-- This reservoir simulation is made available under the open Database -- License: http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/1.0/ -- Individual contents of the database are licensed under the Database contents -- License : http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/dbcl/1.0/ -- Copyright(C) 2015 Statoil -- =============================================================================== -- SPE 10 - MODEL 2 -- Simulation based on the followinf SPE paper: -- "Tenth SPE comparative solution project: a comparison of upscaling techniques" -- By Mike Christie (Heriot-Wat University) and Martin Blunt (Imperial College) -- SPE, August 2001 -- =============================================================================== RUNSPEC TITLE TENTH SPE COMPARATIVE SOLUTION PROJECT: A COMPARISON OF UPSCALING TECHNIQUES - MODEL 2 DIMENS 60 220 85 / NONNC OIL WATER GAS FIELD EQLDIMS / TABDIMS / WELLDIMS 5 340 1 5 / UNIFOUT START 1 'FEB' 1967 / NSTACK 300 / -- ================================================= ------- In theis section, the geometry of the simulation ------- grid and the rock perøeabilities, porosities are ------- defined. -- ================================================= GRID INIT OLDTRAN DX 1122000*20 / DY 1122000*10 / DZ 1122000*2 / INCLUDE SPE10MODEL2_TOPS.INC / -- In the PORO file, all the values equal to 0 have been replaced -- by a minimum by a minimum value (1e-7) in order not to have 'dead cells'. INCLUDE 'SPE10MODEL2_PHI.INC' / INCLUDE 'SPE10MODEL2_PERM.INC' / MESSAGES 3* 100000 5* 100000 / -- ======================================================= PROPS --Sw Krw Kro SWOF 0.200 0.0000 1.0000 0 0.250 0.0069 0.8403 0 0.300 0.0278 0.6944 0 0.350 0.0625 0.5625 0 0.400 0.1111 0.4444 0 0.450 0.1736 0.3403 0 0.500 0.2500 0.2500 0 0.550 0.3403 0.1736 0 0.600 0.4444 0.1111 0 0.650 0.5625 0.0625 0 0.700 0.6944 0.0278 0 0.750 0.8403 0.0069 0 0.800 1.0000 0.0000 0 / -- No gas, but table needed because Flo is a 3-phase simulator -- Sgmax is setto 0.8 to have coherent data with SWOF -- simplest table has been considered -- Sg Krg Kro Pcgo SGOF 0.000000 0 1.000000 0.000000 0.800000 1 0.000000 0.000000 / -- Oil Wat Gas DENSITY 53 64 0.0624 / PVDO 300 1.05 2.85 800 1.02 2.99 8000 1.01 3 / PVTW 6000 1.01 0.000003 0.3 0 / --PVT oif gas for 3-phi simulator flow - MADE UP DATA PVDG 14.7 178.1 0.005 8000 1 0.01 / ROCK 6000 0.000001 / SOLUTION ======================================================== EQUIL -- DATUM DATUM OWC OWC GOC GOC RSVD RVVD SOLN -- DEPTH PRESS DEPTH PCOW DEPTH PCOG TABLE TABLE METH 12000 6000 12170 0 12000 0 1* 1* 0 / SUMMARY ========================================================== RUNSUM FPR FOPR FOPT FWPT FWCT WBHP 'INJ' / WOPR 'P1' 'P2' 'P3' 'P4' / WWCT 'P1' 'P2' 'P3' 'P4' / WOPT 'P1' 'P2' 'P3' 'P4' / SCHEDULE ===================================================== RPTRST 'BASIC=2' / TUNING / / 2* 300 1* 12 / WELSPECS 'INJ' 'G1' 30 110 12001 'WATER' / 'P1' 'G1' 1 1 12001 'OIL' / 'P2' 'G1' 60 1 12001 'OIL' / 'P3' 'G1' 60 220 12001 'OIL' / 'P4' 'G1' 1 220 12001 'OIL' / / COMPDAT 'INJ' 30 110 1 85 'OPEN' 2* 2 / 'P1' 1 1 1 85 'OPEN' 2* 2 / 'P2' 60 1 1 85 'OPEN' 2* 2 / 'P3' 60 220 1 85 'OPEN' 2* 2 / 'P4' 1 220 1 85 'OPEN' 2* 2 / / WCONINJE 'INJ' 'WATER' 'OPEN' 'RESV' 1* 5000 10000 / / WCONPROD 'P1' 'OPEN' 'BHP' 5* 4000 / 'P2' 'OPEN' 'BHP' 5* 4000 / 'P3' 'OPEN' 'BHP' 5* 4000 / 'P4' 'OPEN' 'BHP' 5* 4000 / / TSTEP 1 2 3 4 5 5 10 10 20 20 30 30 30 30 50 50 17*100 / --DATES -- $$$ 2 FEB 1967 / -- $$$ 3 FEB 1967 / -- $$$ 4 FEB 1967 / -- $$$ 5 FEB 1967 / -- $$$ 15 FEB 1967 / -- $$$ 1 MAR 1967 / -- $$$ 1 APR 1967 / -- $$$ 1 MAY 1967 / -- $$$ 1 AUG 1967 / -- $$$ 1 NOV 1967 / -- $$$ 1 FEB 1968 / -- $$$ 1 MAY 1968 / -- $$$ 1 AUG 1968 / -- $$$ 1 NOV 1968 / -- $$$ 1 FEB 1969 / -- $$$ 1 MAY 1969 / -- $$$ 1 AUG 1969 / -- $$$ 1 NOV 1969 / -- $$$ 1 FEB 1970 / -- $$$ 1 MAY 1970 / -- $$$ 1 AUG 1970 / -- $$$ 1 NOV 1970 / -- $$$ 1 FEB 1971 / -- $$$ 1 MAY 1971 / -- $$$ 1 AUG 1971 / -- $$$ 1 NOV 1971 / -- $$$ 1 FEB 1972 / -- $$$ 1 MAY 1972 / -- $$$ 24 JUL 1972 / -- $$$ / END