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Copyright 2017 SINTEF Digital, Mathematics and Cybernetics.
Copyright 2017 Statoil ASA.
Copyright 2016 - 2017 IRIS AS.
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <opm/simulators/wells/StandardWellPrimaryVariables.hpp>
#include <functional>
#include <variant>
#include <vector>
namespace Opm
class DeferredLogger;
enum class Phase;
template<class FluidSystem, class Indices> class WellInterfaceIndices;
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template<class Scalar> class WellState;
template<class FluidSystem, class Indices>
class StandardWellConnections
using Scalar = typename FluidSystem::Scalar;
StandardWellConnections(const WellInterfaceIndices<FluidSystem,Indices>& well);
struct Properties
std::vector<Scalar> b_perf;
std::vector<Scalar> rsmax_perf;
std::vector<Scalar> rvmax_perf;
std::vector<Scalar> rvwmax_perf;
std::vector<Scalar> rswmax_perf;
std::vector<Scalar> surf_dens_perf;
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void computePropertiesForPressures(const WellState<Scalar>& well_state,
const std::function<Scalar(int,int)>& getTemperature,
const std::function<Scalar(int)>& getSaltConcentration,
const std::function<int(int)>& pvtRegionIdx,
const std::function<Scalar(int)>& solventInverseFormationVolumeFactor,
const std::function<Scalar(int)>& solventRefDensity,
Properties& props) const;
//! \brief Compute connection properties (densities, pressure drop, ...)
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void computeProperties(const WellState<Scalar>& well_state,
const std::function<Scalar(int,int)>& invB,
const std::function<Scalar(int,int)>& mobility,
const std::function<Scalar(int)>& solventInverseFormationVolumeFactor,
const std::function<Scalar(int)>& solventMobility,
const Properties& props,
DeferredLogger& deferred_logger);
//! \brief Returns density for first perforation.
Scalar rho() const
Hook New WBPn Calculation Up to Well Model This commit activates the support for calculating WBPn summary result values per well in parallel. To affect the calculation we add two new data members in BlackoilWellModelGeneric: - conn_idx_map_: Maps well's connection index (0..getConnections().size() - 1) to connections on current rank. Its local() connections are negative 1 (-1) if the connection is not on current rank, and a non-negative value otherwise. The global() function maps well connections on current rank to global connection ID for each well. Effectively the reverse of local(). Finally, the open() function maps well connections on current rank to open/flowing connections on current rank. Negative 1 if connection is not flowing. - wbpCalculationService: Parallel collection of WBPn calculation objects that knows how to exchange source and result information between all ranks in a communicator. Also handles distributed wells. We furthermore need a way to compute connection-level fluid mixture density values. For the standard well class we add a way to access the StandardWellConnection's 'perf_densities_' values. However, since these are defined for open/flowing connections only, this means we're not able to fully meet the requirements of the WELL/ALL WPAVE depth correction procedure for standard wells. The multi-segmented well type, on the other hand, uses the fluid mixture density in the associated well segment and is therefore well defined for ALL connections. OPEN well connections are supported for both well types.
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return this->rho(0);
//! \brief Returns density for specific perforation/connection.
//! \param[in] i Connection index
//! \return Mixture density at connection \p i.
Scalar rho(const typename std::vector<Scalar>::size_type i) const
return (i < this->perf_densities_.size())
? this->perf_densities_[i]
: 0.0;
//! \brief Returns pressure drop for a given perforation.
Scalar pressure_diff(const unsigned perf) const
{ return perf_pressure_diffs_[perf]; }
using Eval = typename WellInterfaceIndices<FluidSystem,Indices>::Eval;
using EvalWell = typename StandardWellPrimaryVariables<FluidSystem,Indices>::EvalWell;
Eval connectionRateBrine(Scalar& rate,
const Scalar vap_wat_rate,
const std::vector<EvalWell>& cq_s,
const std::variant<Scalar,EvalWell>& saltConcentration) const;
Eval connectionRateFoam(const std::vector<EvalWell>& cq_s,
const std::variant<Scalar,EvalWell>& foamConcentration,
const Phase transportPhase,
DeferredLogger& deferred_logger) const;
connectionRatePolymer(Scalar& rate,
const std::vector<EvalWell>& cq_s,
const std::variant<Scalar,EvalWell>& polymerConcentration) const;
connectionRatesMICP(const std::vector<EvalWell>& cq_s,
const std::variant<Scalar,EvalWell>& microbialConcentration,
const std::variant<Scalar,EvalWell>& oxygenConcentration,
const std::variant<Scalar,EvalWell>& ureaConcentration) const;
connectionRatezFraction(Scalar& rate,
const Scalar dis_gas_rate,
const std::vector<EvalWell>& cq_s,
const std::variant<Scalar, std::array<EvalWell,2>>& solventConcentration) const;
void computePressureDelta();
// TODO: not total sure whether it is a good idea to put this function here
// the major reason to put here is to avoid the usage of Wells struct
void computeDensities(const std::vector<Scalar>& perfComponentRates,
const Properties& props,
DeferredLogger& deferred_logger);
const WellInterfaceIndices<FluidSystem,Indices>& well_; //!< Reference to well interface
std::vector<Scalar> perf_densities_; //!< densities of the fluid in each perforation
std::vector<Scalar> perf_pressure_diffs_; //!< // pressure drop between different perforations