Listing \ref{tutorial-decoupled:mainfile} shows how the main file, which has to be executed, has to be set up, if the problem described above is to be solved using a decoupled model. This main file can be found in the directory \texttt{/tutorial} of the stable part of \Dumux.
model. First, in line \ref{tutorial-decoupled:cflflux} a flux function for the evaluation of the cfl-criterion is defined. This is optional as there exists also a default flux function. The choice depends on the problem which has to be solved. For cases which are not advection dominated the one chosen here is more reasonable.
Line \ref{tutorial-decoupled:cflfactor} assigns the CFL-factor to be used in the
simulation run, which scales the time step size (kind of security factor). The last property in line \ref{tutorial-decoupled:gravity}
timesteps, it can be usefull to set an output interval larger than 1. The respective function is called in line \ref{tutorial-decoupled:outputinterval}, which gets the output interval as argument.
Hence, they all have either an \texttt{element} or an \texttt{intersection} as their
function argument: Both are \Dune entities, depending on whether the parameter of the method is defined in an element, such as
initial values, or on an intersection, such as a boundary condition. As it may be sufficient to return values only based on a position, \Dumux models can also access functions in the problem with the form \mbox{\texttt{...AtPos(GlobalPosition\& globalPos)}}, without an \Dune entity, as one can see in line \ref{tutorial-decoupled:bctype}.
There are the methods for general parameters, source- or
To get an impression what the results should look like you can first run the original version of the decoupled tutorial model by typing \texttt{./tutorial\_decoupled}. The runtime parameters which are set can be found in the input file (listing~\ref{tutorial-decoupled:parameter-file}). If the input file has the same name than the main file (e.g. \texttt{tutorial\} and \texttt{tutorial\_decoupled.input}), it is automatically chosen. If the name differs the program has to be started typing \texttt{./tutorial\_decoupled -parameterFile <filename>.input}. For more options you can also type \texttt{./tutorial\_decoupled -h}. For the visualisation with paraview please refer to \ref{quick-start-guide}.\\
As you can see, the simulation creates many output files. To reduce these in order to perform longer simulations, change the method responsible for output (line \ref{tutorial-decoupled:outputinterval} in the file \texttt{tutorialproblem\_decoupled}) as to write an output only every 20 timesteps. Compile the main file by typing \texttt{make tutorial\_decoupled} and run the model. Now, run the simulation for 5e5 seconds.
Change the boundary conditions in the file \texttt{tutorialproblem\_decoupled.hh} so that water enters from the bottom and oil flows out at the top boundary. The right and the left boundary should be closed for water and oil fluxes. The Neumannn Boundary conditions are multiplied by the normal (pointing outwards), so an influx is negative, an outflux always positive. Such information can easily be found in the documentation of the functions (also look into base classes).
Now you can change the fluids. Use DNAPL instead of Oil and Brine instead of Water. To do that you have to select different components via the property system in the problem file:
\item Brine: The class \texttt{Dumux::Brine} acts as an adapter to the fluid system that alters a pure water class by adding some salt. Hence, the class \texttt{Dumux::Brine} uses a pure water class, such as \texttt{Dumux::H2O}, as a second template argument after the data type \texttt{<Scalar>} as a template argument (be sure to use the complete water class with its own template parameter).
\item DNAPL: A standard set of chemical substances, such as Water and Brine, is already included (via a list of \texttt{\#include ..} commandos) and hence easily accessible by default. This is not the case for the class \texttt{Dumux::SimpleDNAPL}, however, which is located in the folder \texttt{dumux/material/components/}. Try to include the file as well as select the component via the property system.
If you want to take a closer look at how the fluid classes are defined and which substances are already available please browse through the files in the directory
\Dumux usually organizes fluid mixtures via a \texttt{fluidsystem}, see also chapter \ref{sec:fluidframework}. In order to include a fluidsystem you first have to comment the lines \ref{tutorial-coupled:2p-system-start} to \ref{tutorial-coupled:2p-system-end} in the problem file. If you use eclipse, this can easily be done by pressing \textit{str + shift + 7} -- the same as to cancel the comment later on.\\
Now include the file \texttt{fluidsystems/h2oairsystem.hh} in the material folder, and set a property \texttt{FluidSystem} with the appropriate type, \texttt{Dumux::H2OAirFluidSystem<TypeTag>}. However, this rather complicated fluidsystem uses tabularized fluid data, which need to be initialized (i.e. the tables need to be filled with values) in the constructor body of the current problem by adding \texttt{GET\_PROP\_TYPE(TypeTag, FluidSystem)::init();}. Remember that the constructor function always has the same name as the respective class, i.e. \texttt{TutorialProblemDecoupled(..)}.\\
To avoid the initialization, use the simpler version of water \texttt{Dumux::SimpleH2O} or a non-tabulated version \texttt{Dumux::H2O}. This can be done by setting the property \texttt{Components} type \texttt{H2O},
as is done in all the test problems of the decoupled 2p2c model.\\
The density of the gas is magnitudes smaller than that of oil, so please decrease the injection rate to $q_n =-3\times10^{-4}$$\left[\frac{\textnormal{kg}}{\textnormal{m}^2\textnormal{s}}\right]$. Also reduce the simulation duration to 2e4 seconds.\\
Set up a model domain with the soil properties given in Figure \ref{tutorial-deoucpled:exercise1_d}. Adjust the boundary conditions so that water is again flowing from left to right.
When does the front cross the material border? In paraview, the option \textit{View}$\rightarrow$\textit{Animation View} is nice to get a rough feeling of the timestep sizes.
\item What happens if you increase the resolution of the grid? Hint: Paraview can visualize the timesteps via the ``Animation View'' (to be enabled unter the button \textit{View}).
\item Set the CFL-factor to 1 and investigate the saturation: Is the value range reasonable?
\item Further increase the CFL-factor to 2 and investigate the saturation.
As you have experienced, compilation takes quite some time. Therefore, \Dumux 2.1 provides a simple method to read in parameters (such as simulation end time or modelling parameters) via \texttt{Paramter Input Files}. The tests in the Test-folder \texttt{/test/} already use this system.\\
If you look at the Application in \texttt{/test/boxmodels/2p/}, you see that the main file looks rather empty: The parameter file \texttt{test\_2p.input} is read by a standard start procedure, which is called in the main function. This should be adapted for your problem at hand. The program run has to be called with the parameter file as argument. As this is a basic \Dumux feature, the procedure is the equivalent in the decoupled as in the box models.
In the code, parameters can be read via the macro \texttt{GET\_RUNTIME\_PARAM(TypeTag, Scalar, MyWonderfulGroup.MyWonderfulParameter);}. In \texttt{test\_2p}, \texttt{MyWonderfulGroup} is the group \texttt{SpatialParams} - any type of groups is applicable, if the group definition in the parameter file is enclosed in square brackets. The parameters are then listed thereafter. Try and use as much parameters as possible via the input file, such as lens dimension, grid resolution, soil properties etc. In addition, certain parameters that are specific to the model, such as the \texttt{CFL}-factor, can be assigned in the parameter file without any further action.
If both the coupled and the decoupled tutorial are completed, one should have noticed that the function arguments in the problem function differ slighty, as the numerical models differ. However, both are functions that depend on space, so both models can also work with functions based ond \mbox{\texttt{...AtPos(GlobalPosition \& globalPos)}}, no matter if we model coupled or decoupled. Try to formulate a spatial parameters file that works with both problems, the coupled and the decoupled. Therein, only use functions at the position.