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// -*- mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
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Copyright 2024 Equinor AS
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <config.h>
#include <opm/simulators/flow/RegionPhasePVAverage.hpp>
#include <opm/input/eclipse/EclipseState/Grid/FieldProps.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/utils/ParallelCommunication.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstddef>
#include <functional>
#include <vector>
namespace {
std::vector<std::string> fipRegionNames(const std::vector<std::string>& regionNames)
auto regs = regionNames;
std::sort(regs.begin(), regs.end());
return { regs.begin(), std::unique(regs.begin(), regs.end()) };
regionStartPointers(const std::vector<std::string>& regionNames,
const Opm::RegionPhasePoreVolAverage::RegionArrayAccessor& getRegionArray,
const Opm::Parallel::Communication& comm)
// All elements get an initial value of 1 to account for the maximum
// region ID. There should be "max ID + 1" elements for each region
// set. Unused IDs--e.g., 0 if IDs start at 1--will effectively be
// wasted in this scheme. If that becomes a problem we might
// consider some kind of renumbering approach.
auto start = std::vector<std::vector<double>::size_type>(regionNames.size() + 1, 1);
const auto nset = regionNames.size();
for (auto rset = 0*nset; rset < nset; ++rset) {
const auto& reg = getRegionArray(regionNames[rset]);
auto m = std::max_element(reg.begin(), reg.end());
if (m == reg.end()) { // reg.empty()
start[rset + 1] += *m;
comm.max(start.data(), start.size());
std::partial_sum(start.begin(), start.end(), start.begin());
return start;
} // Anonymous namespace
RegionPhasePoreVolAverage(const Parallel::Communication& comm,
const std::size_t numPhases,
const std::vector<std::string>& regionNames,
RegionArrayAccessor getRegionArray)
: comm_ { std::cref(comm) }
, np_ { numPhases }
, rsetNames_ { fipRegionNames(regionNames) }
, getRegionArray_ { std::move(getRegionArray) }
, rsStart_ { regionStartPointers(rsetNames_, getRegionArray_, comm_) }
, x_ (rsStart_.back() * numPhases * AvgType::NumTypes * Element::NumElem)
double Opm::RegionPhasePoreVolAverage::fieldValue(const Phase& p) const
return this->averageValueWithFallback(this->fieldStartIx(p.ix));
value(std::string_view rset, const Phase& p, const Region& r) const
auto rsetPos = std::lower_bound(this->rsetNames_.begin(),
this->rsetNames_.end(), rset);
if ((rsetPos == this->rsetNames_.end()) || (*rsetPos != rset)) {
// rset is not a known region set name.
return 0.0; // Maybe nullopt or throw here...
const auto rsetIx = std::distance(this->rsetNames_.begin(), rsetPos);
return this->averageValueWithFallback(this->rsetStartIx(rsetIx, r.ix, p.ix));
void Opm::RegionPhasePoreVolAverage::prepareAccumulation()
std::fill(this->x_.begin(), this->x_.end(), 0.0);
void Opm::RegionPhasePoreVolAverage::
addCell(const std::size_t activeCell,
const Phase& p,
const CellValue& cv)
this->add(this->fieldStartIx(p.ix), cv);
for (auto rset = 0*this->rsetNames_.size(); rset < this->rsetNames_.size(); ++rset) {
this->add(this->rsetStartIx(rset, this->regionIndex(rset, activeCell), p.ix), cv);
void Opm::RegionPhasePoreVolAverage::accumulateParallel()
this->comm_.get().sum(this->x_.data(), this->x_.size());
double Opm::RegionPhasePoreVolAverage::averageValueWithFallback(const Ix start) const
const auto spv_w = this->weight(start, AvgType::SatPV);
return (spv_w > 0.0)
? this->averageValue(start, AvgType::SatPV)
: this->averageValue(start, AvgType::PV);
double Opm::RegionPhasePoreVolAverage::averageValue(const Ix start,
const AvgType type) const
return this->value(start, type) / this->weight(start, type);
Opm::RegionPhasePoreVolAverage::fieldStartIx(const unsigned int phase) const
return this->startIx(0, phase);
Opm::RegionPhasePoreVolAverage::rsetStartIx(const std::size_t rset,
const int region,
const unsigned int phase) const
return this->startIx(this->rsStart_[rset] + region, phase);
Opm::RegionPhasePoreVolAverage::startIx(const std::size_t offset,
const unsigned int phase) const
return (offset*this->np_ + phase) * AvgType::NumTypes * Element::NumElem;
int Opm::RegionPhasePoreVolAverage::regionIndex(const std::size_t rset,
const std::size_t activeCell) const
return this->getRegionArray_(this->rsetNames_[rset])[activeCell];
void Opm::RegionPhasePoreVolAverage::add(const Ix start, const CellValue& cv)
this->add(start, AvgType::SatPV, cv.value, cv.sat * cv.porv);
this->add(start, AvgType::PV , cv.value, cv.porv);
void Opm::RegionPhasePoreVolAverage::add(const Ix start,
const AvgType type,
const double x,
const double w)
this->value (start, type) += w * x;
this->weight(start, type) += w;
double& Opm::RegionPhasePoreVolAverage::value(const Ix start, const AvgType type)
return this->x_[ this->valueArrayIndex(start, type, Element::Value) ];
double& Opm::RegionPhasePoreVolAverage::weight(const Ix start, const AvgType type)
return this->x_[ this->valueArrayIndex(start, type, Element::Weight) ];
double Opm::RegionPhasePoreVolAverage::value(const Ix start, const AvgType type) const
return this->x_[ this->valueArrayIndex(start, type, Element::Value) ];
double Opm::RegionPhasePoreVolAverage::weight(const Ix start, const AvgType type) const
return this->x_[ this->valueArrayIndex(start, type, Element::Weight) ];
Opm::RegionPhasePoreVolAverage::valueArrayIndex(const Ix start,
const AvgType type,
const Element element) const
return start + type*Element::NumElem + element;