2014-09-30 01:53:38 -05:00
2015-08-24 06:55:16 -05:00
Copyright 2014, 2015 SINTEF ICT, Applied Mathematics.
2014-09-30 01:53:38 -05:00
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <opm/core/utility/platform_dependent/disable_warnings.h>
#include <Eigen/Eigen>
#include <Eigen/Sparse>
#include <opm/core/utility/platform_dependent/reenable_warnings.h>
namespace Opm
2015-08-24 06:55:16 -05:00
class AutoDiffMatrix
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: type_(Z),
enum CreationType { ZeroMatrix, IdentityMatrix };
AutoDiffMatrix(const CreationType t, const int rows)
: type_(t == ZeroMatrix ? Z : I),
explicit AutoDiffMatrix(const Eigen::DiagonalMatrix<double, Eigen::Dynamic>& d)
: type_(D),
explicit AutoDiffMatrix(const Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>& s)
: type_(S),
AutoDiffMatrix operator+(const AutoDiffMatrix& rhs) const
switch (type_) {
case Z:
return rhs;
case I:
switch (rhs.type_) {
case Z:
return *this;
case I:
return sumII(*this, rhs);
case D:
return rhs + (*this);
case S:
return rhs + (*this);
case D:
switch (rhs.type_) {
case Z:
return *this;
case I:
return sumDI(*this, rhs);
case D:
return sumDD(*this, rhs);
case S:
return rhs + (*this);
case S:
switch (rhs.type_) {
case Z:
return *this;
case I:
return sumSI(*this, rhs);
case D:
return sumSD(*this, rhs);
case S:
return sumSS(*this, rhs);
AutoDiffMatrix operator*(const AutoDiffMatrix& rhs) const
switch (type_) {
case Z:
return *this;
case I:
switch (rhs.type_) {
case Z:
return rhs;
case I:
return rhs;
case D:
return rhs;
case S:
return rhs;
case D:
switch (rhs.type_) {
case Z:
return rhs;
case I:
return *this;
case D:
return prodDD(*this, rhs);
case S:
return prodDS(*this, rhs);
case S:
switch (rhs.type_) {
case Z:
return rhs;
case I:
return *this;
case D:
return prodSD(*this, rhs);
case S:
return prodSS(*this, rhs);
static AutoDiffMatrix sumII(const AutoDiffMatrix& lhs, const AutoDiffMatrix& rhs)
assert(lhs.type_ == I);
assert(rhs.type_ == I);
AutoDiffMatrix retval;
retval.type_ = D;
retval.rows_ = lhs.rows_;
retval.cols_ = rhs.cols_;
retval.d_ = Eigen::VectorXd::Constant(lhs.rows_, 2.0).asDiagonal();
return retval;
static AutoDiffMatrix sumDI(const AutoDiffMatrix& lhs, const AutoDiffMatrix& rhs)
assert(lhs.type_ == D);
assert(rhs.type_ == I);
AutoDiffMatrix retval = lhs;
for (int r = 0; r < lhs.rows_; ++r) {
retval.d_.diagonal()(r) += 1.0;
return retval;
static AutoDiffMatrix sumDD(const AutoDiffMatrix& lhs, const AutoDiffMatrix& rhs)
assert(lhs.type_ == D);
assert(rhs.type_ == D);
AutoDiffMatrix retval = lhs;
for (int r = 0; r < lhs.rows_; ++r) {
retval.d_.diagonal()(r) += rhs.d_.diagonal()(r);
return retval;
static AutoDiffMatrix sumSI(const AutoDiffMatrix& lhs, const AutoDiffMatrix& rhs)
assert(lhs.type_ == S);
assert(rhs.type_ == I);
AutoDiffMatrix retval;
Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> ident = spdiag(Eigen::VectorXd::Ones(lhs.rows_));
retval.type_ = S;
retval.rows_ = lhs.rows_;
retval.cols_ = rhs.cols_;
retval.s_ = lhs.s_ + ident;
return retval;
static AutoDiffMatrix sumSD(const AutoDiffMatrix& lhs, const AutoDiffMatrix& rhs)
assert(lhs.type_ == S);
assert(rhs.type_ == D);
AutoDiffMatrix retval;
Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> diag = spdiag(rhs.d_.diagonal());
retval.type_ = S;
retval.rows_ = lhs.rows_;
retval.cols_ = rhs.cols_;
retval.s_ = lhs.s_ + diag;
return retval;
static AutoDiffMatrix sumSS(const AutoDiffMatrix& lhs, const AutoDiffMatrix& rhs)
assert(lhs.type_ == S);
assert(rhs.type_ == S);
AutoDiffMatrix retval;
retval.type_ = S;
retval.rows_ = lhs.rows_;
retval.cols_ = rhs.cols_;
retval.s_ = lhs.s_ + rhs.s_;
return retval;
static AutoDiffMatrix prodDD(const AutoDiffMatrix& lhs, const AutoDiffMatrix& rhs)
assert(lhs.type_ == D);
assert(rhs.type_ == D);
AutoDiffMatrix retval = lhs;
for (int r = 0; r < lhs.rows_; ++r) {
retval.d_.diagonal().array() *= rhs.d_.diagonal().array();
return retval;
static AutoDiffMatrix prodDS(const AutoDiffMatrix& lhs, const AutoDiffMatrix& rhs)
assert(lhs.type_ == S);
assert(rhs.type_ == D);
AutoDiffMatrix retval;
Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> diag = spdiag(rhs.d_.diagonal());
retval.type_ = S;
retval.rows_ = lhs.rows_;
retval.cols_ = rhs.cols_;
retval.s_ = lhs.s_ * diag;
return retval;
static AutoDiffMatrix prodSD(const AutoDiffMatrix& lhs, const AutoDiffMatrix& rhs)
assert(lhs.type_ == S);
assert(rhs.type_ == D);
AutoDiffMatrix retval;
Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> diag = spdiag(rhs.d_.diagonal());
retval.type_ = S;
retval.rows_ = lhs.rows_;
retval.cols_ = rhs.cols_;
retval.s_ = diag * lhs.s_;
return retval;
static AutoDiffMatrix prodSS(const AutoDiffMatrix& lhs, const AutoDiffMatrix& rhs)
assert(lhs.type_ == S);
assert(rhs.type_ == S);
AutoDiffMatrix retval;
retval.type_ = S;
retval.rows_ = lhs.rows_;
retval.cols_ = rhs.cols_;
retval.s_ = lhs.s_ * rhs.s_;
return retval;
void toSparse(Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>& s) const
switch (type_) {
case Z:
s = Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>(rows_, cols_);
case I:
s = spdiag(Eigen::VectorXd::Ones(rows_));
case D:
s = spdiag(d_.diagonal());
case S:
s = s_;
enum MatrixType { Z, I, D, S };
MatrixType type_;
int rows_;
int cols_;
Eigen::DiagonalMatrix<double, Eigen::Dynamic> d_;
Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> s_;
template <class V>
static inline
spdiag(const V& d)
typedef Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> M;
const int n = d.size();
M mat(n, n);
mat.reserve(Eigen::ArrayXi::Ones(n, 1));
for (M::Index i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
mat.insert(i, i) = d[i];
return mat;
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} // namespace Opm