\-This model implements a one-\/phase flow of a compressible fluid, that consists of two components, using a standard \-Darcy approach as the equation for the conservation of momentum\-: \[ v_{D}=-\frac{\textbf K}{\mu}\left(\text{grad} p -\varrho{\textbf g}\right)\]
\-Gravity can be enabled or disabled via the property system. \-By inserting this into the continuity equation, one gets \[\Phi\frac{\partial\varrho}{\partial t}-\text{div}\left\{\varrho\frac{\textbf K}{\mu}\left(\text{grad}\, p -\varrho{\textbf g}\right)\right\}= q \;, \]
\-The transport of the components is described by the following equation\-: \[\Phi\frac{\partial\varrho x}{\partial t}-\text{div}\left(\varrho\frac{{\textbf K} x}{\mu}\left(\text{grad}\, p -\varrho{\textbf g}\right)+\varrho\tau\Phi D \text{grad} x \right)= q. \]
\-All equations are discretized using a fully-\/coupled vertex-\/centered finite volume (box) scheme as spatial and the implicit \-Euler method as time discretization.