-- This reservoir simulation deck is made available under the Open Database -- License: http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/1.0/. Any rights in -- individual contents of the database are licensed under the Database Contents -- License: http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/dbcl/1.0/ -- Copyright (C) 2016 IRIS -- This simulation is based on the data given in -- 'Fifth comparison of Solution Project: Evaluation of Miscible Flood Simulators' -- by Killough et al. SPE16000 1987 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ SPE5 - BASE INPUT ------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Input to SPE5CASE1, SPE5CASE2 and SPE5CASE3 DIMENS 7 7 3 / -- The number of equilibration regions is inferred from the EQLDIMS -- keyword. EQLDIMS / TABDIMS / OIL GAS WATER DISGAS SOLVENT MISCIBLE 1 20 / FIELD -- Start simulation from the year SPE5 was published by Killough et al. START 1 'JAN' 1987 / WELLDIMS -- Item 1: maximum number of wells in the model -- - there are two wells in the problem; injector and producer -- Item 2: maximum number of grid blocks connected to any one well -- - must be one as the wells are located at specific grid blocks -- Item 3: maximum number of groups in the model -- - we are dealing with only one 'group' -- Item 4: maximum number of wells in any one group -- - there must be two wells in a group as there are two wells in total 3 3 2 2 / UNIFOUT GRID -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Grid is specified in Table 1, 2 and 3 in Killough et al.: NOECHO INIT DX -- There are in total 147 cells with length 1000ft in x-direction 147*500 / DY -- There are in total 147 cells with length 1000ft in y-direction 147*500 / DZ -- The layers are 20, 30 and 50 ft thick, in each layer there are 49 cells 49*20 49*30 49*50 / TOPS -- The depth of the top of each grid block 49*8325 / PORO -- Constant porosity of 0.3 throughout all 147 grid cells 147*0.3 / PERMX -- The layers have perm. 500mD, 50mD and 200mD, respectively. 49*500 49*50 49*200 / PERMY 49*500 49*50 49*200 / PERMZ 49*50 49*50 49*25 / ECHO PROPS -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- From Table 1 in Killough et al. PVTW -- Item 1: pressure reference (psia) -- Item 2: water FVF (rb per bbl or rb per stb) -- Item 3: water compressibility (psi^{-1}) -- Item 4: water viscosity (cp) -- Item 5: water 'viscosibility' (psi^{-1}) -- In FIELD units: 14.7 1.0 3.3E-6 0.70 0.0 / -- From Table 1 in Killough et al. ROCK -- Item 1: reference pressure (psia) -- Item 2: rock compressibility (psi^{-1}) 14.7 5E-6 / -- From Table 3 in Killough et al. SWFN -- Column 1: water saturation -- Column 2: water relative permeability -- Column 3: water-oil capillary pressure (psi) 0.2000 0 45.00 0.2899 0.0022 19.03 0.3778 0.0180 10.07 0.4667 0.0607 4.90 0.5556 0.1438 1.8 0.6444 0.2809 0.50 0.7000 0.4089 0.05 0.7333 0.4855 0.01 0.8222 0.7709 0.0 0.9111 1.00 0.0 1.0000 1.00 0.0 / -- From Table 3 in Killough et al. SGFN -- Column 1: gas saturation -- Column 2: gas relative permeability -- Column 3: oil-gas capillary pressure (psi) 0 0.0 0 0.05 0.0 0 0.0889 0.001 0 0.1778 0.010 0 0.2667 0.030 0.001 0.3556 0.050 0.001 0.4443 0.100 0.030 0.5333 0.200 0.80 0.6222 0.350 3.0 0.650 0.390 4.0 0.7111 0.560 8.0 0.80 1.0 30.0/ --From Table 3 in Killough et al. SOF3 -- Column 1: oil saturation -- Column 2: oil relative permeability when oil, gas and connate water are present -- Column 3: oil relative permeability when only oil and water are present -- SOIL KROW KROG 0 0.0 0.0 0.0889 0.0 0.0 0.150 1* 0.0 0.1778 0.0 0.011 0.2667 0.0 0.037 0.30 0.0 1* 0.3556 0.0123 0.0878 0.4444 0.0835 0.1715 0.5333 0.2178 0.2963 0.6222 0.4153 0.4705 0.7111 0.6769 0.7023 0.75 1* 0.88 0.80 1.0 1.0 / -- for now use the same input as KROG SOF2 -- SOIL KRP 0 0.0 0.0889 0.0 0.1778 0.0 0.2667 0.0 0.30 0.0 0.3556 0.0123 0.4444 0.0835 0.5333 0.2178 0.6222 0.4153 0.7111 0.6769 0.80 1.0 / -- linear solvent-gas relperm SSFN 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 / -- consider the solvent miscible -- when its fraction of the gas -- is more than 0.01 MISC 0.0 0.0 0.01 1.0 1.0 1.0 / -- Use a linear ramp from 1500 to 3200 psia -- for the miscibility pressure -- The same as what the TDC group reports -- in Killough et al. PMISC 1000 0.0 1500 0.0 3200 1.0 6000 1.0 / DENSITY -- Density (lb per ft³) at surface cond. of -- oil, water and gas, respectively (in that order) -- In FIELD units: 38.53 62.4 0.06864 / -- gas density (stb) / (gas density at stb (Table 7) / solvent density at stb (Table 8)) = 0.06864 / (0.0011 / 0.0010) -- from Killough et al. SDENSITY 0.0624 / -- Values from 0.5 to 1.0 is used in Killough et al. -- 0.6 is used by the TDC group TLMIXPAR 0.6 / -- Pressure dependent TL parameter. -- use the same values as pmisc -- Only for OPM --TLPMIXPA --1000 0.0 --1500 0.0 --3200 1.0 --6000 1.0/ -- Using values from Table 9 in Killough et al.: PVDG -- Column 1: gas phase pressure (psia) -- Column 2: gas formation volume factor (rb per Mscf) -- Column 3: gas viscosity (cP) 14.700 211.416 0.01070 500.0 5.92420 0.01270 1000.0 2.85060 0.01340 1200.0 2.34410 0.01360 1500.0 1.84570 0.01450 1800.0 1.52020 0.01530 2000.0 1.36020 0.01590 2302.3 1.17510 0.01700 2500.0 1.10250 0.01770 3000.0 0.98030 0.01950 3500.0 0.91160 0.02140 4000.0 0.86210 0.02320 4500.0 0.82240 0.02500 4800.0 0.80320 0.02610 / -- Using values from Table 9 in Killough et al.: PVDS -- Column 1: gas phase pressure (psia) -- Column 2: gas formation volume factor (rb per Mscf) -- Column 3: gas viscosity (cP) 14.700 233.214 0.01100 500.0 5.60220 0.01200 1000.0 2.53100 0.01300 1200.0 2.03540 0.01400 1500.0 1.55930 0.01600 1800.0 1.26570 0.01800 2000.0 1.12960 0.01900 2302.3 0.98030 0.02200 2500.0 0.90850 0.02300 3000.0 0.78070 0.02700 3500.0 0.69940 0.03100 4000.0 0.64300 0.03400 4500.0 0.60170 0.03700 4800.0 0.58170 0.03800 / -- Using values from Table 9 in Killough et al.: PVTO -- Column 1: dissolved gas-oil ratio (Mscf per stb) -- Column 2: bubble point pressure (psia) -- Column 3: oil FVF for saturated oil (rb per stb) -- Column 4: oil viscosity for saturated oil (cP) 0.0000 14.7 1.0348 0.310 / 0.1176 500.0 1.1017 0.295 / 0.2226 1000.0 1.1478 0.274 / 0.2677 1200.0 1.1677 0.264 / 0.3414 1500.0 1.1997 0.249 / 0.4215 1800.0 1.2350 0.234 / 0.4790 2000.0 1.2600 0.224 / 0.5728 2302.3 1.3010 0.208 / 0.6341 2500.0 1.3278 0.200 / 0.7893 3000.0 1.3956 0.187 / 0.9444 3500.0 1.4634 0.175 / 1.0995 4000.0 1.5312 0.167 / 1.2547 4500.0 1.5991 0.159 / 1.3478 4800.0 1.6398 0.155 5500.0 1.6305 0.165 / -- It is required to enter data for undersaturated oil for the highest GOR -- (i.e. the last row) in the PVTO table. -- The oil formation volume factor slope above boble point is -21.85e-6 RB/STB/PSI -- (From Table 1 in Killough et al.) -- For the viscosity we use the same relative factor as found in the spe1 deck -- (700 * 9e-5 + 1) * 0.155 / SOLUTION -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EQUIL -- Item 1: datum depth (ft) -- Item 2: pressure at datum depth (psia) -- Item 3: depth of water-oil contact (ft) -- - chosen to be directly under the reservoir -- Item 4: oil-water capillary pressure at the water oil contact (psi) -- Item 5: depth of gas-oil contact (ft) -- - chosen to be directly above the reservoir -- Item 6: gas-oil capillary pressure at gas-oil contact (psi) -- Item 7: RSVD-table -- Item 8: RVVD-table -- Item 9: Set to 0 as this is the only value supported by OPM -- Item #: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8400 4000 8450 0 8300 0 1 0 0 / -- Solution gas at reservoar oil saturation pressure 2302.3 psia -- Based on values in Table 1 and Table 9 in Killough et al. RSVD 8300 0.5728 8450 0.5728 / SUMMARY --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- In order to compare Eclipse with Flow: -- This are not the output compared in Killough et al. WBHP 'INJW' 'INJG' 'PROD' / WGIR 'INJW' 'INJG' 'PROD' / WGIT 'INJW' 'INJG' 'PROD' / WGPR 'INJW' 'INJG' 'PROD' / WGPT 'INJW' 'INJG' 'PROD' / WOIR 'INJW' 'INJG' 'PROD' / WOIT 'INJW' 'INJG' 'PROD' / WOPR 'INJW' 'INJG' 'PROD' / WOPT 'INJW' 'INJG' 'PROD' / WWIR 'INJW' 'INJG' 'PROD' / WWIT 'INJW' 'INJG' 'PROD' / WWPR 'INJW' 'INJG' 'PROD' / WWPT 'INJW' 'INJG' 'PROD' / SCHEDULE -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- RPTSCHED 'PRES' 'SGAS' 'SSOL' 'SWAT' 'SOIL' 'WELLS' 'KRN' 'KRG' 'KRO' 'KRW'/ RPTRST 'BASIC=1' / WELSPECS -- Item #: 1 2 3 4 5 6 'PROD' 'G1' 7 7 1* 'OIL' / 'INJW' 'INJ' 1 1 1* 'WATER' / 'INJG' 'INJ' 1 1 1* 'GAS' / / COMPDAT -- Item #: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 'PROD' 7 7 3 3 'OPEN' 1* 1* 0.5 10000/ 'INJW' 1 1 1 1 'OPEN' 1* 1* 0.5 10000/ 'INJG' 1 1 1 1 'OPEN' 1* 1* 0.5 10000/ /