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Table of contents:
1. Static and shared libraries
2. About gen_data / gen_param and gen_obs.
3. Some tips for implementing a obs_script
4. About the ERT filesystem
5. Installing ERT software in Statoil
1. Static and shared libraries
The ert application is based on the internal libraries
libutil,libecl,librms,libsched,libconfig,libplot,libjob_queue and
libenkf. When creating a final ert executable this is done by linking
in static versions of all these libraries. The consistent use of
static libraries makes the system much more robust for updates, and
also easier to have several versions of ERT installed side-by-side.
The gcc linker will by default link with the shared version of a
library, so if both libXXX.a and are found the shared
version will be used. When linking ert the linker is told
where to locate the internal libraries, but no further -dynamic /
-static options are given. Since only static versions of the internal
libraries can be found the resulting linking will be:
* All the internal libraries are linked statically.
* All standard libraries like libz, libpthread and liblapack are
linked dynamically.
This has worked quite OK for a long time, but the advent of Python
bindings, both for the Python wrapper and for the gui have increased
the complexity, the Python bindings require shared
libraries. Currently the shared libraries are just installed in a
slib/ subdirectory beside the lib/ directory, i.e. for e.g. libecl we
The normal unix way is to have the shared and static libraries located
in the same place, but that will not work with the current ert link
* Just putting and libXXX.a in the same location without
any updates to the link routine will result in the linker using
the shared versions.
* Passing the -static link option to gcc will result in a fully
static ert, i.e. also the standard libraries will be linked in
Both of these solutions are unsatisfactory. Currently the shared
libaries are installed globally as:
This location is used both by the Python wrappers and the gui.
It is not entirely clear to me how to achieve the goals:
* The main ert application links with the static version of the
internal libraries.
* The shared and static version of the internal libraries can
coexist in the same location.
One solution might be to pass the library to link with explicitly to
the linker, i.e. instead of the normal link command:
gcc -o exe object1.o object2.o -L/path/to/lib1 -L/path/to/lib2 -l1 -l2
where you tell gcc where to search and which libraries to use, you can
alteranatively specify the library files fully on the link command like:
gcc -o exe object1.o object2.o /path/to/lib1/lib1.a /path/to/lib2/lib2.a
But how to tell SCons this?
2. About gen_data / gen_param and gen_obs.
The most general datatype in ert is the GEN_DATA type. ERT will just
treat this as a vector of numbers, with no structure assigned to
it. In the configuration file both GEN_DATA and GEN_PARAM can be used:
GEN_PARAM: For parameters which are not changed by the forward
model, i.e. like porosity and permeability.
GEN_DATA: Data which is changed by the forward model, and therefor
must be loaded at the end of each timestep. The arch-typical
example of a GEN_DATA instance would be seismic data.
Internally in ERT everything is implemented as gen_data. The
flexibility of the gen_data implementation is a good thing, however
there are some significant disdvantages:
* Since the gen_data_config object contains very limited meta-data
information it is difficult to capture user error. Typically what
happens is that:
- The user error is not discovered before long out in the
simulation, and when discovered possibly only as a
- User error is not discovered at all - the user just gets other
results than anticipated.
* The implementation is quite complex, and "different" from the
other datatypes. This has led to numerous bugs in the past; and
there are probably still bugs and inconsistenceis buried in the
gen_data implementation.
When configuring a gen_data instance you tell ERT which file to look
for when loading the results from the forward model. When the forward
model is complete and loading of results starts the following
1. The gen_data instance will look for the specified filename; if
the file is found it will be loaded.
2. If the file is not found, we will just assume size == 0 and
continue. That the file is not found is perfectly OK.
3. When the size of the gen_data instance has been verified the
gen_data will call the functions gen_data_config_assert_size()
which will assert that all ensemble members have the same size -
if not things will go belly up with util_abort().
Potential problems with this (the strict mapping between size and
report_step can be fucked up):
1. If you have problems with your forward model and are "trying
again" old files left lying around can create problems.
2. If your forward model is a multi step model, where several steps
have gen_data content there will be a conflict.
Both of the problems can be reduced by using a gen_data result file
with an embedded %d format specifier, this will be replaced with the
report_step when looking for a result file.
The final complexity twist is the ability for the forward model to
signal that some datapoints are missing - for whatever reason. If for
instance the forward model should produce the file "DATA" it can
optionally also prouce the file "DATA_active" which should be a
formatted file with 0 and 1 to denote inactive and active elements
respectively. Before the gen_data instance can be used in EnKF
updating the active/inactive statis must be the same for all ensemble
members, this is achieved by calling the function
gen_data_config_update_active() which will collect active/inactive
statistics according to AND:
activ[index] = AND( active[index,iens=0] , active[index,iens=1] ,
The final active mask is stored with an enkf_fs_case_tstep() call, so
that it can be recovered for a later manual analysis step. This code
is from september/october 2010 - and there are rumors to be a bug or
two here, my first suspect is with save/restore functionality in the
functions gen_data_config_update_active() and
3. Some tips for implementing a obs_script
There are two different configuration systems present in the ERT
code. libconfig/src/config.c implements the "config" system, whereas
the "conf" system is implememented in libconfig/src/conf.c. The "conf"
system is only used in the observation system, whereas the "config"
system is used for the main configuration file and also some other
small areas of the code. The occurence of two different config systems
is of course a major embarressement, it should all have been xml :-(
Since the observation file is implemented with the "conf" system, that
is what applies in this case.
Concrete tips:
1. Modify the "enkf_conf_class" instance which is created in the
enkf_obs_get_obs_conf_class() function to allow for two
additional arguments, for instance OBS_SCRIPT and SCRIPT_ARG.
It is probably also necessary to relax some of the constraints in
the gen_obs_class definition??
Observe that the "conf" system is strongly key=value oriented,
that means that it is difficult to set a list of arguments with
one key, to solve this I suggest using quotes and a util function
to split on " ".
OBS_SCRIPT = /path/to/som/script/
2. I suggest that the only "rule" for the script is that it should
produce a stdout stream like:
this can then be easily captured to a temporary file by setting
the stdout redirection of the util_spawn() function, and then
subsequently the 100% normal way of creating a gen_obs instance
can be used. Input arguments / input files / e.t.c. to the
OBS_SCRIPT should be given in the SCRIPT_ARG option - fully
specified by the user.
4. About the ERT filesystem
The system for storing information in ert is quite large and
complex. The top level system is implemented in the file enkf_fs.c,
seen from ERT everything should be accessible as enkf_fs_xxxx()
4.1 The different data types
The storage system in ERT operates with three different types of
static: These are static fields from the ECLIPSE restart files which
are needed to be able to restart an ECLIPSE simulation. These
keywords are only interesting for the ability to restart, and
never inspected by ERT itself. Corresponds to the enkf_var_type
(see enkf_types.h) of STATIC_STATE.
parameter: These are the parameter which we are updating with EnKF
like e.g. the permx field and for instance a MULTFLT
multiplier. Corresponding to an enkf_var_type value of PARAMETER.
dynamic: These represent data which are updated by the forward
model, this amounts to both state data like e.g. the pressure
(enkf_var_type == DYNAMIC_STATE) and result data like e.g. the
watercut in a well (enkf_var_type == DYNAMIC_RESULT).
4.2 The coordinates: (kw , iens , tstep , state )
To uniquely specify an enkf_node instance we need three/four
coordinates, all the enkf_fs functions take these parameters as
input. The required coordinates are:
kw: This is the string the keyword is given in the config file,
i.e. for the pressure this is "PRESSURE" and for the watercut in
well P-5 it is WWCT:P-5. Many of the enkf_fs functions take an
enkf_node instance as argument, and then the kw is obviously read
off directly from the node and not passed explicitly as a parameter.
iens: This is just the member number we are after, observe that the
counting starts with offset zero.
tstep: This is the timestep we are after, this numbering is the
ECLIPSE report steps (ECLIPSE is unfortunately not just any FORWARD
model, but still has severe influence on the structure of ERT :-( )
Observe that the state "coordindate" is not treated like a first class
coordinate in the same manner as iens and tstep. Exactly how the state
coordinate is handled differs for the different data types:
static: Ignores the state flag completely.
dynamic: For the dynamic data the enkf_fs layer will select either
the dynamic_forecast or the dynamic_analyzed driver depending on
the value of state.
parameter: For parameters which do not have an intrinsic internal
dynamics the enkf_fs layer will use the enkf identity:
Forecast( X(t) ) = Analyzed( X(t-1) )
so if you ask for the analyzed at step 't' the enkf_fs layer
will query the database for (iens , 't'), whereas if you ask for
the forecast at tstep 't' the enkf_fs layer will go looking for
(iens , 't - 1'). When it comes to parameters the enkf_fs layer
will continue looking for (t , t-1 , t-2 , ... , 0) all the way
back to the initially sampled values.
4.3 Reading and writing enkf_node state.
The most important piece of information to read and write for ERT are
the enkf_node instances, i.e. the parameters we are sampling/updating
and the data we are loading from the forward model. The saving of an
enkf_node goes roughly like this:
1. The function enkf_node_store( ) is called. The enkf_node_store()
function will use the store() function pointer and invoke one of
type specific store functions: field_store() / summary_store() /
... which does the actual work.
2. The enkf_node_store() function gets a buffer_type (buffer_type is
implemented in libutil/src/buffer.c) instance as input argument,
and everything stored by enkf_node_store() and store() function
pointer should be "written" as bytes into this buffer. NOT
directly to the filesystem in any way.
3. When the enkf_node_store() function has returned the enkf_fs layer
will take the now full buffer_type instance and pass this on to the
fs driver which will actually store the buffer in whatever way it
Loading an enkf_node is essentially the reverse process, with store
<-> load.
4.4 Reading and writing the index - kw_list
The ERT filesystem implements something called alternatively "index"
or "kw_list". This a quite crufty and inelegant consequence of to much
ECLIPSE focus. The topic is related to storing/reassembling ECLIPSE
restart information. The story goes about like this:
1. A forward model has completed, and ERT loads an ECLIPSE restart
file. The ECLIPSE restart file might contain e.g. the keywords
(example only):
These keywords come in three categories:
a) Keywords we are updating with ERT, i.e. typically "PRESSURE"
and "SWAT" in the example above.
b) Keywords which are needed to perform a restart,
c) Keywords which can be ignored, e.g. SOMAX and RPORV.
ERT uses the function ecl_config_include_static_kw() to
differentiate between cases b) and c).
2. For the static keywords which ERT determines it needs to store,
i.e. case b) above ERT will automatically create the corresponding
enkf_node instances (if they do not already exists), and then
subsequently store the results. I.e. for the case above we will
get the pseudo code:
enkf_node_store( "PRESSURE" )
enkf_node_store( "SWAT" )
if (!has_node( "INTEHEAD"))
create_node( "INTEHEAD" )
enkf_node_store( "INTEHEAD" )
if (!has_node( "DOUBHEAD"))
create_node( "DOUBHEAD" )
enkf_node_store( "DOUBHEAD" )
if (!has_node( "SGRP"))
create_node( "SGRP" )
enkf_node_store( "SGRP" )
3. When we want to create a corresponding restart files, we must
reassemble the keywords:
in the right order.
Now - the point is that when we store the nodes in the database we
loose track of the ordering of the keywords - and then ECLIPSE goes
belly up. I.e. we must keep track of the original order of the
keywords, that is what the index/kw_list is used for.
4.5 The different driver types
The enkf_fs layer does not directly store nodes to disk, instead that
task is passed on to a driver. When the enkf_fs layer has completed
filling up a buffer instance with the data to store, that buffer is
passed on to the apropriate driver. The driver is a structure with
function pointers to functions for doing the very basic low-level
read/write operations and also whatever state needed by the
driver. The use of these pluggable drivers for read and write
operations certainly increase the complexity quite a lot, however it
also certainly gives good flexibility. At the moment someone could
implement BDB storage (a good idea) or Amazon S3 storage (a bad idea)
with only very limited modifications to enkf_fs.c and essentially no
changes whatsoever to the rest of the ERT code.
The drivers are included in the enkf_fs structure as:
fs_driver_type * dynamic_forecast;
fs_driver_type * dynamic_analyzed;
fs_driver_type * parameter;
fs_driver_type * eclipse_static;
fs_driver_index_type * index;
I.e. all the different variable types in section 4.1 have their own
private driver. The index variable is used for storing the kw_list
(see section 4.4). fs_driver_type is an abstract type without any
implementation (I think !).
4.5.1 The plain driver
The first driver was the plain driver; this driver creates a deep
directory structure and stores all nodes in a separate file. This has
the following characteristica:
* Surprisingly good write performance
* Catastrophic read performance
* The excessive number of small files (~ 10^7 for a large
simulation) is *totally* unacceptable.
All in all the plain driver should not be used for serious work. The
plain driver was obviously bad design already when written, but as
long as the enkf_fs layer was written with abstract drivers the design
of a more suitable fs driver could easily be postponed!
4.5.2 The block_fs driver
The block_fs driver is based on creating block_fs instances
(block_fs_type is implemented in libutil/src/block_fs.c). The block_fs
instances are binary files which are open through the duration of the
program, the block_fs system then has an api for reading and writing
(key,value) pairs to this file.
The block_fs_driver/block_fs combination is quite complex, but it has
not had any hickups for about 1.5 years of extensive use in
Statoil. Observe that if you pull the plug on ERT you might loose some
of the data which has been stored with the block_fs driver, but partly
written and malformed data will be detected and discarded at the next
boot. You are therefor guaranteed (add as many quotes you like to the
guarantee - but this has at least worked 100% up until now) that no
bogus data will be loaded after an unclean shutdown. When shut down
cleanly the block_fs will create an index file which can be used for
faster startup next time, in the case of an unclean shutdown the index
must be built from the data file. In the case of large files this can
take some time <= 30 seconds?
If you have set storage root to "Storage" the case "Prior" will create
the following directory structure with the block_fs driver:
Each of the mod_xx directories will contain block_fs mount/data/index
files for each of the drivers. The reason to use the mod_xxx
directories is mainly to increase multithreaded performance during
both read and write, in addition the resulting files do not get that
large (2GB limit and so on). The mod_xxx is used as follows:
Ensemble member iens is stored in directory: mod_(mod(iens,32))
I.e. ensemble members 0,32,64,96,.. are stored in directory mod_0,
whereas ensemble members 7,39,71 and 103 are stored in mod_7.
The resulting files are quite opaque, and impossible to work with by
using normal filesystem/editor/shell commands. In
libutil/applications/block_fs/ there are some utilities for working
with these files which can be used for various forms of crash
recovery, problem inspection and so on.
In addition an sqlite based driver has been written, it worked ok but
performance turned out to be quite poor.
4.6 Filesystem metadata
The metadata required to instantiate (i.e. "mount") a enkf_fs
filesystem is contained in the file "enkf_mount_info"; this is a
binary file with the following content:
FS_MAGIC_ID /* A magic number */
CURRENT_FS_VERSION /* The version of the filesystem;
has been 104 since september 2009. */
/ DRIVER_CATEGORY /* Element from fs_driver_enum in fs_types.h */
| DRIVER_IMPLEMENTATION /* Element from fs_driver_impl in fs_types.h
\ Extra driver info /* Whatever information needed by the driver
------- implementation given by DRIVER_IMPLEMENTATION. */
repeated five times to cover all the driver categories
Unfortunately there have been some hickups with the enkf_mount_info
file in the past, it should probably have been an ascii file. If there
are problems with it it is "quite safe" to just delete the mount info
file and then restart ERT. When ERT finds old data files (in the case
of block_fs) it will just load these and continue. However if you do
this you must use the ERT menu option to recreate all your cases, ERT
will then find the existing data and continue (more or less) happily.
4.7 Reading and writing "other" files
The main part (i.e. more than 99%) of the enkf_fs implementation is
devoted to reading and writing of enkf_node instances. However there
are typically some other situations during a simulation where it is
interesting to store filenames with per member or per timestep
information - this is available thorugh the functions at the bottom of
enkf_fs. Not very important functions, but convenient enough.
5. Installing ERT software in Statoil
Installation of research software in Statoil is according to the
general guideline:
1. Log in to a computer in Trondheim with the correct version of
RedHat installed; the files will be automagically distributed to
other locations within a couple of minutes.
2. Copy the files you want to copy into the
/project/res/x86_64_RH_??/ directory.
3. Update the metadata on the files you copy:
a) chgrp res
b) chmod a+r g+w
c) For executables: chmod a+x
For the simple programs like the ECLIPSE programs summary.x &
convert.x this can be easily achieved with the SDP_INSTALL of
SConstruct files:
bash% scons SDP_INSTALL
Unfortunately it has been a major pain in the ass to get SCons to
behave according to the requirements listed above; for the more
extensive installation procedures there are therefor simple Python
scripts "" which should be invoked after the SCons build is
5.1 Installing ert - the tui
In the directory libenkf/applications/ert_tui there is a
script. This script will do the following:
1. Copy the "ert" binary found in the current directory to:
where <SVN> is the current svn version number. Observe that the
script will refuse to install if the svn version number is not
"pure", i.e. "3370" is okay, "3370M" or "3100:3370" is not OK.
2. Update the permissions & ownsherhip on the target file.
3. Update the symlink:
to point to the newly installed file.
5.2 Installing python code (including gert)
The approach to installing Python code is the same for both the gui
(which is mainly Python) and for ERT Python. The installation scripts
These scripts will (should ??):
1. Install the ERT shared libraries like and so on to
These shared libraries are the same for both ERT Python and gert.
2. Install python files (with directories) to
All Python files are byte compiled, producing the pyc files -
observe that this might induce permission problems.
3. Update the modes and ownership on all installed files.
5.3 Installing the etc files
In the directory etc/ there is a script. This script will:
1. Copy the full content of the etc/ERT directory to
2. Update the modes and ownership on all installed files.