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// Copyright (C) 2023 Equinor ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#include "RifOpenVDSReader.h"
#include <zgyaccess/seismicslice.h>
#include <zgyaccess/zgy_histogram.h>
#include <zgyaccess/zgyreader.h>
#include <OpenVDS/IJKCoordinateTransformer.h>
#include <OpenVDS/OpenVDS.h>
#include <OpenVDS/VolumeDataAccess.h>
#include <OpenVDS/VolumeDataLayout.h>
#include "cvfBoundingBox.h"
constexpr int VDS_INLINE_DIM = 2;
constexpr int VDS_XLINE_DIM = 1;
constexpr int VDS_Z_DIM = 0;
: m_filename( "" )
, m_handle( nullptr )
, m_dataChannelToUse( 0 )
, m_layout( nullptr )
bool RifOpenVDSReader::open( QString filename )
m_filename = filename;
OpenVDS::Error error;
m_handle = OpenVDS::Open( filename.toStdString(), "", error );
if ( error.code != 0 )
m_handle = nullptr;
return false;
auto accessManager = OpenVDS::GetAccessManager( m_handle );
m_layout = accessManager.GetVolumeDataLayout();
if ( m_layout == nullptr )
return false;
m_coordinateTransform = std::make_unique<OpenVDS::IJKCoordinateTransformer>( m_layout );
catch ( const std::exception& )
m_handle = nullptr;
return false;
return true;
bool RifOpenVDSReader::isOpen() const
return ( m_handle != nullptr );
bool RifOpenVDSReader::isValid()
if ( !isOpen() ) return false;
auto iAxis = m_layout->GetAxisDescriptor( VDS_INLINE_DIM );
auto xAxis = m_layout->GetAxisDescriptor( VDS_XLINE_DIM );
auto zAxis = m_layout->GetAxisDescriptor( VDS_Z_DIM );
return ( iAxis.GetCoordinateStep() > 0 ) && ( xAxis.GetCoordinateStep() > 0 ) && ( zAxis.GetCoordinateStep() > 0 );
void RifOpenVDSReader::close()
if ( !isOpen() ) return;
OpenVDS::Close( m_handle );
catch ( const std::exception& )
m_handle = nullptr;
m_layout = nullptr;
QString openvds_dataFormatToString( OpenVDS::VolumeDataFormat format )
switch ( format )
case OpenVDS::VolumeDataFormat::Format_1Bit:
return "1-bit";
case OpenVDS::VolumeDataFormat::Format_U8:
return "Unsigned 8-bit";
case OpenVDS::VolumeDataFormat::Format_U16:
return "Unsigned 16-bit";
case OpenVDS::VolumeDataFormat::Format_R32:
return "Float (32-bit)";
case OpenVDS::VolumeDataFormat::Format_U32:
return "Unsigned 32-bit";
case OpenVDS::VolumeDataFormat::Format_R64:
return "Double (64-bit)";
case OpenVDS::VolumeDataFormat::Format_U64:
return "Unsigned 64-bit";
case OpenVDS::VolumeDataFormat::Format_Any:
return "Unknown";
QString openvds_axisToString( OpenVDS::VolumeDataAxisDescriptor axis )
return QString( "%1 - %2, step %3" ).arg( axis.GetCoordinateMin() ).arg( axis.GetCoordinateMax() ).arg( axis.GetCoordinateStep() );
std::vector<std::pair<QString, QString>> RifOpenVDSReader::metaData()
std::vector<std::pair<QString, QString>> retValues;
if ( !isOpen() ) return retValues;
QString version( OpenVDS::GetOpenVDSVersion() );
retValues.push_back( std::make_pair( QString( "Open VDS version" ), QString( OpenVDS::GetOpenVDSVersion() ) ) );
QString compressed( "No" );
if ( OpenVDS::GetCompressionMethod( m_handle ) != OpenVDS::CompressionMethod::None ) compressed = "Yes";
retValues.push_back( std::make_pair( QString( "Compression" ), compressed ) );
retValues.push_back( std::make_pair( QString( "Inline" ), openvds_axisToString( m_layout->GetAxisDescriptor( VDS_INLINE_DIM ) ) ) );
retValues.push_back( std::make_pair( QString( "Xline" ), openvds_axisToString( m_layout->GetAxisDescriptor( VDS_XLINE_DIM ) ) ) );
retValues.push_back( std::make_pair( QString( "Z" ), openvds_axisToString( m_layout->GetAxisDescriptor( VDS_Z_DIM ) ) ) );
const int dimensions = m_layout->GetDimensionality();
retValues.push_back( std::make_pair( QString( "Dimensions" ), QString::number( dimensions ) ) );
const int channels = m_layout->GetChannelCount();
retValues.push_back( std::make_pair( QString( "Data Channels" ), QString::number( channels ) ) );
for ( int i = 0; i < channels; i++ )
QString prefix = QString( "Data Channel %1 " ).arg( i );
auto chanDesc = m_layout->GetChannelDescriptor( i );
QString chanName( chanDesc.GetName() );
retValues.push_back( std::make_pair( prefix + "Name", chanName ) );
retValues.push_back( std::make_pair( prefix + "Format", openvds_dataFormatToString( chanDesc.GetFormat() ) ) );
QString range = QString( "%1 - %2" ).arg( chanDesc.GetValueRangeMin() ).arg( chanDesc.GetValueRangeMax() );
retValues.push_back( std::make_pair( prefix + "Range", range ) );
if ( chanName.toLower() == "amplitude" ) m_dataChannelToUse = i;
return retValues;
void RifOpenVDSReader::histogramData( std::vector<double>& xvals, std::vector<double>& yvals )
if ( !isOpen() ) return;
auto iMinMaxStep = inlineMinMaxStep();
auto xMinMaxStep = xlineMinMaxStep();
int voxelMin[OpenVDS::Dimensionality_Max] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
int voxelMax[OpenVDS::Dimensionality_Max] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 };
const int zMax = zSize();
const int iSize = ( iMinMaxStep[1] - iMinMaxStep[0] ) / iMinMaxStep[2];
const int xSize = ( xMinMaxStep[1] - xMinMaxStep[0] ) / xMinMaxStep[2];
voxelMin[VDS_Z_DIM] = zMax / 4;
voxelMax[VDS_Z_DIM] = zMax - zMax / 4;
voxelMin[VDS_XLINE_DIM] = xSize / 4;
voxelMax[VDS_XLINE_DIM] = xSize - xSize / 4;
voxelMin[VDS_INLINE_DIM] = iSize / 4;
voxelMax[VDS_INLINE_DIM] = iSize - iSize / 4;
const int totalSize = ( voxelMax[VDS_Z_DIM] - voxelMin[VDS_Z_DIM] ) * ( voxelMax[VDS_XLINE_DIM] - voxelMin[VDS_XLINE_DIM] ) *
( voxelMax[VDS_INLINE_DIM] - voxelMin[VDS_INLINE_DIM] );
std::vector<float> buffer( totalSize );
auto accessManager = OpenVDS::GetAccessManager( m_handle );
bool success = false;
auto request = accessManager.RequestVolumeSubset<float>( buffer.data(),
buffer.size() * sizeof( float ),
voxelMax );
success = request->WaitForCompletion();
catch ( const std::exception& )
if ( success )
auto chanDesc = m_layout->GetChannelDescriptor( m_dataChannelToUse );
m_histogram =
ZGYAccess::HistogramGenerator::getHistogram( buffer, 151, (float)chanDesc.GetValueRangeMin(), (float)chanDesc.GetValueRangeMax() );
xvals = m_histogram->Xvalues;
yvals = m_histogram->Yvalues;
std::pair<double, double> RifOpenVDSReader::dataRange()
if ( !isOpen() ) return { 0.0, 0.0 };
auto chanDesc = m_layout->GetChannelDescriptor( m_dataChannelToUse );
return { chanDesc.GetValueRangeMin(), chanDesc.GetValueRangeMax() };
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> RifOpenVDSReader::worldCorners()
if ( !isOpen() ) return {};
auto iAxis = m_layout->GetAxisDescriptor( VDS_INLINE_DIM );
auto xAxis = m_layout->GetAxisDescriptor( VDS_XLINE_DIM );
auto zAxis = m_layout->GetAxisDescriptor( VDS_Z_DIM );
const float iMin = iAxis.GetCoordinateMin();
const float iMax = iAxis.GetCoordinateMax();
const float xMin = xAxis.GetCoordinateMin();
const float xMax = xAxis.GetCoordinateMax();
const float zMin = zAxis.GetCoordinateMin();
const float zMax = zAxis.GetCoordinateMax();
cvf::Vec3dArray annotPoints;
annotPoints.resize( 8 );
annotPoints[0] = cvf::Vec3d( iMin, xMin, zMin );
annotPoints[1] = cvf::Vec3d( iMax, xMin, zMin );
annotPoints[2] = cvf::Vec3d( iMin, xMax, zMin );
annotPoints[3] = cvf::Vec3d( iMax, xMax, zMin );
annotPoints[4] = cvf::Vec3d( iMin, xMin, zMax );
annotPoints[5] = cvf::Vec3d( iMax, xMin, zMax );
annotPoints[6] = cvf::Vec3d( iMin, xMax, zMax );
annotPoints[7] = cvf::Vec3d( iMax, xMax, zMax );
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> retval;
for ( auto p : annotPoints )
auto world = m_coordinateTransform->AnnotationToWorld( OpenVDS::DoubleVector3( p.x(), p.y(), p.z() ) );
retval.push_back( cvf::Vec3d( world.X, world.Y, world.Z ) );
return retval;
double RifOpenVDSReader::zStep()
if ( !isOpen() ) return 0.0;
return m_layout->GetAxisDescriptor( VDS_Z_DIM ).GetCoordinateStep();
int RifOpenVDSReader::zSize()
if ( !isOpen() ) return 0;
return m_layout->GetAxisDescriptor( VDS_Z_DIM ).GetNumSamples();
cvf::Vec3i RifOpenVDSReader::minMaxStep( int dimension )
if ( !isOpen() ) return { 0, 0, 0 };
auto axis = m_layout->GetAxisDescriptor( dimension );
return { (int)( axis.GetCoordinateMin() + 0.5 ), (int)( axis.GetCoordinateMax() + 0.5 ), (int)( axis.GetCoordinateStep() + 0.5 ) };
cvf::Vec3i RifOpenVDSReader::inlineMinMaxStep()
return minMaxStep( VDS_INLINE_DIM );
cvf::Vec3i RifOpenVDSReader::xlineMinMaxStep()
return minMaxStep( VDS_XLINE_DIM );
cvf::Vec3d RifOpenVDSReader::convertToWorldCoords( int iLine, int xLine, double depth )
if ( !isOpen() ) return { 0, 0, 0 };
auto world = m_coordinateTransform->AnnotationToWorld( OpenVDS::DoubleVector3( iLine, xLine, depth ) );
return { world.X, world.Y, depth };
std::pair<int, int> RifOpenVDSReader::convertToInlineXline( double worldx, double worldy )
if ( !isOpen() ) return { 0, 0 };
auto annot = m_coordinateTransform->WorldToAnnotation( OpenVDS::DoubleVector3( worldx, worldy, 0 ) );
return { (int)( annot.X + 0.5 ), (int)( annot.Y + 0.5 ) };
RifOpenVDSReader::slice( RiaDefines::SeismicSliceDirection direction, int sliceIndex, int zStartIndex, int zSize )
if ( !isOpen() ) return nullptr;
if ( zStartIndex < 0 )
zStartIndex = 0;
zSize = this->zSize();
const int xlineSize = m_layout->GetAxisDescriptor( VDS_XLINE_DIM ).GetNumSamples();
const int inlineSize = m_layout->GetAxisDescriptor( VDS_INLINE_DIM ).GetNumSamples();
int voxelMin[OpenVDS::Dimensionality_Max] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
int voxelMax[OpenVDS::Dimensionality_Max] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 };
int width = 0;
int height = 0;
switch ( direction )
case RiaDefines::SeismicSliceDirection::INLINE:
voxelMin[VDS_Z_DIM] = zStartIndex;
voxelMax[VDS_Z_DIM] = zStartIndex + zSize;
voxelMin[VDS_XLINE_DIM] = 0;
voxelMax[VDS_XLINE_DIM] = xlineSize;
voxelMin[VDS_INLINE_DIM] = sliceIndex;
voxelMax[VDS_INLINE_DIM] = sliceIndex + 1;
width = xlineSize;
height = zSize;
case RiaDefines::SeismicSliceDirection::XLINE:
voxelMin[VDS_Z_DIM] = zStartIndex;
voxelMax[VDS_Z_DIM] = zStartIndex + zSize;
voxelMin[VDS_XLINE_DIM] = sliceIndex;
voxelMax[VDS_XLINE_DIM] = sliceIndex + 1;
voxelMin[VDS_INLINE_DIM] = 0;
voxelMax[VDS_INLINE_DIM] = inlineSize;
width = inlineSize;
height = zSize;
case RiaDefines::SeismicSliceDirection::DEPTH:
voxelMin[VDS_Z_DIM] = sliceIndex;
voxelMax[VDS_Z_DIM] = sliceIndex + 1;
voxelMin[VDS_XLINE_DIM] = 0;
voxelMax[VDS_XLINE_DIM] = xlineSize;
voxelMin[VDS_INLINE_DIM] = 0;
voxelMax[VDS_INLINE_DIM] = inlineSize;
width = inlineSize;
height = xlineSize;
return nullptr;
int totalSize = width * height;
std::shared_ptr<ZGYAccess::SeismicSliceData> retData = std::make_shared<ZGYAccess::SeismicSliceData>( width, height );
auto accessManager = OpenVDS::GetAccessManager( m_handle );
bool success = false;
auto request = accessManager.RequestVolumeSubset<float>( retData->values(),
totalSize * sizeof( float ),
voxelMax );
success = request->WaitForCompletion();
catch ( const std::exception& )
if ( !success ) retData.reset();
return retData;
std::shared_ptr<ZGYAccess::SeismicSliceData> RifOpenVDSReader::trace( int inlineIndex, int xlineIndex, int zStartIndex, int zSize )
if ( !isOpen() ) return nullptr;
if ( zStartIndex < 0 )
zStartIndex = 0;
zSize = this->zSize();
int voxelMin[OpenVDS::Dimensionality_Max] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
int voxelMax[OpenVDS::Dimensionality_Max] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 };
voxelMin[VDS_Z_DIM] = zStartIndex;
voxelMax[VDS_Z_DIM] = zStartIndex + zSize;
voxelMin[VDS_XLINE_DIM] = xlineIndex;
voxelMax[VDS_XLINE_DIM] = xlineIndex + 1;
voxelMin[VDS_INLINE_DIM] = inlineIndex;
voxelMax[VDS_INLINE_DIM] = inlineIndex + 1;
std::shared_ptr<ZGYAccess::SeismicSliceData> retData = std::make_shared<ZGYAccess::SeismicSliceData>( 1, zSize );
auto accessManager = OpenVDS::GetAccessManager( m_handle );
bool success = false;
auto request = accessManager.RequestVolumeSubset<float>( retData->values(),
zSize * sizeof( float ),
voxelMax );
success = request->WaitForCompletion();
catch ( const std::exception& )
if ( !success ) retData.reset();
return retData;