
483 lines
20 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2023- Equinor ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <>
// for more details.
#include "RifReaderOpmCommon.h"
#include "RiaEclipseFileNameTools.h"
#include "RiaLogging.h"
#include "RiaQDateTimeTools.h"
#include "RifEclipseOutputFileTools.h"
#include "RifOpmGridTools.h"
#include "RigEclipseCaseData.h"
#include "RigEclipseResultInfo.h"
#include "RigMainGrid.h"
#include "RigSimWellData.h"
#include "RigWellResultFrame.h"
#include "opm/input/eclipse/Deck/Deck.hpp"
#include "opm/input/eclipse/EclipseState/Runspec.hpp"
#include "opm/input/eclipse/Parser/Parser.hpp"
#include "opm/input/eclipse/Schedule/Well/Connection.hpp"
#include "opm/input/eclipse/Schedule/Well/Well.hpp"
#include "opm/io/eclipse/EInit.hpp"
#include "opm/io/eclipse/ERst.hpp"
#include "opm/io/eclipse/RestartFileView.hpp"
#include "opm/io/eclipse/rst/state.hpp"
#include "opm/output/eclipse/VectorItems/doubhead.hpp"
#include "opm/output/eclipse/VectorItems/group.hpp"
#include "opm/output/eclipse/VectorItems/intehead.hpp"
#include "opm/output/eclipse/VectorItems/well.hpp"
using namespace Opm;
bool RifReaderOpmCommon::open( const QString& fileName, RigEclipseCaseData* eclipseCase )
QStringList fileSet;
if ( !RifEclipseOutputFileTools::findSiblingFilesWithSameBaseName( fileName, &fileSet ) ) return false;
m_gridFileName = fileName.toStdString();
if ( !RifOpmGridTools::importGrid( m_gridFileName, eclipseCase->mainGrid(), eclipseCase ) )
RiaLogging::error( "Failed to open grid file " + fileName );
return false;
buildMetaData( eclipseCase );
return true;
catch ( std::exception& e )
auto description = e.what();
RiaLogging::error( description );
return true;
bool RifReaderOpmCommon::staticResult( const QString& result, RiaDefines::PorosityModelType matrixOrFracture, std::vector<double>* values )
if ( m_initFile )
auto resultName = result.toStdString();
auto resultEntries = m_initFile->getList();
for ( const auto& entry : resultEntries )
const auto& [keyword, kwType, size] = entry;
if ( keyword == resultName )
if ( kwType == EclIO::eclArrType::REAL )
auto fileValues = m_initFile->getInitData<float>( resultName );
values->insert( values->end(), fileValues.begin(), fileValues.end() );
else if ( kwType == EclIO::eclArrType::DOUB )
auto fileValues = m_initFile->getInitData<double>( resultName );
values->insert( values->end(), fileValues.begin(), fileValues.end() );
else if ( kwType == EclIO::eclArrType::INTE )
auto fileValues = m_initFile->getInitData<int>( resultName );
values->insert( values->end(), fileValues.begin(), fileValues.end() );
// Always clear data after reading to avoid memory use
return true;
catch ( std::exception& e )
RiaLogging::error( e.what() );
return false;
bool RifReaderOpmCommon::dynamicResult( const QString& result,
RiaDefines::PorosityModelType matrixOrFracture,
size_t stepIndex,
std::vector<double>* values )
if ( m_restartFile )
auto resultName = result.toStdString();
auto stepNumbers = m_restartFile->listOfReportStepNumbers();
auto stepNumber = stepNumbers[stepIndex];
auto resultEntries = m_restartFile->getList();
for ( const auto& entry : resultEntries )
const auto& [keyword, kwType, size] = entry;
if ( keyword == resultName )
if ( kwType == EclIO::eclArrType::DOUB )
auto fileValues = m_restartFile->getRestartData<double>( resultName, stepNumber );
values->insert( values->end(), fileValues.begin(), fileValues.end() );
if ( kwType == EclIO::eclArrType::REAL )
auto fileValues = m_restartFile->getRestartData<float>( resultName, stepNumber );
values->insert( values->end(), fileValues.begin(), fileValues.end() );
else if ( kwType == EclIO::eclArrType::INTE )
auto fileValues = m_restartFile->getRestartData<int>( resultName, stepNumber );
values->insert( values->end(), fileValues.begin(), fileValues.end() );
// Always clear data after reading to avoid memory use
return true;
catch ( std::exception& e )
RiaLogging::error( e.what() );
return false;
std::vector<RifKeywordValueCount> createKeywordInfo( std::vector<EclIO::EclFile::EclEntry> entries )
std::vector<RifKeywordValueCount> fileKeywordInfo;
for ( const auto& entry : entries )
const auto& [keyword, kwType, size] = entry;
RifKeywordValueCount::KeywordDataType dataType = RifKeywordValueCount::KeywordDataType::UNKNOWN;
if ( kwType == EclIO::eclArrType::INTE )
dataType = RifKeywordValueCount::KeywordDataType::INTEGER;
else if ( kwType == EclIO::eclArrType::REAL )
dataType = RifKeywordValueCount::KeywordDataType::FLOAT;
else if ( kwType == EclIO::eclArrType::DOUB )
dataType = RifKeywordValueCount::KeywordDataType::DOUBLE;
if ( dataType != RifKeywordValueCount::KeywordDataType::UNKNOWN )
fileKeywordInfo.emplace_back( RifKeywordValueCount( keyword, static_cast<size_t>( size ), dataType ) );
return fileKeywordInfo;
void RifReaderOpmCommon::buildMetaData( RigEclipseCaseData* eclipseCase )
auto getFileNameForType = []( RiaEclipseFileNameTools::EclipseFileType fileType, const QString& candidate ) -> std::string
const QString ext = caf::AppEnum<RiaEclipseFileNameTools::EclipseFileType>::text( fileType );
if ( candidate.endsWith( ext, Qt::CaseInsensitive ) ) return candidate.toStdString();
return {};
std::string initFileName;
std::string restartFileName;
QStringList fileSet;
RifEclipseOutputFileTools::findSiblingFilesWithSameBaseName( QString::fromStdString( m_gridFileName ), &fileSet );
for ( const auto& s : fileSet )
auto initCandidate = getFileNameForType( RiaEclipseFileNameTools::EclipseFileType::ECLIPSE_INIT, s );
auto restartCandidate = getFileNameForType( RiaEclipseFileNameTools::EclipseFileType::ECLIPSE_UNRST, s );
if ( !initCandidate.empty() ) initFileName = initCandidate;
if ( !restartCandidate.empty() ) restartFileName = restartCandidate;
RigEclipseTimeStepInfo firstTimeStepInfo{ QDateTime(), 0, 0.0 };
if ( !restartFileName.empty() )
m_restartFile = std::make_shared<EclIO::ERst>( restartFileName );
std::vector<EclIO::EclFile::EclEntry> entries;
for ( auto reportNumber : m_restartFile->listOfReportStepNumbers() )
auto reportEntries = m_restartFile->listOfRstArrays( reportNumber );
entries.insert( entries.end(), reportEntries.begin(), reportEntries.end() );
auto timeStepsFromFile = readTimeSteps( m_restartFile );
std::vector<RigEclipseTimeStepInfo> timeStepInfos;
std::vector<QDateTime> dateTimes;
for ( const auto& timeStep : timeStepsFromFile )
QDate date( timeStep.year, timeStep.month, );
QDateTime dateTime = RiaQDateTimeTools::createDateTime( date );
dateTimes.push_back( dateTime );
timeStepInfos.emplace_back( dateTime, timeStep.sequenceNumber, 0.0 );
m_timeSteps = dateTimes;
auto last = std::unique( entries.begin(), entries.end() );
entries.erase( last, entries.end() );
std::vector<RifKeywordValueCount> keywordInfo = createKeywordInfo( entries );
RifEclipseOutputFileTools::createResultEntries( keywordInfo, timeStepInfos, RiaDefines::ResultCatType::DYNAMIC_NATIVE, eclipseCase );
firstTimeStepInfo = timeStepInfos.front();
readWellCells( m_restartFile, eclipseCase, m_timeSteps );
if ( !initFileName.empty() )
m_initFile = std::make_unique<EclIO::EInit>( initFileName );
auto entries = m_initFile->list_arrays();
std::vector<RifKeywordValueCount> keywordInfo = createKeywordInfo( entries );
RifEclipseOutputFileTools::createResultEntries( keywordInfo, { firstTimeStepInfo }, RiaDefines::ResultCatType::STATIC_NATIVE, eclipseCase );
void RifReaderOpmCommon::readWellCells( std::shared_ptr<EclIO::ERst> restartFile,
RigEclipseCaseData* eclipseCase,
const std::vector<QDateTime>& timeSteps )
// It is required to create a deck as the input parameter to runspec. The default() initialization of the runspec keyword does not
// initialize the object as expected.
Deck deck;
Runspec runspec( deck );
Parser parser( false );
cvf::Collection<RigSimWellData> wells;
if ( restartFile->numberOfReportSteps() != timeSteps.size() )
RiaLogging::error( "Number of time steps is not matching number of report steps" );
auto getWellStateAndNames = [&]() -> std::pair<std::vector<RestartIO::RstState>, std::set<std::string>>
std::vector<RestartIO::RstState> states;
std::set<std::string> wellNames;
for ( auto seqNumber : restartFile->listOfReportStepNumbers() )
auto fileView = std::make_shared<EclIO::RestartFileView>( restartFile, seqNumber );
auto state = RestartIO::RstState::load( fileView, runspec, parser );
states.emplace_back( state );
for ( const auto& w : state.wells )
wellNames.insert( );
return std::make_pair( states, wellNames );
auto [states, wellNames] = getWellStateAndNames();
for ( const auto& wellName : wellNames )
cvf::ref<RigSimWellData> simWellData = new RigSimWellData;
simWellData->setWellName( QString::fromStdString( wellName ) );
simWellData->m_wellCellsTimeSteps.resize( timeSteps.size() );
for ( size_t timeIdx = 0; timeIdx < timeSteps.size(); ++timeIdx )
auto state = states[timeIdx];
auto it = std::find_if( state.wells.begin(),
[&wellName]( const RestartIO::RstWell& well ) { return == wellName; } );
if ( it == state.wells.end() ) continue;
RestartIO::RstWell rstWell = *it;
RigWellResultFrame& wellResFrame = simWellData->m_wellCellsTimeSteps[timeIdx];
wellResFrame.setTimestamp( timeSteps[timeIdx] );
auto wellType = [&rstWell]() -> RiaDefines::WellProductionType
if ( rstWell.wtype.producer() ) return RiaDefines::WellProductionType::PRODUCER;
if ( rstWell.wtype.injector_type() == InjectorType::WATER ) return RiaDefines::WellProductionType::WATER_INJECTOR;
if ( rstWell.wtype.injector_type() == InjectorType::GAS ) return RiaDefines::WellProductionType::GAS_INJECTOR;
if ( rstWell.wtype.injector_type() == InjectorType::OIL ) return RiaDefines::WellProductionType::OIL_INJECTOR;
return RiaDefines::WellProductionType::UNDEFINED_PRODUCTION_TYPE;
wellResFrame.setProductionType( wellType() );
wellResFrame.setIsOpen( rstWell.well_status == RestartIO::Helpers::VectorItems::IWell::Value::Status::Open );
// Well head
RigWellResultPoint wellHead;
wellHead.setGridIndex( 0 );
auto cellIndex = eclipseCase->mainGrid()->cellIndexFromIJK( rstWell.ij[0], rstWell.ij[1], 0 );
wellHead.setGridCellIndex( cellIndex );
wellResFrame.setWellHead( wellHead );
// Grid cells
if ( !rstWell.connections.empty() )
RigWellResultBranch wellResultBranch;
wellResultBranch.setErtBranchId( 0 ); // Normal wells have only one branch
std::vector<RigWellResultPoint> branchResultPoints = wellResultBranch.branchResultPoints();
const size_t existingCellCount = branchResultPoints.size();
branchResultPoints.reserve( existingCellCount + rstWell.connections.size() );
for ( const auto& conn : rstWell.connections )
RigWellResultPoint wellResPoint;
wellResPoint.setGridIndex( 0 );
auto cellIndex = eclipseCase->mainGrid()->cellIndexFromIJK( conn.ijk[0], conn.ijk[1], conn.ijk[2] );
wellResPoint.setGridCellIndex( cellIndex );
wellResPoint.setIsOpen( conn.state == Connection::State::OPEN );
// All units for a Connection is given in SI units
// Convert back to the original units
// See RestartIO::RstConnection::RstConnection
auto us = state.unit_system;
wellResPoint.setFlowData( us.from_si( UnitSystem::measure::rate, conn.resv_rate ),
us.from_si( UnitSystem::measure::liquid_surface_rate, conn.oil_rate ),
us.from_si( UnitSystem::measure::gas_surface_rate, conn.gas_rate ),
us.from_si( UnitSystem::measure::liquid_surface_rate, conn.water_rate ) );
wellResPoint.setConnectionFactor( us.from_si( UnitSystem::measure::transmissibility, ) );
branchResultPoints.push_back( wellResPoint );
wellResultBranch.setBranchResultPoints( branchResultPoints );
wellResFrame.addWellResultBranch( wellResultBranch );
simWellData->computeMappingFromResultTimeIndicesToWellTimeIndices( timeSteps );
wells.push_back( simWellData.p() );
catch ( std::exception& e )
std::cout << "Exception: " << e.what() << std::endl;
eclipseCase->setSimWellData( wells );
std::vector<RifReaderOpmCommon::TimeDataFile> RifReaderOpmCommon::readTimeSteps( std::shared_ptr<EclIO::ERst> restartFile )
std::vector<RifReaderOpmCommon::TimeDataFile> reportTimeData;
namespace VI = Opm::RestartIO::Helpers::VectorItems;
for ( auto seqNum : restartFile->listOfReportStepNumbers() )
const std::string inteheadString = "INTEHEAD";
const std::string doubheadString = "DOUBHEAD";
if ( restartFile->hasArray( inteheadString, seqNum ) )
auto intehead = restartFile->getRestartData<int>( inteheadString, seqNum );
auto year = intehead[VI::intehead::YEAR];
auto month = intehead[VI::intehead::MONTH];
auto day = intehead[VI::intehead::DAY];
double daySinceSimStart = 0.0;
if ( restartFile->hasArray( doubheadString, seqNum ) )
auto doubhead = restartFile->getRestartData<double>( doubheadString, seqNum );
daySinceSimStart = doubhead[VI::doubhead::TsInit];
TimeDataFile{ .sequenceNumber = seqNum, .year = year, .month = month, .day = day, .simulationTimeFromStart = daySinceSimStart } );
catch ( std::exception& e )
std::cout << "Exception: " << e.what() << std::endl;
return reportTimeData;