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Copyright 2020 OPM-OP AS
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <dune/common/version.hh>
#include <dune/common/parallel/mpihelper.hh>
#include <dune/common/parallel/plocalindex.hh>
#include <dune/istl/owneroverlapcopy.hh>
#include <opm/common/ErrorMacros.hpp>
#include <memory>
#include <iterator>
#include <numeric>
namespace Opm
2021-04-30 03:47:22 -05:00
class Well;
/// \brief Class to facilitate getting values associated with the above/below perforation
class CommunicateAboveBelow
enum Attribute {
// there is a bug in older versions of DUNE that will skip
// entries with matching attributes in RemoteIndices that are local
// therefore we add one more version for above.
ownerAbove = 3,
overlapAbove = 4
using MPIComm = typename Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator;
using Communication = Dune::Communication<MPIComm>;
using Communication = Dune::CollectiveCommunication<MPIComm>;
using LocalIndex = Dune::ParallelLocalIndex<Attribute>;
using IndexSet = Dune::ParallelIndexSet<int,LocalIndex,50>;
using RI = Dune::RemoteIndices<IndexSet>;
explicit CommunicateAboveBelow(const Communication& comm);
2020-12-03 08:15:03 -06:00
/// \brief Adds information about original index of the perforations in ECL Schedule.
/// \warning Theses indices need to be push in the same order as they
/// appear in the ECL well specifiation. Use -1 if there is
/// no perforation above.
/// \param above The ECL index of the next open perforation above.
/// \param current The ECL index of the current open perforation.
void pushBackEclIndex(int above, int current, bool owner=true);
/// \brief Clear all the parallel information
void clear();
/// \brief Indicates that we will add the index information
/// \see pushBackEclIndex
void beginReset();
/// \brief Indicates that the index information is complete.
/// Sets up the commmunication structures to be used by
/// communicate()
/// \return The number of local perforations
int endReset();
/// \brief Creates an array of values for the perforation above.
/// \param first_value Value to use for above of the first perforation
/// \param current C-array of the values at the perforations
/// \param size The size of the C-array and the returned vector
/// \return a vector containing the values for the perforation above.
std::vector<double> communicateAbove(double first_value,
const double* current,
std::size_t size);
/// \brief Creates an array of values for the perforation below.
/// \param first_value Value to use for above of the first perforation
/// \param current C-array of the values at the perforations
/// \param size The size of the C-array and the returned vector
/// \return a vector containing the values for the perforation above.
std::vector<double> communicateBelow(double first_value,
const double* current,
std::size_t size);
/// \brief Do a (in place) partial sum on values attached to all perforations.
/// For distributed wells this may include perforations stored elsewhere.
/// The result is stored in ther range given as the parameters
/// \param begin The start of the range
/// \param ebd The end of the range
/// \tparam RAIterator The type og random access iterator
template<class RAIterator>
void partialSumPerfValues(RAIterator begin, RAIterator end) const
if (this->comm_.size() < 2)
std::partial_sum(begin, end, begin);
// The global index used in the index set current_indices
// is the index of the perforation in ECL Schedule definition.
// This is assumed to give the topological order that is used
// when doing the partial sum.
// allgather the index of the perforation in ECL schedule and the value.
using Value = typename std::iterator_traits<RAIterator>::value_type;
std::vector<int> sizes(comm_.size());
std::vector<int> displ(comm_.size() + 1, 0);
using GlobalIndex = typename IndexSet::IndexPair::GlobalIndex;
using Pair = std::pair<GlobalIndex,Value>;
std::vector<Pair> my_pairs;
for (const auto& pair: current_indices_)
if (pair.local().attribute() == owner)
my_pairs.emplace_back(pair.global(), begin[pair.local()]);
int mySize = my_pairs.size();
comm_.allgather(&mySize, 1, sizes.data());
std::partial_sum(sizes.begin(), sizes.end(), displ.begin()+1);
std::vector<Pair> global_pairs(displ.back());
comm_.allgatherv(my_pairs.data(), my_pairs.size(), global_pairs.data(), sizes.data(), displ.data());
// sort the complete range to get the correct ordering
std::sort(global_pairs.begin(), global_pairs.end(),
[](const Pair& p1, const Pair& p2){ return p1.first < p2.first; } );
std::vector<Value> sums(global_pairs.size());
std::transform(global_pairs.begin(), global_pairs.end(), sums.begin(),
[](const Pair& p) { return p.second; });
std::partial_sum(sums.begin(), sums.end(),sums.begin());
// assign the values (both ranges are sorted by the ecl index)
auto global_pair = global_pairs.begin();
for (const auto& pair: current_indices_)
global_pair = std::lower_bound(global_pair, global_pairs.end(),
[](const Pair& val1, const GlobalIndex& val2)
{ return val1.first < val2; });
assert(global_pair != global_pairs.end());
assert(global_pair->first == pair.global());
begin[pair.local()] = sums[global_pair - global_pairs.begin()];
OPM_THROW(std::logic_error, "In a sequential run the size of the communicator should be 1!");
/// \brief Get index set for the local perforations.
const IndexSet& getIndexSet() const;
int numLocalPerfs() const;
Communication comm_;
/// \brief Mapping of the local well index to ecl index
IndexSet current_indices_;
/// \brief Mapping of the above well index to ecl index
IndexSet above_indices_;
RI remote_indices_;
Dune::Interface interface_;
Dune::BufferedCommunicator communicator_;
std::size_t num_local_perfs_{};
/// \brief A factory for creating a global data representation for distributed wells.
/// Unfortunately, there are occassion where we need to compute sequential on a well
/// even if the data is distributed. This class is supposed to help with that by
/// computing the global data arrays for the well and copy computed values back to
/// the distributed representation.
class GlobalPerfContainerFactory
using MPIComm = typename Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator;
using Communication = Dune::Communication<MPIComm>;
using Communication = Dune::CollectiveCommunication<MPIComm>;
using IndexSet = CommunicateAboveBelow::IndexSet;
using Attribute = CommunicateAboveBelow::Attribute;
using GlobalIndex = typename IndexSet::IndexPair::GlobalIndex;
/// \brief Constructor
/// \param local_indices completely set up index set for map ecl index to local index
GlobalPerfContainerFactory(const IndexSet& local_indices, const Communication comm,
int num_local_perfs);
/// \brief Creates a container that holds values for all perforations
/// \param local_perf_container Container with values attached to the local perforations.
/// \param num_components the number of components per perforation.
/// \return A container with values attached to all perforations of a well.
/// Values are ordered by the index of the perforation in the ECL schedule.
std::vector<double> createGlobal(const std::vector<double>& local_perf_container,
std::size_t num_components) const;
/// \brief Copies the values of the global perforation to the local representation
/// \param global values attached to all peforations of a well (as if the well would live on one process)
/// \param num_components the number of components per perforation.
/// \param[out] local The values attached to the local perforations only.
void copyGlobalToLocal(const std::vector<double>& global, std::vector<double>& local,
std::size_t num_components) const;
int numGlobalPerfs() const;
const IndexSet& local_indices_;
Communication comm_;
int num_global_perfs_;
/// \brief sizes for allgatherv
std::vector<int> sizes_;
/// \brief displacement for allgatherv
std::vector<int> displ_;
/// \brief Mapping for storing gathered local values at the correct index.
std::vector<int> map_received_;
/// \brief The index of a perforation in the schedule of ECL
/// This is is sorted.
std::vector<int> perf_ecl_index_;
/// \brief Class encapsulating some information about parallel wells
/// e.g. It provides a communicator for well information
class ParallelWellInfo
using MPIComm = typename Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator;
using Communication = Dune::Communication<MPIComm>;
using Communication = Dune::CollectiveCommunication<MPIComm>;
static constexpr int INVALID_ECL_INDEX = -1;
/// \brief Constructs object using MPI_COMM_SELF
ParallelWellInfo(const std::string& name = {""},
bool hasLocalCells = true);
/// \brief Constructs object with communication between all rank sharing
/// a well
/// \param well_info Pair of well name and whether local cells might be perforated
/// on this rank
/// \param allComm The communication object with all MPI ranks active in the simulation.
/// Default is the one with all ranks available.
ParallelWellInfo(const std::pair<std::string,bool>& well_info,
Communication allComm = Communication());
const Communication& communication() const
return *comm_;
2020-12-03 08:15:03 -06:00
/// \brief Collectively decide which rank has first perforation.
void communicateFirstPerforation(bool hasFirst);
template<class T>
T broadcastFirstPerforationValue(const T& t) const
T res = t;
#ifndef NDEBUG
assert(rankWithFirstPerf_ >= 0 && rankWithFirstPerf_ < comm_->size());
// At least on some OpenMPI version this might broadcast might interfere
// with other communication if there are bugs
comm_->broadcast(&res, 1, rankWithFirstPerf_);
#ifndef NDEBUG
return res;
/// \brief Creates an array of values for the perforation above.
/// \param first_value Value to use for above of the first perforation
/// \param current C-array of the values at the perforations
/// \param size The size of the C-array and the returned vector
/// \return a vector containing the values for the perforation above.
std::vector<double> communicateAboveValues(double first_value,
const double* current,
std::size_t size) const;
/// \brief Creates an array of values for the perforation above.
/// \param first_value Value to use for above of the first perforation
/// \param current vector of current values
std::vector<double> communicateAboveValues(double first_value,
const std::vector<double>& current) const;
/// \brief Creates an array of values for the perforation below.
/// \param last_value Value to use for below of the last perforation
/// \param current C-array of the values at the perforations
/// \param size The size of the C-array and the returned vector
/// \return a vector containing the values for the perforation above.
std::vector<double> communicateBelowValues(double last_value,
const double* current,
std::size_t size) const;
/// \brief Creates an array of values for the perforation above.
/// \param last_value Value to use for below of the last perforation
/// \param current vector of current values
std::vector<double> communicateBelowValues(double last_value,
const std::vector<double>& current) const;
/// \brief Adds information about the ecl indices of the perforations.
/// \warning Theses indices need to be push in the same order as they
/// appear in the ECL well specifiation. Use -1 if there is
/// no perforation above.
/// \param above The ECL index of the next open perforation above.
/// \param current The ECL index of the current open perforation.
void pushBackEclIndex(int above, int current);
/// \brief Name of the well.
const std::string& name() const
return name_;
/// \brief Whether local cells are perforated somewhen
bool hasLocalCells() const
return hasLocalCells_;
bool isOwner() const
return isOwner_;
/// \brief Inidicate that we will reset the ecl index information
/// \see pushBackEclIndex;
void beginReset();
/// \brief Inidicate completion of reset of the ecl index information
void endReset();
/// \brief Sum all the values of the perforations
template<typename It>
typename std::iterator_traits<It>::value_type sumPerfValues(It begin, It end) const
using V = typename std::iterator_traits<It>::value_type;
/// \todo cater for overlap later. Currently only owner
auto local = std::accumulate(begin, end, V());
return communication().sum(local);
/// \brief Do a (in place) partial sum on values attached to all perforations.
/// For distributed wells this may include perforations stored elsewhere.
/// The result is stored in ther range given as the parameters
/// \param begin The start of the range
/// \param ebd The end of the range
/// \tparam RAIterator The type og random access iterator
template<class RAIterator>
void partialSumPerfValues(RAIterator begin, RAIterator end) const
commAboveBelow_->partialSumPerfValues(begin, end);
/// \brief Free data of communication data structures.
void clear();
/// \brief Get a factor to create a global representation of peforation data.
/// That is a container that holds data for every perforation no matter where
/// it is stored. Container is ordered via ascendings index of the perforations
/// in the ECL schedule.
const GlobalPerfContainerFactory& getGlobalPerfContainerFactory() const;
/// \brief Deleter that also frees custom MPI communicators
struct DestroyComm
void operator()(Communication* comm);
/// \brief Name of the well.
std::string name_;
/// \brief Whether local cells are perforated somewhen
bool hasLocalCells_;
/// \brief Whether we own the well and should do reports etc.
bool isOwner_;
/// \brief Rank with the first perforation on it.
int rankWithFirstPerf_;
/// \brief Communication object for the well
/// Contains only ranks where this well will perforate local cells.
std::unique_ptr<Communication, DestroyComm> comm_;
/// \brief used to communicate the values for the perforation above.
std::unique_ptr<CommunicateAboveBelow> commAboveBelow_;
std::unique_ptr<GlobalPerfContainerFactory> globalPerfCont_;
/// \brief Class checking that all connections are on active cells
/// Works for distributed wells, too
class CheckDistributedWellConnections
CheckDistributedWellConnections(const Well& well,
const ParallelWellInfo& info);
/// \brief Inidicate that the i-th completion was found
/// in the local grid.
/// \param index The index of the completion in Well::getConnections
void connectionFound(std::size_t index);
bool checkAllConnectionsFound();
std::vector<std::size_t> foundConnections_;
const Well& well_;
const ParallelWellInfo& pwinfo_;
bool operator<(const ParallelWellInfo& well1, const ParallelWellInfo& well2);
bool operator==(const ParallelWellInfo& well1, const ParallelWellInfo& well2);
bool operator!=(const ParallelWellInfo& well1, const ParallelWellInfo& well2);
bool operator<(const std::pair<std::string, bool>& pair, const ParallelWellInfo& well);
bool operator<( const ParallelWellInfo& well, const std::pair<std::string, bool>& pair);
bool operator==(const std::pair<std::string, bool>& pair, const ParallelWellInfo& well);
bool operator==(const ParallelWellInfo& well, const std::pair<std::string, bool>& pair);
bool operator!=(const std::pair<std::string, bool>& pair, const ParallelWellInfo& well);
bool operator!=(const ParallelWellInfo& well, const std::pair<std::string, bool>& pair);
} // end namespace Opm