2018-06-06 03:59:41 -05:00
# include <iostream>
# include <utility>
2018-06-21 05:14:17 -05:00
# include <opm/core/simulator/SimulatorReport.hpp>
2018-06-06 03:59:41 -05:00
# include <opm/grid/utility/StopWatch.hpp>
# include <opm/common/OpmLog/OpmLog.hpp>
# include <opm/common/utility/parameters/ParameterGroup.hpp>
# include <opm/common/ErrorMacros.hpp>
# include <opm/simulators/timestepping/SimulatorTimer.hpp>
# include <opm/simulators/timestepping/AdaptiveSimulatorTimer.hpp>
# include <opm/simulators/timestepping/TimeStepControlInterface.hpp>
# include <opm/simulators/timestepping/TimeStepControl.hpp>
2018-06-21 05:14:17 -05:00
# include <opm/core/props/phaseUsageFromDeck.hpp>
NEW_TYPE_TAG ( FlowTimeSteppingParameters ) ;
NEW_PROP_TAG ( Scalar ) ;
NEW_PROP_TAG ( FlowSolverRestartFactor ) ;
NEW_PROP_TAG ( FlowSolverGrowthFactor ) ;
NEW_PROP_TAG ( FlowSolverMaxGrowth ) ;
NEW_PROP_TAG ( FlowSolverMaxTimeStepInDays ) ;
NEW_PROP_TAG ( FlowSolverMaxRestarts ) ;
NEW_PROP_TAG ( FlowSolverVerbosity ) ;
NEW_PROP_TAG ( FlowTimeStepVerbosity ) ;
NEW_PROP_TAG ( FlowInitialTimeStepInDays ) ;
NEW_PROP_TAG ( FlowFullTimeStepInitially ) ;
NEW_PROP_TAG ( FlowTimeStepAfterEventInDays ) ;
NEW_PROP_TAG ( FlowTimeStepControl ) ;
NEW_PROP_TAG ( FlowTimeStepControlTolerance ) ;
NEW_PROP_TAG ( FlowTimeStepControlTargetIterations ) ;
NEW_PROP_TAG ( FlowTimeStepControlTargetNewtonIterations ) ;
NEW_PROP_TAG ( FlowTimeStepControlDecayRate ) ;
NEW_PROP_TAG ( FlowTimeStepControlGrowthRate ) ;
NEW_PROP_TAG ( FlowTimeStepControlFileName ) ;
SET_SCALAR_PROP ( FlowTimeSteppingParameters , FlowSolverRestartFactor , 0.33 ) ;
SET_SCALAR_PROP ( FlowTimeSteppingParameters , FlowSolverGrowthFactor , 2.0 ) ;
SET_SCALAR_PROP ( FlowTimeSteppingParameters , FlowSolverMaxGrowth , 3.0 ) ;
SET_SCALAR_PROP ( FlowTimeSteppingParameters , FlowSolverMaxTimeStepInDays , 365.0 ) ;
SET_INT_PROP ( FlowTimeSteppingParameters , FlowSolverMaxRestarts , 10 ) ;
SET_INT_PROP ( FlowTimeSteppingParameters , FlowSolverVerbosity , 1 ) ;
SET_INT_PROP ( FlowTimeSteppingParameters , FlowTimeStepVerbosity , 1 ) ;
SET_SCALAR_PROP ( FlowTimeSteppingParameters , FlowInitialTimeStepInDays , 1.0 ) ;
SET_BOOL_PROP ( FlowTimeSteppingParameters , FlowFullTimeStepInitially , false ) ;
SET_SCALAR_PROP ( FlowTimeSteppingParameters , FlowTimeStepAfterEventInDays , - 1.0 ) ;
SET_STRING_PROP ( FlowTimeSteppingParameters , FlowTimeStepControl , " pid " ) ;
SET_SCALAR_PROP ( FlowTimeSteppingParameters , FlowTimeStepControlTolerance , 1e-1 ) ;
SET_INT_PROP ( FlowTimeSteppingParameters , FlowTimeStepControlTargetIterations , 30 ) ;
SET_INT_PROP ( FlowTimeSteppingParameters , FlowTimeStepControlTargetNewtonIterations , 8 ) ;
SET_SCALAR_PROP ( FlowTimeSteppingParameters , FlowTimeStepControlDecayRate , 0.75 ) ;
SET_SCALAR_PROP ( FlowTimeSteppingParameters , FlowTimeStepControlGrowthRate , 1.25 ) ;
SET_STRING_PROP ( FlowTimeSteppingParameters , FlowTimeStepControlFileName , " timesteps " ) ;
2018-06-06 03:59:41 -05:00
namespace Opm {
// AdaptiveTimeStepping
2018-06-21 05:14:17 -05:00
template < class TypeTag >
2018-06-06 03:59:41 -05:00
class AdaptiveTimeSteppingEbos
template < class Solver >
class SolutionTimeErrorSolverWrapperEbos : public RelativeChangeInterface
const Solver & solver_ ;
public :
SolutionTimeErrorSolverWrapperEbos ( const Solver & solver )
: solver_ ( solver )
{ }
/// return || u^n+1 - u^n || / || u^n+1 ||
double relativeChange ( ) const
{ return solver_ . model ( ) . relativeChange ( ) ; }
} ;
template < class E >
void logException_ ( const E & exception , bool verbose )
if ( verbose ) {
std : : string message ;
message = " Caught Exception: " ;
message + = exception . what ( ) ;
OpmLog : : debug ( message ) ;
public :
//! \brief contructor taking parameter object
2018-06-21 05:14:17 -05:00
AdaptiveTimeSteppingEbos ( const bool terminalOutput = true )
2018-06-06 03:59:41 -05:00
: timeStepControl_ ( )
2018-06-21 05:14:17 -05:00
, restartFactor_ ( EWOMS_GET_PARAM ( TypeTag , double , FlowSolverRestartFactor ) ) // 0.33
, growthFactor_ ( EWOMS_GET_PARAM ( TypeTag , double , FlowSolverGrowthFactor ) ) // 2.0
, maxGrowth_ ( EWOMS_GET_PARAM ( TypeTag , double , FlowSolverMaxGrowth ) ) // 3.0
, maxTimeStep_ ( EWOMS_GET_PARAM ( TypeTag , double , FlowSolverMaxTimeStepInDays ) * 24 * 60 * 60 ) // 365.25
, solverRestartMax_ ( EWOMS_GET_PARAM ( TypeTag , int , FlowSolverMaxRestarts ) ) // 10
, solverVerbose_ ( EWOMS_GET_PARAM ( TypeTag , int , FlowSolverVerbosity ) > 0 & & terminalOutput ) // 2
, timestepVerbose_ ( EWOMS_GET_PARAM ( TypeTag , int , FlowTimeStepVerbosity ) > 0 & & terminalOutput ) // 2
, suggestedNextTimestep_ ( EWOMS_GET_PARAM ( TypeTag , double , FlowInitialTimeStepInDays ) * 24 * 60 * 60 ) // 1.0
, fullTimestepInitially_ ( EWOMS_GET_PARAM ( TypeTag , bool , FlowFullTimeStepInitially ) ) // false
, timestepAfterEvent_ ( EWOMS_GET_PARAM ( TypeTag , double , FlowTimeStepAfterEventInDays ) * 24 * 60 * 60 ) // 1e30
2018-06-06 03:59:41 -05:00
, useNewtonIteration_ ( false )
2018-06-21 05:14:17 -05:00
init_ ( ) ;
2018-06-06 03:59:41 -05:00
//! \brief contructor taking parameter object
//! \param tuning Pointer to ecl TUNING keyword
//! \param timeStep current report step
AdaptiveTimeSteppingEbos ( const Tuning & tuning ,
size_t timeStep ,
const bool terminalOutput = true )
: timeStepControl_ ( )
, restartFactor_ ( tuning . getTSFCNV ( timeStep ) )
, growthFactor_ ( tuning . getTFDIFF ( timeStep ) )
, maxGrowth_ ( tuning . getTSFMAX ( timeStep ) )
2018-06-21 05:14:17 -05:00
, maxTimeStep_ ( EWOMS_GET_PARAM ( TypeTag , double , FlowSolverMaxTimeStepInDays ) * 24 * 60 * 60 ) // 365.25
, solverRestartMax_ ( EWOMS_GET_PARAM ( TypeTag , int , FlowSolverMaxRestarts ) ) // 10
, solverVerbose_ ( EWOMS_GET_PARAM ( TypeTag , int , FlowSolverVerbosity ) > 0 & & terminalOutput ) // 2
, timestepVerbose_ ( EWOMS_GET_PARAM ( TypeTag , int , FlowTimeStepVerbosity ) > 0 & & terminalOutput ) // 2
, suggestedNextTimestep_ ( EWOMS_GET_PARAM ( TypeTag , double , FlowInitialTimeStepInDays ) * 24 * 60 * 60 ) // 1.0
, fullTimestepInitially_ ( EWOMS_GET_PARAM ( TypeTag , bool , FlowFullTimeStepInitially ) ) // false
, timestepAfterEvent_ ( EWOMS_GET_PARAM ( TypeTag , double , FlowTimeStepAfterEventInDays ) * 24 * 60 * 60 ) // 1e30
2018-06-06 03:59:41 -05:00
, useNewtonIteration_ ( false )
2018-06-21 05:14:17 -05:00
init_ ( ) ;
static void registerParameters ( )
// TODO: make sure the help messages are correct (and useful)
EWOMS_REGISTER_PARAM ( TypeTag , double , FlowSolverRestartFactor ,
" The factor time steps are elongated after restarts " ) ;
EWOMS_REGISTER_PARAM ( TypeTag , double , FlowSolverGrowthFactor ,
" The factor time steps are elongated after a successful substep " ) ;
EWOMS_REGISTER_PARAM ( TypeTag , double , FlowSolverMaxGrowth ,
" The maximum factor time steps are elongated after a report step " ) ;
EWOMS_REGISTER_PARAM ( TypeTag , double , FlowSolverMaxTimeStepInDays ,
" The maximum size of a time step in days " ) ;
EWOMS_REGISTER_PARAM ( TypeTag , int , FlowSolverMaxRestarts ,
" The maximum number of breakdowns before a substep is given up and the simulator is terminated " ) ;
EWOMS_REGISTER_PARAM ( TypeTag , int , FlowSolverVerbosity ,
" Specify the \" chattiness \" of the non-linear solver itself " ) ;
EWOMS_REGISTER_PARAM ( TypeTag , int , FlowTimeStepVerbosity ,
" Specify the \" chattiness \" during the time integration " ) ;
EWOMS_REGISTER_PARAM ( TypeTag , double , FlowInitialTimeStepInDays ,
" The size of the initial time step in days " ) ;
EWOMS_REGISTER_PARAM ( TypeTag , bool , FlowFullTimeStepInitially ,
" Always attempt to finish a report step using a single substep " ) ;
EWOMS_REGISTER_PARAM ( TypeTag , double , FlowTimeStepAfterEventInDays ,
" Time step size of the first time step after an event occurs during the simulation in days " ) ;
EWOMS_REGISTER_PARAM ( TypeTag , std : : string , FlowTimeStepControl ,
" The algorithm used to determine time-step sizes. valid options are: 'pid' (default), 'pid+iteration', 'pid+newtoniteration', 'iterationcount' and 'hardcoded' " ) ;
EWOMS_REGISTER_PARAM ( TypeTag , double , FlowTimeStepControlTolerance ,
" The tolerance used by the time step size control algorithm " ) ;
EWOMS_REGISTER_PARAM ( TypeTag , int , FlowTimeStepControlTargetIterations ,
" The number of linear iterations which the time step control scheme should aim for (if applicable) " ) ;
EWOMS_REGISTER_PARAM ( TypeTag , int , FlowTimeStepControlTargetNewtonIterations ,
" The number of Newton iterations which the time step control scheme should aim for (if applicable) " ) ;
EWOMS_REGISTER_PARAM ( TypeTag , double , FlowTimeStepControlDecayRate ,
" The decay rate of the time step size of the number of target iterations is exceeded " ) ;
EWOMS_REGISTER_PARAM ( TypeTag , double , FlowTimeStepControlGrowthRate ,
" The growth rate of the time step size of the number of target iterations is undercut " ) ;
EWOMS_REGISTER_PARAM ( TypeTag , std : : string , FlowTimeStepControlFileName ,
" The name of the file which contains the hardcoded time steps sizes " ) ;
2018-06-06 03:59:41 -05:00
/** \brief step method that acts like the solver::step method
in a sub cycle of time steps
2018-06-06 03:59:41 -05:00
template < class Solver >
2018-06-06 03:59:41 -05:00
SimulatorReport step ( const SimulatorTimer & simulatorTimer ,
Solver & solver ,
const bool isEvent ,
const std : : vector < int > * fipnum = nullptr )
SimulatorReport report ;
const double timestep = simulatorTimer . currentStepLength ( ) ;
// init last time step as a fraction of the given time step
if ( suggestedNextTimestep_ < 0 ) {
suggestedNextTimestep_ = restartFactor_ * timestep ;
if ( fullTimestepInitially_ ) {
suggestedNextTimestep_ = timestep ;
// use seperate time step after event
if ( isEvent & & timestepAfterEvent_ > 0 ) {
suggestedNextTimestep_ = timestepAfterEvent_ ;
2018-06-06 03:59:41 -05:00
auto & ebosSimulator = solver . model ( ) . ebosSimulator ( ) ;
auto & ebosProblem = ebosSimulator . problem ( ) ;
auto phaseUsage = Opm : : phaseUsageFromDeck ( ebosSimulator . vanguard ( ) . eclState ( ) ) ;
2018-06-06 03:59:41 -05:00
// create adaptive step timer with previously used sub step size
AdaptiveSimulatorTimer substepTimer ( simulatorTimer , suggestedNextTimestep_ , maxTimeStep_ ) ;
// reset the statistics for the failed substeps
failureReport_ = SimulatorReport ( ) ;
// counter for solver restarts
int restarts = 0 ;
// sub step time loop
while ( ! substepTimer . done ( ) ) {
// get current delta t
const double dt = substepTimer . currentStepLength ( ) ;
if ( timestepVerbose_ ) {
std : : ostringstream ss ;
ss < < " \n Time step " < < substepTimer . currentStepNum ( ) < < " , stepsize "
< < unit : : convert : : to ( substepTimer . currentStepLength ( ) , unit : : day ) < < " days. " ;
OpmLog : : info ( ss . str ( ) ) ;
SimulatorReport substepReport ;
std : : string causeOfFailure = " " ;
try {
substepReport = solver . step ( substepTimer ) ;
report + = substepReport ;
if ( solverVerbose_ ) {
// report number of linear iterations
OpmLog : : debug ( " Overall linear iterations used: " + std : : to_string ( substepReport . total_linear_iterations ) ) ;
catch ( const Opm : : TooManyIterations & e ) {
substepReport + = solver . failureReport ( ) ;
causeOfFailure = " Solver convergence failure - Iteration limit reached " ;
logException_ ( e , solverVerbose_ ) ;
// since linearIterations is < 0 this will restart the solver
catch ( const Opm : : LinearSolverProblem & e ) {
substepReport + = solver . failureReport ( ) ;
causeOfFailure = " Linear solver convergence failure " ;
logException_ ( e , solverVerbose_ ) ;
// since linearIterations is < 0 this will restart the solver
catch ( const Opm : : NumericalIssue & e ) {
substepReport + = solver . failureReport ( ) ;
causeOfFailure = " Solver convergence failure - Numerical problem encountered " ;
logException_ ( e , solverVerbose_ ) ;
// since linearIterations is < 0 this will restart the solver
catch ( const std : : runtime_error & e ) {
substepReport + = solver . failureReport ( ) ;
logException_ ( e , solverVerbose_ ) ;
// also catch linear solver not converged
catch ( const Dune : : ISTLError & e ) {
substepReport + = solver . failureReport ( ) ;
logException_ ( e , solverVerbose_ ) ;
// also catch errors in ISTL AMG that occur when time step is too large
catch ( const Dune : : MatrixBlockError & e ) {
substepReport + = solver . failureReport ( ) ;
logException_ ( e , solverVerbose_ ) ;
// this can be thrown by ISTL's ILU0 in block mode, yet is not an ISTLError
if ( substepReport . converged ) {
// advance by current dt
+ + substepTimer ;
// create object to compute the time error, simply forwards the call to the model
SolutionTimeErrorSolverWrapperEbos < Solver > relativeChange ( solver ) ;
// compute new time step estimate
const int iterations = useNewtonIteration_ ? substepReport . total_newton_iterations
: substepReport . total_linear_iterations ;
double dtEstimate = timeStepControl_ - > computeTimeStepSize ( dt , iterations , relativeChange ,
substepTimer . simulationTimeElapsed ( ) ) ;
// limit the growth of the timestep size by the growth factor
dtEstimate = std : : min ( dtEstimate , double ( maxGrowth_ * dt ) ) ;
// further restrict time step size growth after convergence problems
if ( restarts > 0 ) {
dtEstimate = std : : min ( growthFactor_ * dt , dtEstimate ) ;
// solver converged, reset restarts counter
restarts = 0 ;
if ( timestepVerbose_ ) {
std : : ostringstream ss ;
substepReport . reportStep ( ss ) ;
OpmLog : : info ( ss . str ( ) ) ;
// write data if outputWriter was provided
// if the time step is done we do not need
// to write it as this will be done by the simulator
// anyway.
if ( ! substepTimer . done ( ) ) {
if ( fipnum ) {
solver . computeFluidInPlace ( * fipnum ) ;
Opm : : time : : StopWatch perfTimer ;
perfTimer . start ( ) ;
2018-06-06 03:59:41 -05:00
// The writeOutput expects a local data::solution vector and a local data::well vector.
auto localWellData = solver . model ( ) . wellModel ( ) . wellState ( ) . report ( phaseUsage , Opm : : UgGridHelpers : : globalCell ( ebosSimulator . vanguard ( ) . grid ( ) ) ) ;
ebosProblem . writeOutput ( localWellData ,
substepTimer . simulationTimeElapsed ( ) ,
/*isSubstep=*/ true ,
substepReport . total_time ,
/*nextStepSize=*/ - 1.0 ) ;
2018-06-06 03:59:41 -05:00
report . output_write_time + = perfTimer . secsSinceStart ( ) ;
// set new time step length
substepTimer . provideTimeStepEstimate ( dtEstimate ) ;
report . converged = substepTimer . done ( ) ;
substepTimer . setLastStepFailed ( false ) ;
else { // in case of no convergence (linearIterations < 0)
substepTimer . setLastStepFailed ( true ) ;
failureReport_ + = substepReport ;
// increase restart counter
if ( restarts > = solverRestartMax_ ) {
const auto msg = std : : string ( " Solver failed to converge after cutting timestep " )
+ std : : to_string ( restarts ) + " times. " ;
if ( solverVerbose_ ) {
OpmLog : : error ( msg ) ;
OPM_THROW_NOLOG ( Opm : : NumericalIssue , msg ) ;
const double newTimeStep = restartFactor_ * dt ;
// we need to revise this
substepTimer . provideTimeStepEstimate ( newTimeStep ) ;
if ( solverVerbose_ ) {
std : : string msg ;
msg = causeOfFailure + " \n Timestep chopped to "
+ std : : to_string ( unit : : convert : : to ( substepTimer . currentStepLength ( ) , unit : : day ) ) + " days \n " ;
OpmLog : : problem ( msg ) ;
+ + restarts ;
// store estimated time step for next reportStep
suggestedNextTimestep_ = substepTimer . currentStepLength ( ) ;
if ( timestepVerbose_ ) {
std : : ostringstream ss ;
substepTimer . report ( ss ) ;
ss < < " Suggested next step size = " < < unit : : convert : : to ( suggestedNextTimestep_ , unit : : day ) < < " (days) " < < std : : endl ;
OpmLog : : debug ( ss . str ( ) ) ;
if ( ! std : : isfinite ( suggestedNextTimestep_ ) ) { // check for NaN
suggestedNextTimestep_ = timestep ;
return report ;
/** \brief Returns the simulator report for the failed substeps of the last
* report step .
const SimulatorReport & failureReport ( ) const
{ return failureReport_ ; } ;
double suggestedNextStep ( ) const
{ return suggestedNextTimestep_ ; }
void setSuggestedNextStep ( const double x )
{ suggestedNextTimestep_ = x ; }
void updateTUNING ( const Tuning & tuning , size_t timeStep )
restartFactor_ = tuning . getTSFCNV ( timeStep ) ;
growthFactor_ = tuning . getTFDIFF ( timeStep ) ;
maxGrowth_ = tuning . getTSFMAX ( timeStep ) ;
maxTimeStep_ = tuning . getTSMAXZ ( timeStep ) ;
suggestedNextTimestep_ = tuning . getTSINIT ( timeStep ) ;
timestepAfterEvent_ = tuning . getTMAXWC ( timeStep ) ;
protected :
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void init_ ( )
2018-06-06 03:59:41 -05:00
// valid are "pid" and "pid+iteration"
2018-06-21 05:14:17 -05:00
std : : string control = EWOMS_GET_PARAM ( TypeTag , std : : string , FlowTimeStepControl ) ; // "pid"
2018-06-06 03:59:41 -05:00
2018-06-21 05:14:17 -05:00
const double tol = EWOMS_GET_PARAM ( TypeTag , double , FlowTimeStepControlTolerance ) ; // 1e-1
2018-06-06 03:59:41 -05:00
if ( control = = " pid " ) {
timeStepControl_ = TimeStepControlType ( new PIDTimeStepControl ( tol ) ) ;
else if ( control = = " pid+iteration " ) {
2018-06-21 05:14:17 -05:00
const int iterations = EWOMS_GET_PARAM ( TypeTag , int , FlowTimeStepControlTargetIterations ) ; // 30
2018-06-06 03:59:41 -05:00
timeStepControl_ = TimeStepControlType ( new PIDAndIterationCountTimeStepControl ( iterations , tol ) ) ;
else if ( control = = " pid+newtoniteration " ) {
2018-06-21 05:14:17 -05:00
const int iterations = EWOMS_GET_PARAM ( TypeTag , int , FlowTimeStepControlTargetNewtonIterations ) ; // 8
2018-06-06 03:59:41 -05:00
timeStepControl_ = TimeStepControlType ( new PIDAndIterationCountTimeStepControl ( iterations , tol ) ) ;
useNewtonIteration_ = true ;
else if ( control = = " iterationcount " ) {
2018-06-21 05:14:17 -05:00
const int iterations = EWOMS_GET_PARAM ( TypeTag , int , FlowTimeStepControlTargetIterations ) ; // 30
const double decayrate = EWOMS_GET_PARAM ( TypeTag , double , FlowTimeStepControlDecayRate ) ; // 0.75
const double growthrate = EWOMS_GET_PARAM ( TypeTag , double , FlowTimeStepControlGrowthRate ) ; // 1.25
2018-06-06 03:59:41 -05:00
timeStepControl_ = TimeStepControlType ( new SimpleIterationCountTimeStepControl ( iterations , decayrate , growthrate ) ) ;
else if ( control = = " hardcoded " ) {
2018-06-21 05:14:17 -05:00
const std : : string filename = EWOMS_GET_PARAM ( TypeTag , std : : string , FlowTimeStepControlFileName ) ; // "timesteps"
2018-06-06 03:59:41 -05:00
timeStepControl_ = TimeStepControlType ( new HardcodedTimeStepControl ( filename ) ) ;
OPM_THROW ( std : : runtime_error , " Unsupported time step control selected " < < control ) ;
// make sure growth factor is something reasonable
assert ( growthFactor_ > = 1.0 ) ;
typedef std : : unique_ptr < TimeStepControlInterface > TimeStepControlType ;
SimulatorReport failureReport_ ; //!< statistics for the failed substeps of the last timestep
TimeStepControlType timeStepControl_ ; //!< time step control object
double restartFactor_ ; //!< factor to multiply time step with when solver fails to converge
double growthFactor_ ; //!< factor to multiply time step when solver recovered from failed convergence
double maxGrowth_ ; //!< factor that limits the maximum growth of a time step
double maxTimeStep_ ; //!< maximal allowed time step size
2018-06-21 05:14:17 -05:00
int solverRestartMax_ ; //!< how many restart of solver are allowed
bool solverVerbose_ ; //!< solver verbosity
bool timestepVerbose_ ; //!< timestep verbosity
2018-06-06 03:59:41 -05:00
double suggestedNextTimestep_ ; //!< suggested size of next timestep
bool fullTimestepInitially_ ; //!< beginning with the size of the time step from data file
double timestepAfterEvent_ ; //!< suggested size of timestep after an event
bool useNewtonIteration_ ; //!< use newton iteration count for adaptive time step control
} ;