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// Copyright (C) 2023 Equinor ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#include "RimSEGYConvertOptions.h"
#include "cafPdmUiFilePathEditor.h"
#include "cafPdmUiLineEditor.h"
#include <QCoreApplication>
CAF_PDM_SOURCE_INIT( RimSEGYConvertOptions, "RimSEGYConvertOptions" );
CAF_PDM_InitObject( "SEG-Y convert options", ":/Seismic16x16.png" );
CAF_PDM_InitFieldNoDefault( &m_inputFilename, "InputFilename", "Input SEG-Y File" );
CAF_PDM_InitFieldNoDefault( &m_outputFilename, "OutputFilename", "Output VDS File" );
CAF_PDM_InitField( &m_sampleStartOverride, "SampleStartOverride", std::make_pair( false, 0.0 ), "Depth (Z) Offset Override" );
CAF_PDM_InitField( &m_sampleUnit, "SampleUnit", QString( "m" ), "Depth (Z) Unit" );
CAF_PDM_InitFieldNoDefault( &m_headerFormatFilename, "HeaderFilename", "Header Definition File (optional)" );
void RimSEGYConvertOptions::fieldChangedByUi( const caf::PdmFieldHandle* changedField, const QVariant& oldValue, const QVariant& newValue )
void RimSEGYConvertOptions::defineUiOrdering( QString uiConfigName, caf::PdmUiOrdering& uiOrdering )
auto fileGrp = uiOrdering.addNewGroup( "Input/Output Files" );
fileGrp->add( &m_inputFilename );
fileGrp->add( &m_outputFilename );
auto convGrp = uiOrdering.addNewGroup( "Convert Options" );
convGrp->add( &m_sampleUnit );
convGrp->add( &m_sampleStartOverride );
convGrp->add( &m_headerFormatFilename );
void RimSEGYConvertOptions::defineEditorAttribute( const caf::PdmFieldHandle* field, QString uiConfigName, caf::PdmUiEditorAttribute* attribute )
if ( field == &m_outputFilename )
caf::PdmUiFilePathEditorAttribute* myAttr = dynamic_cast<caf::PdmUiFilePathEditorAttribute*>( attribute );
if ( myAttr )
myAttr->m_selectSaveFileName = true;
QString RimSEGYConvertOptions::inputFilename() const
return m_inputFilename().path();
void RimSEGYConvertOptions::setInputFilename( QString filename )
m_inputFilename = filename;
QString RimSEGYConvertOptions::outputFilename() const
return m_outputFilename().path();
void RimSEGYConvertOptions::setOutputFilename( QString filename )
m_outputFilename = filename;
QString RimSEGYConvertOptions::headerFormatFilename() const
return m_headerFormatFilename().path();
std::pair<bool, double> RimSEGYConvertOptions::sampleStartOverride() const
return m_sampleStartOverride();
QString RimSEGYConvertOptions::programDirectory() const
return QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath();
QString RimSEGYConvertOptions::convertCommand() const
return QString( "%1/%2" ).arg( programDirectory() ).arg( "SEGYImport" );
QStringList RimSEGYConvertOptions::convertCommandParameters() const
QStringList retVal;
retVal.append( m_inputFilename().path() );
auto& [overrideSampleStart, overrideValue] = m_sampleStartOverride();
if ( overrideSampleStart )
retVal.append( "--sample-start" );
retVal.append( QString::number( overrideValue ) );
if ( !m_headerFormatFilename().path().isEmpty() )
retVal.append( "--header-format" );
retVal.append( m_headerFormatFilename().path() );
if ( !m_sampleUnit().isEmpty() )
retVal.append( "--sample-unit" );
retVal.append( m_sampleUnit() );
retVal.append( "--vdsfile" );
retVal.append( m_outputFilename().path() );
retVal.append( "--quiet" );
return retVal;