/* Copyright 2010, 2011, 2012 SINTEF ICT, Applied Mathematics. This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM). OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OPM. If not, see . */ #ifndef OPM_SATURATIONPROPSFROMDECK_HEADER_INCLUDED #define OPM_SATURATIONPROPSFROMDECK_HEADER_INCLUDED #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include struct UnstructuredGrid; namespace Opm { /// Interface to saturation functions from deck. /// Possible values for template argument (for now): /// SatFuncSetStone2Nonuniform, /// SatFuncSetStone2Uniform. /// SatFuncSetSimpleNonuniform, /// SatFuncSetSimpleUniform. template class SaturationPropsFromDeck : public SaturationPropsInterface { public: /// Default constructor. SaturationPropsFromDeck(); /// Initialize from deck and grid. /// \param[in] deck Deck input parser /// \param[in] grid Grid to which property object applies, needed for the /// mapping from cell indices (typically from a processed grid) /// to logical cartesian indices consistent with the deck. /// \param[in] samples Number of uniform sample points for saturation tables. /// NOTE: samples will only be used with the SatFuncSetUniform template argument. void init(const EclipseGridParser& deck, const UnstructuredGrid& grid, const int samples); /// \return P, the number of phases. int numPhases() const; /// Relative permeability. /// \param[in] n Number of data points. /// \param[in] s Array of nP saturation values. /// \param[out] kr Array of nP relperm values, array must be valid before calling. /// \param[out] dkrds If non-null: array of nP^2 relperm derivative values, /// array must be valid before calling. /// The P^2 derivative matrix is /// m_{ij} = \frac{dkr_i}{ds^j}, /// and is output in Fortran order (m_00 m_10 m_20 m01 ...) void relperm(const int n, const double* s, const int* cells, double* kr, double* dkrds) const; /// Capillary pressure. /// \param[in] n Number of data points. /// \param[in] s Array of nP saturation values. /// \param[out] pc Array of nP capillary pressure values, array must be valid before calling. /// \param[out] dpcds If non-null: array of nP^2 derivative values, /// array must be valid before calling. /// The P^2 derivative matrix is /// m_{ij} = \frac{dpc_i}{ds^j}, /// and is output in Fortran order (m_00 m_10 m_20 m01 ...) void capPress(const int n, const double* s, const int* cells, double* pc, double* dpcds) const; /// Obtain the range of allowable saturation values. /// \param[in] n Number of data points. /// \param[out] smin Array of nP minimum s values, array must be valid before calling. /// \param[out] smax Array of nP maximum s values, array must be valid before calling. void satRange(const int n, const int* cells, double* smin, double* smax) const; /// Update saturation state for the hysteresis tracking /// \param[in] n Number of data points. /// \param[in] s Array of nP saturation values. void updateSatHyst(const int n, const int* cells, const double* s); private: PhaseUsage phase_usage_; std::vector satfuncset_; std::vector cell_to_func_; // = SATNUM - 1 bool do_eps_; // ENDSCALE is active bool do_3pt_; // SCALECRS: YES~true NO~false bool do_hyst_; // Keywords ISWL etc detected std::vector eps_transf_; std::vector eps_transf_hyst_; std::vector sat_hyst_; typedef SatFuncSet Funcs; const Funcs& funcForCell(const int cell) const; void initEPS(const EclipseGridParser& deck, const UnstructuredGrid& grid); void initEPSHyst(const EclipseGridParser& deck, const UnstructuredGrid& grid); void initEPSKey(const EclipseGridParser& deck, const UnstructuredGrid& grid, const std::string& keyword, std::vector& scaleparam); void initEPSParam(const int cell, EPSTransforms::Transform& data, const bool oil, const double sl_tab, const double scr_tab, const double su_tab, const double sxcr_tab, const double s0_tab, const double krsr_tab, const double krmax_tab, const std::vector& sl, const std::vector& scr, const std::vector& su, const std::vector& sxcr, const std::vector& s0, const std::vector& krsr, const std::vector& krmax); }; } // namespace Opm #include #endif // OPM_SATURATIONPROPSFROMDECK_HEADER_INCLUDED