2012-06-26 16:10:41 +02:00

559 lines
21 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Statoil ASA, Ceetron AS
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <>
// for more details.
#include "RIStdInclude.h"
#include <QtGui>
#include <QtNetwork>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "RiaSocketServer.h"
#include "RIApplication.h"
#include "RIMainWindow.h"
#include "RimReservoir.h"
#include "RigReservoir.h"
#include "RigReservoirCellResults.h"
#include <QDebug>
#include "RimInputProperty.h"
#include "RimInputReservoir.h"
#include "RimUiTreeModelPdm.h"
RiaSocketServer::RiaSocketServer(QObject* parent)
: QObject(parent),
m_errorMessageDialog = new QErrorMessage(RIMainWindow::instance());
// TCP server setup
m_tcpServer = new QTcpServer(this);
if (!m_tcpServer->listen(QHostAddress::LocalHost, 40001))
m_errorMessageDialog->showMessage("Octave communication disabled :\n"
"This instance of ResInsight could not start the Socket Server enabeling octave to get and set data.\n"
"This is probably because you already have a running ResInsight process.\n"
"Octave can only communicate with one ResInsight process at a time, so the Octave\n"
"communication in this ResInsight instance will be disabled.\n"
+ tr("The error from the socket system is: %1.").arg(m_tcpServer->errorString()));
connect(m_tcpServer, SIGNAL(newConnection()), this, SLOT(onNewClientConnection()));
unsigned short RiaSocketServer::serverPort()
if (m_tcpServer) return m_tcpServer->serverPort();
else return 0;
void RiaSocketServer::onNewClientConnection()
// If we are currently handling a connection, just ignore the new one until the queue is empty.
if (m_currentClient != NULL) return;
// Get the first pending connection, and set it as the current Client to handle
QTcpSocket *newClient = m_tcpServer->nextPendingConnection();
void RiaSocketServer::handleClientConnection(QTcpSocket* clientToHandle)
CVF_ASSERT(clientToHandle != NULL);
CVF_ASSERT(m_currentClient == NULL);
m_currentClient = clientToHandle;
// Initialize state varianbles
m_currentCommandSize = 0;
m_scalarResultsToAdd = NULL;
m_timeStepCountToRead = 0;
m_bytesPerTimeStepToRead = 0;
m_currentTimeStepToRead = 0;
m_currentReservoir = NULL;
m_currentScalarIndex = cvf::UNDEFINED_SIZE_T;
m_currentPropertyName = "";
connect(m_currentClient, SIGNAL(disconnected()), this, SLOT(slotCurrentClientDisconnected()));
if (m_currentClient->bytesAvailable())
connect(m_currentClient, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(slotReadCommand()));
/// Find the requested reservoir: Current, by index or by name
RimReservoir* RiaSocketServer::findReservoir(const QString& caseName)
if (caseName.isEmpty())
if (RIApplication::instance()->activeReservoirView())
return RIApplication::instance()->activeReservoirView()->eclipseCase();
RimProject* project = RIApplication::instance()->project();
if (!project) return NULL;
bool isInt = false;
int caseIndex = caseName.toInt(&isInt); // Needs more checking. Case names could start with number and what does Qt do then ?
if (isInt)
if ((int)(project->reservoirs.size()) > caseIndex && project->reservoirs[caseIndex])
return project->reservoirs[caseIndex];
for (size_t cIdx = 0; cIdx < project->reservoirs.size(); ++cIdx)
if (project->reservoirs[cIdx] && project->reservoirs[cIdx]->caseName() == caseName )
return project->reservoirs[cIdx];
return NULL;
void RiaSocketServer::slotReadCommand()
QDataStream socketStream(m_currentClient);
// If we have not read the currentCommandSize
// read the size of the command if all the data is available
if (m_currentCommandSize == 0)
if (m_currentClient->bytesAvailable() < (int)sizeof(qint64)) return;
socketStream >> m_currentCommandSize;
// Check if the complete command is available, return and whait for readyRead() if not
if (m_currentClient->bytesAvailable() < m_currentCommandSize) return;
// Now we can read the command
QByteArray command = m_currentClient->read( m_currentCommandSize);
QTextStream commandStream(command);
QList<QByteArray> args;
while (!commandStream.atEnd())
QByteArray arg;
commandStream >> arg;
CVF_ASSERT(args.size() > 0);
// qDebug() << args;
bool isGetProperty = args[0] == "GetProperty"; // GetProperty [casename/index] PropertyName
bool isSetProperty = args[0] == "SetProperty"; // SetProperty [casename/index] PropertyName
bool isGetCellInfo = args[0] == "GetActiveCellInfo"; // GetActiveCellInfo [casename/index]
bool isGetGridDim = args[0] == "GetMainGridDimensions"; // GetMainGridDimensions [casename/index]
if (!(isGetProperty || isSetProperty || isGetCellInfo || isGetGridDim))
m_errorMessageDialog->showMessage(tr("ResInsight SocketServer: \n") + tr("Unknown command: %1").arg(args[0].data()));
QString caseName;
QString propertyName;
RimReservoir* reservoir = NULL;
// Find the correct arguments
if (isGetProperty || isSetProperty)
if (args.size() == 2)
propertyName = args[1];
else if (args.size() > 2)
caseName = args[1];
propertyName = args[2];
else if (isGetCellInfo || isGetGridDim)
if (args.size() > 1)
caseName = args[1];
reservoir = this->findReservoir(caseName);
if (reservoir == NULL)
m_errorMessageDialog->showMessage(tr("ResInsight SocketServer: \n") + tr("Could not find the eclipse case with name or index: \"%1\"").arg(caseName));
if (isGetProperty || isSetProperty)
// Find the requested data, Or create a set if we are setting data and it is not found
size_t scalarResultIndex = cvf::UNDEFINED_SIZE_T;
std::vector< std::vector<double> >* scalarResultFrames = NULL;
if (reservoir && reservoir->reservoirData() && reservoir->reservoirData()->mainGrid() && reservoir->reservoirData()->mainGrid()->results())
scalarResultIndex = reservoir->reservoirData()->mainGrid()->results()->findOrLoadScalarResult(propertyName);
if (scalarResultIndex == cvf::UNDEFINED_SIZE_T && isSetProperty)
scalarResultIndex = reservoir->reservoirData()->mainGrid()->results()->addEmptyScalarResult(RimDefines::GENERATED, propertyName);
if (scalarResultIndex != cvf::UNDEFINED_SIZE_T)
scalarResultFrames = &(reservoir->reservoirData()->mainGrid()->results()->cellScalarResults(scalarResultIndex));
m_currentScalarIndex = scalarResultIndex;
m_currentPropertyName = propertyName;
if (scalarResultFrames == NULL)
m_errorMessageDialog->showMessage(tr("ResInsight SocketServer: \n") + tr("Could not find the property named: \"%1\"").arg(propertyName));
if (isGetProperty )
// Write data back : timeStepCount, bytesPrTimestep, dataForTimestep0 ... dataForTimestepN
if ( scalarResultFrames == NULL)
// No data available
socketStream << (quint64)0 << (quint64)0 ;
// First write timestep count
quint64 timestepCount = (quint64)scalarResultFrames->size();
socketStream << timestepCount;
// then the byte-size of the result values in one timestep
size_t timestepResultCount = scalarResultFrames->front().size();
quint64 timestepByteCount = (quint64)(timestepResultCount*sizeof(double));
socketStream << timestepByteCount ;
// qDebug() << "Trying to read " << (quint64)(scalarResultFrames->front().size()*sizeof(double)) << "bytes of data";
// Then write the data.
for (size_t tIdx = 0; tIdx < scalarResultFrames->size(); ++tIdx)
#if 1 // Write data as raw bytes, fast but does not handle byteswapping
m_currentClient->write((const char *)scalarResultFrames->at(tIdx).data(), timestepByteCount); // Raw print of data. Fast but no platform conversion
#else // Write data using QDataStream, does byteswapping for us. Must use QDataStream on client as well
for (size_t cIdx = 0; cIdx < scalarResultFrames->at(tIdx).size(); ++cIdx)
socketStream << scalarResultFrames->at(tIdx)[cIdx];
else // Set property
// Disconnect the socket from calling this slot again.
m_currentReservoir = reservoir;
if ( scalarResultFrames != NULL)
m_scalarResultsToAdd = scalarResultFrames;
if (m_currentClient->bytesAvailable())
connect(m_currentClient, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(slotReadPropertyData()));
else if (isGetCellInfo )
// Write data back to octave: columnCount, bytesPrTimestep, GridNr I J K ParentGridNr PI PJ PK
caf::FixedArray<std::vector<qint32>, 8> activeCellInfo;
if (!(reservoir && reservoir->reservoirData() && reservoir->reservoirData()->mainGrid()) )
// No data available
socketStream << (quint64)0 << (quint64)0 ;
reservoir->reservoirData()->mainGrid()->calculateActiveCellInfo(activeCellInfo[0], activeCellInfo[1], activeCellInfo[2], activeCellInfo[3],
activeCellInfo[4], activeCellInfo[5], activeCellInfo[6], activeCellInfo[7]);
// First write timestep count
quint64 timestepCount = (quint64)8;
socketStream << timestepCount;
// then the byte-size of the result values in one timestep
size_t timestepResultCount = activeCellInfo[0].size();
quint64 timestepByteCount = (quint64)(timestepResultCount*sizeof(qint32));
socketStream << timestepByteCount ;
// Then write the data.
for (size_t tIdx = 0; tIdx < 8; ++tIdx)
#if 1 // Write data as raw bytes, fast but does not handle byteswapping
m_currentClient->write((const char *)activeCellInfo[tIdx].data(), timestepByteCount);
#else // Write data using QDataStream, does byteswapping for us. Must use QDataStream on client as well
for (size_t cIdx = 0; cIdx < activeCellInfo[tIdx].size(); ++cIdx)
socketStream << activeCellInfo[tIdx][cIdx];
else if (isGetGridDim)
// Write data back to octave: I, J, K dimensions
size_t iCount = 0;
size_t jCount = 0;
size_t kCount = 0;
if (reservoir && reservoir->reservoirData() && reservoir->reservoirData()->mainGrid())
iCount = reservoir->reservoirData()->mainGrid()->cellCountI();
jCount = reservoir->reservoirData()->mainGrid()->cellCountJ();
kCount = reservoir->reservoirData()->mainGrid()->cellCountK();
socketStream << (quint64)iCount << (quint64)jCount << (quint64)kCount;
/// This method reads data from octave and puts it into the resInsight Structures
void RiaSocketServer::slotReadPropertyData()
QDataStream socketStream(m_currentClient);
// If we have not read the header and there are data enough: Read it.
// Do nothing if we have not enough data
if (m_timeStepCountToRead == 0 || m_bytesPerTimeStepToRead == 0)
if (m_currentClient->bytesAvailable() < (int)sizeof(quint64)*2) return;
socketStream >> m_timeStepCountToRead;
socketStream >> m_bytesPerTimeStepToRead;
// If nothing should be read, or we already have read everything, do nothing
if ((m_timeStepCountToRead == 0) || (m_currentTimeStepToRead >= m_timeStepCountToRead) ) return;
// Check if a complete timestep is available, return and whait for readyRead() if not
if (m_currentClient->bytesAvailable() < (int)m_bytesPerTimeStepToRead) return;
size_t cellCountFromOctave = m_bytesPerTimeStepToRead / sizeof(double);
size_t gridActiveCellCount = m_currentReservoir->reservoirData()->mainGrid()->numActiveCells();
size_t gridTotalCellCount = m_currentReservoir->reservoirData()->mainGrid()->cellCount();
if (cellCountFromOctave != gridActiveCellCount && cellCountFromOctave != gridTotalCellCount)
m_errorMessageDialog->showMessage(tr("ResInsight SocketServer: \n") +
tr("The number of cells in the data coming from octave does not match the case") + ":\"" + m_currentReservoir->caseName() + "\"\n"
" Octave: " + QString::number(cellCountFromOctave) + "\n"
" " + m_currentReservoir->caseName() + ": Active cell count: " + QString::number(gridActiveCellCount) + " Total cell count: " + QString::number(gridTotalCellCount)) ;
cellCountFromOctave = 0;
m_invalidActiveCellCountDetected = true;
// Make sure the size of the retreiving container is correct.
// If it is, this is noops
for (size_t tIdx = 0; tIdx < m_timeStepCountToRead; ++tIdx)
m_scalarResultsToAdd->at(tIdx).resize(cellCountFromOctave, HUGE_VAL);
// Read available complete timestepdata
while ((m_currentClient->bytesAvailable() >= (int)m_bytesPerTimeStepToRead) && (m_currentTimeStepToRead < m_timeStepCountToRead))
qint64 bytesRead = 0;
double * internalMatrixData = m_scalarResultsToAdd->at(m_currentTimeStepToRead).data();
#if 1 // Use raw data transfer. Faster.
bytesRead = m_currentClient->read((char*)(internalMatrixData), m_bytesPerTimeStepToRead);
for (size_t cIdx = 0; cIdx < cellCountFromOctave; ++cIdx)
socketStream >> internalMatrixData[cIdx];
if (socketStream.status() == QDataStream::Ok) bytesRead += sizeof(double);
if ((int)m_bytesPerTimeStepToRead != bytesRead)
m_errorMessageDialog->showMessage(tr("ResInsight SocketServer: \n") + tr("Could not read binary double data properly from socket"));
// If we have read all the data, refresh the views
if (m_currentTimeStepToRead == m_timeStepCountToRead)
if (m_currentReservoir != NULL)
// Create a new input property if we have an input reservoir
RimInputReservoir* inputRes = dynamic_cast<RimInputReservoir*>(m_currentReservoir);
if (inputRes)
RimInputProperty* inputProperty = NULL;
inputProperty = inputRes->m_inputPropertyCollection->findInputProperty(m_currentPropertyName);
if (!inputProperty)
inputProperty = new RimInputProperty;
inputProperty->resultName = m_currentPropertyName;
inputProperty->eclipseKeyword = "";
inputProperty->fileName = "";
RimUiTreeModelPdm* treeModel = RIMainWindow::instance()->uiPdmModel();
inputProperty->resolvedState = RimInputProperty::RESOLVED_NOT_SAVED;
if( m_currentScalarIndex != cvf::UNDEFINED_SIZE_T &&
m_currentReservoir->reservoirData() &&
m_currentReservoir->reservoirData()->mainGrid() &&
m_currentReservoir->reservoirData()->mainGrid()->results() )
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_currentReservoir->reservoirViews.size(); ++i)
if (m_currentReservoir->reservoirViews[i])
void RiaSocketServer::slotCurrentClientDisconnected()
if (m_timeStepCountToRead > 0
&& m_currentTimeStepToRead < m_timeStepCountToRead
&& m_currentClient->bytesAvailable()
&& !m_invalidActiveCellCountDetected)
m_currentClient = NULL;
// Clean up more state:
m_currentCommandSize = 0;
m_scalarResultsToAdd = NULL;
m_timeStepCountToRead = 0;
m_bytesPerTimeStepToRead = 0;
m_currentTimeStepToRead = 0;
m_currentReservoir = NULL;
m_currentScalarIndex = cvf::UNDEFINED_SIZE_T;
m_currentPropertyName = "";
m_invalidActiveCellCountDetected = false;
QTcpSocket *newClient = m_tcpServer->nextPendingConnection();
if (newClient)