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// Copyright (C) 2021 Equinor ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#include "RicRunFaultReactAssessmentFeature.h"
#include "RiaApplication.h"
#include "RiaEclipseFileNameTools.h"
#include "RiaImportEclipseCaseTools.h"
#include "RiaPreferencesGeoMech.h"
#include "RiaResultNames.h"
#include "RifFaultRAJsonWriter.h"
#include "RifFaultRAXmlWriter.h"
#include "RimEclipseInputCase.h"
#include "RimEclipseResultCase.h"
#include "RimEclipseView.h"
#include "RimFaultInView.h"
#include "RimFaultInViewCollection.h"
#include "RimFaultRAPostprocSettings.h"
#include "RimFaultRAPreprocSettings.h"
#include "RimFaultRASettings.h"
#include "RimFileSurface.h"
#include "RimGeoMechCase.h"
#include "RimOilField.h"
#include "RimProcess.h"
#include "RimProject.h"
#include "RimSurface.h"
#include "RimSurfaceCollection.h"
#include "Riu3DMainWindowTools.h"
#include "RiuFileDialogTools.h"
#include "cafPdmUiPropertyViewDialog.h"
#include "cafProgressInfo.h"
#include "cafSelectionManagerTools.h"
#include "cafUtils.h"
#include <QAction>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QDir>
#include <QDirIterator>
#include <QMessageBox>
RimFaultInViewCollection* RicRunFaultReactAssessmentFeature::faultCollection()
RimFaultInViewCollection* faultColl =
dynamic_cast<RimFaultInViewCollection*>( caf::SelectionManager::instance()->selectedItem() );
if ( faultColl ) return faultColl;
RimFaultInView* selObj = dynamic_cast<RimFaultInView*>( caf::SelectionManager::instance()->selectedItem() );
if ( selObj )
if ( !selObj->name().startsWith( RiaResultNames::faultReactAssessmentPrefix() ) ) return nullptr;
selObj->firstAncestorOrThisOfType( faultColl );
return faultColl;
int RicRunFaultReactAssessmentFeature::faultIDFromName( QString faultName ) const
int retval = -1;
QString lookFor = RiaResultNames::faultReactAssessmentPrefix();
QString name = faultName;
if ( !name.startsWith( lookFor ) ) return retval;
name = name.mid( lookFor.length() );
if ( name.size() == 0 ) return retval;
bool bOK;
retval = name.toInt( &bOK );
if ( !bOK ) retval = -1;
return retval;
int RicRunFaultReactAssessmentFeature::selectedFaultID()
int retval = -1;
RimFaultInView* selObj = dynamic_cast<RimFaultInView*>( caf::SelectionManager::instance()->selectedItem() );
if ( selObj )
return faultIDFromName( selObj->name() );
return retval;
bool RicRunFaultReactAssessmentFeature::runPostProcessing( int faultID, RimFaultRASettings* settings )
RimFaultRAPostprocSettings postproc_settings;
postproc_settings.initFromSettings( settings );
QString outErrorText;
if ( !RifFaultRAJSonWriter::writeToPostprocFile( faultID, &postproc_settings, outErrorText ) )
QMessageBox::warning( nullptr,
"Fault Reactivation Assessment Processing",
"Unable to write postproc parameter file! " + outErrorText );
return false;
QString command = RiaPreferencesGeoMech::current()->geomechFRAPostprocCommand();
QStringList parameters = postproc_settings.postprocCommandParameters( faultID );
RimProcess process;
process.setCommand( command );
process.setParameters( parameters );
addParameterFileForCleanUp( postproc_settings.postprocParameterFilename( faultID ) );
if ( !process.execute() )
QMessageBox::critical( nullptr,
"Fault Reactivation Assessment Processing",
"Failed to run post processing command. Check log window for additional "
"information." );
return false;
return true;
void RicRunFaultReactAssessmentFeature::addParameterFileForCleanUp( QString filename )
m_parameterFilesToCleanUp.push_back( filename );
void RicRunFaultReactAssessmentFeature::cleanUpParameterFiles()
if ( !RiaPreferencesGeoMech::current()->keepTemporaryFiles() )
for ( auto& filename : m_parameterFilesToCleanUp )
removeFile( filename );
void RicRunFaultReactAssessmentFeature::removeFile( QString filename )
if ( QFile::exists( filename ) ) QFile::remove( filename );
RimSurfaceCollection* RicRunFaultReactAssessmentFeature::surfaceCollection()
RimProject* proj = RimProject::current();
RimSurfaceCollection* surfColl = proj->activeOilField()->surfaceCollection();
if ( surfColl )
for ( auto& subColl : surfColl->subCollections() )
if ( subColl->collectionName() == "FaultRA" )
return subColl;
// No FaultRA collection found, make one
RimSurfaceCollection* fraCollection = new RimSurfaceCollection();
fraCollection->setCollectionName( "FaultRA" );
surfColl->addSubCollection( fraCollection );
return fraCollection;
return nullptr;
void RicRunFaultReactAssessmentFeature::reloadSurfaces( RimFaultRASettings* settings )
RimSurfaceCollection* surfColl = surfaceCollection();
if ( !surfColl ) return;
// get rid of any files removed by the processing
bool showLegendInView = false;
// ask the collection to reload the existing files
surfColl->reloadSurfaces( surfColl->surfaces(), showLegendInView );
// get all the files in the folder, skip the ones we alreday have
QStringList newFiles;
QDirIterator tsurfIt( settings->tsurfOutputDirectory(), { "*.ts" }, QDir::Files );
while ( tsurfIt.hasNext() )
QString filename = tsurfIt.next();
if ( surfColl->containsFileSurface( filename ) ) continue;
newFiles << filename;
// import the new surfaces
surfColl->importSurfacesFromFiles( newFiles, showLegendInView );
void RicRunFaultReactAssessmentFeature::runBasicProcessing( int faultID )
RimFaultInViewCollection* coll = faultCollection();
if ( coll == nullptr ) return;
RimFaultRASettings* fraSettings = coll->faultRASettings();
if ( fraSettings == nullptr ) return;
caf::ProgressInfo runProgress( 3, "Running Basic Fault RA processing, please wait..." );
runProgress.setProgressDescription( "Macris calculate command." );
QString paramfilename = fraSettings->basicParameterXMLFilename( faultID );
RifFaultRAXmlWriter xmlwriter( fraSettings );
QString outErrorText;
if ( !xmlwriter.writeCalculateFile( paramfilename, faultID, outErrorText ) )
QMessageBox::warning( nullptr,
"Fault Reactivation Assessment Processing",
"Unable to write parameter file! " + outErrorText );
addParameterFileForCleanUp( paramfilename );
// remove any existing database file
removeFile( fraSettings->basicMacrisDatabase() );
// run the java macris program in calculate mode
QString command = RiaPreferencesGeoMech::current()->geomechFRAMacrisCommand();
QStringList parameters = fraSettings->basicMacrisParameters( faultID );
RimProcess process;
process.setCommand( command );
process.setParameters( parameters );
if ( !process.execute() )
QMessageBox::critical( nullptr,
"Basic Fault Reactivation Assessment Processing",
"Failed to run Macris calculate command. Check log window for additional "
"information." );
runProgress.setProgressDescription( "Generating surface results." );
if ( runPostProcessing( faultID, fraSettings ) )
runProgress.setProgressDescription( "Importing surface results." );
// reload output surfaces
reloadSurfaces( fraSettings );
// delete parameter files
void RicRunFaultReactAssessmentFeature::runAdvancedProcessing( int faultID )
RimFaultInViewCollection* coll = faultCollection();
if ( coll == nullptr ) return;
RimFaultRASettings* fraSettings = coll->faultRASettings();
if ( fraSettings == nullptr ) return;
caf::ProgressInfo runProgress( 3, "Running Advanced Fault RA processing, please wait..." );
runProgress.setProgressDescription( "Macris calibrate command." );
QString paramfilename = fraSettings->basicParameterXMLFilename( faultID );
RifFaultRAXmlWriter xmlwriter( fraSettings );
QString outErrorText;
if ( !xmlwriter.writeCalculateFile( paramfilename, faultID, outErrorText ) )
QMessageBox::warning( nullptr,
"Fault Reactivation Assessment Processing",
"Unable to write parameter file! " + outErrorText );
QString paramfilename2 = fraSettings->advancedParameterXMLFilename( faultID );
if ( !xmlwriter.writeCalibrateFile( paramfilename2, faultID, outErrorText ) )
QMessageBox::warning( nullptr,
"Fault Reactivation Assessment Processing",
"Unable to write calibrate parameter file! " + outErrorText );
addParameterFileForCleanUp( paramfilename );
addParameterFileForCleanUp( paramfilename2 );
// remove any existing database file
removeFile( fraSettings->advancedMacrisDatabase() );
// run the java macris program in calibrate mode
QString command = RiaPreferencesGeoMech::current()->geomechFRAMacrisCommand();
QStringList parameters = fraSettings->advancedMacrisParameters( faultID );
RimProcess process;
process.setCommand( command );
process.setParameters( parameters );
if ( !process.execute() )
QMessageBox::critical( nullptr,
"Advanced Fault Reactivation Assessment Processing",
"Failed to run Macris calibrate command. Check log window for additional information." );
runProgress.setProgressDescription( "Generating surface results." );
if ( runPostProcessing( faultID, fraSettings ) )
runProgress.setProgressDescription( "Importing surface results." );
// reload output surfaces
reloadSurfaces( fraSettings );
// delete parameter files