# -*- mode: cmake; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: t; truncate-lines: t; compile-command: "cmake -Wdev" -*- # vim: set filetype=cmake autoindent tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 noexpandtab softtabstop=2 nowrap: ########################################################################### # # # Note: The bulk of the build system is located in the cmake/ directory. # # This file only contains the specializations for this particular # # project. Most likely you are interested in editing one of these # # files instead: # # # # dune.module Name and version number # # CMakeLists_files.cmake Path of source files # # cmake/Modules/${project}-prereqs.cmake Dependencies # # # ########################################################################### # Mandatory call to project project(opm-core C CXX) cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.8) # additional search modules option(SIBLING_SEARCH "Search for other modules in sibling directories?" ON) if(SIBLING_SEARCH AND NOT opm-common_DIR) # guess the sibling dir get_filename_component(_leaf_dir_name ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR} NAME) get_filename_component(_parent_full_dir ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR} DIRECTORY) get_filename_component(_parent_dir_name ${_parent_full_dir} NAME) #Try if / is used get_filename_component(_modules_dir ${_parent_full_dir} DIRECTORY) if(IS_DIRECTORY ${_modules_dir}/opm-common/${_leaf_dir_name}) set(opm-common_DIR ${_modules_dir}/opm-common/${_leaf_dir_name}) else() string(REPLACE ${PROJECT_NAME} opm-common _opm_common_leaf ${_leaf_dir_name}) if(NOT _leaf_dir_name STREQUAL _opm_common_leaf AND IS_DIRECTORY ${_parent_full_dir}/${_opm_common_leaf}) # We are using build directories named set(opm-common_DIR ${_parent_full_dir}/${_opm_common_leaf}) elseif(IS_DIRECTORY ${_parent_full_dir}/opm-common) # All modules are in a common build dir set(opm-common_DIR "${_parent_full_dir}/opm-common}") endif() endif() endif() if(opm-common_DIR AND NOT IS_DIRECTORY ${opm-common_DIR}) message(WARNING "Value ${opm-common_DIR} passed to variable" " opm-common_DIR is not a directory") endif() find_package(opm-common REQUIRED) include(OpmInit) # not the same location as most of the other projects; this hook overrides macro (dir_hook) set (doxy_dir "Documentation") endmacro (dir_hook) # list of prerequisites for this particular project; this is in a # separate file (in cmake/Modules sub-directory) because it is shared # with the find module include ( ${project}-prereqs ) # read the list of components from this file (in the project directory); # it should set various lists with the names of the files to include include (CMakeLists_files.cmake) macro (config_hook) opm_need_version_of ("dune-common") opm_need_version_of ("dune-istl") endmacro (config_hook) macro (prereqs_hook) endmacro (prereqs_hook) macro (sources_hook) # these solvers are only compiled in if their dependency is found if (NOT dune-istl_FOUND) list (REMOVE_ITEM opm-core_SOURCES ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/${opm-core_DIR}/core/linalg/LinearSolverIstl.cpp ) endif (NOT dune-istl_FOUND) if ((NOT MPI_FOUND) OR (NOT DUNE_ISTL_FOUND)) list (REMOVE_ITEM tests_SOURCES ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/tests/test_parallel_linearsolver.cpp ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/tests/test_parallelistlinformation.cpp ) endif ((NOT MPI_FOUND) OR (NOT DUNE_ISTL_FOUND)) # we are not supposed to include the TinyXML test prog. regardless list (REMOVE_ITEM opm-core_SOURCES ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/${opm-core_DIR}/core/utility/parameters/tinyxml/xmltest.cpp ) # remove inline TinyXML if a system version was found if (TinyXML_FOUND) file (GLOB_RECURSE _inline_tinyxml "${opm-core_DIR}/core/utility/parameters/tinyxml/*") foreach (_file IN LISTS _inline_tinyxml) list (REMOVE_ITEM opm-core_SOURCES ${_file}) endforeach (_file) endif (TinyXML_FOUND) # anyhow remove it from the header list (so it doesn't get installed) list (REMOVE_ITEM opm-core_HEADERS "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/${opm-core_DIR}/core/utility/parameters/tinyxml/tinystr.h") list (REMOVE_ITEM opm-core_HEADERS "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/${opm-core_DIR}/core/utility/parameters/tinyxml/tinyxml.h") # HAVE_ERT is used as an #ifdef, not as an #if in the source code, if it # is not true, then it should be unset altogether if (NOT HAVE_ERT) set (HAVE_ERT) list (REMOVE_ITEM examples_SOURCES ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/examples/import_rewrite.cpp ) endif (NOT HAVE_ERT) endmacro (sources_hook) macro (fortran_hook) endmacro (fortran_hook) macro (files_hook) endmacro (files_hook) macro (tests_hook) cond_disable_test ("ERT") endmacro (tests_hook) macro (install_hook) # # copy the cmake macros to system when installing # install ( # DIRECTORY cmake # DESTINATION share/opm # ) endmacro (install_hook) # all setup common to the OPM library modules is done here include (OpmLibMain)