2013-09-23 11:56:30 -05:00
// -*- mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
// vi: set et ts=4 sw=4 sts=4:
* Copyright (C) 2012-2013 by Andreas Lauser *
* *
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. *
* \file
* \copydoc Ewoms::ReservoirProblem
#include <ewoms/models/blackoil/blackoilproperties.hh>
2013-11-04 06:54:19 -06:00
#include <opm/material/fluidmatrixinteractions/MpLinearMaterial.hpp>
2013-09-23 11:56:30 -05:00
#include <opm/material/fluidstates/CompositionalFluidState.hpp>
#include <dune/grid/io/file/dgfparser/dgfyasp.hh>
#include <dune/common/fvector.hh>
#include <dune/common/fmatrix.hh>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
namespace Ewoms {
template <class TypeTag>
class ReservoirProblem;
2013-09-23 13:25:58 -05:00
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2013-09-23 13:25:58 -05:00
namespace Opm {
2013-09-23 11:56:30 -05:00
namespace Properties {
// Problem specific properties:
// Maximum depth of the reservoir
// The temperature inside the reservoir
// The name of the simulation (used for writing VTK files)
// Set the grid type
SET_TYPE_PROP(ReservoirBaseProblem, Grid, Dune::YaspGrid<2>);
// Set the problem property
SET_TYPE_PROP(ReservoirBaseProblem, Problem, Ewoms::ReservoirProblem<TypeTag>);
// Set the material Law
SET_PROP(ReservoirBaseProblem, MaterialLaw)
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Scalar) Scalar;
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, FluidSystem) FluidSystem;
typedef Opm::MpLinearMaterial<FluidSystem::numPhases, Scalar> type;
// Write the Newton convergence behavior to disk?
SET_BOOL_PROP(ReservoirBaseProblem, NewtonWriteConvergence, false);
// Enable gravity
SET_BOOL_PROP(ReservoirBaseProblem, EnableGravity, true);
// Reuse Jacobian matrices if possible?
SET_BOOL_PROP(ReservoirBaseProblem, EnableJacobianRecycling, true);
// Smoothen the upwinding method?
SET_BOOL_PROP(ReservoirBaseProblem, EnableSmoothUpwinding, false);
// Enable constraint DOFs?
SET_BOOL_PROP(ReservoirBaseProblem, EnableConstraints, true);
// set the defaults for some problem specific properties
SET_SCALAR_PROP(ReservoirBaseProblem, MaxDepth, 2500);
SET_SCALAR_PROP(ReservoirBaseProblem, Temperature, 293.15);
SET_STRING_PROP(ReservoirBaseProblem, SimulationName, "reservoir");
// The default for the end time of the simulation [s]
SET_SCALAR_PROP(ReservoirBaseProblem, EndTime, 100);
// The default for the initial time step size of the simulation [s]
SET_SCALAR_PROP(ReservoirBaseProblem, InitialTimeStepSize, 10);
// The default DGF file to load
SET_STRING_PROP(ReservoirBaseProblem, GridFile, "grids/reservoir.dgf");
2013-11-04 07:17:32 -06:00
} // namespace Properties
} // namespace Opm
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2013-09-23 13:25:58 -05:00
namespace Ewoms {
2013-09-23 11:56:30 -05:00
* \ingroup VcfvTestProblems
* \brief Some simple test problem for the black-oil VCVF discretization
* inspired by an oil reservoir.
* The domain is two-dimensional and exhibits a size of 6000m times
* 60m. Initially, the reservoir is assumed by oil with a bubble point
* pressure of 20 MPa, which also the initial pressure in the
* domain. No-flow boundaries are used for all boundaries. The
* permeability of the lower 10 m is reduced compared to the upper 10
* m of the domain witch capillary pressure always being
* neglected. Three wells are approximated using constraints: Two
* water-injector wells, one at the lower-left boundary one at the
* lower-right boundary and one producer well in the upper part of the
* center of the domain. The pressure for the producer is assumed to
* be 2/3 of the reservoir pressure, the injector wells use a pressure
* which is 50% above the reservoir pressure.
template <class TypeTag>
class ReservoirProblem
: public GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, BaseProblem)
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, BaseProblem) ParentType;
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, GridView) GridView;
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Scalar) Scalar;
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, FluidSystem) FluidSystem;
enum {
// Grid and world dimension
dim = GridView::dimension,
dimWorld = GridView::dimensionworld
// copy some indices for convenience
enum {
numPhases = FluidSystem::numPhases,
numComponents = FluidSystem::numComponents,
gPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::gPhaseIdx,
oPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::oPhaseIdx,
wPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx,
gCompIdx = FluidSystem::gCompIdx,
oCompIdx = FluidSystem::oCompIdx,
wCompIdx = FluidSystem::wCompIdx
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PrimaryVariables) PrimaryVariables;
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, RateVector) RateVector;
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, BoundaryRateVector) BoundaryRateVector;
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Constraints) Constraints;
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, MaterialLaw) MaterialLaw;
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, BlackOilFluidState) BlackOilFluidState;
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, TimeManager) TimeManager;
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, MaterialLawParams) MaterialLawParams;
typedef typename GridView::ctype CoordScalar;
typedef Dune::FieldVector<CoordScalar, dimWorld> GlobalPosition;
typedef Dune::FieldMatrix<Scalar, dimWorld, dimWorld> DimMatrix;
typedef Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, numPhases> PhaseVector;
* \copydoc Doxygen::defaultProblemConstructor
ReservoirProblem(TimeManager &timeManager)
: ParentType(timeManager, GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, GridCreator)::grid().leafView())
eps_ = 1e-6;
2013-09-23 13:25:58 -05:00
temperature_ = EWOMS_GET_PARAM(TypeTag, Scalar, Temperature);
maxDepth_ = EWOMS_GET_PARAM(TypeTag, Scalar, MaxDepth);
name_ = EWOMS_GET_PARAM(TypeTag, std::string, SimulationName);
2013-09-23 11:56:30 -05:00
std::vector<std::pair<Scalar, Scalar> > Bg = {
{ 1.013529e+05, 9.998450e-01 },
{ 2.757903e+06, 3.075500e-02 },
{ 5.515806e+06, 1.537947e-02 },
{ 8.273709e+06, 1.021742e-02 },
{ 1.103161e+07, 7.662783e-03 },
{ 1.378951e+07, 6.151899e-03 },
{ 1.654742e+07, 5.108709e-03 },
{ 1.930532e+07, 4.378814e-03 },
{ 2.206322e+07, 3.857780e-03 },
{ 2.482113e+07, 3.388401e-03 },
{ 2.757903e+07, 3.049842e-03 }
std::vector<std::pair<Scalar, Scalar> > Bo = {
{ 1.013529e+05, 1.000000e+00 },
{ 2.757903e+06, 1.012000e+00 },
{ 5.515806e+06, 1.025500e+00 },
{ 8.273709e+06, 1.038000e+00 },
{ 1.103161e+07, 1.051000e+00 },
{ 1.378951e+07, 1.063000e+00 },
{ 1.654742e+07, 1.075000e+00 },
{ 1.930532e+07, 1.087000e+00 },
{ 2.206322e+07, 1.098500e+00 },
{ 2.482113e+07, 1.110000e+00 },
{ 2.757903e+07, 1.120000e+00 }
std::vector<std::pair<Scalar, Scalar> > Rs = {
{ 1.013529e+05, 0.000000e+00 },
{ 2.757903e+06, 2.938776e+01 },
{ 5.515806e+06, 5.966605e+01 },
{ 8.273709e+06, 8.905380e+01 },
{ 1.103161e+07, 1.184416e+02 },
{ 1.378951e+07, 1.474731e+02 },
{ 1.654742e+07, 1.754360e+02 },
{ 1.930532e+07, 2.012616e+02 },
{ 2.206322e+07, 2.261967e+02 },
{ 2.482113e+07, 2.475696e+02 },
{ 2.757903e+07, 2.671614e+02 }
std::vector<std::pair<Scalar, Scalar> > muo = {
{ 1.013529e+05, 1.200000e-03 },
{ 2.757903e+06, 1.170000e-03 },
{ 5.515806e+06, 1.140000e-03 },
{ 8.273709e+06, 1.110000e-03 },
{ 1.103161e+07, 1.080000e-03 },
{ 1.378951e+07, 1.060000e-03 },
{ 1.654742e+07, 1.030000e-03 },
{ 1.930532e+07, 1.000000e-03 },
{ 2.206322e+07, 9.800000e-04 },
{ 2.482113e+07, 9.500000e-04 },
{ 2.757903e+07, 9.400000e-04 }
std::vector<std::pair<Scalar, Scalar> > mug = {
{ 1.013529e+05, 1.250000e-05 },
{ 2.757903e+06, 1.300000e-05 },
{ 5.515806e+06, 1.350000e-05 },
{ 8.273709e+06, 1.400000e-05 },
{ 1.103161e+07, 1.450000e-05 },
{ 1.378951e+07, 1.500000e-05 },
{ 1.654742e+07, 1.550000e-05 },
{ 1.930532e+07, 1.600000e-05 },
{ 2.206322e+07, 1.650000e-05 },
{ 2.482113e+07, 1.700000e-05 },
{ 2.757903e+07, 1.750000e-05 },
2013-11-04 06:55:51 -06:00
2013-09-23 11:56:30 -05:00
for (int phaseIdx = 0; phaseIdx < numPhases; ++ phaseIdx)
FluidSystem::setReferenceVolumeFactor(phaseIdx, 1.0);
pReservoir_ = 20e6;
layerBottom_ = 22.0;
// intrinsic permeabilities
fineK_ = this->toDimMatrix_(1e-12);
coarseK_ = this->toDimMatrix_(1e-11);
// porosities
finePorosity_ = 0.2;
coarsePorosity_ = 0.3;
for (int phaseIdx = 0; phaseIdx < numPhases; ++ phaseIdx) {
fineMaterialParams_.setPcMinSat(phaseIdx, 0.0);
fineMaterialParams_.setPcMaxSat(phaseIdx, 0.0);
fineMaterialParams_.setResidSat(phaseIdx, 0.0);
coarseMaterialParams_.setPcMinSat(phaseIdx, 0.0);
coarseMaterialParams_.setPcMaxSat(phaseIdx, 0.0);
coarseMaterialParams_.setResidSat(phaseIdx, 0.0);
fineMaterialParams_.setResidSat(oPhaseIdx, 0.01);
coarseMaterialParams_.setResidSat(oPhaseIdx, 0.01);
* \copydoc VcfvMultiPhaseProblem::registerParameters
static void registerParameters()
2013-09-23 13:25:58 -05:00
EWOMS_REGISTER_PARAM(TypeTag, Scalar, Temperature, "The temperature [K] in the reservoir");
EWOMS_REGISTER_PARAM(TypeTag, Scalar, MaxDepth, "The maximum depth [m] of the reservoir");
EWOMS_REGISTER_PARAM(TypeTag, std::string, SimulationName, "The name of the simulation used for the output files");
2013-09-23 11:56:30 -05:00
* \copydoc VcfvMultiPhaseProblem::intrinsicPermeability
* For this problem, a layer with high permability is located
* above one with low permeability.
template <class Context>
const DimMatrix &intrinsicPermeability(const Context &context, int spaceIdx, int timeIdx) const
const GlobalPosition &pos = context.pos(spaceIdx, timeIdx);
if (isFineMaterial_(pos))
return fineK_;
return coarseK_;
* \copydoc VcfvMultiPhaseProblem::porosity
template <class Context>
Scalar porosity(const Context &context, int spaceIdx, int timeIdx) const
const GlobalPosition &pos = context.pos(spaceIdx, timeIdx);
if (isFineMaterial_(pos))
return finePorosity_;
return coarsePorosity_;
* \copydoc VcfvMultiPhaseProblem::materialLawParams
template <class Context>
const MaterialLawParams& materialLawParams(const Context &context, int spaceIdx, int timeIdx) const
const GlobalPosition &pos = context.pos(spaceIdx, timeIdx);
if (isFineMaterial_(pos))
return fineMaterialParams_;
return coarseMaterialParams_;
* \name Problem parameters
//! \{
* \copydoc VcfvProblem::name
const std::string name() const
{ return name_; }
* \copydoc VcfvMultiPhaseProblem::temperature
* The black-oil model assumes constant temperature to define its
* parameters. Although temperature is thus not really used by the
* model, it gets written to the VTK output. Who nows, maybe we
* will need it one day?
template <class Context>
Scalar temperature(const Context &context, int spaceIdx, int timeIdx) const
{ return temperature_; }
// \}
* \name Boundary conditions
//! \{
* \copydoc VcfvProblem::boundary
* The reservoir problem uses constraints to approximate
* extraction and production wells, so all boundaries are no-flow.
template <class Context>
void boundary(BoundaryRateVector &values,
const Context &context,
int spaceIdx, int timeIdx) const
// no flow on top and bottom
//! \}
* \name Volume terms
//! \{
* \copydoc VcfvProblem::initial
* The reservoir problem uses a constant boundary condition for
* the whole domain.
template <class Context>
void initial(PrimaryVariables &values, const Context &context, int spaceIdx, int timeIdx) const
// set the primary variables
* \copydoc VcfvProblem::constraints
* The reservoir problem places two water-injection wells on the
* lower parts of the left and right edges of the domains and on
* production well in the middle. The injection wells are fully
* water saturated with a higher pressure, the producer is fully
* oil saturated with a lower pressure than the remaining
* reservoir.
template <class Context>
void constraints(Constraints &constraints,
const Context &context,
int spaceIdx, int timeIdx) const
const auto &pos = context.pos(spaceIdx, timeIdx);
Scalar x = pos[0] - this->bboxMin()[0];
Scalar y = pos[dim-1] - this->bboxMin()[dim-1];
Scalar height = this->bboxMax()[dim-1] - this->bboxMin()[dim-1];
Scalar width = this->bboxMax()[0] - this->bboxMin()[0];
if ((onLeftBoundary_(pos)
|| onRightBoundary_(pos))
&& y < height/2)
// injectors
auto fs = initialFluidState_;
Scalar pInj = pReservoir_*1.5;
fs.setPressure(wPhaseIdx, pInj);
fs.setPressure(oPhaseIdx, pInj);
fs.setPressure(gPhaseIdx, pInj);
fs.setSaturation(wPhaseIdx, 1.0);
fs.setSaturation(oPhaseIdx, 0.0);
fs.setSaturation(gPhaseIdx, 0.0);
// set the compositions to only water
for (int phaseIdx = 0; phaseIdx < numPhases; ++phaseIdx)
for (int compIdx = 0; compIdx < numComponents; ++compIdx)
fs.setMoleFraction(phaseIdx, compIdx, 0.0);
// set the composition of the oil phase to the initial
// composition
for (int compIdx = 0; compIdx < numComponents; ++compIdx)
initialFluidState_.moleFraction(oPhaseIdx, compIdx));
fs.setMoleFraction(wPhaseIdx, wCompIdx, 1.0);
else if (width/2 - 1 < x && x < width/2 + 1 && y > height/2)
// producer
auto fs = initialFluidState_;
Scalar pProd = pReservoir_/1.5;
fs.setPressure(wPhaseIdx, pProd);
fs.setPressure(oPhaseIdx, pProd);
fs.setPressure(gPhaseIdx, pProd);
fs.setSaturation(wPhaseIdx, 0.0);
fs.setSaturation(oPhaseIdx, 1.0);
fs.setSaturation(gPhaseIdx, 0.0);
// set the compositions to the initial composition
for (int phaseIdx = 0; phaseIdx < numPhases; ++phaseIdx)
for (int compIdx = 0; compIdx < numComponents; ++compIdx)
initialFluidState_.moleFraction(phaseIdx, compIdx));
* \copydoc VcfvProblem::source
* For this problem, the source term of all components is 0 everywhere.
template <class Context>
void source(RateVector &rate,
const Context &context,
int spaceIdx, int timeIdx) const
{ rate = Scalar(0.0); }
//! \}
void initFluidState_()
auto &fs = initialFluidState_;
// set temperatures
// set saturations
fs.setSaturation(FluidSystem::oPhaseIdx, 1.0);
fs.setSaturation(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx, 0.0);
fs.setSaturation(FluidSystem::gPhaseIdx, 0.0);
// set pressures
Scalar pw = pReservoir_;
PhaseVector pC;
const auto &matParams = fineMaterialParams_;
MaterialLaw::capillaryPressures(pC, matParams, fs);
fs.setPressure(oPhaseIdx, pw + (pC[oPhaseIdx] - pC[wPhaseIdx]));
fs.setPressure(wPhaseIdx, pw + (pC[wPhaseIdx] - pC[wPhaseIdx]));
fs.setPressure(gPhaseIdx, pw + (pC[gPhaseIdx] - pC[wPhaseIdx]));
// reset all mole fractions to 0
for (int phaseIdx = 0; phaseIdx < numPhases; ++phaseIdx)
for (int compIdx = 0; compIdx < numComponents; ++compIdx)
fs.setMoleFraction(phaseIdx, compIdx, 0.0);
// set composition of the gas and water phases
fs.setMoleFraction(wPhaseIdx, wCompIdx, 1.0);
fs.setMoleFraction(gPhaseIdx, gCompIdx, 1.0);
// set composition of the oil phase
// retrieve the relevant black-oil parameters from the fluid
// system.
Scalar pSat = pReservoir_; // the saturation pressure of the oil
Scalar Bo = FluidSystem::oilFormationVolumeFactor(pSat);
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Scalar Rs = FluidSystem::gasDissolutionFactor(pSat);
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Scalar rhoo = FluidSystem::surfaceDensity(oPhaseIdx)/Bo;
Scalar rhogref = FluidSystem::surfaceDensity(gPhaseIdx);
// calculate composition of oil phase in terms of mass
// fractions.
Scalar XoG = Rs*rhogref / rhoo;
// convert mass to mole fractions
Scalar MG = FluidSystem::molarMass(gCompIdx);
Scalar MO = FluidSystem::molarMass(oCompIdx);
Scalar xoG = XoG*MO/((MO - MG)*XoG + MG);
Scalar xoO = 1 - xoG;
// finally set the oil-phase composition
fs.setMoleFraction(oPhaseIdx, gCompIdx, xoG);
fs.setMoleFraction(oPhaseIdx, oCompIdx, xoO);
bool onLeftBoundary_(const GlobalPosition &pos) const
{ return pos[0] < eps_; }
bool onRightBoundary_(const GlobalPosition &pos) const
{ return pos[0] > this->bboxMax()[0] - eps_; }
bool onInlet_(const GlobalPosition &pos) const
{ return onRightBoundary_(pos) && (5 < pos[1]) && (pos[1] < 15); }
bool isFineMaterial_(const GlobalPosition &pos) const
{ return pos[dim-1] > layerBottom_; }
DimMatrix fineK_;
DimMatrix coarseK_;
Scalar layerBottom_;
Scalar pReservoir_;
Scalar finePorosity_;
Scalar coarsePorosity_;
MaterialLawParams fineMaterialParams_;
MaterialLawParams coarseMaterialParams_;
BlackOilFluidState initialFluidState_;
Scalar temperature_;
Scalar maxDepth_;
Scalar eps_;
std::string name_ ;
2013-11-04 07:17:32 -06:00
} // namespace Ewoms
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