2022-10-19 02:55:14 -05:00
Copyright 2017 SINTEF Digital , Mathematics and Cybernetics .
Copyright 2017 Statoil ASA .
Copyright 2018 IRIS
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project ( OPM ) .
OPM is free software : you can redistribute it and / or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the License , or
( at your option ) any later version .
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM . If not , see < http : //www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# include <config.h>
# include <opm/simulators/wells/WellConstraints.hpp>
# include <opm/core/props/BlackoilPhases.hpp>
# include <opm/simulators/utils/DeferredLogger.hpp>
# include <opm/simulators/wells/SingleWellState.hpp>
# include <opm/simulators/wells/WellInterfaceGeneric.hpp>
namespace Opm
2022-10-21 02:34:36 -05:00
bool WellConstraints : :
checkIndividualConstraints ( SingleWellState & ws ,
const SummaryState & summaryState ,
const RateConvFunc & calcReservoirVoidageRates ,
bool & thp_limit_violated_but_not_switched ,
DeferredLogger & deferred_logger ) const
if ( well_ . isProducer ( ) ) {
auto new_cmode = this - > activeProductionConstraint ( ws , summaryState ,
calcReservoirVoidageRates ,
thp_limit_violated_but_not_switched ,
deferred_logger ) ;
if ( new_cmode ! = ws . production_cmode ) {
ws . production_cmode = new_cmode ;
return true ;
if ( well_ . isInjector ( ) ) {
auto new_cmode = this - > activeInjectionConstraint ( ws , summaryState ,
thp_limit_violated_but_not_switched ,
deferred_logger ) ;
if ( new_cmode ! = ws . injection_cmode ) {
ws . injection_cmode = new_cmode ;
return true ;
return false ;
2022-10-21 02:34:36 -05:00
Well : : InjectorCMode WellConstraints : :
activeInjectionConstraint ( const SingleWellState & ws ,
const SummaryState & summaryState ,
bool & thp_limit_violated_but_not_switched ,
DeferredLogger & deferred_logger ) const
const PhaseUsage & pu = well_ . phaseUsage ( ) ;
const auto controls = well_ . wellEcl ( ) . injectionControls ( summaryState ) ;
const auto currentControl = ws . injection_cmode ;
if ( controls . hasControl ( Well : : InjectorCMode : : BHP ) & & currentControl ! = Well : : InjectorCMode : : BHP )
const auto & bhp = controls . bhp_limit ;
double current_bhp = ws . bhp ;
if ( bhp < current_bhp )
return Well : : InjectorCMode : : BHP ;
if ( controls . hasControl ( Well : : InjectorCMode : : RATE ) & & currentControl ! = Well : : InjectorCMode : : RATE )
InjectorType injectorType = controls . injector_type ;
double current_rate = 0.0 ;
switch ( injectorType ) {
case InjectorType : : WATER :
current_rate = ws . surface_rates [ pu . phase_pos [ BlackoilPhases : : Aqua ] ] ;
break ;
case InjectorType : : OIL :
current_rate = ws . surface_rates [ pu . phase_pos [ BlackoilPhases : : Liquid ] ] ;
break ;
case InjectorType : : GAS :
current_rate = ws . surface_rates [ pu . phase_pos [ BlackoilPhases : : Vapour ] ] ;
break ;
default :
throw ( " Expected WATER, OIL or GAS as type for injectors " + well_ . name ( ) ) ;
if ( controls . surface_rate < current_rate )
return Well : : InjectorCMode : : RATE ;
if ( controls . hasControl ( Well : : InjectorCMode : : RESV ) & & currentControl ! = Well : : InjectorCMode : : RESV )
double current_rate = 0.0 ;
if ( pu . phase_used [ BlackoilPhases : : Aqua ] )
current_rate + = ws . reservoir_rates [ pu . phase_pos [ BlackoilPhases : : Aqua ] ] ;
if ( pu . phase_used [ BlackoilPhases : : Liquid ] )
current_rate + = ws . reservoir_rates [ pu . phase_pos [ BlackoilPhases : : Liquid ] ] ;
if ( pu . phase_used [ BlackoilPhases : : Vapour ] )
current_rate + = ws . reservoir_rates [ pu . phase_pos [ BlackoilPhases : : Vapour ] ] ;
if ( controls . reservoir_rate < current_rate )
return Well : : InjectorCMode : : RESV ;
if ( controls . hasControl ( Well : : InjectorCMode : : THP ) & & currentControl ! = Well : : InjectorCMode : : THP )
const auto & thp = well_ . getTHPConstraint ( summaryState ) ;
double current_thp = ws . thp ;
if ( thp < current_thp ) {
bool rate_less_than_potential = true ;
for ( int p = 0 ; p < well_ . numPhases ( ) ; + + p ) {
// Currently we use the well potentials here computed before the iterations.
// We may need to recompute the well potentials to get a more
// accurate check here.
rate_less_than_potential = rate_less_than_potential & & ( ws . surface_rates [ p ] ) < = ws . well_potentials [ p ] ;
if ( ! rate_less_than_potential ) {
thp_limit_violated_but_not_switched = false ;
return Well : : InjectorCMode : : THP ;
} else {
thp_limit_violated_but_not_switched = true ;
deferred_logger . debug ( " NOT_SWITCHING_TO_THP " ,
" The THP limit is violated for injector " +
well_ . name ( ) +
" . But the rate will increase if switched to THP. " +
" The well is therefore kept at " + Well : : InjectorCMode2String ( currentControl ) ) ;
return currentControl ;
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Well : : ProducerCMode WellConstraints : :
activeProductionConstraint ( const SingleWellState & ws ,
const SummaryState & summaryState ,
const RateConvFunc & calcReservoirVoidageRates ,
bool & thp_limit_violated_but_not_switched ,
DeferredLogger & deferred_logger ) const
const PhaseUsage & pu = well_ . phaseUsage ( ) ;
const auto controls = well_ . wellEcl ( ) . productionControls ( summaryState ) ;
const auto currentControl = ws . production_cmode ;
if ( controls . hasControl ( Well : : ProducerCMode : : BHP ) & & currentControl ! = Well : : ProducerCMode : : BHP ) {
const double bhp_limit = controls . bhp_limit ;
double current_bhp = ws . bhp ;
if ( bhp_limit > current_bhp )
return Well : : ProducerCMode : : BHP ;
if ( controls . hasControl ( Well : : ProducerCMode : : ORAT ) & & currentControl ! = Well : : ProducerCMode : : ORAT ) {
double current_rate = - ws . surface_rates [ pu . phase_pos [ BlackoilPhases : : Liquid ] ] ;
if ( controls . oil_rate < current_rate )
return Well : : ProducerCMode : : ORAT ;
if ( controls . hasControl ( Well : : ProducerCMode : : WRAT ) & & currentControl ! = Well : : ProducerCMode : : WRAT ) {
double current_rate = - ws . surface_rates [ pu . phase_pos [ BlackoilPhases : : Aqua ] ] ;
if ( controls . water_rate < current_rate )
return Well : : ProducerCMode : : WRAT ;
if ( controls . hasControl ( Well : : ProducerCMode : : GRAT ) & & currentControl ! = Well : : ProducerCMode : : GRAT ) {
double current_rate = - ws . surface_rates [ pu . phase_pos [ BlackoilPhases : : Vapour ] ] ;
if ( controls . gas_rate < current_rate )
return Well : : ProducerCMode : : GRAT ;
if ( controls . hasControl ( Well : : ProducerCMode : : LRAT ) & & currentControl ! = Well : : ProducerCMode : : LRAT ) {
double current_rate = - ws . surface_rates [ pu . phase_pos [ BlackoilPhases : : Liquid ] ] ;
current_rate - = ws . surface_rates [ pu . phase_pos [ BlackoilPhases : : Aqua ] ] ;
bool skip = false ;
if ( controls . liquid_rate = = controls . oil_rate ) {
const double current_water_rate = ws . surface_rates [ pu . phase_pos [ BlackoilPhases : : Aqua ] ] ;
if ( std : : abs ( current_water_rate ) < 1e-12 ) {
skip = true ;
deferred_logger . debug ( " LRAT_ORAT_WELL " , " Well " + well_ . name ( ) + " The LRAT target is equal the ORAT target and the water rate is zero, skip checking LRAT " ) ;
if ( ! skip & & controls . liquid_rate < current_rate )
return Well : : ProducerCMode : : LRAT ;
if ( controls . hasControl ( Well : : ProducerCMode : : RESV ) & & currentControl ! = Well : : ProducerCMode : : RESV ) {
double current_rate = 0.0 ;
if ( pu . phase_used [ BlackoilPhases : : Aqua ] )
current_rate - = ws . reservoir_rates [ pu . phase_pos [ BlackoilPhases : : Aqua ] ] ;
if ( pu . phase_used [ BlackoilPhases : : Liquid ] )
current_rate - = ws . reservoir_rates [ pu . phase_pos [ BlackoilPhases : : Liquid ] ] ;
if ( pu . phase_used [ BlackoilPhases : : Vapour ] )
current_rate - = ws . reservoir_rates [ pu . phase_pos [ BlackoilPhases : : Vapour ] ] ;
if ( controls . prediction_mode & & controls . resv_rate < current_rate )
return Well : : ProducerCMode : : RESV ;
if ( ! controls . prediction_mode ) {
const int fipreg = 0 ; // not considering the region for now
const int np = well_ . numPhases ( ) ;
std : : vector < double > surface_rates ( np , 0.0 ) ;
if ( pu . phase_used [ BlackoilPhases : : Aqua ] )
surface_rates [ pu . phase_pos [ BlackoilPhases : : Aqua ] ] = controls . water_rate ;
if ( pu . phase_used [ BlackoilPhases : : Liquid ] )
surface_rates [ pu . phase_pos [ BlackoilPhases : : Liquid ] ] = controls . oil_rate ;
if ( pu . phase_used [ BlackoilPhases : : Vapour ] )
surface_rates [ pu . phase_pos [ BlackoilPhases : : Vapour ] ] = controls . gas_rate ;
std : : vector < double > voidage_rates ( np , 0.0 ) ;
calcReservoirVoidageRates ( fipreg , well_ . pvtRegionIdx ( ) , surface_rates , voidage_rates ) ;
double resv_rate = 0.0 ;
for ( int p = 0 ; p < np ; + + p )
resv_rate + = voidage_rates [ p ] ;
if ( resv_rate < current_rate )
return Well : : ProducerCMode : : RESV ;
if ( controls . hasControl ( Well : : ProducerCMode : : THP ) & & currentControl ! = Well : : ProducerCMode : : THP ) {
const auto & thp = well_ . getTHPConstraint ( summaryState ) ;
double current_thp = ws . thp ;
if ( thp > current_thp & & ! ws . trivial_target ) {
// If WVFPEXP item 4 is set to YES1 or YES2
// switching to THP is prevented if the well will
// produce at a higher rate with THP control
const auto & wvfpexp = well_ . wellEcl ( ) . getWVFPEXP ( ) ;
bool rate_less_than_potential = true ;
if ( wvfpexp . prevent ( ) ) {
for ( int p = 0 ; p < well_ . numPhases ( ) ; + + p ) {
// Currently we use the well potentials here computed before the iterations.
// We may need to recompute the well potentials to get a more
// accurate check here.
rate_less_than_potential = rate_less_than_potential & & ( - ws . surface_rates [ p ] ) < = ws . well_potentials [ p ] ;
if ( ! wvfpexp . prevent ( ) | | ! rate_less_than_potential ) {
thp_limit_violated_but_not_switched = false ;
return Well : : ProducerCMode : : THP ;
} else {
thp_limit_violated_but_not_switched = true ;
deferred_logger . info ( " NOT_SWITCHING_TO_THP " ,
" The THP limit is violated for producer " +
well_ . name ( ) +
" . But the rate will increase if switched to THP. " +
" The well is therefore kept at " + Well : : ProducerCMode2String ( currentControl ) ) ;
return currentControl ;
} // namespace Opm