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AppFwk tests. Added rotation to locator. Caf::FrameAnimationControl : Set current frame to 0 if a framecount change makes the current frame invalid
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// Custom Visualization Core library
// Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Ceetron AS
// This library may be used under the terms of either the GNU General Public License or
// the GNU Lesser General Public License as follows:
// GNU General Public License Usage
// This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>>
// for more details.
// GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU Lesser General Public License at <<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html>>
// for more details.
#include "cvfBase.h"
#include "cvfManipulatorTrackball.h"
#include "cvfCamera.h"
#include "cvfViewport.h"
#include <cstdlib>
namespace cvf {
/// \class cvf::ManipulatorTrackball
/// \ingroup Viewing
m_activeNavigation = NONE;
m_lastPosX = 0;
m_lastPosY = 0;
m_walkSensitivity = 1.0;
m_rotateSensitivity = 1.0;
// Empty destructor to avoid errors with undefined types when cvf::ref's destructor gets called
/// Set the camera that should be manipulated
void ManipulatorTrackball::setCamera(Camera* camera)
m_camera = camera;
void ManipulatorTrackball::setRotationPoint(const Vec3d& rotPoint)
m_rotationPoint = rotPoint;
ManipulatorTrackball::NavigationType ManipulatorTrackball::activeNavigation() const
return m_activeNavigation;
/// The window coordinates are in OpenGL style coordinates, which means a right handed
/// coordinate system with the origin in the lower left corner of the window.
void ManipulatorTrackball::startNavigation(NavigationType navigationType, int x, int y)
if (m_camera.isNull()) return;
if (m_activeNavigation == navigationType) return;
m_lastPosX = x;
m_lastPosY = y;
// Register camera's starting position for walk
m_walkStartCameraPos = m_camera->position();
m_activeNavigation = navigationType;
/// The window coordinates are in OpenGL style coordinates, which means a right handed
/// coordinate system with the origin in the lower left corner of the window.
bool ManipulatorTrackball::updateNavigation(int x, int y)
if (m_activeNavigation == PAN)
return pan(x, y);
else if (m_activeNavigation == WALK)
return walk(x, y);
else if (m_activeNavigation == ZOOM)
return zoom(x, y);
else if (m_activeNavigation == ROTATE)
return rotate(x, y);
return false;
void ManipulatorTrackball::endNavigation()
m_activeNavigation = NONE;
/// Pan the camera up/down and left/right
/// \return Returns true if input caused changes to the camera an false if no changes occurred
bool ManipulatorTrackball::pan(int posX, int posY)
if (m_camera.isNull()) return false;
if (posX == m_lastPosX && posY == m_lastPosY) return false;
const double vpPixSizeX = m_camera->viewport()->width();
const double vpPixSizeY = m_camera->viewport()->height();
if (vpPixSizeX <= 0 || vpPixSizeY <= 0) return false;
// Normalized movement in screen plane
double tx = (posX - m_lastPosX)/vpPixSizeX;
double ty = (posY - m_lastPosY)/vpPixSizeY;
// Viewport size in world coordinates
const double aspect = m_camera->aspectRatio();
const double vpWorldSizeY = m_camera->frontPlaneFrustumHeight();
const double vpWorldSizeX = vpWorldSizeY*aspect;
const Vec3d camUp = m_camera->up();
const Vec3d camRight = m_camera->right();
Vec3d translation(0, 0, 0);
Camera::ProjectionType projType = m_camera->projection();
if (projType == Camera::PERSPECTIVE)
const Vec3d camPos = m_camera->position();
const Vec3d camDir = m_camera->direction();
const double nearPlane = m_camera->nearPlane();
// Compute distance from camera to rotation point projected onto camera forward direction
const Vec3d vDiff = m_rotationPoint - camPos;
const double camRotPointDist = Math::abs(camDir*vDiff);
Vec3d vX = camRight*((tx*vpWorldSizeX)/nearPlane)*camRotPointDist;
Vec3d vY = camUp*((ty*vpWorldSizeY)/nearPlane)*camRotPointDist;
translation = vX + vY;
else if (projType == Camera::ORTHO)
Vec3d vX = camRight*tx*vpWorldSizeX;
Vec3d vY = camUp*ty*vpWorldSizeY;
translation = vX + vY;
Mat4d viewMat = m_camera->viewMatrix();
m_lastPosX = posX;
m_lastPosY = posY;
return true;
/// Walk forward backward along the current camera direction
/// \return Returns true if input caused changes to the camera an false if no changes occurred
/// \remarks As this function moves the camera, it will have no effect when projection is orthographic
/// \todo Needs better control over movement when camera position gets close to the rotation point.
bool ManipulatorTrackball::walk(int posX, int posY)
if (m_camera.isNull()) return false;
if (posX == m_lastPosX && posY == m_lastPosY) return false;
const double vpPixSizeY = m_camera->viewport()->height();
if (vpPixSizeY <= 0) return false;
// !!!!
// Should be a member variable, settable as a ratio of the model bounding box/sphere
const double minWalkTargetDistance = 1.0;
const double ty = (m_lastPosY - posY)/vpPixSizeY;
// Determine target distance to travel along camera direction
// This is the distance that we will move the camera in response to a full (whole viewport) movement of the mouse
const Vec3d camDir = m_camera->direction();
const Vec3d vDiff = m_rotationPoint - m_walkStartCameraPos;
double targetDist = Math::abs(camDir*vDiff);
if (targetDist < minWalkTargetDistance) targetDist = minWalkTargetDistance;
// Figure out movement to append
double moveDist = ty*targetDist*m_walkSensitivity;
Vec3d moveVec = camDir*moveDist;
Mat4d viewMat = m_camera->viewMatrix();
m_lastPosX = posX;
m_lastPosY = posY;
return true;
bool ManipulatorTrackball::zoom(int posX, int posY)
if (m_camera.isNull()) return false;
if (posX == m_lastPosX && posY == m_lastPosY) return false;
const double vpPixSizeY = m_camera->viewport()->height();
if (vpPixSizeY <= 0) return false;
const double ty = (m_lastPosY - posY)/vpPixSizeY;
const double frustumHeight = m_camera->frontPlaneFrustumHeight();
double newFrustumHeight = frustumHeight;
if (ty >= 0.0f) newFrustumHeight = frustumHeight*(1 + ty);
else newFrustumHeight = frustumHeight/(1 - ty);
const double nearPlane = m_camera->nearPlane();
const double farPlane = m_camera->farPlane();
Camera::ProjectionType projType = m_camera->projection();
if (projType == Camera::PERSPECTIVE)
double fovY = 2*Math::atan((newFrustumHeight/2)/nearPlane);
if (fovY > 0)
m_camera->setProjectionAsPerspective(Math::toDegrees(fovY), nearPlane, farPlane);
else if (projType == Camera::ORTHO)
if (newFrustumHeight > 0)
m_camera->setProjectionAsOrtho(newFrustumHeight, nearPlane, farPlane);
m_lastPosX = posX;
m_lastPosY = posY;
return true;
/// Rotate
/// \return Returns true if input caused changes to the camera an false if no changes occurred
bool ManipulatorTrackball::rotate(int posX, int posY)
if (m_camera.isNull()) return false;
if (posX == m_lastPosX && posY == m_lastPosY) return false;
const double vpPixSizeX = m_camera->viewport()->width();
const double vpPixSizeY = m_camera->viewport()->height();
if (vpPixSizeX <= 0 || vpPixSizeY <= 0) return false;
const double vpPosX = posX - static_cast<int>(m_camera->viewport()->x());
const double vpPosY = posY - static_cast<int>(m_camera->viewport()->y());
const double vpLastPosX = m_lastPosX - static_cast<int>(m_camera->viewport()->x());
const double vpLastPosY = m_lastPosY - static_cast<int>(m_camera->viewport()->y());
// Scale the new/last positions to the range [-1.0, 1.0]
double newPosX = 2.0*(vpPosX/vpPixSizeX) - 1.0;
double newPosY = 2.0*(vpPosY/vpPixSizeY) - 1.0;
double lastPosX = 2.0*(vpLastPosX/vpPixSizeX) - 1.0;
double lastPosY = 2.0*(vpLastPosY/vpPixSizeY) - 1.0;
Mat4d viewMat = m_camera->viewMatrix();
// Compute rotation quaternion
Quatd rotQuat = trackballRotation(lastPosX, lastPosY, newPosX, newPosY, viewMat, m_rotateSensitivity);
// Update navigation by modifying the view matrix
Mat4d rotMatr = rotQuat.toMatrix4();
viewMat = viewMat*rotMatr;
m_lastPosX = posX;
m_lastPosY = posY;
return true;
/// Compute quaternion rotation
/// \param oldPosX x coordinate of the last position of the mouse, in the range [-1.0, 1.0]
/// \param oldPosY y coordinate of the last position of the mouse, in the range [-1.0, 1.0]
/// \param newPosX x coordinate of current position of the mouse, in the range [-1.0, 1.0]
/// \param newPosY y coordinate of current position of the mouse, in the range [-1.0, 1.0]
/// \param currViewMatrix Current transformation matrix. The inverse is used when calculating the rotation
/// \param sensitivityFactor Mouse sensitivity factor
/// Simulate a track-ball. Project the points onto the virtual trackball, then figure out the axis
/// of rotation. This is a deformed trackball-- is a trackball in the center, but is deformed into a
/// hyperbolic sheet of rotation away from the center.
Quatd ManipulatorTrackball::trackballRotation(double oldPosX, double oldPosY, double newPosX, double newPosY, const Mat4d& currViewMatrix, double sensitivityFactor)
// This particular function was chosen after trying out several variations.
// Implemented by Gavin Bell, lots of ideas from Thant Tessman and the August '88
// issue of Siggraph's "Computer Graphics," pp. 121-129.
// This size should really be based on the distance from the center of rotation to the point on
// the object underneath the mouse. That point would then track the mouse as closely as possible.
const double TRACKBALL_RADIUS = 0.8f;
// Clamp to valid range
oldPosX = Math::clamp(oldPosX, -1.0, 1.0);
oldPosY = Math::clamp(oldPosY, -1.0, 1.0);
newPosX = Math::clamp(newPosX, -1.0, 1.0);
newPosY = Math::clamp(newPosY, -1.0, 1.0);
// First, figure out z-coordinates for projection of P1 and P2 to deformed sphere
Vec3d p1 = projectToSphere(TRACKBALL_RADIUS, oldPosX, oldPosY);
Vec3d p2 = projectToSphere(TRACKBALL_RADIUS, newPosX, newPosY);
// Axis of rotation is the cross product of P1 and P2
Vec3d a = p1 ^ p2;
// Figure out how much to rotate around that axis.
Vec3d d = p1 - p2;
double t = d.length()/(2.0*TRACKBALL_RADIUS);
// Avoid problems with out-of-control values...
t = Math::clamp(t, -1.0, 1.0);
double phi = 2.0*Math::asin(t);
// Scale by sensitivity factor
phi *= sensitivityFactor;
// Use inverted matrix to find rotation axis
Mat4d invMatr = currViewMatrix.getInverted();
// Get quaternion to be returned by pointer
Quatd quat = Quatd::fromAxisAngle(a, phi);
return quat;
/// Project an x,y pair onto sphere
/// \param radius Radius of the sphere
/// \param posX X coordinate
/// \param posY Y coordinate
/// \return Vector containing the projected point
/// Projects the x,y pair onto a sphere with the given radius \b or a hyperbolic sheet if we
/// are away from the center of the sphere.
Vec3d ManipulatorTrackball::projectToSphere(double radius, double posX, double posY)
double d = Math::sqrt(posX*posX + posY*posY);
if (d < radius*SQRT1_2_D)
// Inside sphere
double projectedZ = Math::sqrt(radius*radius - d*d);
return Vec3d(posX, posY, projectedZ);
// On hyperbola
double t = radius/SQRT2_D;
double projectedZ = t*t/d;
return Vec3d(posX, posY, projectedZ);
/// Repositions and orients the camera to view the rotation point along the
/// direction "alongDirection". The distance to the rotation point is maintained.
void ManipulatorTrackball::setView( const Vec3d& alongDirection, const Vec3d& upDirection )
if (m_camera.isNull()) return;
Vec3d dir = alongDirection;
if (!dir.normalize()) return;
Vec3d up = upDirection;
if(!up.normalize()) up = Vec3d::Z_AXIS;
if((up * dir) < 1e-2) up = dir.perpendicularVector();
Vec3d cToE = m_camera->position() - m_rotationPoint;
Vec3d newEye = m_rotationPoint - cToE.length() * dir;
m_camera->setFromLookAt(newEye, m_rotationPoint, upDirection);
} // namespace cvf