# This script generate the illustration pictures for the documentation. # # To run this script, you have to install paraview, see: # # http://www.paraview.org/paraview/resources/software.php # # Eventually, set up the paths (figure_path, tutorial_data_path, tutorial_path) according to your own installation. # (The default values should be ok.) # # Make sure that pvpython is in your path of executables. # # Run the following command at the root of the directory where # opm-core is installed (which also corresponds to the directory where # generate_doc_figures is located): # # pvpython generate_doc_figures.py # from subprocess import call from paraview.simple import * from os import remove, mkdir, curdir from os.path import join, isdir figure_path = "../Documentation/Figure" tutorial_data_path = curdir tutorial_path = "tutorials" collected_garbage_file = [] if not isdir(figure_path): mkdir(figure_path) # tutorial 1 call(join(tutorial_path, "tutorial1")) data_file_name = join(tutorial_data_path, "tutorial1.vtu") # grid = servermanager.sources.XMLUnstructuredGridReader(FileName = data_file_name) grid = XMLUnstructuredGridReader(FileName = data_file_name) collected_garbage_file.append(data_file_name) grid.UpdatePipeline() Show(grid) dp = GetDisplayProperties(grid) dp.Representation = 'Wireframe' dp.LineWidth = 5 dp.AmbientColor = [1, 0, 0] view = GetActiveView() view.Background = [1, 1, 1] camera = GetActiveCamera() camera.SetPosition(4, -6, 5) camera.SetViewUp(-0.19, 0.4, 0.9) camera.SetViewAngle(30) camera.SetFocalPoint(1.5, 1.5, 1) Render() WriteImage(join(figure_path, "tutorial1.png")) Hide(grid) # tutorial 2 call(join(tutorial_path, "tutorial2")) data_file_name = join(tutorial_data_path, "tutorial2.vtu") grid = XMLUnstructuredGridReader(FileName = data_file_name) collected_garbage_file.append(data_file_name) grid.UpdatePipeline() Show(grid) dp = GetDisplayProperties(grid) dp.Representation = 'Surface' dp.ColorArrayName = 'pressure' pres = grid.CellData.GetArray(0) pres_lookuptable = GetLookupTableForArray( "pressure", 1, RGBPoints=[pres.GetRange()[0], 1, 0, 0, pres.GetRange()[1], 0, 0, 1] ) dp.LookupTable = pres_lookuptable view = GetActiveView() view.Background = [1, 1, 1] camera = GetActiveCamera() camera.SetPosition(20, 20, 110) camera.SetViewUp(0, 1, 0) camera.SetViewAngle(30) camera.SetFocalPoint(20, 20, 0.5) Render() WriteImage(join(figure_path, "tutorial2.png")) Hide(grid) # tutorial 3 call(join(tutorial_path, "tutorial3")) for case in range(0,20): data_file_name = join(tutorial_data_path, "tutorial3-"+"%(case)03d"%{"case": case}+".vtu") collected_garbage_file.append(data_file_name) cases = ["000", "005", "010", "015", "019"] for case in cases: data_file_name = join(tutorial_data_path, "tutorial3-"+case+".vtu") grid = XMLUnstructuredGridReader(FileName = data_file_name) grid.UpdatePipeline() Show(grid) dp = GetDisplayProperties(grid) dp.Representation = 'Surface' dp.ColorArrayName = 'saturation' sat = grid.CellData.GetArray(1) sat_lookuptable = GetLookupTableForArray( "saturation", 1, RGBPoints=[0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1]) dp.LookupTable = sat_lookuptable view.Background = [1, 1, 1] camera = GetActiveCamera() camera.SetPosition(100, 100, 550) camera.SetViewUp(0, 1, 0) camera.SetViewAngle(30) camera.SetFocalPoint(100, 100, 5) Render() WriteImage(join(figure_path, "tutorial3-"+case+".png")) Hide(grid) # tutorial 4 call(join(tutorial_path, "tutorial4")) for case in range(0,20): data_file_name = join(tutorial_data_path, "tutorial4-"+"%(case)03d"%{"case": case}+".vtu") collected_garbage_file.append(data_file_name) cases = ["000", "005", "010", "015", "019"] for case in cases: data_file_name = join(tutorial_data_path, "tutorial4-"+case+".vtu") grid = XMLUnstructuredGridReader(FileName = data_file_name) grid.UpdatePipeline() Show(grid) dp = GetDisplayProperties(grid) dp.Representation = 'Surface' dp.ColorArrayName = 'saturation' sat = grid.CellData.GetArray(1) sat_lookuptable = GetLookupTableForArray( "saturation", 1, RGBPoints=[0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1]) dp.LookupTable = sat_lookuptable view.Background = [1, 1, 1] camera = GetActiveCamera() camera.SetPosition(100, 100, 550) camera.SetViewUp(0, 1, 0) camera.SetViewAngle(30) camera.SetFocalPoint(100, 100, 5) Render() WriteImage(join(figure_path, "tutorial4-"+case+".png")) Hide(grid) # remove temporary files for f in collected_garbage_file: remove(f)