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// Copyright (C) 2016- Statoil ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#include "RivWellConnectionsPartMgr.h"
#include "RimEclipseResultCase.h"
#include "RimEclipseView.h"
#include "RimSimWellInView.h"
#include "RimSimWellInViewCollection.h"
#include "RigActiveCellInfo.h"
#include "RigEclipseCaseData.h"
#include "RigFlowDiagResults.h"
#include "RigMainGrid.h"
#include "RigSimWellData.h"
#include "RigWellResultPoint.h"
#include "cafDisplayCoordTransform.h"
#include "cafEffectGenerator.h"
#include "cvfDrawableGeo.h"
#include "cvfModelBasicList.h"
#include "cvfPart.h"
RivWellConnectionsPartMgr::RivWellConnectionsPartMgr( RimEclipseView* reservoirView, RimSimWellInView* well )
m_rimReservoirView = reservoirView;
m_rimWell = well;
m_useCurvedArrows = true;
void RivWellConnectionsPartMgr::appendDynamicGeometryPartsToModel( cvf::ModelBasicList* model, size_t frameIndex )
if ( m_rimReservoirView.isNull() ) return;
if ( !m_rimReservoirView->eclipseCase() ) return;
if ( !m_rimWell->showWell() ) return;
if ( !m_rimWell->simWellData()->hasWellResult( frameIndex ) ) return;
if ( !m_rimWell->simWellData()->wellResultFrame( frameIndex )->m_isOpen ) return;
if ( m_rimWell->simWellData()->wellResultFrame( frameIndex )->m_productionType ==
RiaDefines::WellProductionType::UNDEFINED_PRODUCTION_TYPE )
bool isProducer = ( m_rimWell->simWellData()->wellResultFrame( frameIndex )->m_productionType ==
RiaDefines::WellProductionType::PRODUCER );
double pipeRadius = m_rimWell->pipeRadius();
cvf::Vec3d wellHeadTop;
cvf::Vec3d wellHeadBottom;
double characteristicCellSize;
double mainArrowZHeight;
cvf::ref<caf::DisplayCoordTransform> displayCordXf;
RigFlowDiagResults* flowResults;
std::string injectorName;
std::string producerName;
std::string crossFlowInjectorName;
std::string crossFlowProducerName;
double fluxWidthScale = 0.0;
RimEclipseResultCase* eclResCase = dynamic_cast<RimEclipseResultCase*>( m_rimReservoirView->eclipseCase() );
if ( !eclResCase ) return;
if ( !eclResCase->defaultFlowDiagSolution() ) return;
flowResults = eclResCase->defaultFlowDiagSolution()->flowDiagResults();
displayCordXf = m_rimReservoirView->displayCoordTransform();
RigEclipseCaseData* rigReservoir = m_rimReservoirView->eclipseCase()->eclipseCaseData();
characteristicCellSize = rigReservoir->mainGrid()->characteristicIJCellSize();
m_rimWell->wellHeadTopBottomPosition( static_cast<int>( frameIndex ), &wellHeadTop, &wellHeadBottom );
wellHeadTop = displayCordXf->transformToDisplayCoord( wellHeadTop );
wellHeadBottom = displayCordXf->transformToDisplayCoord( wellHeadBottom );
wellHeadTop.z() += characteristicCellSize;
cvf::Vec3d activeCellsBoundingBoxMax = displayCordXf->transformToDisplayCoord(
m_rimReservoirView->currentActiveCellInfo()->geometryBoundingBox().max() );
mainArrowZHeight = activeCellsBoundingBoxMax.z() + 1.5 * characteristicCellSize; // Above the bbox somewhat;
if ( isProducer )
producerName = m_rimWell->name().toStdString();
crossFlowInjectorName = RimFlowDiagSolution::addCrossFlowEnding( m_rimWell->name() ).toStdString();
injectorName = m_rimWell->name().toStdString();
crossFlowProducerName = RimFlowDiagSolution::addCrossFlowEnding( m_rimWell->name() ).toStdString();
double maxAbsFlux = flowResults->maxAbsPairFlux( static_cast<int>( frameIndex ) );
if ( maxAbsFlux != 0.0 ) fluxWidthScale = characteristicCellSize / maxAbsFlux;
bool enableLighting = !m_rimReservoirView->isLightingDisabled();
RimSimWellInViewCollection* wellColl = m_rimReservoirView->wellCollection();
// Create potentially two the arrows to/from m_rimWell for each of the other wells in the model.
// One arrow for the "official" state of the well, and one to account for cross flow contributions
for ( RimSimWellInView* otherWell : wellColl->wells )
if ( otherWell == m_rimWell ) continue;
if ( !otherWell->simWellData()->hasWellResult( frameIndex ) ) continue;
if ( !otherWell->simWellData()->wellResultFrame( frameIndex )->m_isOpen ) continue;
if ( otherWell->simWellData()->wellResultFrame( frameIndex )->m_productionType ==
RiaDefines::WellProductionType::UNDEFINED_PRODUCTION_TYPE )
bool isOtherProducer = ( otherWell->simWellData()->wellResultFrame( frameIndex )->m_productionType ==
RiaDefines::WellProductionType::PRODUCER );
std::string otherWellName = otherWell->name().toStdString();
std::string otherWellXfName = RimFlowDiagSolution::addCrossFlowEnding( otherWell->name() ).toStdString();
if ( isProducer != isOtherProducer )
if ( isOtherProducer )
producerName = otherWellName;
crossFlowInjectorName = otherWellXfName;
injectorName = otherWellName;
crossFlowProducerName = otherWellXfName;
if ( isProducer )
injectorName = otherWellXfName;
crossFlowProducerName = otherWellName;
producerName = otherWellXfName;
crossFlowInjectorName = otherWellName;
std::pair<double, double> injProdFluxPair =
flowResults->injectorProducerPairFluxes( injectorName, producerName, static_cast<int>( frameIndex ) );
std::pair<double, double> injProdFluxPairXF =
flowResults->injectorProducerPairFluxes( crossFlowInjectorName,
static_cast<int>( frameIndex ) );
const double fluxThreshold = 0.0; // Todo : Needs threshold in Gui
if ( fabs( injProdFluxPair.first ) <= fluxThreshold && fabs( injProdFluxPair.second ) <= fluxThreshold &&
fabs( injProdFluxPairXF.first ) <= fluxThreshold && fabs( injProdFluxPairXF.second ) <= fluxThreshold )
float width = fluxWidthScale * ( isProducer ? injProdFluxPair.second : injProdFluxPair.first );
float widthXf = fluxWidthScale * ( !isProducer ? injProdFluxPairXF.second : injProdFluxPairXF.first );
cvf::Vec3d otherWellHeadTop;
cvf::Vec3d otherWellHeadBottom;
otherWell->wellHeadTopBottomPosition( static_cast<int>( frameIndex ), &otherWellHeadTop, &otherWellHeadBottom );
otherWellHeadTop = displayCordXf->transformToDisplayCoord( otherWellHeadTop );
otherWellHeadBottom = displayCordXf->transformToDisplayCoord( otherWellHeadBottom );
otherWellHeadTop.z() += characteristicCellSize;
cvf::Vec3f startPoint = cvf::Vec3f( 0.5 * ( wellHeadTop + otherWellHeadTop ) );
if ( m_useCurvedArrows ) startPoint.z() = mainArrowZHeight;
cvf::Vec3f endPoint =
cvf::Vec3f( wellHeadTop + ( 3 * pipeRadius * ( otherWellHeadTop - wellHeadTop ).getNormalized() ) );
cvf::Color4f arrowColor( otherWell->wellPipeColor() );
if ( fabs( injProdFluxPair.first ) > fluxThreshold && fabs( injProdFluxPair.second ) > fluxThreshold )
if ( isProducer == isOtherProducer )
startPoint.z() -= 0.5 * characteristicCellSize;
endPoint.z() -= 0.5 * characteristicCellSize;
cvf::ref<cvf::Part> arrowPart =
createArrowPart( startPoint, endPoint, width, isProducer, arrowColor, enableLighting );
model->addPart( arrowPart.p() );
if ( fabs( injProdFluxPairXF.first ) > fluxThreshold && fabs( injProdFluxPairXF.second ) > fluxThreshold )
startPoint.z() -= 0.5 * characteristicCellSize;
endPoint.z() -= 0.5 * characteristicCellSize;
cvf::ref<cvf::Part> arrowPart =
createArrowPart( startPoint, endPoint, widthXf, !isProducer, arrowColor, enableLighting );
model->addPart( arrowPart.p() );
cvf::ref<cvf::Part> RivWellConnectionsPartMgr::createArrowPart( const cvf::Vec3f& startPoint,
const cvf::Vec3f& endPoint,
float width,
bool isProducer,
const cvf::Color4f& arrowColor,
bool enableLighting )
cvf::ref<cvf::Part> part = new cvf::Part;
part->setName( "RivWellConnectionsPartMgr::createArrowPart" );
cvf::ref<cvf::DrawableGeo> geo = createArrowGeometry( startPoint, endPoint, width, isProducer );
part->setDrawable( geo.p() );
caf::SurfaceEffectGenerator surfaceGen( arrowColor, caf::PO_1 );
surfaceGen.enableLighting( enableLighting );
cvf::ref<cvf::Effect> eff = surfaceGen.generateCachedEffect();
part->setEffect( eff.p() );
return part;
cvf::ref<cvf::DrawableGeo> RivWellConnectionsPartMgr::createArrowGeometry( const cvf::Vec3f& startPoint,
const cvf::Vec3f& endPoint,
double width,
bool useArrowEnd )
// Vertex layout
// _ - _
// __________ - - _
// - Producer end: Injector end
// 0 2 4 6 8 10 20 12 14 16 16
// : flat : : : : : : : : end 18 18
// 1 3 5 7 9 11 19 13 15 17 17
static const cvf::uint producerArrowFaceList[8 * 5 + 4] = { 4, 0, 1, 3, 2, 4, 2, 3, 5, 4, 4, 4, 5, 7, 6,
4, 6, 7, 9, 8, 4, 8, 9, 11, 10, 4, 10, 11, 20, 19,
4, 19, 20, 13, 12, 4, 12, 13, 15, 14, 3, 16, 17, 18 };
static const cvf::uint injectorArrowFaceList[8 * 5 + 8] = { 4, 0, 1, 3, 2, 4, 2, 3, 5, 4, 4, 4,
5, 7, 6, 4, 6, 7, 9, 8, 4, 8, 9, 11,
10, 4, 10, 11, 20, 19, 4, 19, 20, 13, 12, 4,
12, 13, 15, 14, 3, 14, 18, 16, 3, 18, 15, 17 };
cvf::Vec3f endPointInTopPlane = endPoint;
if ( m_useCurvedArrows ) endPointInTopPlane.z() = startPoint.z();
cvf::Vec3f heightDiff = cvf::Vec3f::ZERO;
if ( m_useCurvedArrows ) heightDiff.z() = ( startPoint.z() - endPoint.z() );
cvf::Vec3f fromTo = endPointInTopPlane - startPoint;
float length = fromTo.length();
float halfWidth = width * 0.5;
cvf::Vec3f widthVector = halfWidth * ( fromTo.getNormalized() ^ -cvf::Vec3f::Z_AXIS );
float heightScale = 0.3 * length * 0.15;
cvf::Vec3f heightScaleVec = cvf::Vec3f::ZERO;
if ( m_useCurvedArrows ) heightScaleVec.z() = heightScale;
float endStart = 0.4f;
float endStep = ( 1.0f - endStart ) / 7.5f;
cvf::ref<cvf::Vec3fArray> arrowVertexArray = new cvf::Vec3fArray;
arrowVertexArray->resize( 18 + 3 );
( *arrowVertexArray )[0] = 0.0f * fromTo + startPoint + widthVector;
( *arrowVertexArray )[1] = 0.0f * fromTo + startPoint - widthVector;
( *arrowVertexArray )[2] = endStart * fromTo + startPoint + widthVector;
( *arrowVertexArray )[3] = endStart * fromTo + startPoint - widthVector;
( *arrowVertexArray )[4] = ( 1 * endStep + endStart ) * fromTo + startPoint + widthVector +
0.250f * heightScaleVec; // 0.0250f * heightDiff;
( *arrowVertexArray )[5] = ( 1 * endStep + endStart ) * fromTo + startPoint - widthVector +
0.250f * heightScaleVec; // 0.0250f * heightDiff;
( *arrowVertexArray )[6] = ( 2 * endStep + endStart ) * fromTo + startPoint + widthVector +
0.750f * heightScaleVec; // 0.0750f * heightDiff;
( *arrowVertexArray )[7] = ( 2 * endStep + endStart ) * fromTo + startPoint - widthVector +
0.750f * heightScaleVec; // 0.0750f * heightDiff;
( *arrowVertexArray )[8] = ( 3 * endStep + endStart ) * fromTo + startPoint + widthVector +
1.000f * heightScaleVec; // 0.1000f * heightDiff;
( *arrowVertexArray )[9] = ( 3 * endStep + endStart ) * fromTo + startPoint - widthVector +
1.000f * heightScaleVec; // 0.1000f * heightDiff;
( *arrowVertexArray )[10] = ( 4 * endStep + endStart ) * fromTo + startPoint + widthVector +
0.875f * heightScaleVec; // 0.0875f * heightDiff;
( *arrowVertexArray )[11] = ( 4 * endStep + endStart ) * fromTo + startPoint - widthVector +
0.875f * heightScaleVec; // 0.0875f * heightDiff;
( *arrowVertexArray )[19] = ( 4.7f * endStep + endStart ) * fromTo + startPoint + widthVector +
0.400f * heightScaleVec; // 0.0875f * heightDiff;
( *arrowVertexArray )[20] = ( 4.7f * endStep + endStart ) * fromTo + startPoint - widthVector +
0.400f * heightScaleVec; // 0.0875f * heightDiff;
( *arrowVertexArray )[12] = ( 5 * endStep + endStart ) * fromTo + startPoint + widthVector;
( *arrowVertexArray )[13] = ( 5 * endStep + endStart ) * fromTo + startPoint - widthVector;
( *arrowVertexArray )[14] = ( 6 * endStep + endStart ) * fromTo + startPoint + widthVector - 0.5f * heightDiff;
( *arrowVertexArray )[15] = ( 6 * endStep + endStart ) * fromTo + startPoint - widthVector - 0.5f * heightDiff;
if ( useArrowEnd )
( *arrowVertexArray )[16] = ( 6 * endStep + endStart ) * fromTo + startPoint + 1.6f * widthVector -
0.5f * heightDiff;
( *arrowVertexArray )[17] = ( 6 * endStep + endStart ) * fromTo + startPoint - 1.6f * widthVector -
0.5f * heightDiff;
( *arrowVertexArray )[18] = 1.0f * fromTo + startPoint - 1.0f * heightDiff;
( *arrowVertexArray )[16] = 1.0f * fromTo + startPoint + 0.5f * widthVector - 1.0f * heightDiff;
( *arrowVertexArray )[17] = 1.0f * fromTo + startPoint - 0.5f * widthVector - 1.0f * heightDiff;
( *arrowVertexArray )[18] = ( 6 * endStep + endStart ) * fromTo + startPoint - 0.5f * heightDiff;
cvf::ref<cvf::DrawableGeo> geo = new cvf::DrawableGeo;
geo->setVertexArray( arrowVertexArray.p() );
if ( useArrowEnd )
geo->setFromFaceList( cvf::UIntArray( producerArrowFaceList, 8 * 5 + 4 ) );
geo->setFromFaceList( cvf::UIntArray( injectorArrowFaceList, 8 * 5 + 8 ) );
return geo;