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Copyright 2014 IRIS AS
2015-05-22 13:59:41 -05:00
Copyright 2015 Dr. Blatt - HPC-Simulation-Software & Services
Copyright 2015 Statoil AS
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <config.h>
2021-06-08 08:11:17 -05:00
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
2015-10-08 04:42:15 -05:00
#include <opm/common/ErrorMacros.hpp>
#include <opm/common/OpmLog/OpmLog.hpp>
#include <opm/input/eclipse/Units/Units.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/timestepping/TimeStepControl.hpp>
#include <fmt/format.h>
namespace Opm
// InterationCountTimeStepControl Implementation
SimpleIterationCountTimeStepControl( const int target_iterations,
const double decayrate,
const double growthrate,
const bool verbose)
: target_iterations_( target_iterations )
, decayrate_( decayrate )
, growthrate_( growthrate )
, verbose_( verbose )
if( decayrate_ > 1.0 ) {
2023-01-02 08:21:42 -06:00
"SimpleIterationCountTimeStepControl: "
"decay should be <= 1 " + std::to_string(decayrate_));
if( growthrate_ < 1.0 ) {
2023-01-02 08:21:42 -06:00
"SimpleIterationCountTimeStepControl: "
"growth should be >= 1 " + std::to_string(growthrate_));
return {1, 1.0, 2.0, true};
double SimpleIterationCountTimeStepControl::
computeTimeStepSize( const double dt, const int iterations, const RelativeChangeInterface& /* relativeChange */, const double /*simulationTimeElapsed */) const
double dtEstimate = dt ;
// reduce the time step size if we exceed the number of target iterations
if( iterations > target_iterations_ )
// scale dtEstimate down with a given rate
dtEstimate *= decayrate_;
// increase the time step size if we are below the number of target iterations
else if ( iterations < target_iterations_-1 )
dtEstimate *= growthrate_;
return dtEstimate;
bool SimpleIterationCountTimeStepControl::
operator==(const SimpleIterationCountTimeStepControl& ctrl) const
return this->target_iterations_ == ctrl.target_iterations_ &&
this->decayrate_ == ctrl.decayrate_ &&
this->growthrate_ == ctrl.growthrate_ &&
this->verbose_ == ctrl.verbose_;
// HardcodedTimeStepControl Implementation
HardcodedTimeStepControl(const std::string& filename)
std::ifstream infile (filename);
2016-09-21 02:38:51 -05:00
if (!infile.is_open()) {
OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error,"Incorrect or no filename is provided to the hardcodedTimeStep. Use timestep.control.filename=your_file_name");
std::string::size_type sz;
std::string line;
while ( std::getline(infile, line)) {
if( line[0] != '-') { // ignore lines starting with '-'
const double time = std::stod(line,&sz); // read the first number i.e. the actual substep time
subStepTime_.push_back( time * unit::day );
HardcodedTimeStepControl HardcodedTimeStepControl::serializationTestObject()
HardcodedTimeStepControl result;
result.subStepTime_ = {1.0, 2.0};
return result;
double HardcodedTimeStepControl::
computeTimeStepSize( const double /*dt */, const int /*iterations */, const RelativeChangeInterface& /* relativeChange */ , const double simulationTimeElapsed) const
auto nextTime = std::upper_bound(subStepTime_.begin(), subStepTime_.end(), simulationTimeElapsed);
return (*nextTime - simulationTimeElapsed);
bool HardcodedTimeStepControl::operator==(const HardcodedTimeStepControl& ctrl) const
return this->subStepTime_ == ctrl.subStepTime_;
// PIDTimeStepControl Implementation
PIDTimeStepControl::PIDTimeStepControl( const double tol,
const bool verbose )
: tol_( tol )
, errors_( 3, tol_ )
, verbose_( verbose )
PIDTimeStepControl result(1.0, true);
result.errors_ = {2.0, 3.0};
return result;;
double PIDTimeStepControl::
computeTimeStepSize( const double dt, const int /* iterations */, const RelativeChangeInterface& relChange, const double /*simulationTimeElapsed */) const
// shift errors
for( int i=0; i<2; ++i ) {
2019-10-09 08:24:23 -05:00
errors_[ i ] = errors_[i+1];
// store new error
2015-11-10 10:53:40 -06:00
const double error = relChange.relativeChange();
errors_[ 2 ] = error;
for( int i=0; i<2; ++i ) {
if( errors_[2] > tol_ )
// adjust dt by given tolerance
const double newDt = dt * tol_ / error;
if ( verbose_ )
OpmLog::info(fmt::format("Computed step size (tol): {} days", unit::convert::to( newDt, unit::day )));
return newDt;
else if (errors_[1] == 0 || errors_[2] == 0.)
if ( verbose_ )
OpmLog::info("The solution between time steps does not change, there is no time step constraint from the PID time step control ");
return std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
// values taking from turek time stepping paper
const double kP = 0.075 ;
const double kI = 0.175 ;
const double kD = 0.01 ;
const double newDt = (dt * std::pow( errors_[ 1 ] / errors_[ 2 ], kP ) *
std::pow( tol_ / errors_[ 2 ], kI ) *
std::pow( errors_[0]*errors_[0]/errors_[ 1 ]/errors_[ 2 ], kD ));
if( verbose_ )
OpmLog::info(fmt::format("Computed step size (pow): {} days", unit::convert::to( newDt, unit::day )));
return newDt;
bool PIDTimeStepControl::operator==(const PIDTimeStepControl& ctrl) const
return this->tol_ == ctrl.tol_ &&
this->errors_ == ctrl.errors_ &&
this->verbose_ == ctrl.verbose_;
// PIDAndIterationCountTimeStepControl Implementation
PIDAndIterationCountTimeStepControl( const int target_iterations,
2020-10-01 07:02:39 -05:00
const double decayDampingFactor,
const double growthDampingFactor,
const double tol,
const double minTimeStepBasedOnIterations,
const bool verbose)
2020-10-01 07:02:39 -05:00
: PIDTimeStepControl( tol, verbose )
, target_iterations_( target_iterations )
2020-10-01 07:02:39 -05:00
, decayDampingFactor_( decayDampingFactor )
, growthDampingFactor_( growthDampingFactor )
, minTimeStepBasedOnIterations_(minTimeStepBasedOnIterations)
return {1, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, true};
double PIDAndIterationCountTimeStepControl::
computeTimeStepSize( const double dt, const int iterations, const RelativeChangeInterface& relChange, const double simulationTimeElapsed ) const
2020-10-01 07:02:39 -05:00
double dtEstimatePID = PIDTimeStepControl :: computeTimeStepSize( dt, iterations, relChange, simulationTimeElapsed);
// adjust timesteps based on target iteration
double dtEstimateIter;
if (iterations > target_iterations_) {
double off_target_fraction = double(iterations - target_iterations_) / target_iterations_;
2020-10-01 07:02:39 -05:00
dtEstimateIter = dt / (1.0 + off_target_fraction * decayDampingFactor_);
if (dtEstimateIter < minTimeStepBasedOnIterations_) {
dtEstimateIter = minTimeStepBasedOnIterations_;
} else {
double off_target_fraction = double(target_iterations_ - iterations) / target_iterations_;
2020-10-01 07:02:39 -05:00
// Be a bit more careful when increasing.
dtEstimateIter = dt * (1.0 + off_target_fraction * growthDampingFactor_);
return std::min(dtEstimatePID, dtEstimateIter);
bool PIDAndIterationCountTimeStepControl::operator==(const PIDAndIterationCountTimeStepControl& ctrl) const
return static_cast<const PIDTimeStepControl&>(*this) == ctrl &&
this->target_iterations_ == ctrl.target_iterations_ &&
this->decayDampingFactor_ == ctrl.decayDampingFactor_ &&
this->growthDampingFactor_ == ctrl.growthDampingFactor_ &&
this->minTimeStepBasedOnIterations_ == ctrl.minTimeStepBasedOnIterations_;
} // end namespace Opm