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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:39 -06:00
Increase default segment threshold to 4 Add an optional setting to override the default value Use this threshold to merge short branches into parent branch
355 lines
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355 lines
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// Copyright (C) 2023- Equinor ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#include "RigMswCenterLineCalculator.h"
#include "RiaLogging.h"
#include "RigCell.h"
#include "RigCellFaceGeometryTools.h"
#include "RigEclipseCaseData.h"
#include "RigMainGrid.h"
#include "RigSimWellData.h"
#include "RigWellResultFrame.h"
#include "RimEclipseCase.h"
#include "RimEclipseResultCase.h"
#include "RimEclipseView.h"
#include "RimSimWellInView.h"
#include "RimSimWellInViewCollection.h"
#include "cvfRay.h"
std::vector<SimulationWellCellBranch> RigMswCenterLineCalculator::calculateMswWellPipeGeometry( const RimSimWellInView* rimWell )
CVF_ASSERT( rimWell );
const RigSimWellData* simWellData = rimWell->simWellData();
if ( !simWellData ) return {};
auto eclipseView = rimWell->firstAncestorOrThisOfTypeAsserted<RimEclipseView>();
if ( eclipseView->eclipseCase() && eclipseView->eclipseCase()->eclipseCaseData() )
auto eclipseCaseData = eclipseView->eclipseCase()->eclipseCaseData();
int timeStepIndex = eclipseView->currentTimeStep();
int shortBranchMergeThreshold = 4;
if ( auto eclipseResultCase = dynamic_cast<RimEclipseResultCase*>( eclipseView->eclipseCase() ) )
shortBranchMergeThreshold = eclipseResultCase->mswMergeThreshold();
return calculateMswWellPipeGeometryForTimeStep( eclipseCaseData, simWellData, timeStepIndex, shortBranchMergeThreshold );
return {};
RigMswCenterLineCalculator::calculateMswWellPipeGeometryForTimeStep( const RigEclipseCaseData* eclipseCaseData,
const RigSimWellData* wellResults,
int timeStepIndex,
int shortBranchMergeThreshold )
const RigWellResultFrame* wellFramePtr = nullptr;
if ( timeStepIndex < 0 )
wellFramePtr = wellResults->staticWellResultFrame();
wellFramePtr = wellResults->wellResultFrame( timeStepIndex );
const RigWellResultFrame& wellFrame = *wellFramePtr;
const std::vector<RigWellResultBranch> resultBranches = wellFrame.wellResultBranches();
std::vector<WellBranch> wellBranches = mergeShortBranchesIntoLongBranches( resultBranches, shortBranchMergeThreshold );
// Connect outlet segment of branches to parent branch
for ( const auto& resultBranch : resultBranches )
if ( resultBranch.branchResultPoints().empty() ) continue;
const RigWellResultPoint firstResultPoint = resultBranch.branchResultPoints().front();
for ( auto& wellBranch : wellBranches )
if ( wellBranch.m_branchId == resultBranch.ertBranchId() )
if ( firstResultPoint.branchId() == resultBranch.ertBranchId() )
// The first result point is on the same branch, use well head as outlet
RigWellResultPoint outletResultPoint = wellFrame.wellHead();
auto gridAndCellIndex = std::make_pair( outletResultPoint.gridIndex(), outletResultPoint.cellIndex() );
wellBranch.m_segmentsWithGridCells[outletResultPoint.segmentId()].push_back( gridAndCellIndex );
// The first result point on a different branch. Find the branch and add the grid cell
for ( const auto& candidateResultBranch : wellBranches )
if ( firstResultPoint.branchId() == candidateResultBranch.m_branchId )
std::pair<size_t, size_t> gridAndCellIndexForTieIn;
for ( const auto& [segment, gridAndCellIndices] : candidateResultBranch.m_segmentsWithGridCells )
if ( segment > firstResultPoint.segmentId() ) continue;
if ( !gridAndCellIndices.empty() )
gridAndCellIndexForTieIn = gridAndCellIndices.front();
wellBranch.m_segmentsWithGridCells[firstResultPoint.segmentId()].push_back( gridAndCellIndexForTieIn );
std::vector<SimulationWellCellBranch> simWellBranches;
for ( const auto& wellBranch : wellBranches )
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> cellCenterCoords;
std::vector<RigWellResultPoint> cellCenterResultPoints;
if ( wellBranch.m_branchId == 1 && !wellBranch.m_segmentsWithGridCells.empty() )
const auto& [firstSegment, gridAndCellIndices] = *wellBranch.m_segmentsWithGridCells.begin();
if ( !gridAndCellIndices.empty() )
const auto& [gridIndex, cellIndex] = gridAndCellIndices.front();
if ( gridIndex < eclipseCaseData->gridCount() && cellIndex < eclipseCaseData->grid( gridIndex )->cellCount() )
const RigCell& cell = eclipseCaseData->grid( gridIndex )->cell( cellIndex );
cvf::Vec3d whStartPos = cell.faceCenter( cvf::StructGridInterface::NEG_K );
// Add extra coordinate between cell face and cell center
// to make sure the well pipe terminated in a segment parallel to z-axis
cvf::Vec3d whIntermediate = whStartPos;
whIntermediate.z() = ( whStartPos.z() + cell.center().z() ) / 2.0;
RigWellResultPoint resPoint;
for ( const auto& resBranch : resultBranches )
for ( const auto& respoint : resBranch.branchResultPoints() )
if ( respoint.segmentId() == firstSegment )
resPoint = respoint;
cellCenterCoords.push_back( whStartPos );
cellCenterResultPoints.push_back( resPoint );
cellCenterCoords.push_back( whIntermediate );
cellCenterResultPoints.push_back( resPoint );
for ( const auto& [segmentId, gridAndCellIndices] : wellBranch.m_segmentsWithGridCells )
for ( const auto& [gridIndex, cellIndex] : gridAndCellIndices )
if ( gridIndex < eclipseCaseData->gridCount() && cellIndex < eclipseCaseData->grid( gridIndex )->cellCount() )
const RigCell& cell = eclipseCaseData->grid( gridIndex )->cell( cellIndex );
cvf::Vec3d pos = cell.center();
RigWellResultPoint resPoint;
// The result point is only used to transport the grid index and cell index
// The current implementation will propagate the cell open state to the well segment from one cell to
// the next.
resPoint.setGridIndex( gridIndex );
resPoint.setGridCellIndex( cellIndex );
auto gridAndCellIndex = std::make_pair( gridIndex, cellIndex );
if ( std::find( wellBranch.m_gridCellsConnectedToValve.begin(),
gridAndCellIndex ) != wellBranch.m_gridCellsConnectedToValve.end() )
resPoint.setIsConnectedToValve( true );
cellCenterCoords.push_back( pos );
cellCenterResultPoints.push_back( resPoint );
const auto simWellBranch = addCoordsAtCellFaceIntersectionsAndCreateBranch( cellCenterCoords, cellCenterResultPoints, eclipseCaseData );
simWellBranches.emplace_back( simWellBranch );
return simWellBranches;
RigMswCenterLineCalculator::addCoordsAtCellFaceIntersectionsAndCreateBranch( const std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> branchCoords,
const std::vector<RigWellResultPoint>& resultPoints,
const RigEclipseCaseData* eclipseCaseData )
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> adjustedCoords;
std::vector<RigWellResultPoint> adjustedResPoints;
RigWellResultPoint previusPoint;
for ( size_t resPointIdx = 0; resPointIdx < resultPoints.size(); resPointIdx++ )
if ( resPointIdx >= branchCoords.size() ) continue;
const auto& currentPoint = resultPoints[resPointIdx];
const auto& currentCellCenter = branchCoords[resPointIdx];
if ( previusPoint.isCell() )
const RigCell& prevCell = eclipseCaseData->cellFromWellResultCell( previusPoint );
const cvf::Vec3d previousCellCenter = prevCell.center();
// Insert extra coordinate at the location where the well path is leaving the previous cell
cvf::Ray rayToThisCell;
rayToThisCell.setOrigin( previousCellCenter );
rayToThisCell.setDirection( ( currentCellCenter - previousCellCenter ).getNormalized() );
cvf::Vec3d outOfPrevCell( previousCellCenter );
prevCell.firstIntersectionPoint( rayToThisCell, &outOfPrevCell );
if ( ( currentCellCenter - outOfPrevCell ).lengthSquared() > 1e-3 )
adjustedCoords.push_back( outOfPrevCell );
adjustedResPoints.push_back( RigWellResultPoint() );
if ( currentPoint.isCell() )
// Insert extra coordinate at the location where the well path is entering the current cell
const RigCell& currentCell = eclipseCaseData->cellFromWellResultCell( currentPoint );
cvf::Ray rayFromThisCell;
rayFromThisCell.setOrigin( currentCellCenter );
rayFromThisCell.setDirection( ( previousCellCenter - currentCellCenter ).getNormalized() );
cvf::Vec3d outOfCurrentCell( currentCellCenter );
currentCell.firstIntersectionPoint( rayFromThisCell, &outOfCurrentCell );
if ( ( currentCellCenter - outOfCurrentCell ).lengthSquared() > 1e-3 )
adjustedCoords.push_back( outOfCurrentCell );
adjustedResPoints.push_back( currentPoint );
adjustedResPoints.push_back( currentPoint );
adjustedCoords.push_back( currentCellCenter );
previusPoint = currentPoint;
// Duplicate last coord to make sure we have N+1 coordinates for N result points
adjustedCoords.push_back( adjustedCoords.back() );
return { adjustedCoords, adjustedResPoints };
RigMswCenterLineCalculator::mergeShortBranchesIntoLongBranches( const std::vector<RigWellResultBranch>& resBranches,
int shortBranchMergeThreshold )
std::vector<WellBranch> longWellBranches;
std::vector<WellBranch> shortWellBranches;
for ( const auto& resultBranch : resBranches )
WellBranch branch;
branch.m_branchId = resultBranch.ertBranchId();
for ( const auto& resPoint : resultBranch.branchResultPoints() )
size_t gridIndex = resPoint.gridIndex();
size_t gridCellIndex = resPoint.cellIndex();
auto gridAndCellIndex = std::make_pair( gridIndex, gridCellIndex );
if ( gridIndex != cvf::UNDEFINED_SIZE_T && gridCellIndex != cvf::UNDEFINED_SIZE_T && !branch.containsGridCell( gridAndCellIndex ) )
OutputSegment outputSegment{ resPoint.outletSegmentId(), resPoint.outletBranchId() };
branch.m_gridCellsConnectedToSegments[gridAndCellIndex] = outputSegment;
branch.m_segmentsWithGridCells[resPoint.segmentId()].push_back( gridAndCellIndex );
if ( static_cast<int>( resultBranch.branchResultPoints().size() ) > shortBranchMergeThreshold )
longWellBranches.push_back( branch );
shortWellBranches.push_back( branch );
// Move all grid cells of small branch to the long branch
for ( const auto& branch : shortWellBranches )
if ( branch.m_gridCellsConnectedToSegments.empty() ) continue;
const auto& outputSegment = branch.m_gridCellsConnectedToSegments.begin()->second;
for ( auto& longBranch : longWellBranches )
if ( longBranch.m_branchId == outputSegment.outputSegmentBranchId )
for ( const auto& [gridAndCellIndex, localOutputSegment] : branch.m_gridCellsConnectedToSegments )
longBranch.m_segmentsWithGridCells[outputSegment.outputSegmentId].push_back( gridAndCellIndex );
longBranch.m_gridCellsConnectedToValve.push_back( gridAndCellIndex );
return longWellBranches;