2022-05-09 15:36:27 +02:00

240 lines
8.9 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2022 Equinor ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <>
// for more details.
#include "RimGridCalculation.h"
#include "RiaDefines.h"
#include "RimEclipseCase.h"
#include "RimEclipseCellColors.h"
#include "RimEclipseView.h"
#include "RimReloadCaseTools.h"
#include "RiaLogging.h"
#include "RiaPorosityModel.h"
#include "RigCaseCellResultsData.h"
#include "RigEclipseResultAddress.h"
#include "expressionparser/ExpressionParser.h"
CAF_PDM_SOURCE_INIT( RimGridCalculation, "RimGridCalculation" );
CAF_PDM_InitObject( "RimGridCalculation", ":/octave.png", "Calculation", "" );
RimGridCalculationVariable* RimGridCalculation::createVariable() const
return new RimGridCalculationVariable;
bool RimGridCalculation::calculate()
QString leftHandSideVariableName = RimGridCalculation::findLeftHandSide( m_expression );
auto porosityModel = RiaDefines::PorosityModelType::MATRIX_MODEL;
RimEclipseCase* eclipseCase = findEclipseCaseFromVariables();
if ( !eclipseCase )
RiaLogging::errorInMessageBox( nullptr,
"Expression Parser",
QString( "No case found for calculation : %1" ).arg( leftHandSideVariableName ) );
return false;
const size_t timeStepCount = eclipseCase->results( porosityModel )->maxTimeStepCount();
std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<double>>> values;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < m_variables.size(); i++ )
RimGridCalculationVariable* v = dynamic_cast<RimGridCalculationVariable*>( m_variables[i] );
CAF_ASSERT( v != nullptr );
if ( !v->eclipseCase() )
RiaLogging::errorInMessageBox( nullptr,
"Expression Parser",
QString( "No case defined for variable : %1" ).arg( v->name() ) );
return false;
if ( v->resultVariable().isEmpty() )
RiaLogging::errorInMessageBox( nullptr,
"Expression Parser",
QString( "No result variable defined for variable : %1" ).arg( v->name() ) );
return false;
auto resultCategoryType = v->resultCategoryType();
RigEclipseResultAddress resAddr( resultCategoryType, v->resultVariable() );
if ( !eclipseCase->results( porosityModel )->ensureKnownResultLoaded( resAddr ) )
RiaLogging::errorInMessageBox( nullptr,
"Expression Parser",
QString( "Unable to load result for variable : %1" ).arg( v->name() ) );
return false;
int timeStep = v->timeStep();
std::vector<std::vector<double>> inputValues = eclipseCase->results( porosityModel )->cellScalarResults( resAddr );
if ( resultCategoryType == RiaDefines::ResultCatType::STATIC_NATIVE )
// Use static data for all time steps
inputValues.resize( timeStepCount );
for ( size_t tsId = 1; tsId < timeStepCount; tsId++ )
inputValues[tsId] = inputValues[0];
else if ( timeStep != RimGridCalculationVariable::allTimeStepsValue() )
// Use data from a specific time step for this variable for all result time steps
for ( size_t tsId = 0; tsId < timeStepCount; tsId++ )
if ( static_cast<int>( tsId ) != timeStep )
inputValues[tsId] = inputValues[timeStep];
values.push_back( inputValues );
RigEclipseResultAddress resAddr( RiaDefines::ResultCatType::GENERATED, leftHandSideVariableName );
if ( !eclipseCase->results( porosityModel )->ensureKnownResultLoaded( resAddr ) )
eclipseCase->results( porosityModel )->createResultEntry( resAddr, true );
eclipseCase->results( porosityModel )->clearScalarResult( resAddr );
std::vector<std::vector<double>>* scalarResultFrames =
eclipseCase->results( porosityModel )->modifiableCellScalarResultTimesteps( resAddr );
scalarResultFrames->resize( timeStepCount );
for ( size_t tsId = 0; tsId < timeStepCount; tsId++ )
ExpressionParser parser;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < m_variables.size(); i++ )
RimGridCalculationVariable* v = dynamic_cast<RimGridCalculationVariable*>( m_variables[i] );
CAF_ASSERT( v != nullptr );
parser.assignVector( v->name(), values[i][tsId] );
std::vector<double> resultValues;
resultValues.resize( values[0][tsId].size() );
parser.assignVector( leftHandSideVariableName, resultValues );
QString errorText;
bool evaluatedOk = parser.expandIfStatementsAndEvaluate( m_expression, &errorText );
if ( evaluatedOk )
scalarResultFrames->at( tsId ) = resultValues;
m_isDirty = false;
QString s = "The following error message was received from the parser library : \n\n";
s += errorText;
RiaLogging::errorInMessageBox( nullptr, "Expression Parser", s );
return false;
return true;
RimEclipseCase* RimGridCalculation::findEclipseCaseFromVariables()
for ( auto variable : m_variables )
RimGridCalculationVariable* v = dynamic_cast<RimGridCalculationVariable*>( variable.p() );
CAF_ASSERT( v != nullptr );
if ( v->eclipseCase() ) return v->eclipseCase();
return nullptr;
void RimGridCalculation::updateDependentObjects()
RimEclipseCase* eclipseCase = findEclipseCaseFromVariables();
if ( eclipseCase )
RimReloadCaseTools::updateAll3dViews( eclipseCase );
void RimGridCalculation::removeDependentObjects()
QString leftHandSideVariableName = RimGridCalculation::findLeftHandSide( m_expression );
auto porosityModel = RiaDefines::PorosityModelType::MATRIX_MODEL;
RigEclipseResultAddress resAddr( RiaDefines::ResultCatType::GENERATED, leftHandSideVariableName );
RimEclipseCase* eclipseCase = findEclipseCaseFromVariables();
if ( eclipseCase )
// Select "None" result if the result that is being removed were displayed in a view.
for ( auto v : eclipseCase->reservoirViews() )
if ( v->cellResult()->resultType() == resAddr.resultCatType() &&
v->cellResult()->resultVariable() == resAddr.resultName() )
v->cellResult()->setResultType( RiaDefines::ResultCatType::GENERATED );
v->cellResult()->setResultVariable( "None" );
eclipseCase->results( porosityModel )->clearScalarResult( resAddr );
eclipseCase->results( porosityModel )->setRemovedTagOnGeneratedResult( resAddr );
RimReloadCaseTools::updateAll3dViews( eclipseCase );