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// Custom Visualization Core library
// Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Ceetron AS
// This library may be used under the terms of either the GNU General Public License or
// the GNU Lesser General Public License as follows:
// GNU General Public License Usage
// This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>>
// for more details.
// GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU Lesser General Public License at <<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html>>
// for more details.
#pragma once
#include "cvfVector4.h"
#include "cvfArray.h"
#include "cvfCharArray.h"
#include "cvfOpenGLTypes.h"
namespace cvf {
class OpenGLContext;
class BufferObjectManaged;
// Abstract class for generic vertex attribute arrays
class VertexAttribute : public Object
// The data type of the components stored in the data array
// Enum values are rigged to match the OpenGL types
enum ComponentType
INT = 0x1404, // GL_INT
FLOAT = 0x1406 // GL_FLOAT
virtual ~VertexAttribute() {}
virtual const char* name() const = 0; ///< Attribute name
virtual uint componentCount() const = 0; ///< Number of components per attribute element.
virtual ComponentType componentType() const = 0; ///< The data type of the components stored in the data array
virtual size_t arrayDataByteCount() const = 0; ///< The size of the entire data array in bytes
virtual const void* arrayDataPtrVoid() const = 0; ///< Void pointer to data in contained array
virtual void setupAttribPointerBufferObject(OpenGLContext* oglContext, uint vertexAttributeIndex, size_t strideInBytes, size_t bufferOffsetInBytes) const = 0;
virtual void setupAttribPointerClientMemory(OpenGLContext* oglContext, uint vertexAttributeIndex) const = 0;
// Strategy for specifying vertex attribute data as float, integers normalized
class AttribSetupStrategyNormFloat
static void setupFromBufferObject(OpenGLContext* oglContext, uint vertexAttributeIndex, uint compCount, cvfGLenum compTypeOpenGL, size_t strideInBytes, size_t bufferOffsetInBytes);
static void setupFromClientMemory(OpenGLContext* oglContext, uint vertexAttributeIndex, uint compCount, cvfGLenum compTypeOpenGL, const void* ptr);
// Strategy for specifying vertex attribute data as float, integers converted directly
class AttribSetupStrategyDirectFloat
static void setupFromBufferObject(OpenGLContext* oglContext, uint vertexAttributeIndex, uint compCount, cvfGLenum compTypeOpenGL, size_t strideInBytes, size_t bufferOffsetInBytes);
static void setupFromClientMemory(OpenGLContext* oglContext, uint vertexAttributeIndex, uint compCount, cvfGLenum compTypeOpenGL, const void* ptr);
// Strategy for specifying vertex attribute data as integer type
class AttribSetupStrategyInt
static void setupFromBufferObject(OpenGLContext* oglContext, uint vertexAttributeIndex, uint compCount, cvfGLenum compTypeOpenGL, size_t strideInBytes, size_t bufferOffsetInBytes);
static void setupFromClientMemory(OpenGLContext* oglContext, uint vertexAttributeIndex, uint compCount, cvfGLenum compTypeOpenGL, const void* ptr);
template <typename T_ELEM_TYPE, VertexAttribute::ComponentType T_COMP_TYPE, int T_COMP_COUNT, typename T_SETUP_STRATEGY>
class VertexAttributeImpl : public VertexAttribute
VertexAttributeImpl(const char* attribName, Array<T_ELEM_TYPE>* valueArray)
: m_attribValues(valueArray),
virtual const char* name() const { return m_name.ptr(); }
virtual uint componentCount() const { return T_COMP_COUNT; }
virtual ComponentType componentType() const { return T_COMP_TYPE; }
virtual size_t arrayDataByteCount() const { return m_attribValues->size()*sizeof(T_ELEM_TYPE); }
virtual const void* arrayDataPtrVoid() const { return m_attribValues->ptr(); }
const Array<T_ELEM_TYPE>* arrayPtr() const { return m_attribValues.p(); }
virtual void setupAttribPointerBufferObject(OpenGLContext* oglContext, uint vertexAttributeIndex, size_t strideInBytes, size_t bufferOffsetInBytes) const
T_SETUP_STRATEGY::setupFromBufferObject(oglContext, vertexAttributeIndex, T_COMP_COUNT, T_COMP_TYPE, strideInBytes, bufferOffsetInBytes);
virtual void setupAttribPointerClientMemory(OpenGLContext* oglContext, uint vertexAttributeIndex) const
T_SETUP_STRATEGY::setupFromClientMemory(oglContext, vertexAttributeIndex, T_COMP_COUNT, T_COMP_TYPE, m_attribValues->ptr());
ref<Array<T_ELEM_TYPE> > m_attribValues; // Reference to the data array
CharArray m_name; // Name of the attribute
// For these, integer values are converted to float by normalization. [0,1] for unsigned integer types, [-1,1] for signed integer types.
typedef VertexAttributeImpl<float, VertexAttribute::FLOAT, 1, AttribSetupStrategyNormFloat> FloatVertexAttribute;
typedef VertexAttributeImpl<Vec2f, VertexAttribute::FLOAT, 2, AttribSetupStrategyNormFloat> Vec2fVertexAttribute;
typedef VertexAttributeImpl<Vec3f, VertexAttribute::FLOAT, 3, AttribSetupStrategyNormFloat> Vec3fVertexAttribute;
typedef VertexAttributeImpl<Color3f, VertexAttribute::FLOAT, 3, AttribSetupStrategyNormFloat> Color3fVertexAttribute;
typedef VertexAttributeImpl<Color3ub, VertexAttribute::UBYTE, 3, AttribSetupStrategyNormFloat> Color3ubVertexAttribute;
// Integer values converted directly to float
typedef VertexAttributeImpl<int, VertexAttribute::INT, 1, AttribSetupStrategyDirectFloat> IntVertexAttributeDirect;
// Only for integer values AND no conversion, requires OpenGL 3.0
typedef VertexAttributeImpl<int, VertexAttribute::INT, 1, AttribSetupStrategyInt> IntVertexAttributePure;
typedef VertexAttributeImpl<Color3ub, VertexAttribute::UBYTE, 3, AttribSetupStrategyInt> Color3ubVertexAttributePure;