2022-05-02 07:01:37 -05:00
// -*- mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
// vi: set et ts=4 sw=4 sts=4:
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Consult the COPYING file in the top-level source directory of this
module for the precise wording of the license and the list of
copyright holders.
* \file
2023-10-03 03:00:43 -05:00
* \copydoc Opm::co2ptflashproblem
2022-05-02 07:01:37 -05:00
2023-10-03 03:00:43 -05:00
2022-05-02 07:01:37 -05:00
#include <opm/common/Exceptions.hpp>
2023-11-20 08:27:28 -06:00
#include <opm/material/components/SimpleCO2.hpp>
#include <opm/material/components/C10.hpp>
#include <opm/material/components/C1.hpp>
2022-05-02 07:01:37 -05:00
#include <opm/material/fluidmatrixinteractions/RegularizedBrooksCorey.hpp>
#include <opm/material/fluidmatrixinteractions/BrooksCorey.hpp>
#include <opm/material/constraintsolvers/PTFlash.hpp>
2024-01-12 04:34:11 -06:00
#include <opm/material/fluidsystems/GenericOilGasFluidSystem.hpp>
2022-05-02 07:01:37 -05:00
#include <opm/material/common/Valgrind.hpp>
#include <opm/models/immiscible/immisciblemodel.hh>
#include <opm/models/discretization/ecfv/ecfvdiscretization.hh>
#include <opm/models/ptflash/flashmodel.hh>
#include <opm/models/io/structuredgridvanguard.hh>
#include <opm/models/utils/propertysystem.hh>
#include <opm/models/utils/start.hh>
#include <opm/simulators/linalg/parallelistlbackend.hh>
#include <opm/simulators/linalg/parallelbicgstabbackend.hh>
#include <dune/grid/yaspgrid.hh>
#include <dune/grid/io/file/dgfparser/dgfyasp.hh>
#include <dune/common/version.hh>
#include <dune/common/fvector.hh>
#include <dune/common/fmatrix.hh>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
namespace Opm {
template <class TypeTag>
2023-10-03 03:00:43 -05:00
class CO2PTProblem;
} // namespace Opm */
2022-05-02 07:01:37 -05:00
namespace Opm::Properties {
namespace TTag {
2023-10-03 03:00:43 -05:00
struct CO2PTBaseProblem {};
2022-05-02 07:01:37 -05:00
} // end namespace TTag
2023-11-20 08:27:28 -06:00
template <class TypeTag, class MyTypeTag>
struct NumComp { using type = UndefinedProperty; };
template <class TypeTag>
struct NumComp<TypeTag, TTag::CO2PTBaseProblem> {
static constexpr int value = 3;
2023-10-03 03:00:43 -05:00
// Set the grid type: --->2D
2022-05-02 07:01:37 -05:00
template <class TypeTag>
2023-10-03 03:00:43 -05:00
struct Grid<TypeTag, TTag::CO2PTBaseProblem> { using type = Dune::YaspGrid</*dim=*/2>; };
2022-05-02 07:01:37 -05:00
// Set the problem property
template <class TypeTag>
2023-10-03 03:00:43 -05:00
struct Problem<TypeTag, TTag::CO2PTBaseProblem>
{ using type = Opm::CO2PTProblem<TypeTag>; };
2022-05-02 07:01:37 -05:00
// Set flash solver
template <class TypeTag>
2023-10-03 03:00:43 -05:00
struct FlashSolver<TypeTag, TTag::CO2PTBaseProblem> {
2022-05-02 07:01:37 -05:00
using Scalar = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Scalar>;
using FluidSystem = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::FluidSystem>;
using Evaluation = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Evaluation>;
using type = Opm::PTFlash<Scalar, FluidSystem>;
// Set fluid configuration
template <class TypeTag>
2023-10-03 03:00:43 -05:00
struct FluidSystem<TypeTag, TTag::CO2PTBaseProblem>
2022-05-02 07:01:37 -05:00
using Scalar = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Scalar>;
2023-11-20 08:27:28 -06:00
static constexpr int num_comp = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::NumComp>();
2022-05-02 07:01:37 -05:00
2024-01-12 04:34:11 -06:00
using type = Opm::GenericOilGasFluidSystem<Scalar, num_comp>;
2022-05-02 07:01:37 -05:00
// Set the material Law
template <class TypeTag>
2023-10-03 03:00:43 -05:00
struct MaterialLaw<TypeTag, TTag::CO2PTBaseProblem> {
2022-05-02 07:01:37 -05:00
using FluidSystem = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::FluidSystem>;
enum { oilPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx };
enum { gasPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx };
using Scalar = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Scalar>;
using Traits = Opm::TwoPhaseMaterialTraits<Scalar,
2023-10-03 03:00:43 -05:00
// /*wettingPhaseIdx=*/FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx, // TODO
2022-05-02 07:01:37 -05:00
2023-10-03 03:00:43 -05:00
// define the material law which is parameterized by effective saturation
2022-05-02 07:01:37 -05:00
using EffMaterialLaw = Opm::NullMaterial<Traits>;
//using EffMaterialLaw = Opm::BrooksCorey<Traits>;
using type = EffMaterialLaw;
// mesh grid
template <class TypeTag>
2023-10-03 03:00:43 -05:00
struct Vanguard<TypeTag, TTag::CO2PTBaseProblem> {
2022-05-02 07:01:37 -05:00
using type = Opm::StructuredGridVanguard<TypeTag>;
template <class TypeTag>
2023-10-03 03:00:43 -05:00
struct EnableEnergy<TypeTag, TTag::CO2PTBaseProblem> {
2022-05-02 07:01:37 -05:00
static constexpr bool value = false;
} // namespace Opm::Properties
2024-07-01 03:20:05 -05:00
namespace Opm::Parameters {
2022-05-02 07:01:37 -05:00
2024-07-01 07:13:14 -05:00
template <class TypeTag, class MyTypeTag>
struct Temperature { using type = Properties::UndefinedProperty; };
template <class TypeTag, class MyTypeTag>
struct SimulationName { using type = Properties::UndefinedProperty; };
template <class TypeTag, class MyTypeTag>
struct EpisodeLength { using type = Properties::UndefinedProperty;};
template <class TypeTag, class MyTypeTag>
struct Initialpressure { using type = Properties::UndefinedProperty;};
2024-07-01 07:13:14 -05:00
// Enable gravity false
template <class TypeTag>
struct EnableGravity<TypeTag, Properties::TTag::CO2PTBaseProblem>
{ static constexpr bool value = false; };
2024-07-01 07:13:14 -05:00
// this is kinds of telling the report step length
template <class TypeTag>
struct EpisodeLength<TypeTag, Properties::TTag::CO2PTBaseProblem>
using type = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Scalar>;
static constexpr type value = 0.1 * 60. * 60.;
template <class TypeTag>
struct Initialpressure<TypeTag, Properties::TTag::CO2PTBaseProblem>
using type = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Scalar>;
static constexpr type value = 75.e5;
2024-07-01 07:13:14 -05:00
template <class TypeTag>
struct LinearSolverAbsTolerance<TypeTag, Properties::TTag::CO2PTBaseProblem>
using type = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Scalar>;
static constexpr type value = 0.;
2024-07-01 07:13:14 -05:00
template <class TypeTag>
struct LinearSolverTolerance<TypeTag, Properties::TTag::CO2PTBaseProblem>
using type = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Scalar>;
static constexpr type value = 1e-3;
2024-07-01 03:20:05 -05:00
template <class TypeTag>
struct NewtonTargetIterations<TypeTag, Properties::TTag::CO2PTBaseProblem>
using type = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Scalar>;
static constexpr type value = 6;
2024-07-01 03:20:05 -05:00
template <class TypeTag>
struct NewtonMaxIterations<TypeTag, Properties::TTag::CO2PTBaseProblem>
{ static constexpr int value = 30; };
2024-07-01 07:13:14 -05:00
template <class TypeTag>
struct SimulationName<TypeTag, Properties::TTag::CO2PTBaseProblem>
{ static constexpr auto value = "co2_ptflash"; };
// set the defaults for the problem specific properties
template <class TypeTag>
struct Temperature<TypeTag, Properties::TTag::CO2PTBaseProblem>
using type = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Scalar>;
static constexpr type value = 423.25; // TODO
2024-07-01 07:13:14 -05:00
template <class TypeTag>
struct VtkWriteEquilibriumConstants<TypeTag, Properties::TTag::CO2PTBaseProblem>
{ static constexpr bool value = true; };
2024-07-01 07:13:14 -05:00
template <class TypeTag>
struct VtkWriteFilterVelocities<TypeTag, Properties::TTag::CO2PTBaseProblem>
{ static constexpr bool value = true; };
2024-07-01 07:13:14 -05:00
template <class TypeTag>
struct VtkWriteFugacityCoeffs<TypeTag, Properties::TTag::CO2PTBaseProblem>
{ static constexpr bool value = true; };
2024-07-01 07:13:14 -05:00
template <class TypeTag>
struct VtkWriteLiquidMoleFractions<TypeTag, Properties::TTag::CO2PTBaseProblem>
{ static constexpr bool value = true; };
2024-07-01 07:13:14 -05:00
template <class TypeTag>
struct VtkWritePotentialGradients<TypeTag, Properties::TTag::CO2PTBaseProblem>
{ static constexpr bool value = true; };
2024-07-01 07:13:14 -05:00
template <class TypeTag>
struct VtkWriteTotalMassFractions<TypeTag, Properties::TTag::CO2PTBaseProblem>
{ static constexpr bool value = true; };
template <class TypeTag>
struct VtkWriteTotalMoleFractions<TypeTag, Properties::TTag::CO2PTBaseProblem>
{ static constexpr bool value = true; };
2024-07-01 07:13:14 -05:00
2024-07-01 03:20:05 -05:00
} // namespace Opm::Parameters
2022-05-02 07:01:37 -05:00
namespace Opm {
* \ingroup TestProblems
* \brief 3 component simple testproblem with ["CO2", "C1", "C10"]
template <class TypeTag>
2023-10-03 03:00:43 -05:00
class CO2PTProblem : public GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::BaseProblem>
2022-05-02 07:01:37 -05:00
using ParentType = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::BaseProblem>;
using Scalar = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Scalar>;
using Evaluation = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Evaluation>;
using GridView = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::GridView>;
using FluidSystem = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::FluidSystem>;
enum { dim = GridView::dimension };
enum { dimWorld = GridView::dimensionworld };
using Indices = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Indices>;
using PrimaryVariables = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::PrimaryVariables>;
using RateVector = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::RateVector>;
using BoundaryRateVector = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::BoundaryRateVector>;
using MaterialLaw = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::MaterialLaw>;
using Simulator = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Simulator>;
using Model = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Model>;
using MaterialLawParams = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::MaterialLawParams>;
using Toolbox = Opm::MathToolbox<Evaluation>;
using CoordScalar = typename GridView::ctype;
enum { numPhases = FluidSystem::numPhases };
enum { oilPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx };
enum { gasPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx };
enum { conti0EqIdx = Indices::conti0EqIdx };
enum { numComponents = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::NumComponents>() };
enum { enableEnergy = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::EnableEnergy>() };
enum { enableDiffusion = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::EnableDiffusion>() };
using GlobalPosition = Dune::FieldVector<CoordScalar, dimWorld>;
using DimMatrix = Dune::FieldMatrix<Scalar, dimWorld, dimWorld>;
using DimVector = Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dimWorld>;
using ComponentVector = Dune::FieldVector<Evaluation, numComponents>;
using FlashSolver = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::FlashSolver>;
using FluidState = Opm::CompositionalFluidState<Evaluation, FluidSystem, enableEnergy>;
* \copydoc Doxygen::defaultProblemConstructor
2023-10-03 03:00:43 -05:00
explicit CO2PTProblem(Simulator& simulator)
2022-05-02 07:01:37 -05:00
: ParentType(simulator)
2024-07-01 07:13:14 -05:00
const Scalar epi_len = Parameters::get<TypeTag, Parameters::EpisodeLength>();
2022-05-02 07:01:37 -05:00
2023-11-20 08:27:28 -06:00
2024-01-12 04:34:11 -06:00
using CompParm = typename FluidSystem::ComponentParam;
2023-11-20 08:27:28 -06:00
using CO2 = Opm::SimpleCO2<Scalar>;
using C1 = Opm::C1<Scalar>;
using C10 = Opm::C10<Scalar>;
FluidSystem::addComponent(CompParm {CO2::name(), CO2::molarMass(), CO2::criticalTemperature(),
CO2::criticalPressure(), CO2::criticalVolume(), CO2::acentricFactor()});
FluidSystem::addComponent(CompParm {C1::name(), C1::molarMass(), C1::criticalTemperature(),
C1::criticalPressure(), C1::criticalVolume(), C1::acentricFactor()});
FluidSystem::addComponent(CompParm{C10::name(), C10::molarMass(), C10::criticalTemperature(),
C10::criticalPressure(), C10::criticalVolume(), C10::acentricFactor()});
// FluidSystem::add
2022-05-02 07:01:37 -05:00
void initPetrophysics()
2024-07-01 07:13:14 -05:00
temperature_ = Parameters::get<TypeTag, Parameters::Temperature>();
2022-05-02 07:01:37 -05:00
K_ = this->toDimMatrix_(9.869232667160131e-14);
porosity_ = 0.1;
template <class Context>
const DimVector&
2024-07-01 07:13:14 -05:00
gravity([[maybe_unused]]const Context& context,
[[maybe_unused]] unsigned spaceIdx,
[[maybe_unused]] unsigned timeIdx) const
2022-05-02 07:01:37 -05:00
return gravity();
const DimVector& gravity() const
return gravity_;
* \copydoc FvBaseProblem::finishInit
void finishInit()
// initialize fixed parameters; temperature, permeability, porosity
2023-10-03 03:00:43 -05:00
* \copydoc co2ptflashproblem::registerParameters
2022-05-02 07:01:37 -05:00
static void registerParameters()
2024-07-01 07:13:14 -05:00
Parameters::registerParam<TypeTag, Parameters::Temperature>
2024-04-04 05:49:01 -05:00
("The temperature [K] in the reservoir");
2024-07-01 07:13:14 -05:00
Parameters::registerParam<TypeTag, Parameters::Initialpressure>
2024-04-04 05:49:01 -05:00
("The initial pressure [Pa s] in the reservoir");
2024-07-01 07:13:14 -05:00
Parameters::registerParam<TypeTag, Parameters::SimulationName>
2024-04-04 05:49:01 -05:00
("The name of the simulation used for the output files");
2024-07-01 07:13:14 -05:00
Parameters::registerParam<TypeTag, Parameters::EpisodeLength>
2024-04-04 05:49:01 -05:00
("Time interval [s] for episode length");
2024-07-05 10:49:51 -05:00
2024-07-05 10:49:51 -05:00
2024-07-05 10:49:51 -05:00
if constexpr (dim > 1) {
2024-07-05 10:49:51 -05:00
2024-07-05 10:49:51 -05:00
if constexpr (dim == 3) {
2024-07-05 10:49:51 -05:00
2024-07-05 10:49:51 -05:00
2024-07-05 10:49:51 -05:00
Parameters::SetDefault<Parameters::EndTime<Scalar>>(60. * 60.);
2024-07-05 10:49:51 -05:00
Parameters::SetDefault<Parameters::InitialTimeStepSize<Scalar>>(0.1 * 60. * 60.);
2024-07-05 10:49:51 -05:00
2022-05-02 07:01:37 -05:00
* \copydoc FvBaseProblem::name
std::string name() const
std::ostringstream oss;
2024-07-01 07:13:14 -05:00
oss << Parameters::get<TypeTag, Parameters::SimulationName>();
2022-05-02 07:01:37 -05:00
return oss.str();
// This method must be overridden for the simulator to continue with
// a new episode. We just start a new episode with the same length as
// the old one.
void endEpisode()
2024-07-01 07:13:14 -05:00
Scalar epi_len = Parameters::get<TypeTag, Parameters::EpisodeLength>();
2022-05-02 07:01:37 -05:00
// only write output when episodes change, aka. report steps, and
// include the initial timestep too
bool shouldWriteOutput()
return this->simulator().episodeWillBeOver() || (this->simulator().timeStepIndex() == -1);
// we don't care about doing restarts from every fifth timestep, it
// will just slow us down
bool shouldWriteRestartFile()
return false;
* \copydoc FvBaseProblem::endTimeStep
void endTimeStep()
Scalar tol = this->model().newtonMethod().tolerance() * 1e5;
// Calculate storage terms
PrimaryVariables storageO, storageW;
this->model().globalPhaseStorage(storageO, oilPhaseIdx);
// Calculate storage terms
PrimaryVariables storageL, storageG;
this->model().globalPhaseStorage(storageL, /*phaseIdx=*/0);
this->model().globalPhaseStorage(storageG, /*phaseIdx=*/1);
// Write mass balance information for rank 0
// if (this->gridView().comm().rank() == 0) {
// std::cout << "Storage: liquid=[" << storageL << "]"
// << " gas=[" << storageG << "]\n" << std::flush;
// }
* \copydoc FvBaseProblem::initial
template <class Context>
void initial(PrimaryVariables& values, const Context& context, unsigned spaceIdx, unsigned timeIdx) const
Opm::CompositionalFluidState<Evaluation, FluidSystem> fs;
initialFluidState(fs, context, spaceIdx, timeIdx);
// Constant temperature
template <class Context>
Scalar temperature([[maybe_unused]] const Context& context, [[maybe_unused]] unsigned spaceIdx, [[maybe_unused]] unsigned timeIdx) const
return temperature_;
// Constant permeability
template <class Context>
const DimMatrix& intrinsicPermeability([[maybe_unused]] const Context& context,
[[maybe_unused]] unsigned spaceIdx,
[[maybe_unused]] unsigned timeIdx) const
return K_;
// Constant porosity
template <class Context>
Scalar porosity([[maybe_unused]] const Context& context, [[maybe_unused]] unsigned spaceIdx, [[maybe_unused]] unsigned timeIdx) const
int spatialIdx = context.globalSpaceIndex(spaceIdx, timeIdx);
int inj = 0;
2024-07-05 10:49:51 -05:00
int prod = Parameters::Get<Parameters::CellsX>() - 1;
2023-10-03 03:00:43 -05:00
if (spatialIdx == inj || spatialIdx == prod) {
2022-05-02 07:01:37 -05:00
return 1.0;
2023-10-03 03:00:43 -05:00
} else {
2022-05-02 07:01:37 -05:00
return porosity_;
2023-10-03 03:00:43 -05:00
2022-05-02 07:01:37 -05:00
2024-07-01 03:20:05 -05:00
2022-05-02 07:01:37 -05:00
* \copydoc FvBaseMultiPhaseProblem::materialLawParams
template <class Context>
const MaterialLawParams& materialLawParams([[maybe_unused]] const Context& context,
[[maybe_unused]] unsigned spaceIdx,
[[maybe_unused]] unsigned timeIdx) const
return this->mat_;
// No flow (introduce fake wells instead)
template <class Context>
void boundary(BoundaryRateVector& values,
const Context& /*context*/,
unsigned /*spaceIdx*/,
unsigned /*timeIdx*/) const
{ values.setNoFlow(); }
// No source terms
template <class Context>
void source(RateVector& source_rate,
[[maybe_unused]] const Context& context,
[[maybe_unused]] unsigned spaceIdx,
[[maybe_unused]] unsigned timeIdx) const
source_rate = Scalar(0.0);
* \copydoc FvBaseProblem::initial
template <class FluidState, class Context>
void initialFluidState(FluidState& fs, const Context& context, unsigned spaceIdx, unsigned timeIdx) const
2023-10-03 03:00:43 -05:00
// z0 = [0.5, 0.3, 0.2]
// zi = [0.99, 0.01-1e-3, 1e-3]
// p0 = 75e5
// T0 = 423.25
int inj = 0;
2024-07-05 10:49:51 -05:00
int prod = Parameters::Get<Parameters::CellsX>() - 1;
2023-10-03 03:00:43 -05:00
int spatialIdx = context.globalSpaceIndex(spaceIdx, timeIdx);
ComponentVector comp;
comp[0] = Evaluation::createVariable(0.5, 1);
comp[1] = Evaluation::createVariable(0.3, 2);
comp[2] = 1. - comp[0] - comp[1];
if (spatialIdx == inj) {
comp[0] = Evaluation::createVariable(0.99, 1);
comp[1] = Evaluation::createVariable(0.01 - 1e-3, 2);
comp[2] = 1. - comp[0] - comp[1];
ComponentVector sat;
sat[0] = 1.0;
sat[1] = 1.0 - sat[0];
2024-07-01 07:13:14 -05:00
Scalar p0 = Parameters::get<TypeTag, Parameters::Initialpressure>();
2023-10-03 03:00:43 -05:00
//\Note, for an AD variable, if we multiply it with 2, the derivative will also be scalced with 2,
//\Note, so we should not do it.
if (spatialIdx == inj) {
p0 *= 2.0;
if (spatialIdx == prod) {
p0 *= 0.5;
Evaluation p_init = Evaluation::createVariable(p0, 0);
fs.setPressure(FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx, p_init);
fs.setPressure(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx, p_init);
2023-11-20 08:27:28 -06:00
for (unsigned compIdx = 0; compIdx < numComponents; ++compIdx) {
fs.setMoleFraction(FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx, compIdx, comp[compIdx]);
fs.setMoleFraction(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx, compIdx, comp[compIdx]);
2023-10-03 03:00:43 -05:00
// It is used here only for calculate the z
fs.setSaturation(FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx, sat[0]);
fs.setSaturation(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx, sat[1]);
2023-11-21 14:10:18 -06:00
2023-10-03 03:00:43 -05:00
// ParameterCache paramCache;
typename FluidSystem::template ParameterCache<Evaluation> paramCache;
paramCache.updatePhase(fs, FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx);
paramCache.updatePhase(fs, FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx);
fs.setDensity(FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx, FluidSystem::density(fs, paramCache, FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx));
fs.setDensity(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx, FluidSystem::density(fs, paramCache, FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx));
fs.setViscosity(FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx, FluidSystem::viscosity(fs, paramCache, FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx));
fs.setViscosity(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx, FluidSystem::viscosity(fs, paramCache, FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx));
// Set initial K and L
for (unsigned compIdx = 0; compIdx < numComponents; ++compIdx) {
const Evaluation Ktmp = fs.wilsonK_(compIdx);
fs.setKvalue(compIdx, Ktmp);
const Evaluation& Ltmp = -1.0;
2022-05-02 07:01:37 -05:00
DimMatrix K_;
Scalar porosity_;
Scalar temperature_;
MaterialLawParams mat_;
DimVector gravity_;
2024-07-01 07:13:14 -05:00
2022-05-02 07:01:37 -05:00
} // namespace Opm
2023-10-03 03:00:43 -05:00