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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:39 -06:00
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455 lines
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// Copyright (C) 2019- Equinor ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#include "RiuGridCrossQwtPlot.h"
#include "RiaFontCache.h"
#include "RiuCvfOverlayItemWidget.h"
#include "RiuQwtCurvePointTracker.h"
#include "RiuRimQwtPlotCurve.h"
#include "RiuWidgetDragger.h"
#include "RimGridCrossPlot.h"
#include "RimGridCrossPlotCurve.h"
#include "RimGridCrossPlotDataSet.h"
#include "RimRegularLegendConfig.h"
#include "cafCmdFeatureMenuBuilder.h"
#include "cafFixedAtlasFont.h"
#include "cafSelectionManager.h"
#include "cafTitledOverlayFrame.h"
#include "RimPlotAxisAnnotation.h"
#include "RimPlotAxisProperties.h"
#include "RiuPlotAnnotationTool.h"
#include "qwt_text.h"
#include "qwt_text_engine.h"
#include <QLabel>
#include <QMenu>
#include <QResizeEvent>
#include <QVBoxLayout>
RiuGridCrossQwtPlot::RiuGridCrossQwtPlot( RimViewWindow* ownerViewWindow, QWidget* parent /*= nullptr*/ )
: RiuQwtPlot( ownerViewWindow, parent )
m_annotationTool = std::unique_ptr<RiuPlotAnnotationTool>( new RiuPlotAnnotationTool() );
m_infoBox = new RiuDraggableOverlayFrame( this, canvas() );
m_selectedPointMarker = new QwtPlotMarker;
// QwtPlotMarker takes ownership of the symbol, it is deleted in destructor of QwtPlotMarker
QwtSymbol* mySymbol = new QwtSymbol( QwtSymbol::Ellipse,
QBrush( QColor( 255, 255, 255, 50 ) ),
QPen( Qt::black, 2.0 ),
QSize( 10, 10 ) );
m_selectedPointMarker->setSymbol( mySymbol );
m_selectedPointMarker->setLabelAlignment( Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter );
m_selectedPointMarker->setSpacing( 3 );
if ( m_selectedPointMarker->plot() )
delete m_selectedPointMarker;
void RiuGridCrossQwtPlot::addOrUpdateDataSetLegend( RimGridCrossPlotDataSet* dataSet )
RiuCvfOverlayItemWidget* overlayWidget = nullptr;
auto it = m_legendWidgets.find( dataSet );
if ( it == m_legendWidgets.end() || it->second == nullptr )
overlayWidget = new RiuCvfOverlayItemWidget( this, canvas() );
m_legendWidgets[dataSet] = overlayWidget;
overlayWidget = it->second;
if ( overlayWidget )
caf::TitledOverlayFrame* overlayItem = dataSet->legendConfig()->titledOverlayFrame();
applyFontSizeToOverlayItem( overlayItem );
resizeOverlayItemToFitPlot( overlayItem );
overlayWidget->updateFromOverlayItem( overlayItem );
void RiuGridCrossQwtPlot::removeDataSetLegend( RimGridCrossPlotDataSet* dataSetToShowLegendFor )
auto it = m_legendWidgets.find( dataSetToShowLegendFor );
if ( it != m_legendWidgets.end() )
if ( it->second != nullptr )
m_legendWidgets.erase( it );
void RiuGridCrossQwtPlot::removeDanglingDataSetLegends()
for ( auto it = m_legendWidgets.begin(); it != m_legendWidgets.end(); )
if ( it->first.isNull() )
if ( it->second != nullptr )
m_legendWidgets.erase( it++ );
void RiuGridCrossQwtPlot::updateLegendSizesToMatchPlot()
RimGridCrossPlot* crossPlot = dynamic_cast<RimGridCrossPlot*>( ownerPlotDefinition() );
if ( !crossPlot ) return;
bool anyLegendResized = false;
for ( RimGridCrossPlotDataSet* dataSet : crossPlot->dataSets() )
if ( !dataSet->isChecked() || !dataSet->legendConfig()->showLegend() ) continue;
auto pairIt = m_legendWidgets.find( dataSet );
if ( pairIt != m_legendWidgets.end() )
RiuCvfOverlayItemWidget* overlayWidget = pairIt->second;
caf::TitledOverlayFrame* overlayItem = dataSet->legendConfig()->titledOverlayFrame();
applyFontSizeToOverlayItem( overlayItem );
if ( resizeOverlayItemToFitPlot( overlayItem ) )
anyLegendResized = true;
overlayWidget->updateFromOverlayItem( overlayItem );
if ( anyLegendResized )
void RiuGridCrossQwtPlot::updateAnnotationObjects( RimPlotAxisProperties* axisProperties )
for ( auto annotation : axisProperties->annotations() )
m_annotationTool->attachAnnotationLine( this, annotation->color(), annotation->name(), annotation->value() );
void RiuGridCrossQwtPlot::updateLayout()
void RiuGridCrossQwtPlot::updateInfoBoxLayout()
RimGridCrossPlot* crossPlot = dynamic_cast<RimGridCrossPlot*>( ownerPlotDefinition() );
if ( !crossPlot ) return;
bool showInfo = false;
if ( crossPlot->showInfoBox() )
QStringList curveInfoTexts;
for ( auto dataSet : crossPlot->dataSets() )
QString curveInfoText = dataSet->infoText();
if ( dataSet->isChecked() && !curveInfoText.isEmpty() )
curveInfoTexts += curveInfoText;
QStringList infoText;
if ( curveInfoTexts.size() > 1 )
infoText += QString( "<ol style=\"margin-top: 0px; margin-left: 15px; -qt-list-indent:0;\">" );
for ( QString curveInfoText : curveInfoTexts )
infoText += QString( "<li>%1</li>" ).arg( curveInfoText );
infoText += QString( "</ol>" );
else if ( curveInfoTexts.size() > 0 )
infoText += curveInfoTexts.front();
if ( !infoText.empty() )
m_infoBox->label()->setText( infoText.join( "\n" ) );
QFont font = m_infoBox->font();
font.setPointSize( crossPlot->legendFontSize() );
m_infoBox->setFont( font );
QRect infoRect = m_infoBox->frameGeometry();
QRect canvasRect = canvas()->frameGeometry();
infoRect.moveTop( canvasRect.top() + 4 );
infoRect.moveRight( canvasRect.right() - 4 );
m_infoBox->move( infoRect.topLeft() );
showInfo = true;
if ( showInfo )
void RiuGridCrossQwtPlot::updateLegendLayout()
const int spacing = 5;
int startMarginX = this->canvas()->pos().x() + spacing;
int startMarginY = this->canvas()->pos().y() + spacing;
int xpos = startMarginX;
int ypos = startMarginY;
int maxColumnWidth = 0;
RimGridCrossPlot* crossPlot = dynamic_cast<RimGridCrossPlot*>( ownerPlotDefinition() );
if ( !crossPlot ) return;
std::set<QString> legendTypes;
for ( RimGridCrossPlotDataSet* dataSet : crossPlot->dataSets() )
if ( dataSet->isChecked() && dataSet->groupingEnabled() && dataSet->legendConfig()->showLegend() )
auto pairIt = m_legendWidgets.find( dataSet );
if ( pairIt != m_legendWidgets.end() )
RiuCvfOverlayItemWidget* overlayWidget = pairIt->second;
// Show only one copy of each legend type
if ( !legendTypes.count( dataSet->groupParameter() ) )
if ( ypos + overlayWidget->height() + spacing > this->canvas()->height() )
xpos += spacing + maxColumnWidth;
ypos = startMarginY;
maxColumnWidth = 0;
overlayWidget->move( xpos, ypos );
ypos += pairIt->second->height() + spacing;
maxColumnWidth = std::max( maxColumnWidth, pairIt->second->width() );
legendTypes.insert( dataSet->groupParameter() );
void RiuGridCrossQwtPlot::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent* e )
QwtPlot::resizeEvent( e );
bool RiuGridCrossQwtPlot::resizeOverlayItemToFitPlot( caf::TitledOverlayFrame* overlayItem )
QSize plotSize = this->canvas()->contentsRect().size();
cvf::Vec2ui existingRenderSize = overlayItem->renderSize();
cvf::Vec2ui legendSize = overlayItem->preferredSize();
bool sizeAltered = false;
if ( plotSize.width() > 0 && (double)legendSize.x() > 0.9 * plotSize.width() )
legendSize.x() = ( plotSize.width() * 9 ) / 10;
sizeAltered = true;
if ( plotSize.height() > 0 && (double)legendSize.y() > 0.9 * plotSize.height() )
legendSize.y() = ( plotSize.height() * 9 ) / 10;
sizeAltered = true;
overlayItem->setRenderSize( legendSize );
if ( legendSize.x() != existingRenderSize.x() || legendSize.y() != existingRenderSize.y() )
sizeAltered = true;
return sizeAltered;
void RiuGridCrossQwtPlot::contextMenuEvent( QContextMenuEvent* event )
QMenu menu;
caf::CmdFeatureMenuBuilder menuBuilder;
caf::SelectionManager::instance()->setSelectedItem( ownerViewWindow() );
menuBuilder << "RicSwapGridCrossPlotDataSetAxesFeature";
menuBuilder << "Separator";
menuBuilder << "RicShowPlotDataFeature";
menuBuilder.appendToMenu( &menu );
if ( menu.actions().size() > 0 )
menu.exec( event->globalPos() );
void RiuGridCrossQwtPlot::selectSample( QwtPlotCurve* curve, int sampleNumber )
QPointF sample = curve->sample( sampleNumber );
m_selectedPointMarker->setValue( sample );
m_selectedPointMarker->setAxes( QwtPlot::xBottom, QwtPlot::yLeft );
m_selectedPointMarker->attach( this );
QString curveName, xAxisName, yAxisName;
if ( curveText( curve, &curveName, &xAxisName, &yAxisName ) )
QString labelFormat( "<div style=\"margin: 4px;\"><b>%1:</b><br/>%2 = %3, %4 = %5</div>" );
QString labelString =
labelFormat.arg( curveName ).arg( xAxisName ).arg( sample.x() ).arg( yAxisName ).arg( sample.y() );
QwtText curveLabel( labelString, QwtText::RichText );
curveLabel.setBackgroundBrush( QBrush( QColor( 250, 250, 250, 220 ) ) );
curveLabel.setPaintAttribute( QwtText::PaintBackground );
curveLabel.setBorderPen( QPen( Qt::black, 1.0 ) );
curveLabel.setBorderRadius( 2.0 );
m_selectedPointMarker->setLabel( curveLabel );
void RiuGridCrossQwtPlot::clearSampleSelection()
bool RiuGridCrossQwtPlot::curveText( const QwtPlotCurve* curve,
QString* curveTitle,
QString* xParamName,
QString* yParamName ) const
CVF_ASSERT( curveTitle && xParamName && yParamName );
auto riuCurve = dynamic_cast<const RiuRimQwtPlotCurve*>( curve );
if ( riuCurve )
auto crossPlotCurve = dynamic_cast<const RimGridCrossPlotCurve*>( riuCurve->ownerRimCurve() );
if ( crossPlotCurve )
*curveTitle = crossPlotCurve->curveName();
RimGridCrossPlotDataSet* dataSet = nullptr;
crossPlotCurve->firstAncestorOrThisOfType( dataSet );
if ( dataSet )
*xParamName = dataSet->xAxisName();
*yParamName = dataSet->yAxisName();
return true;
return false;
void RiuGridCrossQwtPlot::applyFontSizeToOverlayItem( caf::TitledOverlayFrame* overlayItem )
RimGridCrossPlot* crossPlot = static_cast<RimGridCrossPlot*>( ownerViewWindow() );
int fontSize = crossPlot->legendFontSize();
cvf::ref<cvf::Font> cafFont = RiaFontCache::getFont( RiaFontCache::fontSizeEnumFromPointSize( fontSize ) );
overlayItem->setFont( cafFont.p() );