Magne Sjaastad 2b4efc4b5c #1398 Removed dependency on system boost, added subset of boost to ThirdParty
Added a subset of boost to ThirdParty folder. Code extracted from version boost version 1.59.0
2017-04-05 08:38:59 +02:00

54 lines
1.4 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2003, Fernando Luis Cacciola Carballal.
// Copyright (C) 2014 Andrzej Krzemienski.
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// See for documentation.
// You are welcome to contact the author at:
#ifndef BOOST_NONE_17SEP2003_HPP
#define BOOST_NONE_17SEP2003_HPP
#include "boost/none_t.hpp"
// NOTE: Borland users have to include this header outside any precompiled headers
// (bcc<=5.64 cannot include instance data in a precompiled header)
// -- * To be verified, now that there's no unnamed namespace
namespace boost {
none_t const none = (static_cast<none_t>(0)) ;
namespace detail { namespace optional_detail {
// the trick here is to make boost::none defined once as a global but in a header file
template <typename T>
struct none_instance
static const T instance;
template <typename T>
const T none_instance<T>::instance = T(); // global, but because 'tis a template, no cpp file required
} } // namespace detail::optional_detail
namespace {
// TU-local
const none_t& none = detail::optional_detail::none_instance<none_t>::instance;
} // namespace boost