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// Copyright (C) 2023- Equinor ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <>
// for more details.
#include "RimWellAllocationOverTimeCollection.h"
#include "cafAssert.h"
#include "RigAccWellFlowCalculator.h"
#include "RigFlowDiagResultAddress.h"
#include "RigWellResultPoint.h"
#include <set>
RimWellAllocationOverTimeCollection::RimWellAllocationOverTimeCollection( const std::vector<QDateTime>& timeStepDates,
const std::map<QDateTime, RigAccWellFlowCalculator>& timeStepAndCalculatorPairs )
: m_timeStepDates( timeStepDates )
for ( const auto& [date, calculator] : timeStepAndCalculatorPairs )
std::string err = "Calculator for time step date " + date.toString().toStdString() + " does not exist in time step dates vector ";
CAF_ASSERT( std::find( m_timeStepDates.begin(), m_timeStepDates.end(), date ) != m_timeStepDates.end() && );
// Time steps not present in input map is considered "excluded" time steps
// Build new time step and calculator map using calculator for "next" valid time step for
// "excluded" time steps
QDateTime prevValidTimeStep;
for ( auto it = m_timeStepDates.rbegin(); it != m_timeStepDates.rend(); ++it )
const QDateTime& timeStep = *it;
auto timeStepCalculatorIt = timeStepAndCalculatorPairs.find( timeStep );
if ( timeStepCalculatorIt != timeStepAndCalculatorPairs.end() )
m_timeStepAndCalculatorPairs.emplace( timeStep, timeStepCalculatorIt->second );
prevValidTimeStep = timeStep;
else if ( prevValidTimeStep.isValid() )
// If no calculator for this time step, use the previous valid time step calculator
m_timeStepAndCalculatorPairs.emplace( timeStep, prevValidTimeStep ) );
std::sort( m_timeStepDates.begin(), m_timeStepDates.end() );
// Retrieve union of well names across all calculators
std::set<QString> allWellNames;
for ( const auto& [date, calculator] : m_timeStepAndCalculatorPairs )
allWellNames.insert( calculator.tracerNames().begin(), calculator.tracerNames().end() );
// Fill default well values into map
const double defaultValue = 0.0;
for ( const auto& well : allWellNames )
for ( const auto& date : m_timeStepDates )
std::pair<QDateTime, double> defaultPair( date, defaultValue );
m_defaultWellValuesMap[well].insert( defaultPair );
m_wellValuesMap = m_defaultWellValuesMap;
void RimWellAllocationOverTimeCollection::fillWithFlowRatePercentageValues()
m_wellValuesMap = m_defaultWellValuesMap;
for ( auto& [timeStep, calculator] : m_timeStepAndCalculatorPairs )
const auto totalTracerFractions = calculator.totalTracerFractions();
for ( const auto& [wellName, value] : totalTracerFractions )
double valuePercent = 100.0 * value;
m_wellValuesMap[wellName][timeStep] = valuePercent;
void RimWellAllocationOverTimeCollection::fillWithFlowRateValues()
m_wellValuesMap = m_defaultWellValuesMap;
const size_t branchIdx = 0;
for ( auto& [timeStep, calculator] : m_timeStepAndCalculatorPairs )
for ( const auto& wellName : calculator.tracerNames() )
const auto& accumulatedConnectionFlows = calculator.accumulatedTracerFlowPrConnection( wellName, branchIdx );
const double topConnectionFlow = accumulatedConnectionFlows.empty() ? 0.0 : accumulatedConnectionFlows.back();
m_wellValuesMap[wellName][timeStep] = topConnectionFlow;
/// Fill with flow volume at time step.
/// Create volume by multiplying with number of days since last time step.
void RimWellAllocationOverTimeCollection::fillWithFlowVolumeValues()
for ( auto& [well, timeStepsAndValues] : m_wellValuesMap )
QDateTime prevTimeStep;
for ( auto& [timeStep, value] : timeStepsAndValues )
if ( !prevTimeStep.isValid() )
prevTimeStep = timeStep;
const auto numDays = static_cast<double>( prevTimeStep.daysTo( timeStep ) );
value = value * numDays;
prevTimeStep = timeStep;
/// Fill with accumulated flow volume over a range of time steps. Create volume by multiplying with
/// number of days since last time step.
/// Group small contributors in "Others" if accumulated volume value at last time step is below
/// threshold value.
void RimWellAllocationOverTimeCollection::fillWithAccumulatedFlowVolumeValues( double smallContributionsThreshold )
for ( auto& [well, timeStepsAndValues] : m_wellValuesMap )
QDateTime prevTimeStep;
double accumulatedVolume = 0.0;
for ( auto& [timeStep, value] : timeStepsAndValues )
if ( !prevTimeStep.isValid() )
prevTimeStep = timeStep;
const auto numDays = static_cast<double>( prevTimeStep.daysTo( timeStep ) );
const double volume = value * numDays;
accumulatedVolume += volume;
value = accumulatedVolume;
prevTimeStep = timeStep;
if ( smallContributionsThreshold > 0.0 )
groupAccumulatedFlowVolumes( m_wellValuesMap, smallContributionsThreshold );
/// Fill with accumulated well flow volumes in percent of total accumulated flow volume at each
/// time step.
/// Group small contributors in "Others" if percentage value for well is below threshold at every
/// time step.
void RimWellAllocationOverTimeCollection::fillWithAccumulatedFlowVolumePercentageValues( double smallContributionsThreshold )
// Handle threshold filtering afterwards
const double nonFilteringThreshold = 0.0;
fillWithAccumulatedFlowVolumeValues( nonFilteringThreshold );
for ( const auto& timeStep : m_timeStepDates )
double totalAccumulatedVolume = 0.0;
std::map<QString, double> timeStepWellValues;
// Sum accumulated volumes at time step
for ( auto& [well, values] : m_wellValuesMap )
const auto accumulatedVolume = values[timeStep];
totalAccumulatedVolume += accumulatedVolume;
timeStepWellValues[well] = accumulatedVolume;
// If no accumulated volume exist at time step
if ( totalAccumulatedVolume == 0.0 ) continue;
// Create percentage value
for ( auto& [well, value] : timeStepWellValues )
m_wellValuesMap[well][timeStep] = 100.0 * value / totalAccumulatedVolume;
if ( smallContributionsThreshold > 0.0 )
const auto percentageThreshold = 100.0 * smallContributionsThreshold;
groupAccumulatedFlowVolumePercentages( m_wellValuesMap, percentageThreshold );
/// Handle grouping of small contributors in accumulated volume data based on threshold.
/// Group small contributors in "Others" if accumulated volume value at last time step is below
/// threshold value.
void RimWellAllocationOverTimeCollection::groupAccumulatedFlowVolumes( std::map<QString, std::map<QDateTime, double>>& rWellValuesMap,
double threshold )
if ( m_timeStepDates.empty() ) return;
std::map<QString, std::map<QDateTime, double>> groupedWellValuesMap;
std::map<QString, double> lastAccumulatedWellValues;
double sumLastAccumulatedWellValues = 0.0;
const QDateTime lastTimeStep = m_timeStepDates.back();
for ( auto& [well, values] : rWellValuesMap )
const double lastWellValue = values[lastTimeStep];
lastAccumulatedWellValues[well] = lastWellValue;
sumLastAccumulatedWellValues += lastWellValue;
// Filter out wells with accumulated flow less than threshold and place among "others"
std::vector<QString> contributingWells;
std::vector<QString> groupedWells;
for ( const auto& [well, value] : lastAccumulatedWellValues )
if ( sumLastAccumulatedWellValues > 0.0 && ( value / sumLastAccumulatedWellValues ) < threshold )
groupedWells.push_back( well );
contributingWells.push_back( well );
for ( const auto& well : contributingWells )
groupedWellValuesMap[well] = rWellValuesMap[well];
for ( const auto& well : groupedWells )
if ( groupedWellValuesMap.count( RIG_TINY_TRACER_GROUP_NAME ) == 0 )
groupedWellValuesMap[RIG_TINY_TRACER_GROUP_NAME] = rWellValuesMap[well];
for ( const auto& [date, value] : rWellValuesMap[well] )
groupedWellValuesMap[RIG_TINY_TRACER_GROUP_NAME][date] += value;
rWellValuesMap = groupedWellValuesMap;
/// Handle grouping of small contributors in accumulated volume percentage based on threshold.
/// Group small contributors in "Others" if percentage value for well is below threshold at every
/// time step. If percentage value is above threshold for one time step or more, show data for well
/// at every time step.
void RimWellAllocationOverTimeCollection::groupAccumulatedFlowVolumePercentages( std::map<QString, std::map<QDateTime, double>>& rWellValuesMap,
double thresholdPercent )
auto getMaxValue = []( const std::map<QDateTime, double>& valuesMap ) -> double {
double maxValue = 0.0;
for ( const auto& [timeStep, value] : valuesMap )
maxValue = value > maxValue ? value : maxValue;
return maxValue;
std::vector<QString> contributingWells;
std::vector<QString> groupedWells;
for ( const auto& [well, values] : rWellValuesMap )
const double maxValue = getMaxValue( values );
if ( maxValue > thresholdPercent )
contributingWells.push_back( well );
groupedWells.push_back( well );
std::map<QString, std::map<QDateTime, double>> groupedWellValuesMap;
for ( const auto& well : contributingWells )
groupedWellValuesMap[well] = rWellValuesMap[well];
for ( const auto& well : groupedWells )
if ( groupedWellValuesMap.count( RIG_TINY_TRACER_GROUP_NAME ) == 0 )
groupedWellValuesMap[RIG_TINY_TRACER_GROUP_NAME] = rWellValuesMap[well];
for ( const auto& [date, value] : rWellValuesMap[well] )
groupedWellValuesMap[RIG_TINY_TRACER_GROUP_NAME][date] += value;
rWellValuesMap = groupedWellValuesMap;