/2/3=Stim/Sigprop/Propprop)" + descadd } } );
info.insert( { "BSTRAIN" + suffix, { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Volumetric Strain" + descadd } } );
info.insert( { "BSTRESS" + suffix, { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Mean Normal Stress" + descadd } } );
info.insert( { "BSTRESSA" + suffix, { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Mean Normal Stress Idealised Analytic Solution" + descadd } } );
info.insert( { "BSTRESSN" + suffix, { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Net Stress" + descadd } } );
info.insert( { "BVISCGAS" + suffix, { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Gas Viscosity" + descadd } } );
info.insert( { "BVISCOIL" + suffix, { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Oil Viscosity" + descadd } } );
info.insert( { "BVISCWAT" + suffix, { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Water Viscosity" + descadd } } );
info.insert( { "BX0" + suffix, { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Liquid Phase Mole Fraction (Component 0)" + descadd } } );
info.insert( { "BX1" + suffix, { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Liquid Phase Mole Fraction (Component 1)" + descadd } } );
info.insert( { "BX2" + suffix, { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Liquid Phase Mole Fraction (Component 2)" + descadd } } );
info.insert( { "BY0" + suffix, { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Vapor Phase Mole Fraction (Component 0)" + descadd } } );
info.insert( { "BY1" + suffix, { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Vapor Phase Mole Fraction (Component 1)" + descadd } } );
info.insert( { "BY2" + suffix, { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Vapor Phase Mole Fraction (Component 2)" + descadd } } );
info.insert( { "BZ0" + suffix, { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Total Mole Fraction (Component 0)" + descadd } } );
info.insert( { "BZ1" + suffix, { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Total Mole Fraction (Component 1)" + descadd } } );
info.insert( { "BZ2" + suffix, { A::SUMMARY_BLOCK, "Total Mole Fraction (Component 2)" + descadd } } );
info.insert( { "FDG", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Gas in Place Difference from Initial Conditions" } } );
info.insert( { "FDO", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Oil in Place Difference from Initial Conditions" } } );
info.insert( { "FDW", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Water in Place Difference from Initial Conditions" } } );
info.insert( { "FLIR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Liquid Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "FLIRH", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Liquid Injection Rate History" } } );
info.insert( { "FLIT", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Liquid Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "FMBG", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Gas Phase Material Balance Error" } } );
info.insert( { "FMBO", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Oil Phase Material Balance Error" } } );
info.insert( { "FMBW", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Water Phase Material Balance Error" } } );
info.insert( { "FMSTR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Average Mean Stress" } } );
info.insert( { "FMWIR", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Number of Injecting Wells" } } );
info.insert( { "FMWSH", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Number of Stopped Wells" } } );
info.insert( { "FMWST", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Number of Shut Wells" } } );
info.insert( { "FGIP", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Gas in Place" } } );
info.insert( { "FOIP", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Oil in Place" } } );
info.insert( { "FWIP", { A::SUMMARY_FIELD, "Water in Place" } } );
info.insert( { "RDG", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Gas in Place Difference from Initial Conditions" } } );
info.insert( { "RDO", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Oil in Place Difference from Initial Conditions" } } );
info.insert( { "RDW", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Water in Place Difference from Initial Conditions" } } );
info.insert( { "RGIP", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Gas in Place" } } );
info.insert( { "RGIR", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Gas Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "RGIT", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Gas Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "RGPR", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Gas Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "RGPT", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Gas Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "RLIR", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Liquid Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "RLIT", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Liquid Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "RLPR", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Liquid Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "RLPT", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Liquid Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "RMSTR", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Averaged Mean Normal Stress" } } );
info.insert( { "ROIP", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Oil in Place" } } );
info.insert( { "ROIR", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Oil Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "ROIT", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Oil Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "ROPR", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Oil Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "ROPT", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Oil Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "RPRP", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Averaged Pore-Volume Weighted Pressure" } } );
info.insert( { "RPR", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Averaged Pressure" } } );
info.insert( { "RWIP", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Water in Place" } } );
info.insert( { "RWIR", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Water Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "RWIT", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Water Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "RWPR", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Water Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "RWPT", { A::SUMMARY_REGION, "Water Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WADEN", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Average Density" } } );
info.insert( { "WCNTL", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Control Mode" } } );
info.insert( { "WLIR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Liquid Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WLIRH", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Liquid Injection Rate History" } } );
info.insert( { "WLIT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Liquid Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "WLPV", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Liquid Production Volume" } } );
info.insert( { "WSBULKV", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Stimulated Bulk Volume Associated with SRV" } } );
info.insert( { "WSBVPROP", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Stimulated Propped Bulk Volume Associated with SRV" } } );
info.insert( { "WSBVUNPR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Stimulated Unpropped Bulk Volume Associated with SRV" } } );
info.insert( { "WSMFSA", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Stimulated Surface Area Associated with SRV" } } );
info.insert( { "WSMFSAP", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Stimulated Propped Surface Area Associated with SRV" } } );
info.insert( { "WSMFSAU", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Stimulated Unpropped Surface Area Associated with SRV" } } );
info.insert( { "WSPORVF", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Stimulated Pore Volume Associated with SRV (Fracture)" } } );
info.insert( { "WSPORVM", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Stimulated Pore Volume Associated with SRV (Matrix)" } } );
info.insert( { "WTIC", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Well Tracer Injection Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "WTIR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Well Tracer Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WTIT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Well Tracer Cumulative Injection" } } );
info.insert( { "WTPC", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Well Tracer Production Concentration" } } );
info.insert( { "WTPR", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Well Tracer Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "WTPT", { A::SUMMARY_WELL, "Well Tracer Cumulative Production" } } );
info.insert( { "GLIR", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Liquid Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "GLIRH", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Liquid Injection Rate History" } } );
info.insert( { "GLIT", { A::SUMMARY_GROUP, "Liquid Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "CPDIAM", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Perforation Diameter" } } );
info.insert( { "MSDEPTH", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Depth of Well Completion" } } );
info.insert( { "CFGAS", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Gas Flow Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "INFLOW0", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Inflow Rate (Component 0)" } } );
info.insert( { "INFLOW1", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Inflow Rate (Component 1)" } } );
info.insert( { "INFLOW2", { A::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION, "Inflow Rate (Component 2)" } } );
info.insert( { "NGIR", { A::SUMMARY_NETWORK, "Gas Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "NGIRH", { A::SUMMARY_NETWORK, "Gas Injection Rate History" } } );
info.insert( { "NGIT", { A::SUMMARY_NETWORK, "Gas Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "NGOR", { A::SUMMARY_NETWORK, "Gas Oil Ratio" } } );
info.insert( { "NGORH", { A::SUMMARY_NETWORK, "Gas Oil Ratio History" } } );
info.insert( { "NGPR", { A::SUMMARY_NETWORK, "Gas Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "NGPRH", { A::SUMMARY_NETWORK, "Gas Production History" } } );
info.insert( { "NGPT", { A::SUMMARY_NETWORK, "Gas Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "NLIR", { A::SUMMARY_NETWORK, "Liquid Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "NLIRH", { A::SUMMARY_NETWORK, "Liquid Injection Rate History" } } );
info.insert( { "NLIT", { A::SUMMARY_NETWORK, "Liquid Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "NLPR", { A::SUMMARY_NETWORK, "Liquid Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "NLPRH", { A::SUMMARY_NETWORK, "Liquid Production Rate History" } } );
info.insert( { "NLPT", { A::SUMMARY_NETWORK, "Liquid Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "NOIR", { A::SUMMARY_NETWORK, "Oil Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "NOIRH", { A::SUMMARY_NETWORK, "Oil Injection Rate History" } } );
info.insert( { "NOIT", { A::SUMMARY_NETWORK, "Oil Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "NOPR", { A::SUMMARY_NETWORK, "Oil Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "NOPRH", { A::SUMMARY_NETWORK, "Oil Production Rate History" } } );
info.insert( { "NOPT", { A::SUMMARY_NETWORK, "Oil Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "NWCT", { A::SUMMARY_NETWORK, "Water Cut" } } );
info.insert( { "NWCTH", { A::SUMMARY_NETWORK, "Water Cut History" } } );
info.insert( { "NWIR", { A::SUMMARY_NETWORK, "Water Injection Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "NWIRH", { A::SUMMARY_NETWORK, "Water Injection Rate History" } } );
info.insert( { "NWIT", { A::SUMMARY_NETWORK, "Water Injection Total" } } );
info.insert( { "NWPR", { A::SUMMARY_NETWORK, "Water Production Rate" } } );
info.insert( { "NWPRH", { A::SUMMARY_NETWORK, "Water Production Rate History" } } );
info.insert( { "NWPT", { A::SUMMARY_NETWORK, "Water Production Total" } } );
info.insert( { "NLINEARS", { A::SUMMARY_MISC, "Average Linear Iterations per Newton Iteration" } } );
info.insert( { "MLINEART", { A::SUMMARY_MISC, "Number of Tracer Linear Iterations at the Current Time-Step" } } );
info.insert( { "MSUMCHOP", { A::SUMMARY_MISC, "Total Number of Time-Step Chops" } } );
info.insert( { "MSUMLINT", { A::SUMMARY_MISC, "Total Number of Tracer Linear Iterations" } } );
info.insert( { "TS", { A::SUMMARY_MISC, "Current Time-Step Number" } } );
info.insert( { "TNREPT", { A::SUMMARY_MISC, "Total Number of Report Steps" } } );
info.insert( { "MEMORYTS", { A::SUMMARY_MISC, "Maximum Current Memory Usage Across Processors" } } );
info.insert( { "TSCHOPS", { A::SUMMARY_MISC, "Number of Time Step Chops at Current Time Step" } } );
return info;