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361 lines
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// Copyright (C) 2019- Equinor ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#include "RiaGrpcCommandService.h"
#include "RiaGrpcCallbacks.h"
#include "RicfReplaceCase.h"
#include "RicfSetTimeStep.h"
#include "cafAssert.h"
#include "cafPdmDataValueField.h"
#include "cafPdmDefaultObjectFactory.h"
#include "cafPdmValueField.h"
#include <google/protobuf/reflection.h>
using namespace rips;
using namespace google::protobuf;
// Windows may define GetMessage as a Macro and this is in direct conflict with the gRPC GetMessage calls.
#ifdef WIN32
#ifdef GetMessage
#undef GetMessage
RiaGrpcCommandService::Execute( grpc::ServerContext* context, const CommandParams* request, CommandReply* reply )
auto requestDescriptor = request->GetDescriptor();
CommandParams::ParamsCase paramsCase = request->params_case();
if ( paramsCase != CommandParams::PARAMS_NOT_SET )
auto grpcOneOfMessage = requestDescriptor->FindFieldByNumber( (int)paramsCase );
CAF_ASSERT( grpcOneOfMessage->type() == FieldDescriptor::TYPE_MESSAGE );
const Message& params = request->GetReflection()->GetMessage( *request, grpcOneOfMessage );
QString grpcOneOfMessageName = QString::fromStdString( grpcOneOfMessage->name() );
auto pdmObjectHandle = caf::PdmDefaultObjectFactory::instance()->create( grpcOneOfMessageName );
auto commandHandle = dynamic_cast<RicfCommandObject*>( pdmObjectHandle );
if ( commandHandle )
RicfMultiCaseReplace* multiCaseReplaceCommand = dynamic_cast<RicfMultiCaseReplace*>( commandHandle );
if ( multiCaseReplaceCommand )
CAF_ASSERT( request->has_replacemultiplecases() );
auto replaceMultipleCasesRequest = request->replacemultiplecases();
std::map<int, QString> caseIdFileMap;
for ( auto caseGridFilePair : replaceMultipleCasesRequest.casepairs() )
caseIdFileMap.insert( std::make_pair( caseGridFilePair.caseid(),
QString::fromStdString( caseGridFilePair.newgridfile() ) ) );
multiCaseReplaceCommand->setCaseReplacePairs( caseIdFileMap );
auto subMessageDescriptor = grpcOneOfMessage->message_type();
int numParameters = subMessageDescriptor->field_count();
for ( int i = 0; i < numParameters; ++i )
auto parameter = subMessageDescriptor->field( i );
if ( parameter )
QString parameterName = QString::fromStdString( parameter->name() );
auto pdmValueFieldHandle = dynamic_cast<caf::PdmValueField*>(
pdmObjectHandle->findField( parameterName ) );
if ( pdmValueFieldHandle )
assignPdmFieldValue( pdmValueFieldHandle, params, parameter );
RicfCommandResponse response = commandHandle->execute();
if ( response.status() == RicfCommandResponse::COMMAND_ERROR )
return grpc::Status( grpc::FAILED_PRECONDITION, response.sanitizedResponseMessage().toStdString() );
else if ( response.status() == RicfCommandResponse::COMMAND_WARNING )
context->AddTrailingMetadata( "warning", response.sanitizedResponseMessage().toStdString() );
assignResultToReply( response.result(), reply );
return Status::OK;
return grpc::Status( grpc::NOT_FOUND, "Command not found" );
std::vector<RiaGrpcCallbackInterface*> RiaGrpcCommandService::createCallbacks()
typedef RiaGrpcCommandService Self;
return {new RiaGrpcUnaryCallback<Self, CommandParams, CommandReply>( this, &Self::Execute, &Self::RequestExecute )};
template <typename T>
caf::PdmField<T>* RiaGrpcCommandService::dataValueField( caf::PdmValueField* valueField )
caf::PdmField<T>* dataValField = dynamic_cast<caf::PdmField<T>*>( valueField );
CAF_ASSERT( dataValField );
return dataValField;
template <typename T>
const caf::PdmField<T>* RiaGrpcCommandService::constDataValueField( const caf::PdmValueField* valueField )
const caf::PdmField<T>* dataValField = dynamic_cast<const caf::PdmField<T>*>( valueField );
CAF_ASSERT( dataValField );
return dataValField;
void RiaGrpcCommandService::assignPdmFieldValue( caf::PdmValueField* pdmValueField,
const Message& params,
const FieldDescriptor* paramDescriptor )
FieldDescriptor::Type fieldDataType = paramDescriptor->type();
const Reflection* reflection = params.GetReflection();
if ( paramDescriptor->is_repeated() && fieldDataType != FieldDescriptor::TYPE_INT32 &&
fieldDataType != FieldDescriptor::TYPE_STRING )
CAF_ASSERT( false && "Only integer and string vectors are implemented as command arguments" );
switch ( fieldDataType )
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_BOOL:
auto value = reflection->GetBool( params, paramDescriptor );
auto dataField = dataValueField<bool>( pdmValueField );
dataField->setValue( value );
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_INT32:
if ( paramDescriptor->is_repeated() )
RepeatedFieldRef<int> repeatedField = reflection->GetRepeatedFieldRef<int>( params, paramDescriptor );
auto dataField = dataValueField<std::vector<int>>( pdmValueField );
dataField->setValue( std::vector<int>( repeatedField.begin(), repeatedField.end() ) );
int value = reflection->GetInt32( params, paramDescriptor );
auto dataField = dataValueField<int>( pdmValueField );
dataField->setValue( value );
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_UINT32:
uint value = reflection->GetUInt32( params, paramDescriptor );
auto dataField = dataValueField<uint>( pdmValueField );
dataField->setValue( value );
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_STRING:
if ( paramDescriptor->is_repeated() )
RepeatedFieldRef<std::string> repeatedField =
reflection->GetRepeatedFieldRef<std::string>( params, paramDescriptor );
std::vector<QString> stringVector;
for ( const std::string& string : repeatedField )
stringVector.push_back( QString::fromStdString( string ) );
auto dataField = dataValueField<std::vector<QString>>( pdmValueField );
dataField->setValue( stringVector );
auto value = QString::fromStdString( reflection->GetString( params, paramDescriptor ) );
auto dataField = dataValueField<QString>( pdmValueField );
dataField->setValue( value );
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_FLOAT:
auto value = reflection->GetFloat( params, paramDescriptor );
auto dataField = dataValueField<float>( pdmValueField );
dataField->setValue( value );
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_DOUBLE:
auto value = reflection->GetDouble( params, paramDescriptor );
auto dataField = dataValueField<double>( pdmValueField );
dataField->setValue( value );
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_ENUM:
auto value = reflection->GetEnumValue( params, paramDescriptor );
pdmValueField->setFromQVariant( QVariant( value ) );
void RiaGrpcCommandService::assignGrpcFieldValue( Message* reply,
const FieldDescriptor* fieldDescriptor,
const caf::PdmValueField* pdmValueField )
if ( fieldDescriptor->is_repeated() )
auto reflection = reply->GetReflection();
QVariant qValue = pdmValueField->toQVariant();
if ( fieldDescriptor->type() == FieldDescriptor::TYPE_STRING )
MutableRepeatedFieldRef<std::string> repeatedField =
reflection->GetMutableRepeatedFieldRef<std::string>( reply, fieldDescriptor );
QStringList stringList = qValue.toStringList();
for ( QString stringValue : stringList )
repeatedField.Add( stringValue.toStdString() );
CAF_ASSERT( false && "Assigning vector results to Command Results is only implemented for strings" );
FieldDescriptor::Type fieldDataType = fieldDescriptor->type();
QVariant qValue = pdmValueField->toQVariant();
auto reflection = reply->GetReflection();
switch ( fieldDataType )
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_BOOL:
reflection->SetBool( reply, fieldDescriptor, qValue.toBool() );
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_INT32:
reflection->SetInt32( reply, fieldDescriptor, qValue.toInt() );
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_UINT32:
reflection->SetUInt32( reply, fieldDescriptor, qValue.toUInt() );
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_INT64:
reflection->SetInt64( reply, fieldDescriptor, qValue.toLongLong() );
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_UINT64:
reflection->SetUInt64( reply, fieldDescriptor, qValue.toULongLong() );
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_STRING:
reflection->SetString( reply, fieldDescriptor, qValue.toString().toStdString() );
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_FLOAT:
reflection->SetFloat( reply, fieldDescriptor, qValue.toFloat() );
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_DOUBLE:
reflection->SetDouble( reply, fieldDescriptor, qValue.toDouble() );
case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_ENUM:
reflection->SetEnumValue( reply, fieldDescriptor, qValue.toInt() );
void RiaGrpcCommandService::assignResultToReply( const caf::PdmObject* result, CommandReply* reply )
if ( !result )
reply->set_allocated_emptyresult( new Empty );
QString resultType = result->classKeyword();
auto replyDescriptor = reply->GetDescriptor();
auto oneofDescriptor = replyDescriptor->FindOneofByName( "result" );
const FieldDescriptor* matchingOneOf = nullptr;
for ( int fieldIndex = 0; fieldIndex < oneofDescriptor->field_count(); ++fieldIndex )
auto fieldDescriptor = oneofDescriptor->field( fieldIndex );
if ( fieldDescriptor->name() == resultType.toStdString() )
matchingOneOf = fieldDescriptor;
CAF_ASSERT( matchingOneOf );
Message* message = reply->GetReflection()->MutableMessage( reply, matchingOneOf );
CAF_ASSERT( message );
auto resultDescriptor = message->GetDescriptor();
for ( int fieldIndex = 0; fieldIndex < resultDescriptor->field_count(); ++fieldIndex )
auto fieldDescriptor = resultDescriptor->field( fieldIndex );
const auto pdmField = dynamic_cast<const caf::PdmValueField*>(
result->findField( QString::fromStdString( fieldDescriptor->name() ) ) );
assignGrpcFieldValue( message, fieldDescriptor, pdmField );
static bool RiaGrpcCommandService_init = RiaGrpcServiceFactory::instance()->registerCreator<RiaGrpcCommandService>(
typeid( RiaGrpcCommandService ).hash_code() );