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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:39 -06:00
* Fix calculation for active cell values Always allocate result data for active cells in destination case. Make sure that active cells is used for both population of expression variables and filtering of data. Improved naming to make it clear that we always work with active cell data. * Check if scalar result index is valid * Create the static scalar results once addStaticScalarResult will clear already computed data, causing calculations to be triggered once more * Early return if data already is available If not checking if data is available, data is read from file and appended to result vector. * Always check date for H5 files, and recreate if required * Always recreate ESMRY if file exists and is older than SMSPEC * #11355 Use category if result name starts with FIP or ends with NUM * #11337 Summary import: Make sure ESMRY includes restart history * #11334 Fix cvf::Viewport assert triggered for small contour map/2d intersection Size of the overlay is could become negative, and would overflow for small views. * #11310 Fix assert on single cell model. Well pipe radius would become HUGE_VAL due to off-by-one error. The assert could only happen on model with a single cell. * Check equal grid size only when required Equal grid size is required if there is more than one grid case in the expression. If a cell filter view is active, the visibility is based on one view and reused for all other grid models, and requires equal grid size. * Remove obsolete log message * Do not show dialog during regression tests * Fix eclipse case contour map left click (#11378) * Make sure we operate in the correct domain when picking points in the contour map * Remove obsolete code causing grid to be loaded for all cases * Bump version to 2024.03.1 --------- Co-authored-by: Kristian Bendiksen <kristian.bendiksen@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: jonjenssen <69144954+jonjenssen@users.noreply.github.com>
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// Copyright (C) 2021 Equinor ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#include "RifHdf5SummaryExporter.h"
#include "RiaFilePathTools.h"
#include "RiaLogging.h"
#include "RiaPreferencesSummary.h"
#include "RiaStdStringTools.h"
#include "RifHdf5Exporter.h"
#include "RifOpmCommonSummary.h"
#include "RifSummaryReaderInterface.h"
#ifdef _MSC_VER
// Disable warning from external library to make sure treat warnings as error works
#pragma warning( disable : 4267 )
#include "opm/common/utility/FileSystem.hpp"
#include "opm/common/utility/TimeService.hpp"
#include "opm/io/eclipse/ESmry.hpp"
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QFile>
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QString>
bool RifHdf5SummaryExporter::ensureHdf5FileIsCreatedMultithreaded( const std::vector<std::string>& smspecFileNames,
const std::vector<std::string>& h5FileNames,
bool createHdfIfNotPresent,
int threadCount )
if ( smspecFileNames.empty() ) return true;
if ( smspecFileNames.size() != h5FileNames.size() ) return false;
size_t hdfFilesCreatedCount = 0;
bool useMultipleThreads = threadCount > 1;
#pragma omp parallel for schedule( dynamic ) if ( useMultipleThreads ) num_threads( threadCount )
for ( int cIdx = 0; cIdx < static_cast<int>( smspecFileNames.size() ); ++cIdx )
const auto& smspecFileName = smspecFileNames[cIdx];
const auto& h5FileName = h5FileNames[cIdx];
RifHdf5SummaryExporter::ensureHdf5FileIsCreated( smspecFileName, h5FileName, createHdfIfNotPresent, hdfFilesCreatedCount );
if ( hdfFilesCreatedCount > 0 )
QString txt = QString( "Created [ %1 ] h5 files from a total of [ %2 ] summary files" )
.arg( static_cast<int>( hdfFilesCreatedCount ) )
.arg( static_cast<int>( smspecFileNames.size() ) );
RiaLogging::info( txt );
return true;
bool RifHdf5SummaryExporter::ensureHdf5FileIsCreated( const std::string& smspecFileName,
const std::string& h5FileName,
bool createHdfIfNotPresent,
size_t& hdfFilesCreatedCount )
// If an H5 file is present, and the SMSPEC file is newer than the H5 file, the H5 file will be recreated.
// If no H5 file is present, the H5 file will be created if the flag createHdfIfNotPresent is set to true.
// NB! Always make sure the logic is consistent with the logic in RifOpmCommonEclipseSummary::open
if ( !std::filesystem::exists( smspecFileName ) ) return false;
bool exportIsRequired = false;
bool h5FileExists = std::filesystem::exists( h5FileName );
if ( !h5FileExists )
if ( createHdfIfNotPresent )
exportIsRequired = true;
else if ( RiaFilePathTools::isFirstOlderThanSecond( h5FileName, smspecFileName ) )
// If both files are present, check if the SMSPEC file is newer than the H5 file. If the SMSPEC file is newer, we abort if it is not
// possible to write to the H5 file
// Check if we have write permission in the folder
QFileInfo info( QString::fromStdString( smspecFileName ) );
if ( !info.isWritable() )
QString txt =
QString( "HDF is older than SMSPEC, but export to file %1 failed due to missing write permissions. Aborting operation." )
.arg( QString::fromStdString( h5FileName ) );
RiaLogging::error( txt );
return false;
exportIsRequired = true;
if ( exportIsRequired )
Opm::EclIO::ESmry sourceSummaryData( smspecFileName );
// Read all data summary data before starting export to HDF. Loading one and one summary vector causes huge
// performance penalty
#pragma omp critical( critical_section_HDF5_export )
// HDF5 file access is not thread-safe, always make sure we use the HDF5 library from a single thread
RifHdf5Exporter exporter( h5FileName );
writeGeneralSection( exporter, sourceSummaryData );
writeSummaryVectors( exporter, sourceSummaryData );
catch ( std::exception& e )
QString txt = QString( "HDF export to file %1 failed : %2" ).arg( QString::fromStdString( smspecFileName ), e.what() );
RiaLogging::error( txt );
return false;
return true;
bool RifHdf5SummaryExporter::writeGeneralSection( RifHdf5Exporter& exporter, Opm::EclIO::ESmry& sourceSummaryData )
auto timesteps = sourceSummaryData.dates();
auto group = exporter.createGroup( nullptr, "general" );
std::vector<int> values( 1 );
values[0] = -1;
exporter.writeDataset( group, "checksum", values );
auto startDate = sourceSummaryData.startdate();
// Make sure we convert time identically as the inverse of make_date in ESmry.cpp
time_t firstTimeStep = std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t( startDate );
Opm::TimeStampUTC opmTimeStamp( firstTimeStep );
int day = opmTimeStamp.day();
int month = opmTimeStamp.month();
int year = opmTimeStamp.year();
int hour = opmTimeStamp.hour();
int minute = opmTimeStamp.minutes();
int second = opmTimeStamp.seconds();
std::vector<int> timeValues( 7 );
timeValues[0] = day;
timeValues[1] = month;
timeValues[2] = year;
timeValues[3] = hour;
timeValues[4] = minute;
timeValues[5] = second;
timeValues[6] = 0; // Unknown value, could be millisec
exporter.writeDataset( group, "start_date", timeValues );
std::vector<int> values( 2 );
values[0] = 1;
values[1] = 7;
exporter.writeDataset( group, "version", values );
return true;
bool RifHdf5SummaryExporter::writeSummaryVectors( RifHdf5Exporter& exporter, Opm::EclIO::ESmry& sourceSummaryData )
size_t valueCount = sourceSummaryData.numberOfTimeSteps();
if ( valueCount == 0 ) return false;
const std::string datasetName( "values" );
std::map<std::string, std::vector<RifEclipseSummaryAddress>> mapVectorNameToSummaryAddresses;
auto [addresses, addressToKeywordMap] = RifOpmCommonSummaryTools::buildAddressesAndKeywordMap( sourceSummaryData.keywordList() );
for ( const auto& adr : addresses )
auto vectorName = adr.vectorName();
if ( mapVectorNameToSummaryAddresses.find( vectorName ) == mapVectorNameToSummaryAddresses.end() )
mapVectorNameToSummaryAddresses[vectorName] = {};
auto it = mapVectorNameToSummaryAddresses.find( vectorName );
if ( it != mapVectorNameToSummaryAddresses.end() )
it->second.push_back( adr );
auto summaryVectorsGroup = exporter.createGroup( nullptr, "summary_vectors" );
std::set<std::string> exportErrorKeywords;
for ( const auto& [vectorName, addresses] : mapVectorNameToSummaryAddresses )
auto keywordGroup = exporter.createGroup( &summaryVectorsGroup, vectorName );
for ( const auto& address : addresses )
auto keyword = addressToKeywordMap[address];
auto smspecKeywordIndex = sourceSummaryData.getSmspecIndexForKeyword( keyword );
const QString& smspecKeywordText = QString( "%1" ).arg( smspecKeywordIndex );
const std::vector<float>& values = sourceSummaryData.get( keyword );
auto dataValuesGroup = exporter.createGroup( &keywordGroup, smspecKeywordText.toStdString() );
exporter.writeDataset( dataValuesGroup, datasetName, values );
catch ( ... )
exportErrorKeywords.insert( keyword );
if ( !exportErrorKeywords.empty() )
std::vector<std::string> keywordVector;
for ( const auto& k : exportErrorKeywords )
keywordVector.push_back( k );
auto txt = RiaStdStringTools::joinStrings( keywordVector, ',' );
QString errorTxt = QString( "Failed to export keywords %1 " ).arg( QString::fromStdString( txt ) );
RiaLogging::error( errorTxt );
return true;