mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:55:39 -06:00
* Moved UnitSystem from RiaEclipseUnitTools to RiaDefines. - Renamed UnitSystem to EclipseUnitSystem - Replaced header includes and removed obsolete includes of RiaEclipseUnitTools.h * Moved result name functions into separate file. * Minor cleanup Co-authored-by: rubenthoms <rubenthoms@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Magne Sjaastad <magne.sjaastad@ceetronsolutions.com> Co-authored-by: magnesj <magnesj@users.noreply.github.com>
294 lines
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294 lines
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// Copyright (C) 2019- Equinor ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#include "RifEclipseInputPropertyLoader.h"
#include "RifEclipseInputFileTools.h"
#include "RifReaderEclipseInput.h"
#include "RigActiveCellInfo.h"
#include "RigCaseCellResultsData.h"
#include "RigEclipseCaseData.h"
#include "RigMainGrid.h"
#include "RimEclipseInputProperty.h"
#include "RimEclipseInputPropertyCollection.h"
#include "RimTools.h"
#include "cafProgressInfo.h"
#include <QFileInfo>
/// Loads input property data from the gridFile and additional files
/// Creates new InputProperties if necessary, and flags the unused ones as obsolete
void RifEclipseInputPropertyLoader::loadAndSyncronizeInputProperties( RimEclipseInputPropertyCollection* inputPropertyCollection,
RigEclipseCaseData* eclipseCaseData,
const std::vector<QString>& filenames,
bool allowImportOfFaults )
CVF_ASSERT( inputPropertyCollection );
CVF_ASSERT( eclipseCaseData );
CVF_ASSERT( eclipseCaseData->mainGrid()->gridPointDimensions() != cvf::Vec3st( 0, 0, 0 ) );
size_t inputPropCount = inputPropertyCollection->inputProperties.size();
caf::ProgressInfo progInfo( static_cast<int>( filenames.size() * inputPropCount ), "Reading Input properties" );
int i = 0;
for ( const QString& filename : filenames )
int progress = static_cast<int>( i * inputPropCount );
progInfo.setProgressDescription( filename );
QFileInfo fileNameInfo( filename );
bool isExistingFile = fileNameInfo.exists();
// Find all the keywords present on the file
std::set<QString> fileKeywordSet = extractKeywordsOnFile( filenames[i], isExistingFile );
readDataForEachInputProperty( inputPropertyCollection,
progress );
progInfo.setProgress( static_cast<int>( progress + inputPropCount ) );
// Check if there are more known property keywords left on file.
// If it is, read them and create inputProperty objects
readInputPropertiesForRemainingKeywords( inputPropertyCollection, eclipseCaseData, filename, &fileKeywordSet );
// All input properties still unknown at this stage is missing a file
setResolvedState( inputPropertyCollection, RimEclipseInputProperty::UNKNOWN, RimEclipseInputProperty::FILE_MISSING );
/// Loads input property data from additional files.
bool RifEclipseInputPropertyLoader::readInputPropertiesFromFiles( RimEclipseInputPropertyCollection* inputPropertyCollection,
RigEclipseCaseData* eclipseCaseData,
bool importFaults,
const std::vector<QString>& filenames )
for ( const QString& propertyFileName : filenames )
std::map<QString, QString> readProperties =
RifEclipseInputFileTools::readProperties( propertyFileName, eclipseCaseData );
std::map<QString, QString>::iterator it;
for ( it = readProperties.begin(); it != readProperties.end(); ++it )
RimEclipseInputProperty* inputProperty = new RimEclipseInputProperty;
inputProperty->resultName = it->first;
inputProperty->eclipseKeyword = it->second;
inputProperty->fileName = propertyFileName;
inputProperty->resolvedState = RimEclipseInputProperty::RESOLVED;
inputPropertyCollection->inputProperties.push_back( inputProperty );
if ( importFaults )
bool anyFaultsImported = importFaultsFromFile( eclipseCaseData, propertyFileName );
if ( anyFaultsImported )
RimEclipseInputProperty* inputProperty = new RimEclipseInputProperty;
inputProperty->resultName = "FAULTS";
inputProperty->eclipseKeyword = "FAULTS";
inputProperty->fileName = propertyFileName;
inputProperty->resolvedState = RimEclipseInputProperty::RESOLVED;
inputPropertyCollection->inputProperties.push_back( inputProperty );
return true;
bool RifEclipseInputPropertyLoader::importFaultsFromFile( RigEclipseCaseData* eclipseCaseData, const QString& fileName )
cvf::Collection<RigFault> faultCollectionFromFile;
RifEclipseInputFileTools::parseAndReadFaults( fileName, &faultCollectionFromFile );
if ( faultCollectionFromFile.empty() )
return false;
cvf::Collection<RigFault> faults;
cvf::Collection<RigFault> faultCollection = eclipseCaseData->mainGrid()->faults();
for ( size_t i = 0; i < faultCollection.size(); i++ )
RigFault* f = faultCollection.at( i );
if ( f->name() == RiaResultNames::undefinedGridFaultName() ||
f->name() == RiaResultNames::undefinedGridFaultName() )
// Do not include undefined grid faults, as these are recomputed based on the imported faults from filesa
faults.push_back( f );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < faultCollectionFromFile.size(); i++ )
RigFault* faultFromFile = faultCollectionFromFile.at( i );
bool existFaultWithSameName = false;
for ( size_t j = 0; j < faults.size(); j++ )
RigFault* existingFault = faults.at( j );
if ( existingFault->name() == faultFromFile->name() )
existFaultWithSameName = true;
if ( !existFaultWithSameName )
faults.push_back( faultFromFile );
eclipseCaseData->mainGrid()->setFaults( faults );
return true;
/// Extract keywords from a input property file.
std::set<QString> RifEclipseInputPropertyLoader::extractKeywordsOnFile( const QString& filename, bool isExistingFile )
std::set<QString> fileKeywordSet;
if ( isExistingFile )
std::vector<RifKeywordAndFilePos> fileKeywords;
RifEclipseInputFileTools::findKeywordsOnFile( filename, &fileKeywords );
for ( const RifKeywordAndFilePos& fileKeyword : fileKeywords )
fileKeywordSet.insert( fileKeyword.keyword );
return fileKeywordSet;
/// Change the resolved state of all matching input properties in a collection.
void RifEclipseInputPropertyLoader::setResolvedState( RimEclipseInputPropertyCollection* inputPropertyCollection,
RimEclipseInputProperty::ResolveState currentState,
RimEclipseInputProperty::ResolveState newState )
for ( RimEclipseInputProperty* inputProperty : inputPropertyCollection->inputProperties )
if ( inputProperty->resolvedState() == currentState )
inputProperty->resolvedState = newState;
void RifEclipseInputPropertyLoader::readDataForEachInputProperty( RimEclipseInputPropertyCollection* inputPropertyCollection,
RigEclipseCaseData* eclipseCaseData,
const QString& filename,
bool isExistingFile,
bool allowImportOfFaults,
std::set<QString>* fileKeywordSet,
caf::ProgressInfo* progressInfo,
int progressOffset )
// Find the input property objects referring to the file
std::vector<RimEclipseInputProperty*> ipsUsingThisFile = inputPropertyCollection->findInputProperties( filename );
// Read property data for each inputProperty
int progress = 0;
for ( RimEclipseInputProperty* inputProperty : ipsUsingThisFile )
if ( !isExistingFile )
inputProperty->resolvedState = RimEclipseInputProperty::FILE_MISSING;
inputProperty->resolvedState = RimEclipseInputProperty::KEYWORD_NOT_IN_FILE;
QString kw = inputProperty->eclipseKeyword();
if ( kw == "FAULTS" )
if ( allowImportOfFaults )
importFaultsFromFile( eclipseCaseData, filename );
if ( fileKeywordSet->count( kw ) )
if ( RifEclipseInputFileTools::readProperty( filename, eclipseCaseData, kw, inputProperty->resultName ) )
inputProperty->resolvedState = RimEclipseInputProperty::RESOLVED;
fileKeywordSet->erase( kw );
progressInfo->setProgress( static_cast<int>( progressOffset + progress ) );
void RifEclipseInputPropertyLoader::readInputPropertiesForRemainingKeywords( RimEclipseInputPropertyCollection* inputPropertyCollection,
RigEclipseCaseData* eclipseCaseData,
const QString& filename,
std::set<QString>* fileKeywordSet )
for ( const QString& fileKeyword : *fileKeywordSet )
QString resultName =
eclipseCaseData->results( RiaDefines::PorosityModelType::MATRIX_MODEL )->makeResultNameUnique( fileKeyword );
if ( RifEclipseInputFileTools::readProperty( filename, eclipseCaseData, fileKeyword, resultName ) )
RimEclipseInputProperty* inputProperty = new RimEclipseInputProperty;
inputProperty->resultName = resultName;
inputProperty->eclipseKeyword = fileKeyword;
inputProperty->fileName = filename;
inputProperty->resolvedState = RimEclipseInputProperty::RESOLVED;
inputPropertyCollection->inputProperties.push_back( inputProperty );